[WARMACHINE & HORDES] Now with even GIANTEST robots



  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    admanb wrote: »
    That list is gonna get really boned by stealth. I'd drop Discordia in there.

    A good and valid point, I've combined both both suggested points though.

    Dropped Hydra and Chimera, put in Discordia (now I have to buy a new heavy jack kit....bah). A second Rifle Team, and maxed out the halb's. I was stuck with 2 extra points so I kept the magister. I'm going to give it some serious thought though, I'm pretty sure there is a better solution some where. I might just wait to see what Wrath brings and slowly buy stuff and paint it instead of buying the entire list at once.

    I'm totally being a cheapskate and not wanting to buy another heavy jack kit.

    Anon the Felon on
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    You didn't magnetize your jacks? For shame.

    Carnarvon on
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Alright, a couple 35pt Steamroller 2-List Tourneys are coming through the area, and I'm looking for opinions on these two lists:
    List 1 = For Scenario Capture and Control
    • pDeneghra - -5
    • Ripjaw - 5/Free!
    • Ripjaw - 5
    • Nightwretch - 4
    • Nightwretch - 4
    • Scavenger - 4
    • Seether - 9
    • Skarlock Thrall - 2
    • Mechanithralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) w/1 Brute Thrall - 6
    • Pistol Wraith - 3
    • 3 Scrap Thralls - 1
    • Warwitch Siren - 2

    List 2 = For Punching People in the Face
    • pSkarre - -6
    • Reaper - 7
    • Seether - 9
    • Skarlock Thrall - 2
    • Bane Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) w/Officer & Standard - 11
    • Mechanithralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) w/1 Brute Thrall - 6
    • Bane Lord Tartarus - 4
    • Necrotech & 1 Scrap Thrall - 1
    • 3 Scrap Thrall - 1

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Dropping the Soulless and the Magister should give the points for eEiryss, which might be more useful.

    tzeentchling on
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I'd be tempted to replace the Necro and Scraps in the pSkarre list with a Siren - Skarre is very stingy with her focus in the first place. Alternately, a Necrosurgeon, to heal her/make more McThralls.

    tzeentchling on
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I'd be tempted to replace the Necro and Scraps in the pSkarre list with a Siren - Skarre is very stingy with her focus in the first place. Alternately, a Necrosurgeon, to heal her/make more McThralls.

    The Scrap Thralls are her Focus Battery for Ritual Sacrifice (or whatever it's called), and the NecroTech was, well, the extra 1 point, plus another Scrap Thrall just in case and a little insurance to keep the Reaper functioning. But yeah, I'm looking hard at a Necrosurgeon and wondering if I could make it work...

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I need to practice for Kingdom-Con's 35 point highlander tournament. Can we play on Vassal? Contact me on AIM. :)

    OtakuD00D on
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    You talkin' to me? If so, I can log on tonight probably, anytime after 4pm Pacific.

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Awesome. Sure. I was talking to everyone in general.

    OtakuD00D on
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Rainfall wrote: »
    Because this wasn't posted with an image...
    Khador’s Iron Wolf has earned a reputation as a peerless master of heavy armor on the battlefield, a war hero beloved by his men and respected even by the enemies of the Motherland. He is famous for his ability to move large numbers of warjacks at an unprecedented pace to arrive where the enemy least expects him. Where Harkevich and his iron army stride, the enemy finds itself hounded, outmaneuvered, cornered, and eventually obliterated by overwhelming firepower.

    Gotta say, I don't like the sculpt at all.

    Didn't see it already posted. Looks like Harkevich has his own character war jack...
    Black Ivan is the prized companion of Kommander Harkevich, a warcaster renowned for his ingenuity on the battlefield. Armed with a bombard and an industrial wrecking claw, Black Ivan is an unparalleled instrument of war that excels at both long-range bombardment and the brutal press of melee.

    The Black Ivan warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Khador heavy warjack plastic kit in addition to this kit.

    see317 on
  • ShadowFighter88ShadowFighter88 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Nechriah wrote: »
    EDIT: What with that hat and that belly, Harkevich really reminds me of George R. R. Martin!

    The stomach and beard are making me think of Brian Blessed. Either that or its from watching the first season of Blackadder yesterday.

    ShadowFighter88 on
  • psycojesterpsycojester Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I've got Mulg on the way and i'm sorely tempted to buy that kit and replace his big meaty fist with that claw.

    psycojester on
  • General NemoGeneral Nemo The Mighty Shame Church for DogsRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    What the shit is with this "Server too busy" nonsense lately. Seems like every other click I get that message.

