
One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, New Fish [CHAT]!



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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I've always been intrigued by that game and admittedly I've also felt the urge to play it but damn... That learning curve is so steep.

    m3nace on
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    Toji SuzuharaToji Suzuhara Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    The Corrupted Blood Plague sounds a lot like Free Public WiFi.

    Toji Suzuhara on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kronus wrote: »
    DeeLock wrote: »
    Does anyone here play TF2?

    If not you should, because it's THE BEST OF ALL THINGS EVER!

    And we can be friends.
    Let's be friends!

    I disagree with your assertion of modification.
    I would say it USD TO BE THE BEST OF ALL THINGS EVER! that is until the weapons patches, and hats...

    however I can't find a vanilla server to save my life, and now it just frustrates me. I still play it though, my steam ID = bumms4life1234

    lulz, I'm a hardcore classic steam user from back in 98, when I was in junior high, internet name excuse for all the numbers.

    I was glad when they let you artificially change your display name :P

    ninjai on
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    ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I thought steam wasn't around until like 2003? Or was the software for the servers back in the old CS days and whatnot considered steam?

    Prospicience on
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Fugitive wrote: »
    squidbunny wrote: »
    Okay so everyone's read about some/all of these before but this writeup is pretty funny regardless.

    Oh my god, for a game I have never felt even the slightest desire to play, just about every Eve Online story I hear is pure gold.

    I think the main downside is it takes 100's of hours to get to that one gold story

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    m3nace wrote: »
    I've always been intrigued by that game and admittedly I've also felt the urge to play it but damn... That learning curve is so steep.

    Ok, first, I have to take an issue with the 7 dick moves article. The banking scam, sure, a lot of people were effected by it. But in 2004:
    The Great Northern War

    A corporation in EVE by the name of the Phoenix Alliance granted permission for a mining party to mine in their 0.0 sector space (an area uncontrolled in anyway by NPCs, and therfore entirely owned by defending corporations) however a patrol the next day wasn't aware of the arrangement and attacked. The corporation refused to apologize, regardless of the agreement that had been met prior. What followed was a 9 month war involving nearly 90% of the games membership, existing as well on forums, in person, as well as in game and at the yearly summit held in iceland, resulting in phoenix alliance members be barred from trade with major corporations, membership into other corporations, as well as the founders IP's being traced so that enemy corporations know what alts the guy made.

    The Great War

    The resolution after the war brought about the founding of the Band Of Brothers, the largest Alliance of corporations to date. As a result of the great northern war, members of the Northern Alliance banded together with corporations that had assisted them. In 2007 they declared that they will take over all of 0.0 security space in the game.

    In an effort to survive other 0.0 security space corporations banded together, spearheaded by the legendary Goonswarm (the most infamous corporation in the game), fought until 2009 (2 years!!!) launched an assault in the last Band of Brothers stronghold of Delve and conquered the Band of Brothers, forcing them to disband...

    You can still find archived copies of the forum threads where political maneuvering and ambassadors fought tirelessly to earn supply, money and loyalty of smaller corporations, as well as plenty of name calling, underhanded dealings trading secrets et al. It was fuckin epic.

    I played during the great war, and one day in my travels came across a 200 on 200 battle taking place, a doomsday device "podded me" (killed my ship) and I sat in my pod by the warpgate and watched as 6 v 4 titans and over 350 players fought to the death.



    ALL because one patrol opened fire.

    How did this not win?

    But in reference to the quote:

    It really isn't all that hard. It seems like it the first time, but its as simple as making a "throw away toon" to learn on, playing through the tutorial (boring as the tutorial may be) and picking one of the 3 types of corporations to join.

    All corporations that i have ever been a member of, 10-15 or so, are by far the kindest people you will meet in a web based environment. They helped fund my first few frigates and cargo ships, and helped fund the training manuals (used for "levelling" in the game)

    An easy way to understand eve that EVERYTHING is CONTEXT MENU BASED (I.E. right click on your desktop and a menu pops up, right click on your firefox icon and a different menu pops up) and skill training = leveling up, and takes real world time to learn a skill. (skills are queued for the next 24 hrs and trains for a specific amount of time, including while logged out)

    Its definitely not for everyone, but you literally can do any type of business, like the article said.

