A TF2 Tournament! It is for FUN. So no Drama!When: This is going to take place the week of
APRIL 20th to 26th. If you are not available during the evenings that week, or in the middle of the day on Saturday then do not sign up. This schedule is concrete.
To sign up leave a:
Link to your Steam ID Page
Your 3 best classes in order of ability
Which division you fall under.Leave all 3.
I cant be bothered/nor do I have the time or patience to badger you all because you couldn't be bothered to leave a link to your steam page. It's for your teams benefit at the end of the day.
Rules(these will be strictly enforced):
- 9 People per team
- Class limits of 1 per class.
- Crits will be turned off
- Respawn timers will be normal
- If someone doesn't show up you can bring in someone who is not in the tournament on any team for one match only.
- You can have up to 2 people brought in if you are missing players. After that you have to play short. (eg. only 6 people on your team show up, you can bring in 2 extras for a total of 8).
- We'll wait 15 minutes until after the scheduled time. Whatever your team composition is by then is what you play with.
- If you lose a player during the match because of connection problems, they are allowed to return, but the match will continue unless we are between rounds. If someone has to leave in the middle of a match, you will play down a player.
- No rescheduling of matches. This will all take place over the course of a week. If you can't play during that week, don't sign up. If something comes up let your team captain know as soon as possible so he can look for an alternate.
- Team captains will come to an agreement on what maps they will play during their match.
- Medics, Pyros, Heavies & Scoots can use their alternate weapons
- You may switch classes mid match, but this must happen when one/both of you die, if there is more than 1 of any given class on the battlefield then you are D'Q.
If you drop out mid match then you can rejoin, if you don't return with in 5 minutes/we cant contact you at all your team will be offered the opportunity to sub another person in your place, however if your team has
a) used a sub/subs to get enough players for the match then you may not
b) more than 1 player d/c's then you can only replace one.
- I will decide if you can have somebody sub. This is avoid people bitching about unfair trade offs, i.e If Raks team decided 2 people couldn't make it, they wouldn't be allowed to replace them with Duld and Ducom.
Badwater Basin, Dustbowl and Goldrush wont be included because they take an age to complete.
Everyone plays GravelPit.
Both teams will attack and defend once. If both teams manage to capture C/Nobody captures C then the match will continue onto a second round, if again both teams get c then the times will be referred to*.
In the event that both teams don't capture c in both or their attempts then the teams collective points will be added up and the team with the highest will win.
* The stopwatch format will be used to score this map. Each round, both teams will have the opportunity to attack and defend. If both teams are able to successfully capture all the points, the round will be given to the team who does so in the least amount of time.
Teams should take a screenshot of the time remaining on the clock at the time of the last capture.
It is down to you to take a screen shot. Not me.
Then you pick one of the following:
Well (CP), Granary, Badlands, Fastlane or Freight.
First team to 4 points wins the match or highest score after 60 minutes.
Turbine, Ctf_Well, 2Fort
3 Captures wins a Round. It's best of 3 Rounds.
In the event of a tie when the time expires they will play one more match to determine the winner. If both teams fail to win at attacking on gravelpit they will both attack and defend again until there is a clear winner.
The finals map is picked by both teams and can be anything standard or custom. This excludes Arena Maps, Cyberpunk, Mario Cart etc...
Vent Information:
The PA Vent server info is:
port: 11065
password (if needed): wang
Connect then scroll down until you see Game On: Source. There are subsections for the RED and BLU Teams for TF2.
This thread for more information about where to get Vent and how to set it up.
I doubt there will SourceTV but I'm hoping we can take a server demo instead. Job has also gone above and beyond and will be broadcasting the matches (hopefully) In a different way that I don't understand. I think its a screen cast of his screen..
After the tournament I will edit the demos into a Top 10 Plays (Provided you play well enough)
Match Schedule:
We're going with a round-robin divisions method. East will have 3 teams and West will have 3 teams.
0 East Won vs. E2 2 - Monday (20th) 7:30pm Eastern
2 Team Stack vs. W2 0- Monday (20th) 7:30pm Pacific
0 East Won vs. E3 2 - Tuesday (21st) 7:30pm Eastern
2 Team Stack vs. Ice Ice Baby 0 - Tuesday (21st) 7:30pm Pacific
0 E2 vs. E3 2 - Wednesday (22nd) 7:30pm Eastern
0 W2 vs. Ice Ice Baby 2 - Wednesday (22nd) 7:30pm Pacific
Thursday and Friday are for ties @ 7.30pm each, and Saturday is for the Final at 3pm on East coast. (This is Noon West coast and 8pm in Europeland)
Each match will consist of 2 maps, so by the end of the matches on Wednesday a team can have a maximum of 4 points.