    Also: Fuck yeah, Black Ivan for coolest character jack name in Khador.

    General Nemo on
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Beautiful. Server's down again. Getting food.

    OtakuD00D on
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Ooohhh, thought I unplugged something :) . Interesting match; I should probably have been killed second turn, but then again I whiffed big time on some important attacks in there. Shall we continue/replay at a later date?

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    If you saved the map, sure. I kinda forgot to.

    No, I really didn't have a shot at killing you. I got overconfident when I smacked you with the Defender. SHould've remembered that its two Focus didn't come from nowhere. With two more focus, I might have had a more decent shot, but not really.

    OtakuD00D on
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    susan wrote: »
    I'd be tempted to replace the Necro and Scraps in the pSkarre list with a Siren - Skarre is very stingy with her focus in the first place. Alternately, a Necrosurgeon, to heal her/make more McThralls.

    The Scrap Thralls are her Focus Battery for Ritual Sacrifice (or whatever it's called), and the NecroTech was, well, the extra 1 point, plus another Scrap Thrall just in case and a little insurance to keep the Reaper functioning. But yeah, I'm looking hard at a Necrosurgeon and wondering if I could make it work...

    With the Surgeon, the McThralls can be the focus battery, since you can make more. Skarre also likes cutting herself for bonuses, so the surgeon can heal her back up again.

    tzeentchling on
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Back in Mk1, Bile Thralls were the battery. Crazy, I know. They were Mc Thrall-cheap.

    OtakuD00D on
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    What the shit is with this "Server too busy" nonsense lately. Seems like every other click I get that message.

    Also: Fuck yeah, Black Ivan for coolest character jack name in Khador.

    Apparently one of the servers that the forums run on died beyond hope of recovering it.
    Since they're switching over to new forum software and hardware soon they opted not to replace the deceased server, instead they've removed some database intensive functionality (searching, thread previews) to keep the forums up and running as well as they can until they get the new forums in place.

    More information:

    see317 on
  • winderwinder Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Hey guys, I'm basically a complete newbie to Warmachine, started with historicals and warhammer. Anyway, I bought a full Highborn army because I love the background and models and I'm an idiot and signed up for a 35 point tourny in July....basically I need help with making a list thats pretty basic, I have heaps of models so I can change anything

    Here is what I was thinking of

    Gun Mages
    Forge Guard, (full)
    Anastasia di Bray
    Tarvyn di la Rossi
    Rhupert Carvolo

    So I'm not sold on the nomad, particularly because I doubt Ashlynn will have enough focus to run it, but I feel like I need a solid big unit to smash up enemy heavies and go toe to toe. I originally had Rutger Shaw marshalling the Nomad instead of Anastasia but I'm not sure that's any better.

    winder on
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    You'll need the Nomad. You need a nice, hard-hitting Jack- at least as far as Mercs go.

    If you dump every solo and the Vanguard, you can throw in another Mule for the Gun Mages and have three points left over. You have plenty of choices there- a 2 point solo and Reinholdt, or a juicy 3 point solo.

    Most of them are pretty nice- especially Dougal, Gorman, and Eiryss/eEiryss.

    OtakuD00D on
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    There's very little that beats Forgeguard with that +2spd/+2def spell. It just feels 'right'.

    Past that, I normally had my Mules marshaled by the Devil Dogs, and then had Alexia in there just to absorb heavies.

    Carnarvon on
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Mules with Gun Mages are -amazing-. Dat snipe, yo.

    Throw in Ashlynn's feat. OH LAWD

    OtakuD00D on
  • NechriahNechriah Chookity!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Oh, Black Ivan looks baller. I am so glad I started that Khador army now, he is going in it.

    This also further convinces me that the Cygnar 'Gallant' warjack will be an upgrade kit too, given how similar it looks to an Ironclad and how most of the heavies from Wrath seem to be upgrade kits so far.

    Nechriah on
  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Nechriah wrote: »
    Oh, Black Ivan looks baller. I am so glad I started that Khador army now, he is going in it.

    This also further convinces me that the Cygnar 'Gallant' warjack will be an upgrade kit too, given how similar it looks to an Ironclad and how most of the heavies from Wrath seem to be upgrade kits so far.

    Agreed. I am okay with this.