    Nappuccino wrote: »
    Fugitive wrote: »
    squidbunny wrote: »
    Okay so everyone's read about some/all of these before but this writeup is pretty funny regardless.

    Oh my god, for a game I have never felt even the slightest desire to play, just about every Eve Online story I hear is pure gold.

    I think the main downside is it takes 10000000's of hours to get to that one gold story


    We aren't talking single player hours.
    You have to take into account how many people are playing total.
    These epic stories that happen in EVE are few and far between.
    Unless you're in 0.0 sec space nothing really happens aside from simple questing/ trade/ and pirate hunting.

    ninjai on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I thought steam wasn't around until like 2003? Or was the software for the servers back in the old CS days and whatnot considered steam?

    Yeah steam has been around since like CS 1.2 in the late 90's. It wasn't nearly the same form it is now, no games to purchase, nothing to download, friends list wasn't even a concept, it was just really a way to register your game and let you know about patches etc.

    ninjai on
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    ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Oh crazy, I did not know that. I hopped on around 1.5... ah the good 'ol days.

    Prospicience on
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    ScosglenScosglen Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I don't know where you're getting that info, but Steam was not around in the late 90's. It was rolled out in 2003 to beta test CS 1.6, although the original WON counterstrike servers lurched on for a while before they were shut down.

    Scosglen on
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    ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Scosglen wrote: »
    I don't know where you're getting that info, but Steam was not around in the late 90's. It was rolled out in 2003 to beta test CS 1.6, although the original WON counterstrike servers lurched on for a while before they were shut down.

    That's what I thought... I remembered getting it for 1.6

    I also thought that you've always been able to change your name via console. Even when steam first came out, I'm turned around now.

    Prospicience on
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    Stupid Mr Whoopsie NameStupid Mr Whoopsie Name Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited June 2011
    I had the best fucking run tonight!

    Was it the Daft Punk Soundtrack that did it? :)

    It was! I swapped out the probably area in the middle and I'm about to head out and run it again. I've got uninvited guests trying to knock in my door and it helps keep them outside.

    Stupid Mr Whoopsie Name on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Hmmm. I could have sworn they had it at the LAN center I went to back in the day. They were running CS since beta because I remember getting pissed when they patched to remove sniper crosshairs. I'm probably wrong, I was pretty young.

    ninjai on
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    GrifterGrifter BermudaModerator mod
    edited June 2011
    Good morning, everyone. It's Tuesday today. Yay! It's not Monday anymore! I'm actually feeling rather depressed about my apartment these days. I have stacks of tile sitting under the island in my kitchen. I have a big cardboard box that contains a dish washer in the middle of my kitchen. My livingroom is full of books, dvds, brds and video games stacked on the ground. I really need to invest some time and money into getting the living room tiled, dishwasher installed and shelves built so that we have somewhere to put all of this shit.

    Then I need to get some AC installed. It's too damn hot in my house during the summer. I feel badly for my dog that has to sit in that hot house by himself all day. Need to install the invisible fence for him soon too.

    Grifter on
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    NibCromNibCrom Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Is there already a place for the dishwasher? Cause installing it isn't too difficult. If there wasn't one there before then... it's probably a bit tougher.

    NibCrom on
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    GrifterGrifter BermudaModerator mod
    edited June 2011
    Yeah, there's a dishwasher there already that is broken. This one is the replacement. I don't really know anything about how to hook up a dishwasher or how to disconnect the existing one without getting water all over the place.

    Grifter on
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    NibCromNibCrom Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    It's pretty easy. There should be three connections. Water in, water out and electrical. A couple of screws hold it up against the counter. Undo everything on the old one, then redo it all for the new one. I did one myself last year. It took me a while cause I had to make a few trips to the hardware store, but if a knucklehead like me can do it...


    NibCrom on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Do you know what is awesome?
    When people in your history class say, in regards to the Armenian genocide, "They should just get over it and move on."
    Oh wait, no, not awesome. Fucking despicable. Yeah, that's it.

