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PAX Forumer Seattle Get Togethers- Spring/Summer Edition



  • nianianianianiania Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Last night at Bootieseattle everyone was asking if I'd be at Catboy's party and OMGWTFBBQLOLROTFIMHOTL;DR, butttt, everyone was drunk as hell, and I doubt anyone remembers. :P

    Catboy's party: I will be there! I'll be arriving late, like 11p or something stupid like that. :( BUT I WILL BE THERE TO CELEBRATE THE MANCAT'S AGENING!

    OMGWTFBBQ: I got the day off of work, so I'll be there!!! I'm bringing 8 bacon wrapped beef franks, and making 4 burgers with bacon, cheddar, and bbq sauce built into them. (I call dibs on one of each, and then first come first serve for the rest.) Someone'll need to bring buns for these, cause I'm poor!

    nianiania on
    2014 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
  • Steel FireSteel Fire Gunboat Diplomat PAI MarketingRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I think I'll swing over to the meat market later in the week and pick up some buffalo burgers and whatever else tickles my fancy. I think I'll bring a case of Mt Dew as well, but I don't have a big enough cooler to load up with ice for it.

    I'll also be looking for someplace to crash for the night, if anyone can help with that.

    Steel Fire on
  • NullthreadNullthread Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    To put it in plain sight: I will be bringing a sort of vegetable plate for the OMGWTFBBQ. It will be fresh, perhaps with some cheese, definitely very delicious.

    Does anyone have a frisbee? If the weather's nice, that would be cool!

    Nullthread on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Ill grab charcoal for the grill and some misc prep supplies/plates. I will also bring a canopy (does anybody else have one?) and some games.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • DarcDarc Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I am attempting to find a way to make OMGWTFBBQ fit into my schedule. Hopefully I will see you peoples there.

    Darc on
    There are 10 kinds of people; Those who read Binary, and Those who don't.

  • WeaverWeaver Breakfast Witch Hashus BrowniusRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    6/11, day before my birthday


    Weaver on
  • ashridahashridah Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I will not only be at the barbeque, I'll be hitting the Fresh Fish Company to pick up some delicious gormet snaufalausages, and perhaps something else as well.

    I can also provide lifts to naked city after the BBQ (although it'll be your responsibility to get home after that, because of the drank.)

    ashridah on
  • EnigmasEnigmas Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    So anyone here a Mariner's fan? I am, a big one. I also happen to be a fan of theme events at the ballpark and I've gone to the Cheezeburger Night event since year one.
    Anyone up for joining me for Cheezeburger Field Day this year? Yes, I'm taking a day off work for baseball.
    July 15th
    12:30 - 5:00pm
    followed by
    Happy Hour &
    Night at the Mariners

    I have a few friends joining me for the game that night, but I am currently flying solo for Field Day.

    Enigmas on
    3DS: 4871-3908-4971
    Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
    PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...

    Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
    Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
  • WormdundeeWormdundee Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Someone bring extra meat or some such to the bbq and I will give you the monies for it because I can't bring meat across the border and I don't feel like stopping to pick some up. You want my money right!?

    Wormdundee on
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Hey Worm? Talk to Smalllady. They're stopping at the meatery before they hit the bbq.

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Wormdundee wrote: »
    Someone bring extra meat or some such to the bbq and I will give you the monies for it because I can't bring meat across the border and I don't feel like stopping to pick some up. You want my money right!?

    Hey worm, we're stopping there on Friday on our way down..


    you may want to stop here yourself so you can pick your meats.. the selection is amazing and it's quite literally on the way into north Seattle.

    Double D Meats

    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    JUNE LAN! June 24-26th

    We are doing another LANlite. By that I mean I will be providing nothing for the LAN. NOTHING I TELLS YA

    After I start work Ill be able to do a regular event.

    Other than the space, power, facilities, BBQ, and beer that is.
    I'm sure we can all pool together to go in on a dinner, or people can fend for themselves. ill have a BBQ gassed up and available.

    Heres the skinny.

    $10 + a 12pack or so of pop or water to share (lets try and get a bit more varied selection than mtn dew :P)

    Last one was successful despite the cancelations and since I don't start my job until July I cant do a regular LAN quite yet.

    I also have a couple machines available if you dont have a gaming machine.... rental cost will be a sixpack or bomber of something delicious :P

    Maximum of 28 people.
    Priority for the LAN will go to those who didn't noshow the last one or gave me more than a few days cancellation notice.

    Usual house party rules apply:
    (no getting sick, you want access to liquor stash you donate a bottle to the stash, no being stupid, no showing up sick), Beer out of kegerator $2 per pint donation.

    1: BigRed
    2: Beta_Angel (Spare machine)
    3: Avian
    4: Cakiea
    5: DaedalusLeto
    7: Vulcnor
    8: nianiania
    9: Oz K. Fodrotski
    10: Nullthread
    11: Catboy
    12: Catboy +1
    13: dya
    14: North (spare machine)
    15: Ris3n_Da3mon
    16: Avian +1
    17: tek
    18: Brian4120
    19: Blicca
    20: Snickers
    21: Cronus
    22: Darcness
    24: usererror
    25: ky13
    26: tek +1
    27: Suspi
    28: Tylergoodguy

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • nianianianianiania Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I want in for JuneLAN!


    nianiania on
    2014 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    In for LAN.

