



  • Options
    neurosliceneuroslice Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I feel I've been pretty good this year; and some awesome people around these parts have been very generous to me. Thanks guys, you know who you are.

    Anyway, I'm into sci-fi books, games for PC and 360, and making music.

    For some ideas, here's my amazon wishlist:

    [edit: Shirt size is large]

    Also, here's my Steam ID :

    I don't have a chimney though, I guess I'll leave the patio door open...

    neuroslice on
    Hotel bound on PAX Saturday,
    I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
    So if memes make great shirts,
    And Pod Six is Jerks,
    Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
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    burnttoast45burnttoast45 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    As a fellow brofessional, I understand your plight. All these people asking for things when all you really want to do is chill. Give me a time and a place and you, me, and frellnik will have a brodacious time.

    Should I bring my ps3 or 360? I guess I could also pack my snes but unfortunately I've lost my multitap and haven't had a chance to pickup Secret of Mana. Sorry we can't play Bomberman.

    I can also bring some blurays or some old school cartoons although I only have some animaniacs and no pinky and the brain. Those were some ambitious bromice.

    Btw, I saved you a Salmon Security shirt you can toss on prior to protecting present the night before Christmas. I hope it fits you as it's my same size, Large and in charge. The one thing it is missing is a toast motif. Everything needs more toast.

    After that we can either catch one of the sporting games here. Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, Patriots? Yes sir, it's in our blood. New Englanders are born that way.

    Either way, I'm pretty chill with anything and everything. We geek it out, we tech it out, we bro it out.

    - BT

    burnttoast45 on
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    EugalEugal United StatesRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I have been rather good this year save for that time with the thing i cant mention, but that wont happen again. I love clever nerdy shirts and gamer shirts and geeky shirts oh and gamer shirts. About anything from the PA store would be awesome along with most any shirt from Thinkgeek. I play D&D, and Magic and would love to get into more bored games so if your feeling nice you could deliver some awesome bored games i could play with friends. I also need to get Munchkin... Anyways I love creative packaging and letters so surprise me if you can. I mostly play games on PC but do own a 360 and a DS. Just remember if all else fails gamer t-shirts are awesome, cant go wrong with those.
    you can see my steam account here
    check out my amazon wish list here

    Also I am a Large in shirt sizes. Woops I guess i assumed santa knew my shirt size XD

    Eugal on
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    Qs23Qs23 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear John,

    I'm sorry that I am writing this letter - but some people have given me no choice... *smalllady* I'm here to let you know that it's over. But I'm guessing you would need this letter to figure it out, since you acted like you never knew me. You didn't know about my facebook page, Steam ID or even my twitter feed - which everybody knows is always in Haiku form... except you. And that hour I requested off every week? I wasn't seeing anybody else... I was doing my Podcast with lordthanda. He's only a friend and nothing more. You could even ask him yourself.

    Now, for me, this was a long time coming. I almost wrote this letter to you a year ago, but that Darth Vader Bobble head won me over. But this year? You know what was the straw that broke the camel's back was? The gift you wanted to get me. Anubis II for the Wii? I don't even own a Wii! All I own is an Xbox 360. Which you would know if you took your eyes off our upstairs neighbor.

    I'm going to leave you with this... if you want to get somebody a decent Secret Santa gift, get to know them first. Or maybe a gift card.

    Your former Dearest,


    P.S. I'm sorry I couldn't be more verbose, but after this past year with you, I've learned to live with less and it's hard for me to picture myself with more.

    Qs23 on
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    SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    If you don't write a letter to santa, don't be surprised if you get coal, or a used jizz sock for xmas.


    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
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    zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2010
    SmallLady wrote: »

    If you don't write a letter to santa, don't be surprised if you get coal, or a used jizz sock for xmas.


    I was wondering how to encourage those who haven't yet written a letter to write... I think this sums it up ;)

    zerzhul on
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    proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited November 2010



    proXimity on
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    TwinkieTwinkie Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I was going to write this really awesome wishlist organized by Dante's seven deadly sins, but then I became distracted for awhile and eventually decided something of that volume and literary richness is best saved for a blog post. Yes, super-lazy and perhaps a bit selfish, but that means you're catching on! Anywho, instead I will speak of things I love in very general guises.

    If I were a superhero, as much as I might want to be telekinetic, realistically my power would be disco dancing. I would groove and glide in the most fanciful of roller skates, sure to win every Pop-Lockathon and impromptu dance-off in mildly thuggish back alleys. IOW, I love bright colours, moving around in various ways, and respond to sparkly lights and reflective surfaces. Don't worry, I'm totally "5 years+", so I'm not about to accidentally swallow a Lego.

