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PA Comic: Monday, Sept. 12, 2011

JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp.I can show you how to be a real man!Moderator mod
edited September 2011 in The Penny Arcade Hub

Jacobkosh on


  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Arbitrary limits on stuff aren't necessarily the best way to handle such things.

    Last panel made me smile.

  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Of course, mini-Gabe built a lego webcam to livestream his Minecraft sessions, so this may be one of those "Cultural differences" I hear about all the time.

    Damn bears are totally uncivilized though. I hear they got the gimme-gimmes once.

    Taramoor on
  • Shady3011Shady3011 Registered User regular
    They're a lot like people, only more so.

  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    My son (born the same day as Gabe's actually - Dreamcast birthday FTW!) had the exact same thing pushed on him at school at the end of last year. He saw a play of some type that made him feel that playing video games/computer or watching tv was somehow wrong. I was really ticked off and sat him down and had a discussion that no-one's hobbies are superior to his and that as long as he gets exercise to go with his gaming he was all set.

  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Is... is there actually literature targeted for kids that focuses on the internet?

  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    My son (born the same day as Gabe's actually - Dreamcast birthday FTW!) had the exact same thing pushed on him at school at the end of last year. He saw a play of some type that made him feel that playing video games/computer or watching tv was somehow wrong. I was really ticked off and sat him down and had a discussion that no-one's hobbies are superior to his and that as long as he gets exercise to go with his gaming he was all set.

    I would've taken it a step further and approached the district. I mean, not with making a fuss about it in front of my kid, they wouldn't have to be involved. But that's really irresponsible of the school / district. Fucking sissy liberals.

  • kingworkskingworks Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    I could not and/or would not be able to perform my job without the 24/7 internet.

    So, way to limit your kids' marketable career potential, Papa Bear.

    kingworks on
  • TleilaxuTleilaxu Registered User regular
    First they came for the Cookie Monster,

    Then they came for the internet...

  • Officer 1BDIOfficer 1BDI Registered User regular
    My siblings and I had this pushed on us by our parents when I was in middle school/high school. I don't know what triggered it, but one day they randomly set this time limit on how much time we could spend on television and non-academic computer time in a weekday: 45 minutes.

    I had several issues with the rule right off the bat, but what tipped it into bullshit territory was the arbitrary value of the time limit. I don't know what was so magical about "45 minutes," but they refused to budge on the number.

  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote:
    My son (born the same day as Gabe's actually - Dreamcast birthday FTW!) had the exact same thing pushed on him at school at the end of last year. He saw a play of some type that made him feel that playing video games/computer or watching tv was somehow wrong. I was really ticked off and sat him down and had a discussion that no-one's hobbies are superior to his and that as long as he gets exercise to go with his gaming he was all set.

    I would've taken it a step further and approached the district. I mean, not with making a fuss about it in front of my kid, they wouldn't have to be involved. But that's really irresponsible of the school / district. Fucking sissy liberals.

    My wife told me not to actually - she felt it wasn't worth the battle. I was super, super ticked off. I (like a lot of folks here) owe my livelihood to technology. My son learned to read in part by really wanting to play the Pokemon card/DS games. If they push it again this year I'll likely say something.

    What bothered me was that it wasn't a message of moderation - I think I would have been ok with that, because we obviously don't let him veg in front of the TV all day (unless there's something awesome on). It was "Screens are bad and make you learn less and make you lazy" which spun me all up.

  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    kingworks wrote:
    I could not and/or would not be able to perform my job without the 24/7 internet.

    So, way to limit your kids' marketable career potential, Papa Bear.

    In the first few words, I was really hoping you were going to go all Green Eggs and Ham on us.

  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote:
    My son (born the same day as Gabe's actually - Dreamcast birthday FTW!) had the exact same thing pushed on him at school at the end of last year. He saw a play of some type that made him feel that playing video games/computer or watching tv was somehow wrong. I was really ticked off and sat him down and had a discussion that no-one's hobbies are superior to his and that as long as he gets exercise to go with his gaming he was all set.

    I would've taken it a step further and approached the district. I mean, not with making a fuss about it in front of my kid, they wouldn't have to be involved. But that's really irresponsible of the school / district. Fucking sissy liberals.

    My wife told me not to actually - she felt it wasn't worth the battle. I was super, super ticked off. I (like a lot of folks here) owe my livelihood to technology. My son learned to read in part by really wanting to play the Pokemon card/DS games. If they push it again this year I'll likely say something.

    What bothered me was that it wasn't a message of moderation - I think I would have been ok with that, because we obviously don't let him veg in front of the TV all day (unless there's something awesome on). It was "Screens are bad and make you learn less and make you lazy" which spun me all up.

    I've always felt comfortable with my ability to potentially raise children. But having to deal with other people, especially those in some sort of authority position (either over myself or my children), is the part where I'll flip my shit.

  • kingworkskingworks Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote:
    kingworks wrote:
    I could not and/or would not be able to perform my job without the 24/7 internet.

    So, way to limit your kids' marketable career potential, Papa Bear.

    In the first few words, I was really hoping you were going to go all Green Eggs and Ham on us.
    I could not, would not quote the Seuss.
    I could not, would not in a noose.
    I will not quote him in this rhyme,
    I will not quote him anytime.
    Not because he is unfit,
    but, thanks to hours spent online,
    I now lack the needed wit.

