
[League of Legends] Of Yordles, Suppordles and Sort-of-Yordles

SampsenSampsen Aggressive BerserkerRegistered User regular
edited March 2012 in Games and Technology
League of Legends (popularly known as LoL) is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game. With lots of acronyms, in case you couldn't tell.

It is made by Riot games and brought to you by Tiny Angry Crab
You play as a summoner that selects a champion to battle with and against other summoners and their respective champs. During games, your champion will level up, get gold for better equipment and hopefully destroy the enemy nexus. Outside of games, your summoner level will rise. This will unlock new runes to enhance champion stats, bestow mastery points for further champion customization and goodies like avatars. At max level you can then compete in ranked matches and/or judge player behavior in what is called the tribunal.

New Player Guide

1. Make an account: NA EU (West) EU (Nordic & East)
It is worth noting that referring new players has perks, so I would ask for a referral link in the thread rather than a vanilla account.

2. Download the client: Right here
The official Mac client has been discontinued.

3. Play the tutorials! New User Guide
The game can be a bit overwhelming, and I highly suggest you play the tutorials OR find someone willing to do a few vs. AI games with you.

4. Join the "Penny Arcade" Chat Channel to find helpful people and people to escape solo queue with! Click the little double speech bubble looking thing at the bottom right of your screen. Click the + speech bubble right above it. Type in "Penny Arcade" and introduce yourself. Not everyone you see in the threat will be there, as not everyone plays on the same server.

5. Play vs. AI games with people.
Preferably people you know or from here. The bots aren't bad, but they have exploitable flaws and won't emulate the "real deal" perfectly. Focus less on the opposition and more on getting a feel for the various champions and the general flow of game.

6. Play vs. People
Do it, damn you. As said above, the AI is not going to give you the legitimate LoL experience. You don't want to hit your 20s solely from bot matches.

7. Get yer free champs.
Subscribe to Riot's Youtube and get a free Alistar skin! Includes the champion! Free Tristana if you're into the Facebook thing. Promo skins always include the champion if you never bought it.

The Dos and Don'ts of LoL

Meta Stuff
1. Don't buy champions randomly!
LoL has two currencies: Riot Points (RP), which are bought with real money, and Influence Points (IP) which are earned solely by playing games. Champions can be bought with both, but every week there will be ten free champions to play with. Play these champs instead. Get a feel for each type of champion and see which you find more fun. It's far better to do this as opposed to buying a champ randomly and ultimately being unhappy with it.

2. Don't buy Tier 2 Runes.
They are pretty much a waste of IP. Buy Tier 1 and save up for Tier 3.

3. Do queue with friends.
Playing with randoms is a crapshoot, and playing with a buddy or two can put the odds in your favor. Play complementary champs and request feedback on how you did in each game (even if you won).

4. Do learn the champions
When a new rotation occurs, it is wise to play a few games with each champ. Knowing what each champ is capable of will be useful even if you hate how they play and never intend on using them. For example, Karthus has a skill that does damage to every enemy champion, regardless of location! If you know this, then you can prepare for it and not be taken by surprise.

5. Do read guides.
There are multiple ways to play a champion. This combination of skills, runes, masteries and items is called a "build" and are the general strategies for any champion. The recommended items in the game store are not always accurate, and the order you level skills can have a big impact on how the early stages of the game play out. Sites like Mobafire and Solomid offer builds for just about every champion. It's cookie-cutter, but a great foundation for new people. Once you learn the ins and outs, you can tweak a build to better serve your playstyles or as a reaction to enemy or ally players.

6. Do be polite and do report
Sometimes people will suck or do shit wrong. It's a game, so try to keep that in mind when things get a little unhinged. If you insult or yell at people, even if they DID do something wrong, you're likely going to get that person defensive and things break down. Instead of focusing on the game, you focus on hurling insults at each. Stay calm, and politely offer advice when needed. And yet, people are jerks. It happens. Simply /mute them and quietly report them after the game. Taking their bait is probably what they want you to do. Do not give them the satisfaction! Keep your cool.