    I love fungi. Any type, really: the generic "mushroom", lichen, toadstools, yeasts, molds, mildews. I have several guidebooks on mushroom hunting and fungal identification and classification and have even done some research work on smut fungi (the dirtiest of the fungi...?) at my previous uni. Really, anything with fungus in it or on it, I'm all over it.

    With the surrounding winter months and lack of sunlight in these parts, I've started to, well, go a little insane. I need things to keep me busy, but which are still relaxing... Hobbies, I think they're called. I've been trying to get back into sewing but haven't had enough time to trek to my nearest fabric store and buy any much-needed patterns and materials. Ideally I'd like to have my own Etsy store up and running by the end of January, but work and school have kept me browsing and coveting like a mofo.

    My apartment is in complete disarray, too, so that hasn't motivated any improvement. I will admit I'm pretty horrible at organizing and have absolutely no time management skills. I'm already too much of an escapist; I'm in dire need of practical things that will help keep me focused and productive.

    I'm going to need to whip this apartment into a groovy, fungus-loving nook of productivity over the season! In the interim, Santa, I hope you're well and warm. Oh, and we don't have a chimney this year so don't forget your rappel gear. I'll leave the cookies by the window sill.

    Don't Stop Believin',

    - Twinkie

    Twinkie on
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    SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Santa is now on TWITTER!!

    Follow him or perish!


    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
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    jujujuju [E] Line Entertainment! Brookline, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dearest Santa,

    I've been a pretty good girl. I've only hid outside of tehnakki's bushes twice without her noticing. I led a bunch of Harry Potter drunks around Seattle during the last barcrawl. I've kept it classy.

    All semi-jokes aside, There isn't very much I really want. Perhaps some more Xbox Live Gold monies since my subscription is about to run out. Or Bayonetta because I am really behind on the times. Everything I really want are things are things I don't necessarily need, and I'm pretty covered on all the little things.

    But seriously, I'd appreciate anything. Cute T-shirts from Threadless, nerdy plushies, anything. I like to cook, (fail at) knitting, play music, read (but I have so many books that need to be read)... I have way too many hobbies to count. Seriously though, what I REALLY want on top of everything is a nice letter. I like nice letters! :)


    PS - I'm also a really big New York Jets fan.

    juju on
    PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf!
    PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
    Twitter: @jujukoo
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    ky13ky13 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I do not believe in good or evil, so I think I was an appropriately human human this year. What I want for Christmas this year is to abolish Christmas. I realize this would put you out of a job, but I believe that we should give each other gifts all year round whenever we feel like it. If you can't find it in your heart to eliminate Christmas, then please find someone or some group who could really use some food or warmth or other basic necessities of life, please help them out in my honor.

    Otherwise, I like drinkware. =)


    ky13 on
    Hey, it's me, Teldra! Did someone say "greatsword"? [Eternity]
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    SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Santa sez... WRITE YOUR LETTERS!

    Spoilered for the innocent who have already written letters.

    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
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    PinderPinder Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I must admit that telling you what I want over the internet just isn't the same as when I sat on your lap as a child. Without the smell of stale alcohol and the needle marks on your arm, there's no way of telling if this is the real Santa that lives in my mall or not.

    I'll just have to trust you. For now.

    I've been an incredibly good boy this year. Just ask anyone I know, and that's what they'll tell you if they know what's good for them and their families. Also, I notice your lovely set of reindeer. If I were on the nice list this year, I certainly wouldn't have any reason or inclination give them all cement shoes and drop them into the Arctic Ocean, would I?

    Would I?

    Anyway, on to what I want:

    First off, my ThinkGeek wishlist is here, and my Steam wishlist is here. I just finished Borderlands the other day and I'm craving more content, so the DLC would be awesome, but be warned that I might not be able to wait until Christmas (or whenever) and might just break down and buy them myself. Anything else on the list is probably safe, though.

