
What's your porn name (& first movie)?

kingworkskingworks Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in Social Entropy++
There are two commonly held approaches to this:
1) your middle name + the name of the street you grew up on
2) your pet's name + street name (as above)

So I'd be either Michael or Keno Horsehead

UPATE: At Skull Man's suggestion:
let's mix this up a bit

how about the first porn you'll star in

for this, let's go with the first word of your favorite drink plus the first word of the last show you watched three episodes of

Another UPDATE:
And who will you star opposite?

to choose a lady, pick your favorite fruit plus the most prominent geological feature of your region

to choose a fellow, the first word of your favorite pizza topping plus the first word of the last breakfast cereal you ate

kingworks on


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