  • JustinSane07JustinSane07 Really, stupid? Brockton__BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2011
    Please don't tell me this is a real book. I mean, "an hour a day" was something used in the late 90s by a lot of parents because the internet was still this new thing. I can't imagine that mindset prevailing today.

    JustinSane07 on
  • Officer 1BDIOfficer 1BDI Registered User regular
    Please don't tell me this is a real book.

    Apparently, it's two real books: one on the internet, and one on computer usage.

  • apparatchikapparatchik CopenhagenRegistered User regular
    Man, I hope the Tycho Wife recovers from her leg injury. Sounds like a dislocation, and those are so shitty.

    Fuck off and die.
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    They're using the Computer Trouble cover for the internet.

  • AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    Oh man little Gabe's face is the best thing ever. I bet he's super ashamed of papa Gabe* when he's with friends.

    *as opposed to real life Mike who is cool.

  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    Doesn't really surprise me - the Berenstein Bears books and the tv show based on them are all obnoxiously preachy. Some children's books are subtle and teach a lesson through a good story, others beat you over the head with the message relentlessly. The bears definitely fall in the latter category.

  • TaberTaber Registered User regular
    Eh, probably still better than "The Berenstein Bears declare Christianity the one true religion"

  • TleilaxuTleilaxu Registered User regular
    Please don't tell me this is a real book. I mean, "an hour a day" was something used in the late 90s by a lot of parents because the internet was still this new thing. I can't imagine that mindset prevailing today.

    Guess what.
    It is.

    The worst thing about this is that the copyright is 2010.

  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    Berenstein Bears and the internet is blowing my mind. It's like if Shakespeare came out with a new play about facebook.

  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Sister Bear really needs to grow some backbone.

  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    Wait, Berenstain? They're not even jewish!

  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    agoaj wrote:
    Wait, Berenstain? They're not even jewish!

    Wasn't there a Daily Show piece or something about someone who was accusing the Bears of being Jewish and being some subversive indoctrination?

  • LadaiLadai Registered User regular
    Huge slam on out of nowhere.

  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular has it coming. The Specialister Sneaker line is clearly overrated.

  • DemonicoreoDemonicoreo Registered User regular
    While this comic made me laugh, I do think it passed over a critical running theme in the Bear books. Most of the time the family gets hooked on something to the point of unhealthy addiction and while I have not read this book it seems like the kids becoming to addicted to the net and time on it could easily be achieved. Usually after unhealthy addiction is acquired then there is the drastic cut back until a healthy moderation is achieved.

    That seems like a okay thing to do.

  • Tss_fanTss_fan Registered User regular
    Am I the only one who finds the StarCon2 reference more interesting than the comic?

  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    Tleilaxu wrote:
    Please don't tell me this is a real book. I mean, "an hour a day" was something used in the late 90s by a lot of parents because the internet was still this new thing. I can't imagine that mindset prevailing today.

    Guess what.
    It is.

    The worst thing about this is that the copyright is 2010.

    Brother bear all chillin, watchin a picture of a shoe

    'this is awesome'

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    While this comic made me laugh, I do think it passed over a critical running theme in the Bear books. Most of the time the family gets hooked on something to the point of unhealthy addiction and while I have not read this book it seems like the kids becoming to addicted to the net and time on it could easily be achieved. Usually after unhealthy addiction is acquired then there is the drastic cut back until a healthy moderation is achieved.

    That seems like a okay thing to do.

    While a critical person would read it this way, your average reader (especially small children) are going to read internet = unhealthy addiction = bad bad! They're not going to distinguish between a measured approach to a source of entertainment and information, and diving into an obsession.

    Clearly, the next Bearenstein Bears' book should be, "The Bearenstein Bears' Addictive Personalities."

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Tossrock wrote:
    Brother bear all chillin, watchin a picture of a shoe

    'this is awesome'

    Nah nah. Look at the way his legs are crossed.

    He is exceedingly happy about how quickly he was able to click away from some crazy bear-on-human pornography.

  • This content has been removed.

  • PwnanObrienPwnanObrien He's right, life sucks. Registered User regular
    Between their addictive personalities and their parents strict methods of raising them those bears are going to be crammed full of coke and dicks the second they get to college.

  • JauntyJaunty Registered User regular
    my favourite was the one with Tuffy
    that and the one where they taught you how to make all sorts of sick paper airplanes

    oh oh oh and the one where they all got hooked on junk food

  • Cameron_TalleyCameron_Talley Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote:
    Is... is there actually literature targeted for kids that focuses on the internet?

    Another book than the one posted above.

    I work in a library and I can assure you there is a LOT of material for YA that is focused on the internet. Hell, there's a whole series of books written in txtspk.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-4598-4278-8875
    3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
  • Cameron_TalleyCameron_Talley Registered User regular
    agoaj wrote:
    Berenstein Bears and the internet is blowing my mind. It's like if Shakespeare came out with a new play about facebook.

    Can I blow your mind again?

    Switch Friend Code: SW-4598-4278-8875
    3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Wait, they had a third bear...kid? Cub, I guess?

    World rocked.

  • PeccaviPeccavi Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote:
    Sister Bear really needs to grow some backbone.

    Hi, Henroid...
    LOL, Peccavi

  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Sister Bear deserved the pwning for being such a n00b

    Also what's up with the butterfly game, just look at that joystick

    Have Jan & Mike Berenstain even looked at a computer since the Atari 2600

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