    But you don't have to limit yourself to those things. Feel free to use them as a starting point. Some of my interests include:

    Zombies (I have the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, but I haven't read The Walking Dead yet (although I love the show))
    Magic: The Gathering (probably more than is healthy)
    Tabletop Gaming in general (especially cool board, dice, and card games)
    Classic Sci-Fi Novels (think William Gibson, Phillip K Dick, Asimov, etc.)
    Cool T-Shirts (more on this later)
    Cheesy "So Bad It's Good" Movies (generally prefer color over BW, but I make exceptions for really good ones)
    Anything by RiffTrax or MST3K
    Chiptunes Music (and Electronic and Nerd Music in general)

    Now for the section about T-Shirts. T-shirts are the bulk of my wardrobe (big surprise, I'm sure), and I love nerd shirts, but I don't like the really super duper obvious ones (things like this or this). Basically, if it's nothing more than clever text on a black shirt, it's not going to do it for me. Subtlety is key. I also really love "in world" t-shirts. For reference, every single shirt on this website is exactly the sort of shirt I like (especially the Winchester Tavern, Neighbourhood Watch Alliance, or any of the Cyberdyne, Tyrell Corp, Back to the Future, or Robocop shirts). I'm also completely in love with these two designs from Penny Arcade.

    I'm a men's medium. Godspeed.

    Also, my Facebook and my Twitter, for proper stalking purposes. Fair warning, both are private, so if you're not already following/friends with me, it might be tough without giving it away. I'll keep an eye out for new follow/friend requests, though.

    Well, that's about it, but I'll probably be updating this list as I see/think of cool stuff, so check back every once in a while.

    Have a Merry Christmas, and don't forget that I'll kill your reindeer if you don't get me a present.

    Pinder J. Wootimus, Esq.

    EDIT - I just saw this. Thought you should know.

    Pinder on
    This signature intentionally left blank.
  • Options
    DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    Hey there. It's another good little boy from your direct neighbour to the south. So how's the weather up there? Probably warmer than it is here, since we already managed to beat you as the coldest place on Earth this month. Other places are getting warmer due to climate change, but we're getting colder. WTF?

    But I'm not writing you today to kvetch about the weather. Sorry about that. It's just a Canadian thing, and I guess so is apologizing needlessly. Sorry again. Actually it's because of the nation which I lovingly call home that I write you today. See as a good Canadian boy, my Christmases are spent watching my American friends to the south get awesome toys for gifts. Things like nuclear powered personal submarines and pocket sized RPG launchers are standard faire in the land of the free and the home of the winter-inept. Up here we're still stuck with our canoe carving kits (complete with hacksaw to chop down your own tree) and hockey puck presses (which come with stick carving instructions, we do a lot of carving). So I write to you with a simple plea. Please send me something awesome that I can't get here. I mean we have free health care, a great quality of life, and many allies internationally. That's still nothing if we can't also be a consumer paradise where anything you want, no matter how mundane or depraved, can be had for under $29.95 ($30.43 CAD after exchange rate).

    I have an affinity for the shows Doctor Who and Top Gear. I'd love to get my hands on a scarf like the 4th Doctor has (see part about it being cold here) without having to make it myself. I don't know how much something like this costs. The economy is tight in the rest of the world, so I understand if this can't be had. Also I've seen some TG merch floating around the Internet. Being that my city is at the same latitude as Liverpool makes a jaunt over there rather quick and painless, should you wish to purchase such items. Otherwise I've put together a fine list of things from Amazon.ca, and also Thinkgeek.com. If you prefer to give virtually, I have a small Steam wish list going. Speaking of Steam I'm a huge fan of Valve's properties, and would love something related to L4D2, Portal, or TF2 from their store. Valve doesn't like to do wish lists apparently, so either a hoddie or a workshirt would be awesome. T-shirts are also cool. I'm a XXL for shirts. They also have some other awesome products. I squee'd with joy when I looked at the TF2 prints.

    Hopefully that covers everything. If push comes to shove, just ship Al Gore here around mid January so he can see what real "climate change" is.

    Sincerely (cold),

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • Options
    Mystral721Mystral721 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Dear Santa,

    I've been far too good this year. So good that I'm just bored, bored, BORED. Please bring me something to spice up my life!

    I have more than enough games for my 360 and PS3. I only have one game for my Wii that's not an exercise game, though (Monster Hunter Tri). I'd love to get a copy of Epic Mickey when it comes out. I also have a DS Lite. I like adventure, RPG and puzzle games.

    I like crafts such as origami, knitting and cross-stitching. Any papercrafts, really.

    Amazon Wish List

    ThinkGeek Wish List

    I like science fiction and and fantasy books and movies.
    Favorite authors: Neil Gaiman, Lois McMaster Bujold, Laurie R. King
    A Kazu Kibuishi graphic book would be awesome! I have them on my Amazon Wish List.