In the event of a tie, the two teams will play 3 Arena map of their choice, each for 4 rounds. The team that wins 2 or more maps will proceed to the finals.
In the event of a 3 way tie, 2 teams will play Badwater Basin and the 3rd team will play the winners on db_Heights. The 1st 2 teams to play will be decided via a random number generator.
Teams are based on the class preference I was given. Red box means the person got their 1st choice, Orange means you didn't.
The classes aren't set in stone you guys can do what you like with them, but I just did this show I tried to make the teams as balanced as possible.
E1: Lagnar
E2: Breadcrab
E3: dev|eric
W1: Tiny Lobster
W2: MooMan (because your the only team that didn't tell me your captain)
Flippy_D (East)
Arkan (East)
JonnyBot (-)
Custom Special (West)
Woggle (-)
Skexis (West)
Bigwah (-)
Antithesis (East)
Mr.Zsasz (West)
Arminas (Both)
LightRider (West)
Shady is medic, soldier, pyroes
East Coast 4 lyfe
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
Shame, but I don't suppose people will grieve my absence too much =P
edit: well, just for completion's sake:
Sniper, Scout, Soldier
Reserve (pref. east)
[strike]ps: you misspelt 'division'.[/strike]
It's a highlander! No crits! I love highlanders and no crits! Fuck yes! Best tournament ever!
My EverQuest Character
Scout, Medic, uh... Engineer I guess? No skill classes lol etc.
East coast, yo.
(I'll sign up when I get home)
GM: Rusty Chains (DH Ongoing)
Medic, Pyro, Engineer
Eastern scheduling specifically, being on pacific time would clash with my schedule.
GM: Rusty Chains (DH Ongoing)
Medic, Engie, Heavy
I'd have preferred crits being on but hey, I guess that'd just make the Kritzkrieg even more valuable
I know this is no drama, but if I end up on a team with a Kritzkrieg Medic I will seriously post about it.
I can do east or west depending on the need.
My three best classes:
1. Soldier
2. Pyro
3. Engy
I'm also decent at medic
Id : http://steamcommunity.com/id/gpr
Classes : Spy, Pyro, Engie?!
Division : East
Edit: Thanks for that Flippy
Prefer east, but whichever I guess
1. spy
2. demo (as a spy)
3. engineer (as a spy)
Spy, Engineer, Heavy
East Coast
Edit: Ah crap, my monthly D&D game is that Saturday. Oh well, next time, gadget.
Engi, Medic, Pyro (this is relative to my general lack of ability).
East Si-iiiiiiiide
Oh my god, bear is driving!
You've been around long enough that this shouldn't surprise you, man.
Which coast do you live on? I live in the UK, but I was thinking at about 3pm which ever coast you're on, as thats 7pm and 10pm for me..
Spy, Offensive Engi, Demoman
West Coast
Edit: No I will not build next to the intel and sit there all day I rather we lose.
If I were available I would play Medic and my team would win because I am an awesome Medic and my team won the last two tournys. Just an another fyi.
Rule one being yippee-kee-yai-kay-kai-yo.
fyi your face
West Division
Sniper, Scout, Soldier
Pyro, pyro(medic), pyro(engineer)
yeah seriously. its like 'alcohol free beer' whats the point?
but still signin up for this shit:
medic, heavy, soldier (im a bad soldier tho so please no)
West (because east would be too early)
Classes: I'm not actually good with anything. (Engy?, Medic?, Sniper?)
Division: West Coast
I am severely out of practice but these tourneys usually kick my ass into gear so I should be at least competent by the time the tournament dates roll around.
Classes: Engi/Demo/Medic
I also vote we alpha test my site~
post it in the regular tuftoo thread. (it works)
you and Hey You can be all gay for webpages together.
Generally one server is used, but a good chunk of PA Players are also being used, so you might just be stuck with a few people to play with.
Seems ill have to grab vent though, ill do that tommorow as im gona reformat tonight I belive.