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • Steel FireSteel Fire Gunboat Diplomat PAI MarketingRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    SmallLady wrote: »
    Wormdundee wrote: »
    Someone bring extra meat or some such to the bbq and I will give you the monies for it because I can't bring meat across the border and I don't feel like stopping to pick some up. You want my money right!?

    Hey worm, we're stopping there on Friday on our way down..


    you may want to stop here yourself so you can pick your meats.. the selection is amazing and it's quite literally on the way into north Seattle.

    Double D Meats

    I'll have a few extra burgers as well, picked up two lbs of ground buffalo and I'll be mixing in minced onions and mushrooms, with bacon and cheeses on the side for those who want them. I refuse to take any compensation if any one offers though, it's all to share with friends.

    Steel Fire on
  • NullthreadNullthread Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011

    Nullthread on
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    You already have me as 'in', but I'll be needing to borrow a rig.

    You shall have my payment in blood...or something of equal alcoholic levels.

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • SpawnOfCthulhuSpawnOfCthulhu Also that Snifit guy. Gig Harbor, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    So, believe it or not, I'm actually not dead.

    I'll be at the BBQ tomorrow, bringing some sort of delicious foodage. Hope to see you all there.

    SpawnOfCthulhu on
  • Brian4120Brian4120 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Add me down for the LAN.

    Also if there is anything you want me to bring to the BBQ (Food, utensils, etc) Let me know by tonight!

    Brian4120 on
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Note to Candians headed down this weekeng:

    Peach Arch Border Crossing Closed 12-4. Plan appropriately.

    Houn on
  • Brian4120Brian4120 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Houn wrote: »
    Note to Candians headed down this weekeng:

    Peach Arch Border Crossing Closed 12-4. Plan appropriately.

    Sounds like hippies.

    Brian4120 on
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Houn wrote: »
    Note to Candians headed down this weekeng:

    Peach Arch Border Crossing Closed 12-4. Plan appropriately.

    oh awesome! i went to that when I was a young girl guide.

    and no brian... these are kids, not hippies. so fuck you.

    SmallLady on
    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • Brian4120Brian4120 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    SmallLady wrote: »
    Houn wrote: »
    Note to Candians headed down this weekeng:

    Peach Arch Border Crossing Closed 12-4. Plan appropriately.

    oh awesome! i went to that when I was a young girl guide.

    and no brian... these are kids, not hippies. so fuck you.

    The scorn I get when I skim the first couple of sentences of an article D:

    Brian4120 on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011

    Got the usual tables :D

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • CronusCronus Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I'm going to the LAN. This one came up pretty quick.

    Cronus on
    "Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    BigRed wrote: »

    Got the usual tables :D

    Wish I was there. Really wish I was there! Cause it would mean things were far more normal here then they are.

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • nianianianianiania Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Could anyone give me a ride to the LAN next friday?

    I live in Queen Anne near the Space Noodle.

    nianiania on
    2014 Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament
    Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    LAN is the weekend of the 24th.

    Next week.

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • Oz K. FodrotskiOz K. Fodrotski Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Cronus wrote: »
    I'm going to the LAN. This one came up pretty quick.

    Hey Cronus, can I get a ride to the LAN? (CHECK IT OUT I REMEMBERED THIS TIME.)

    Oz K. Fodrotski on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Still 4 seats left for the LAN

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • ky13ky13 Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    BigRed wrote: »
    Still 4 seats left for the LAN

    Ok, I'll take one!

    I finally have my LAN box all situated and ready to fit in carry-on luggage with my monitor.

    ky13 on
    Hey, it's me, Teldra! Did someone say "greatsword"? [Eternity]
  • NullthreadNullthread Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Is there still a spare machine? Would love to run my games on high graphics this time rather than medium. My laptop has been a trooper, but the lag last time was unbearable.

    If you don't have a spare, it's okay!

    Nullthread on
  • SuspiSuspi Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I'm interested in coming this time around!

    Suspi on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Suspi wrote: »
    I'm interested in coming this time around!

    are you going to?

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • SuspiSuspi Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Er.. yes if there's space. Last time I couldn't figure out how to get down there and forgot to tell anyone.

    Suspi on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Yeah theres still space

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • TylergoodguyTylergoodguy Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I'll join!

    you don't happen to have room for 2 monitors do you...

    Tylergoodguy on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Nope, one monitor allowed.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    2 seats freed up at the LAN if anybody is interested. If you don't have a gaming machine I might be able to be convinced to put one together for use at the LAN.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • SuspiSuspi Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Going through LAN withdrawals. I keep looking around my workplace for optimal sentry placements.

    It was awesome meeting everyone. I put up the pictures that I took here. I look forward to the next one. Thanks Red for hosting it.

    Great, now I'm addicted to Mineralz.

    Suspi on
This discussion has been closed.