Game Stuff
1. Do not be aggressive
There will be a serious urge to want to kill enemy champs. Resist! Death is an all-around loss: your opponents get more cash and experience, you miss out on experience and your lane risks getting pushed. If you set-up a kill and fail, do not continue chasing. In many cases, you will just die to a tower or get ganked. While later on you will learn when to take risks, early in your career it's best to be less aggressive and just let the other guy get away.

2. Do not focus on KDR
Your kill-death-ratio is not the end-all of your value. It is possible to lose despite having a serious kill advantage over the enemy team! Certain champions, once getting the right items, can be unstoppable murder machines. Even if you do kill them a lot, if they reach this threshold, it's possible for a dramatic reversal to occur. It is far more important to support your team's objectives: push towers, protect your own towers from being pushed and keep your team informed of enemy activity. It is far better to have a modest KDR and win, than be the team killer and lose.

3. Do watch the minimap and your enemy
Enemy locations are important! In your low-level games you will likely have two champs tops lane, one mid and two bottom (in later level games, one from top will be off "jungling," so top will have just one champ). If a player in YOUR lane is missing, let the team know. The player might just be heading back to base to buy items, or they could be trying to jump your friend in another lane. And mention when they came back to your lane! But this doesn't mean you should rely wholly on team recon. Watch the minimap yourself for enemy locations in other lanes whenever you can. People aren't perfect, and sometimes that warning comes a bit too late. Another set of eyes is always useful.

4. Do buy wards.
Wards are items that grant you vision of an area for 180 seconds. They are, without a doubt, one of the best purchases you will make. You can plop them along the river and have advance warning of ganks. They'll grant you vision of the brush. They'll alert you of enemy attempts on big-reward neutral monsters like the dragon or baron. If you attack them in the middle of something like that, you could mob up their entire team. Or maybe you are aware of a gank attempt on you. You could alert a nearby friend, bait the ganker in and turn the tables. Buy wards. BUY. WARDS.

5. Do buy wards.
Wards are items that grant you vision of an area for 180 seconds. They are, without a doubt, one of the best purchases you will make. You can plop them along the river and have advance warning of ganks. They'll grant you vision of the brush. They'll alert you of enemy attempts on big reward neutral monsters like the dragon or baron. If you attack them in the middle of something like that, you could mob up their entire team. Or maybe you are aware of a gank attempt on you. You could alert a nearby friend, bait the ganker in and turn the tables. Buy wards. BUY. WARDS. Yes, I posted this twice. It is that important.

6. Do something.
So you just wiped the enemy team out. Hooray! But...what are you doing now? Did you just go back to your respective lanes and farm? Incorrect! You now have precious map control, and should be taking advantage of it. Gather up as a team and take out a tower. Head to the dragon and get a clean kill. Steal enemy creeps (especially their blue and red buffs). You can always check the status of both teams by pressing tab. If multiple enemies are waiting on respawn, then you need to press that advantage.

7. Don't just wait around all day when you're in a position to win.

Meet the Team

Like any group activity, stuff is usually broken down into roles. It's worth noting that champions don't always fit neatly in categories. A champion's role in the team may depend on what build has been chosen, and sometimes you may fill several roles depending on the group composition. When picking champions, it's a good idea to see what people are doing and fill in any holes.

1. The Carry: If your team is a car, then the carry is the engine. It's what makes the team function. The carry, when doing its job, will be able to easily destroy the whole team. But, just like an engine is useless without any other parts of your car, the carry relies on its team to get the gold necessary to buy the items needed to kill swathes of enemies. Early on, carries tend to be more vulnerable and weaker than other champs. LOTS of people pick carry in random, because it's the star character that generally gets all the kills.

2. The Tank: Following the car metaphor, the tank is your steering. It'll guide the team into battle, and in many cases will be the one starting the fights. Tanks are there to absorb damage and lock down the most dangerous champions on the enemy team so you can position yourselves to win the fight. Some tanks do this with CC, whereas other tanks have some damage and will soften up the enemy team instead. Tanks still tend to need the rest of their team to back them up.