    Some basic random things that I like:
    Doctor Who (Tom Baker, David Tennant). Art Deco, including old science fiction illustrations. Myst games. Japanese RPGs. Hayao Miyazaki; Studio Ghibli. Pixar movies.

    I hope this gives you some ideas of what I like.


    Mystral721 (aka Luneowl)

    Twitter: Luneowl
    Steam ID : Mystral721

    Mystral721 on
    "Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"

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    eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain. Why is he climbing a mountain?



    Now if only he could climb higher than the tribbles!


    <3<3<3 Thanks Parabs! You are the bestest ever!! <3<3<3

    eye-shuh on
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    LanderolinLanderolin Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Deleted for idiocy >,<

    Landerolin on
    Pokecrawl 2011 - Team Squirtle!
    Tweet me @Landerolin
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited December 2010
    Uh, maybe this wasn't made clear enough in the OP, so I'll try to clarify. The Secret Santa names have already been drawn and assigned. The letters to Santa are for people who are participating to give their Santas an idea of their tastes and such for gifting.

    If you weren't a part of the initial drawing and assigning of Santas to Santees, you're not supposed to write a letter. This is what you would call Phase II. Just writing a letter isn't enough to get you added to the Secret Santa. If you weren't part of Phase I (which ended about two weeks ago), you can't be part of Phase II.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Uh, maybe this wasn't made clear enough in the OP, so I'll try to clarify. The Secret Santa names have already been drawn and assigned. The letters to Santa are for people who are participating to give their Santas an idea of their tastes and such for gifting.

    If you weren't a part of the initial drawing and assigning of Santas to Santees, you're not supposed to write a letter. This is what you would call Phase II. Just writing a letter isn't enough to get you added to the Secret Santa. If you weren't part of Phase I (which ended about two weeks ago), you can't be part of Phase II.

    If we were a part of Phase I (Drawing) and Phase II (Letter Writing), are we also a part of Phase III (Moe's Global Domination)?

    MelesMeles on
  • Options
    feitocomfrutafeitocomfruta Denver, Colorado, USARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Uh, maybe this wasn't made clear enough in the OP, so I'll try to clarify. The Secret Santa names have already been drawn and assigned. The letters to Santa are for people who are participating to give their Santas an idea of their tastes and such for gifting.

    If you weren't a part of the initial drawing and assigning of Santas to Santees, you're not supposed to write a letter. This is what you would call Phase II. Just writing a letter isn't enough to get you added to the Secret Santa. If you weren't part of Phase I (which ended about two weeks ago), you can't be part of Phase II.

    If we were a part of Phase I (Drawing) and Phase II (Letter Writing), are we also a part of Phase III (Moe's Global Domination)?

    Well, I for one welcome our Fwacky overlords.

    AAAAANYWAY, I can't wait for this all to really take off, and see what people got their Santees.

    feitocomfruta on
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    VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I wonder if my Santee has received my presents during the Time of Great Duress(TM). Hopefully as people start coming back to the forum we'll see! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
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    FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I've just shipped my gift out! MOUAHAHAHAHA. Apparently the unspecified gender person will receive a nice box of geeky goods at the start of next week.

    Also... What's up with that brown/greenish shipping tape you can buy directly in an American post office? It smelled like it was made of freshly ground horse hooves. The hooves, however, were not fresh themselves.

    At all.

    Let me be clear. The tape smelled death.

    It smelled like Nurgle.

    Cheap and sturdy though!

    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
  • Options
    jujujuju [E] Line Entertainment! Brookline, MARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I've noticed that too about postal service tape. They sell it in other places too. It's icky! :[

    juju on
    PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf!
    PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
    Twitter: @jujukoo
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    WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Crap, I'm behind the band wagon =(. I have a really good idea for my gift, but it may be over budget. I really want to do it though, GAHHH MUST THINK, NOT ENOUGH TIME TO THINK, *EXPLODE -- FECES EVERY WHERE!*

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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    SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Crap, I'm behind the band wagon =(. I have a really good idea for my gift, but it may be over budget. I really want to do it though, GAHHH MUST THINK, NOT ENOUGH TIME TO THINK, *EXPLODE -- FECES EVERY WHERE!*

    you're allowed to spend however much you like, with the understanding that the minimum is about $20 and that's how much your santa may spend on you.