    As long as he's not Triumph v2 a sword and board 'jack on the plastic Ironclad chassis will be badass.

    admanb on
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    And I'm looking forward to seeing Ossy's 'jack, if this theme keeps up. Probably will have to have the new chassis previewed first before that happens...

    PMAvers on
    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    OtakuD00D wrote: »
    Mules with Gun Mages are -amazing-. Dat snipe, yo.

    Throw in Ashlynn's feat. OH LAWD

    Devil Dogs give you a lot more bodies for the same price, though. It was also nice against armies like Cryx or Legion who can get heavies all up in your back line; I'd have the Mule do a Headbutt (assuming it survived) and then have the Dogs trash the thing.

    Just about no one sees it coming (which I'm guessing is because no one plays Devil Dogs), I even managed to take out a Deathjack that way once.

    Carnarvon on
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I'd probably put Gorman in before Taryn, at least. While Vanguards are nice with Ashlynn, I do feel like they might not be necessary, and might swap it out for eEiryss+2 point solo, or Aiyanna and Holt and upgrade another solo to eEiryss. I dunno.

    tzeentchling on
  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    OtakuD00D wrote: »
    Mules with Gun Mages are -amazing-. Dat snipe, yo.

    Throw in Ashlynn's feat. OH LAWD

    Devil Dogs give you a lot more bodies for the same price, though. It was also nice against armies like Cryx or Legion who can get heavies all up in your back line; I'd have the Mule do a Headbutt (assuming it survived) and then have the Dogs trash the thing.

    Just about no one sees it coming (which I'm guessing is because no one plays Devil Dogs), I even managed to take out a Deathjack that way once.

    But then you have a group of seven true-sighted pistoleers and a pair of badass artillery pieces who can make mincemeat out of troops from helluva far away. With AOE 4's.

    OtakuD00D on
  • SJSJ College. Forever.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Devil Dogs with Murdoch own btw

    SJ on
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Soo, Bane Thrall resculpt.


    Anon the Felon on
  • SJSJ College. Forever.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Yeah. 80$ for the box, too.

    And they honestly don't look that much different.

    SJ on
  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    A lot of the details are different, but from a distance they're damn near indistinguishable. I dunno why Thralls even needed a resculpt.

    admanb on
  • SJSJ College. Forever.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    At least now I don't feel bad about buying my Thralls right before the resculpt announcement.

    SJ on
  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    If I were a child molest--er, Cryx player, I would be looking for people selling their old Thralls about now.

    Though $80 is less than the current price.

    admanb on
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    admanb wrote: »
    If I were a child molest--er, Cryx player, I would be looking for people selling their old Thralls about now.

    Though $80 is less than the current price.

    Suddenly I realized I shouldn't be griping over paying 40 bucks MSRP for a 10 man squad of...just about any ret unit. 80 bucks for a squad of models is...yikes.

    Anon the Felon on
  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Hmmm. So I'm tempted to start this. What would I need to begin? I'm thinking either Cygnar or Khandor.

    Librarian's ghost on
    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • OtakuD00DOtakuD00D Can I hit the exploding rocks? San DiegoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Then again Banes have always been heavy, chunky, big models. The old Thralls were still more expensive for the whole ting. PP wants to remodel its Prime units- consolidating the 10 man units Ret style is a great idea.

    Spork: Get the Battle Box. For $50 you get a warcaster that gives you a good flavor for the faction and an assortment of Wawrjacks. This sets you up for something close to the 15 point level. Once you're comfortable there, buy the faction book and deck box. Plan out what you'd like to use for the 25 point level (Which is the minimum recommended point level for units and solos), then finally move on to the 35 point level, the most commonly played low-point level.

    50 points tends to be the usual size for tournaments.

    OtakuD00D on
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Hmmm. So I'm tempted to start this. What would I need to begin? I'm thinking either Cygnar or Khandor.

    The Battle Box. Pick a faction, Battle Box-it up, play some games at your local FLGS, and move on from there once you get a feel for how to play and what you like :) .

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    susan wrote: »
    Hmmm. So I'm tempted to start this. What would I need to begin? I'm thinking either Cygnar or Khandor.

    The Battle Box. Pick a faction, Battle Box-it up, play some games at your local FLGS, and move on from there once you get a feel for how to play and what you like :) .

    Is there a good place that shows the contents of the boxes and model pictures? The PP site is less than stellar unless I'm just overlooking the section.

    Librarian's ghost on
    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

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