3. The Support: I guess support are your tires or something? Maybe the AC. Either, support help the team out with buffs and generally shields or healing. Healers tend to assist the carry by allowing the carry to stay in the lane longer through said healing or shields. Unlike, well, just about everyone else, Support don't rely so much on gear and thus will purposefully AVOID getting last hits so that their lane partner can farm gold faster. Because of their reduced need of gold, support should also be buying and placing wards when needed. It's worth noting that EVERYONE should generally buy wards, but as a support you can afford to take the financial hit. FEW people pick support in random due to how hard it is to influence games. You have to be very proactive to make up for bad teammates as a carry.

4. The Jungler: Jungling is a more advanced concept, and you won't see it until higher summoner levels. This is due to runes and masteries allowing for more efficient jungling. It is still possible on a few champs, even at Summoner Level 1, but very uncommon. As the name implies, the jungler sits in the jungle and kills neutral creeps. This benefits your team by creating a second solo lane (top lane), resulting in more experience and gold for your team as a whole. Once the jungler hits a certain gear/level point, they look for opportunities to gank enemies. This is generally done via strong CC abilities, such as Warwick's ultimate or Nunu's slow coupled with his speed buff. Skills such as these will enable the jungler's teammate in that lane to easily assist with the kill. When not ganking, the jungler will return to the jungle regularly to keep up in terms of gold and experience. Due to their roaming, the jungler has plenty of opportunities to place wards for its teammates.

This is a very simple guide! There are other roles in teams, but this is a rough outline of the basics. Roles can easily overlap, and a champion can fill more than one role! Experiment and see what works and what doesn't.

Useful Stuff

http://www.mobafire.com/ - A site dedicated to champs and how to build them effeciently. Not really used by high end players (lvl 30), but good for beginners who're trying champs out for the first time and don't want too much complexity in a guide.
http://www.solomid.net/ - A more advanced and polished version of Mobafire. Solomid offers intricate guides on champs that've been tried and tested by the community. Best for more advanced players of lvl 20+
http://www.leagueoflegends.com - The standard LoL website! Info on the game can be found here.
http://youtu.be/e02e7qGhRwQ - A HoN guide. Don't hate me for this guys. But I think /some/ of the points in this video are very useful. As HoN and LoL are quite similar, I can't help but feel that complete beginners will benefit from just watching this once. Though, as I said, this is a HoN guide. And most things can be ignored.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qggKB98It0Q - The basics of laning and last hitting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxGQ3gWdrM - Shurelya's guide on zoning!

Stuff You Should Know
-Yes, a promo skin will unlock that champion for free.
-Promo skin codes generally work once on each region. If you have used a code for yourself, don't toss it out! Make a post here and give it away or swap it for another skin.
-Speaking of promo skins, Free Tristana if you're willing to whore yourself out a bit.
--Subscribe to Riot's Youtube and get a free Alistar skin!
-Buy Wards
-Buy Wards
-When in doubt, take Flash

A useful list of terms used in game, courtesy of Cantido.
Thing heard in game or apply to things in game

