I lost a black argyle sweater yesterday. it is button down, Old Navy brand, the diamond pattern is white and grey. I would really like it back if anyone has found it. Thanks!
I lost a black argyle sweater yesterday. it is button down, Old Navy brand, the diamond pattern is white and grey. I would really like it back if anyone has found it. Thanks!
I saw that on the street. I picked it up and layed it over a newspaper box. I am so sorry I didn't think of a lost and found. It was on either 6th and Pike or 7th and Pike headed away from the convention center on the right side of the street. I'll go check if it's still there but someone probably grabbed it. So sorry. Now I feel bad.
lost the cover/zip uppocket that comes with an EEEPC
PikaPuff on
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
i seem to have missplaced my ds phat stylus . . . and . . . i seem to have found some one's black ds lite stylus . . will be taking to lost and found as soon as i figure out where it is.
I lost a black argyle sweater yesterday. it is button down, Old Navy brand, the diamond pattern is white and grey. I would really like it back if anyone has found it. Thanks!
I saw that on the street. I picked it up and layed it over a newspaper box. I am so sorry I didn't think of a lost and found. It was on either 6th and Pike or 7th and Pike headed away from the convention center on the right side of the street. I'll go check if it's still there but someone probably grabbed it. So sorry. Now I feel bad.
I went back this morning. It was gone. I'm really sorry. It was outside of the cheesecake factory.
I'd like to think that, as gamers, we are all on the same page and don't resort to stupid things like stealing. But, alas, you have proven me wrong and ruined my trust of the people in the gaming community. I don't care who you are or why you did it - just please turn in my items to the Lost and Found!
- redish brown eel skin tri-fold wallet
- silver Verizon LG 7000 flip phone
- keychain with black alien bottle opener (Nissan key and WSU key on it)
P.S. I'm sorry your mother never taught you any manners, you grabby little bastard.
I went back this morning. It was gone. I'm really sorry. It was outside of the cheesecake factory.
It is ok, just a $20 sweater, no big deal. The nice thing about stuff from Old Navy is that it is replaceable. Hopefully someone will love it and give it a good home! I'll just get a new one when I get home (i don't wanna pay sales tax :P )
My wife lost her phone the last day there, either at the Wil Wheaton panel or at the Steve Jackson games area. It's a red Palm Centro for Sprint that's beat to hell. If you found it or know where it might be, please PM me. I can provide ID details upon request.
I seem to have lost my prescription glasses. I don't need them to get around day-to-day or anything, only for movies and sitting at the back of a panel, but if any one found one, please get back to me.
No but on a serious note anyone happen to have my black stylus?
Toeman on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited September 2009
I have EruditeAphrodite's DS case and CuZZa's DS. If anybody can get ahold of one of them or somebody who will at least see Cuzza, have them call or msg me and come up to my room. We check out today, I want to make sure they get their stuff.
Do you know a cute (possibly queer) cosplay girl who had a rainbow button and used to have a red stainless steel water bottle that said "Bite Me"? I'm pretty sure she's the person who left it in the booth where I was on Sunday, so let her know about this post if you know her!
I managed to misplace my paperback copies of the bacchae, the phaedrus and the greek achievement. I'm 99% sure i left them on the tables outside of byoc. message me if you found them please.
My friend lost an XBOX memory unit in the 6th floor Console Free Play area; he returned it and forgot to remove his own memory unit.
it's white and...looks like a memory unit.
with 75000 attendees, even if only 0.01% of us were temporarily blinded by greed, that's still at least 75 people who will have their stuff stolen/messed with. The building's staff and of course our Enforcers are great, but no matter how well behaved we are and how well the Enforcers look after our stuff, no-one can keep a better eye on your stuff than yourself. I wish PAX was super fun happy magical paradise too, but the reality is that PAX is merely super fun happy somewhat-magical mortal realm.
Lost my swag bag at Tap House after PAX but it disappeared when I got back this morning. I had my NVIDIA button stuck to the front of it 4507. Please e-mail me if you find it Valwryn@gmail.com.
I can't believe it but I lost my phone. It's a black ENV2. the sides are pretty scratched up. I dont care that i lost the phone but my SD card had a lot of pictures of family and such. If you found it please message me. A reward will be given.
Its probably wishful thinking at this point, but I lost my brand spanking new Bluetooth headset (Bluetrek Metal) that I had just bought on Wednesday during the Friday Concert.
Turns out the little clip doesnt stay clipped to a lanyard so easily.
My ride was in a rush to get outta there on Sunday, so in the mad rush a couple small black bags were left behind. One had a small blk tee for my son. The other had a guild wars 2 art book with 5 signatures. Twink was sitting across from me, and I was told she may of picked them up while getting her stuff. I am hoping she did and will contact me to get them, of maybe turned them into some lost and found thing. If by any chance anyone saw my bags and has them and wants to do the right thing please contact me. Thanks. I was sitting at GJ-11.
I found an iPhone in one of the handheld gaming rooms and turned it in.
Was it an 8Gig 3G? Usual condition, had some japanese music/anime music on it, a few korean drama episodes and a metric ton of pictures on it?
That would of been my girlfriends... we still can't find it and it's a long shot... could you confirm this?
With that being said -- We lost an iphone 3G 8 gig unit.... my girlfriend has a LOT of stuff on there and she'd really like to get it back -- oh and because it's the ONLY phone she has...
We found a ticket to the Seattle Freezepop concert up at the front of the stage. The Enforcers took it somewhere, assuming the lost/found or info desk.