    Tam on
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    GrifterGrifter BermudaModerator mod
    edited June 2011
    I called up my brother after I googled what needs to be done. I could probably do the disconnect and reconnect on my own. But those things tend to be heavy and I don't feel like destroying my kitchen tile. So he's coming over after work today to help me. I'm hoping it will all be done inside of half an hour.

    Ripping up the tile and putting down the new tile is another situation, though. I'm not looking forward to that one.

    Grifter on
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    GrifterGrifter BermudaModerator mod
    edited June 2011
    Tam wrote: »
    Do you know what is awesome?
    When people in your history class say, in regards to the Armenian genocide, "They should just get over it and move on."
    Oh wait, no, not awesome. Fucking despicable. Yeah, that's it.

    While we're getting over things, the Jews should get over the Holocaust and black people should get over that whole slavery thing. I mean, it's been over for a while. What's the big deal?

    Grifter on
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    Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2011
    Tam wrote: »
    Do you know what is awesome?
    When people in your history class say, in regards to the Armenian genocide, "They should just get over it and move on."
    Oh wait, no, not awesome. Fucking despicable. Yeah, that's it.

    So after you punched this person as hard as you could square in the nose, how long did it take them to get over it and move on? I'd have to assume that given their extremely laid-back attitude about mass slaughter, their outrage about such a comparatively petty assault would die out in mere seconds.

    Angel_of_Bacon on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    And then the guy kept going. He got into the "cost-benefit analysis" of the Ottoman Turks having to feed the Armenians who the Turks forcibly removed from their homes to be abandoned in the Syrian desert. It was at that point that I felt compelled to put my head in the door frame and slam the door as hard as was humanly possible.

    edit: yeah, in retrospect, that would have been a good experiment to perform, Bacon
    though at the time it would have been difficult as blood had clouded my eyes

    Tam on
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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I have a girl in my class, mind you a turkish girl, that continues to deny that it was a genocide. Did you know that it's illegal to deny the armenian genocide in France? Several other countries too.
    I swear, the turkish people is really stubborn and above that a bit nationalistic... I mean, they've got statues of Atatürk erected in every town in Turkey and according to the girl in my class, if he was alive every turkish person would sacrifice their life for him.... I really don't want to generalize here but it's gonna be a tough call. They're wonderful people too though, no doubt about that.

    m3nace on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    There's an ultra-nationalist side in Turkish politics that uses a legal code called Article 301 to prosecute and imprison anyone who refers to it as a genocide. In fact, they can use it to prosecute anyone who insults "Turkishness".

    I didn't know it was also illegal in France. Can't say I'm surprised though.

    And of course the U.S. won't force Turkey to admit it was a genocide and apologize, because we need Turkey's compliance in the various wars and armed conflicts we've started and mired ourselves in.

    Tam on
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    NamNam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Tam wrote: »
    And then the guy kept going. He got into the "cost-benefit analysis" of the Ottoman Turks having to feed the Armenians who the Turks forcibly removed from their homes to be abandoned in the Syrian desert. It was at that point that I felt compelled to put my head in the door frame and slam the door as hard as was humanly possible.

    edit: yeah, in retrospect, that would have been a good experiment to perform, Bacon
    though at the time it would have been difficult as blood had clouded my eyes

    This sort of stuff makes my blood roil.
    I've ran into these people. He sounds like an economics major and most of them seem to suffer from a pathological delusion where they think a system which is for interpreting money and markets can be superimposed over reality, humanity, morality, etc. They get secure in economics knowledge and their own cunning but it's not tempered with anything, they seem to just follow the same code of ethics which operate in the cut throat business world (if there can be said to be ethics in the business world...). Maybe it becomes yet another overarching, faith based religion for them. Anyways, a friend I know from back in middle school is an economics major who recently graduated, was talking a few months ago about how eventually we can put a price on a babbling stream, a tree, etc. WOULDN'T THAT BE SO GREAT? He was talking in circles and whenever you tried to pin him on his inconsistencies he'd shift gears, whirr into a new set of economic terms and theories and you literally couldn't 'tree' that raccoon logic of his. He's said he thinks he will be able to impress some powerful people with his 'economic speak' (or bullshitting).