    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
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    zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2010
    My Sekrit Santa was Frugus

    I saw this in *his* letter to santa:
    Frugus wrote: »
    I remember a great secret santa gift a while back form the PA Forums. It was all hand me downs, but the contents told much about the stranger who shared the same passions I did, and that gave a lot of weight to the objects themselves. And the stuff was a spot on hit. :)

    and remembered it when I opened my gift and read the fantastic letter that he wrote me. He combined new with hand-me-downs and ended up with a perfect combination that hit my interests and will also expose me to something new.

    The unboxing, below:






    zerzhul on
  • Options
    DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Oh shit, we were supposed to put a note saying who we were.


    * Decius makes a note to read all the instructions thoroughly and completely next year.

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • Options
    FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    zerzhul wrote: »
    My Sekrit Santa was Frugus

    I saw this in *his* letter to santa:
    Frugus wrote: »
    I remember a great secret santa gift a while back form the PA Forums. It was all hand me downs, but the contents told much about the stranger who shared the same passions I did, and that gave a lot of weight to the objects themselves. And the stuff was a spot on hit. :)

    and remembered it when I opened my gift and read the fantastic letter that he wrote me. He combined new with hand-me-downs and ended up with a perfect combination that hit my interests and will also expose me to something new.

    The unboxing, below:






    Glad you liked it! I figured you would love Munchkin but it's also a common place game. I just had to pack in a few extra precautions :)

    I'm incredibly surprised at how fast that got to you. I happened to have some stuff to do in Plattsburgh that weekend so I figured I might as well mail it once I'm over the border. That thing was actually mailed 15 minutes before the post office's closing time on SATURDAY.

    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
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    parabolaparabola Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    There's a WoW RPG?

    parabola on
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    kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Liking the gift Frugus. I have received mine (I think) but there was no letter with it. Sending out my present this week (cutting it fine!)

    kropotkin on

  • Options
    FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    parabola wrote: »
    There's a WoW RPG?

    Yup, and it's quite well made too. D20 based à la Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition. I believe it's made by the same guys over at Wizards of the Coast.

    I have very little experience with DnD (at least the modern versions) but it did not feel like a simple "skin". everything was well fleshed out and well translated, so to speak.

    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
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    SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Liking the gift Frugus. I have received mine (I think) but there was no letter with it. Sending out my present this week (cutting it fine!)

    Ok, it's really important that you post asap when you receive your present with picutres so your santa can post their letter to you on the forum if they ordered directly from an online store.

    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
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    peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    My Sekrit Santa was the ever classy Head Girl / Togepi juju, who may quite possibly be the bestest and most sekritest santa evar.

    The unboxing pictures were lost to my unfamiliarity with my own phone. The replacements are as follows:

    The gift is the apron. Everything else is completely normal.

    Yay for Child's Play!

    K, apparently there was still more to come, and so here are some 'unboxing' pictures for y'all.
    So, here is the tube.
    As you can see, there is something inside of it.
    Removing the something.
    It should be obvious what it is by now.
    Thanks for the totally awesome gift ju!
    What? That thing?
    It's always been there.

    peetsnack on
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    jujujuju [E] Line Entertainment! Brookline, MARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Oh, there's... one more thing. Stay tuned. <3

    juju on
    PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf!
    PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
    Twitter: @jujukoo
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    FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Hahahahahaha! -> I woke up my girlfriend when I laughed out loud at cool apron. Too awesome.
    peetsnack wrote: »
    My Sekrit Santa was the ever classy Head Girl / Togepi juju, who may quite possibly be the bestest and most sekritest santa evar.

    The unboxing pictures were lost to my unfamiliarity with my own phone. The replacements are as follows:

    The gift is the apron. Everything else is completely normal.


    Yay for Child's Play!


    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
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    ValantineValantine Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    hey savvy santas,
    ThinkGeek.com has a 10 bucks off cupon code. Type Gift10

    Valantine on
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
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    kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Here's my secret santa pressie, it is indeed awesome sauce!

    kropotkin on

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    MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Here's my secret santa pressie, it is indeed awesome sauce!

    kropotkin, is that box full of win? Because from here, it looks full of win.

    MelesMeles on
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    kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Here's my secret santa pressie, it is indeed awesome sauce!

    kropotkin, is that box full of win? Because from here, it looks full of win.

    Speaking as an expert in the field of identifying that rare commodity known as 'win'; I can confirm it is.

    kropotkin on

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    feitocomfrutafeitocomfruta Denver, Colorado, USARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Okay, my Santees stuff has been ordered and shipped. I just hope they like it, cuz I couldn't think of what else to try to get them. It all worked out though, so fingers crossed!

    feitocomfruta on
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