Does anyone know what happened to the lost & found on the fourth floor? Someone turned in something I lost after I left Seattle, so I couldn't pick it up. It's not a big deal. It's just a forum members badge, but if there's a way to get it, yay!
I seem to have lost my prescription glasses. I don't need them to get around day-to-day or anything, only for movies and sitting at the back of a panel, but if any one found one, please get back to me.
Shoot me an email with as much detail as you can find on the glasses...I don't know we have YOUR glasses, but we do have quite a few!
My email address is dcoffman@penny-arcade.com and anyone else still looking for stuff is free to take advantage. I will say that I don't believe we have anything mentioned in this thread =(.
My stuff was found and grabbed by the kick ass dude next to me who won second place in the Case Mod Comp. called me and let me know he got my stuff for me. THANK YOU! I hope you all have as much luck as I.
I lost my Olympus XA2 in Pike Place on Sunday. It was raining, it might've fallen out of my pocket as I was running around. It's a 35mm film camera, but it's an especially nice one, so please let me know if you found it. Thanks!
I lost my iPhone sometime Saturday morning. No case, black, 16GB 3GS. I'd be happy to provide more details through PM if something matching that was found in the post-convention cleanup.
I know it's a long shot, but I was trying long shots to find it all weekend. Thanks!
My Gateway Laptop was stolen from the PAX West Coast Train. It was plugged in and charging in the Arcade train car, sitting on the token machine. It was there shortly before Albany and gone shortly afterwards.
The computer was not in great shape, and while there is no content of value on it, the content was valuable TO ME. It contained much material I had written for game and animation pitches, plus personal photos including images from PAX and faceplates that I had not yet uploaded to the database at www.xboxaddict.com.
I expect there is not a chance in hell of the thief seeing this post, and/or growing a conscience, but if he/or she DOES read this, I will make you a deal. Return the laptop with the files intact, and I will give you a reward AND mail you the laptop back if you want it that bad. I am only interested in the files. Like I said, they are of an emotional nature only and of zero value to anyone.
I saw that on the street. I picked it up and layed it over a newspaper box. I am so sorry I didn't think of a lost and found. It was on either 6th and Pike or 7th and Pike headed away from the convention center on the right side of the street. I'll go check if it's still there but someone probably grabbed it.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
I went back this morning. It was gone. I'm really sorry. It was outside of the cheesecake factory.
Thank you for turning it in, but you're still a fucking cockbag. You know exactly why.
looks like this http://www.noobstore.com/prod_tshirt-m-lrr-runners.shtml
- redish brown eel skin tri-fold wallet
- silver Verizon LG 7000 flip phone
- keychain with black alien bottle opener (Nissan key and WSU key on it)
P.S. I'm sorry your mother never taught you any manners, you grabby little bastard.
Thanks in advance if you find it!
No but on a serious note anyone happen to have my black stylus?
If you picked up my bag accidentally, please return it.
Do you know a cute (possibly queer) cosplay girl who had a rainbow button and used to have a red stainless steel water bottle that said "Bite Me"? I'm pretty sure she's the person who left it in the booth where I was on Sunday, so let her know about this post if you know her!
it's white and...looks like a memory unit.
with 75000 attendees, even if only 0.01% of us were temporarily blinded by greed, that's still at least 75 people who will have their stuff stolen/messed with. The building's staff and of course our Enforcers are great, but no matter how well behaved we are and how well the Enforcers look after our stuff, no-one can keep a better eye on your stuff than yourself. I wish PAX was super fun happy magical paradise too, but the reality is that PAX is merely super fun happy somewhat-magical mortal realm.
My condolences to anyone who's lost their stuff.
Please let me know if you found it.
I found it.
It was near the vacuum cleaner.
Turns out the little clip doesnt stay clipped to a lanyard so easily.
I blame Metroid Metal.
Twitter.com: @Shaddz
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Was it an 8Gig 3G? Usual condition, had some japanese music/anime music on it, a few korean drama episodes and a metric ton of pictures on it?
That would of been my girlfriends... we still can't find it and it's a long shot... could you confirm this?
With that being said -- We lost an iphone 3G 8 gig unit.... my girlfriend has a LOT of stuff on there and she'd really like to get it back -- oh and because it's the ONLY phone she has...
Shoot me an email with as much detail as you can find on the glasses...I don't know we have YOUR glasses, but we do have quite a few!
My email address is dcoffman@penny-arcade.com and anyone else still looking for stuff is free to take advantage. I will say that I don't believe we have anything mentioned in this thread =(.
I lost my Olympus XA2 in Pike Place on Sunday. It was raining, it might've fallen out of my pocket as I was running around. It's a 35mm film camera, but it's an especially nice one, so please let me know if you found it. Thanks!
@meloncollie | steam hiokaybye
I know it's a long shot, but I was trying long shots to find it all weekend. Thanks!
I meant to hand them off to an Enforcer but forgot to do so completely. I'm willing to mail them to their owner if they can describe them.
Previous PAX: PAX Prime 2012
"Money can't buy you love, but it can get you some really good chocolate ginger biscuits."
The computer was not in great shape, and while there is no content of value on it, the content was valuable TO ME. It contained much material I had written for game and animation pitches, plus personal photos including images from PAX and faceplates that I had not yet uploaded to the database at www.xboxaddict.com.
I expect there is not a chance in hell of the thief seeing this post, and/or growing a conscience, but if he/or she DOES read this, I will make you a deal. Return the laptop with the files intact, and I will give you a reward AND mail you the laptop back if you want it that bad. I am only interested in the files. Like I said, they are of an emotional nature only and of zero value to anyone.
PM me or contact Amtrak anonymously.