    I agree with Bacon, the next time this person in your class starts bleeping and blooping while computing the value of human lives like a soul calculator, give him an MK uppercut or at least blow some cigarette smoke in his face.

    Nam on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    It's actually more scary: he's an education major.

    Tam on
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    This is why I punch myself in the balls every night. It makes me feel better after dealing with all the insane people in the world.

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Nam wrote: »
    This sort of stuff makes my blood boil.

    Also guys I dunno why beavs hasnt posted about this herself but because it is possibly the coolest thing

    Kochikens on
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    I thought she did? Maybe someone else posted it for her...

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Well I have posted it again. Forever.

    Kochikens on
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kochikens wrote: »
    Well I have posted it again. Forever.

    And its still awesome so... awesome :)

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kochikens: not paying attention.

    Tam on
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Tam: a butt with a face

    Kochikens on
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    TamTam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Krotchikens: ugly misshapen avian genitals
    Peckler and Kochikens: fowl gunsmiths

    Tam on
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    NamNam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kochikens wrote: »
    Nam wrote: »
    This sort of stuff makes my blood boil.

    Roil is a word. I didn't want to say boil because that's a bit overused.

    Nam on
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Roil sounds weird. Like. You're mad your blood gets wavey and swirly and turbulent.

    Kockikens: bothered by nonsense

    Kochikens on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Grifter wrote: »
    Tam wrote: »
    Do you know what is awesome?
    When people in your history class say, in regards to the Armenian genocide, "They should just get over it and move on."
    Oh wait, no, not awesome. Fucking despicable. Yeah, that's it.

    While we're getting over things, the Jews should get over the Holocaust and black people should get over that whole slavery thing. I mean, it's been over for a while. What's the big deal?

    I think what needs to happen with regard to the slavery thing, is that people need to realize not every black person is descended from slavery. The guy in the office next door, a marine Capt gets pissed, like "why the fuck do they think I want a hand out?" etc.

    So hey, is this the thread that the mozilla vs chrom vs i.e. cartoon was posted? I made that my desktop background and I can't tell if chrome has 2 left arms and mozilla has none or what? Go back and look at it... fuckin wierd.

    Tam wrote: »
    And of course the U.S. won't force Turkey to admit it was a genocide and apologize, because we need Turkey's compliance in the various wars and armed conflicts we've started and mired ourselves in.

    We sort of need their airspace. I didn't know how big a deal Turkey was to this fight until I studied the invasion of Iraq.

    ninjai on
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    NamNam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kochikens wrote: »
    Roil sounds weird. Like. You're mad your blood gets wavey and swirly and turbulent.

    Kockikens: bothered by nonsense

    No, roil sounds awesome, you aren't a sensitive linguist like me.

    Boiling describes an event which is covered in the word roil; to disturb or disquiet; irritate; vex: to be roiled by a delay. Also, given its context within the overused (and now emotionally sapped) adage "Makes my blood boil", it sets up recognition to what that event is; boiling, anger, etc. By subbing in an R for a B I just somehow proved Chaos theory.

    edit: I have too much unstructured time.

    Nam on
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Having roiling blood just sounds like a disease. Got blood roils. Aw shit, not again. Thought I got vaccinated!

    Boiling is like, you are so hot and angry and furious that your temperature is rising and your head is going to explode from sheer rage and your blood is boiling

    edit: Also alliteration is nice

    Kochikens on
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    KronusKronus Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    What if we went with an 'f' instead? Maybe your blood foils. That sounds pretty unpleasant, I would probably avoid any situation that might cause my blood to turn into thin sheets of metal.

    Kronus on
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    NamNam Registered User regular
    edited June 2011
    Kochikens wrote: »
    Having roiling blood just sounds like a disease. Got blood roils. Aw shit, not again. Thought I got vaccinated!

    Boiling is like, you are so hot and angry and furious that your temperature is rising and your head is going to explode from sheer rage and your blood is boiling

    edit: Also alliteration is nice

    I guess when it roils down to it, we're both right.

    Nam on
This discussion has been closed.