b = back, fall back, they're coming for you
back = fall back, they're coming for you
care = be careful, they may be coming for you
oom = out of mana
lom = low on mana
focus = To target a player. Meaning that as a team you all will all focus on a specified hero to kill first.
top, mid, bottom = the lanes in LoL. With the flip camera option, the top and bottom may be switched for some people.
lane = the road like expanses that contain towers and lead to and from the bases
river = The river which cuts across the map diagonally
jungle = The mass of treeses and paths that exist between the lanes
neuts = neutrals
neutrals = The creep-enemies who live in the jungle
bp, pill, pilling = blue pilling, going back to base
base, basing = blue pilling, going back to base
shop,buy = To go back to base to go shopping
brush = The large grass in LoL which causes your hero to be hidden to people outside of the brush
grass = see brush
sigils = Temporary buffs granted to a player by defeating the Golem and the Elder Lizard. These buffs transfer to the killer in the event that the hero dies with the sigil.
buff = Typically a temporary increase to some stat(s)
passive = An ability which is not activated but helps a character. For example, Morgana's passive allows her to heal a small % of the damage her spells inflict. Passives usually apply only to the hero who has them.
aura = A 'passive' which applies not only to the hero who has it, but also to heroes within the given range for the aura. A shareable passive.
dd = direct damage ability. Typically DDs are unavoidable: Click ability, click target, profit. For example: Annie's Q fireball.
skillshot = an ability that fires a projectile that can be dodged. For example: Morgana's cage, Ashe's ultimate arrow
aoe = area of effect
pbaoe = point blank area of affect. The area of effect is centered around the caster such as Nunu's Ultimate or any aura.
backdoor= To attack the enemies towers and base without the cover of your creeps there
ult = ultimate ability. The R Ability.
unique = In LoL certain auras/passive are unique, meaning they do not stack.
last hit = Getting the very last hit, or killing blow.
AP = Ability Power. The stat which boosts the effectiveness of abilities.
miss, mia = Missing, missing in action. Commonly used to describe when a hero is missing from a lane and may indicate to the team that a gank may happen.
juke, juking = When being chased, juking is to fool your pursuers. Typically this happens in the jungle. A successful juke could range from eluding the enemy by exploiting line of sight, or could simply cause the enemy to mistarget a spell.
feed = A player who dies constantly feeds the other team (via the gold reward for killing someone). Being called a feeder is not a compliment. A player who is fed has a lot of kills.
gg = good game.
gj = good job.
ms = movement speed
baron, nashor, worm = the big worm like boss that gives a noticeable buff to the whole team when killed.
gl hf - good luck, have fun, usually an encouraging sportsmanlike phrase said before a game, sometimes sarcastically used "gl solo baron"
push - to gather up a creep wave and attempt to destroy an enemy tower "I'm going to push bottom"
d, defend - to sit at a tower and/or inhibitor and attempt to avoid confrontation while stopping the enemy from killing the objective "I'm gonna d mid"
gank - to go (often with more than one player) to try and kill an enemy, often by surprise "lets gank bottom"
tp - summoner spell telleport used to traverse the map "Ill tp back in"
heal - either the summoner spell, a champion ability, or the act of returning to base to regenerate HP and mana "you should heal"
harass - to annoy the enemy with small bursts of non lethal damage, often forcing them to go heal or be set up for a gangk.
bait - to deliberately appear in a position to be easily ganged so as to lure 1 or more players to be gangked by your team "go bait them in to the jungle"
Disable = A Disable is a debuff that usually prevents some kind of action on the player. Stuns, roots, silences are all examples of disables
Stun = A debuff which prevents any action by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Root = A debuff which prevents any movement by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Silence = A debuff which prevents any abilities being used by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Farm = Farming involves the amassing of gold for player. This is usually best done by killing a lot of creeps and killing them very quickly. Certain Heroes like Ashe and Tristana are great farmers: The first has a +gold passive, and the latter has an AOE passive.
leash/pull - when someone other than the jungler attacks a jungle creep so that it comes towards them while the jungler attacks it; the leasher leaves the range so the jungle creep returns to the jungler; allowing several free hits/spells on the creep for the jungler.

Things heard outside of the game or apply to outside of the game

vent = Ventrilo. It is voice communication software used to coordinate as a team. LoL has its own vent server: See the sticky in the beta general for more information.
build = how a champion and its summoner is built. For champions this may includes the items one buys on a champion, and the order one gets a champion's skills. For summoners, this refers to their masteries and rune selections.
carry = A character who, if played properly, wins late game fights for a team. Typically these heroes are weak early game and require a lot of farming.
tank = Character with a lot of HP and likely armor/resistance. Whose job is to initiate battles with the enemy players/turrets as to draw damage onto himself.
dps = Damage per second. Also referes to characters who job it is to deal damage (As opposed to support and tanks)
burst = A large volume of damage done quickly and typically then very little sustained follow up damage.
support = Characters who job it is to support other characters: Healers, buffers, etc
runes = Refers to LoL's rune system, however this term is overloaded and some players also refer to sigils as runes
talents = A non-canon term for masteries
mastery, masteries = The talent-tree system of LoL
DotA = Defense of the the Ancients. A mod for War3 that virtually launched the moba genre
HoN = Heroes of Newerth. Another moba game that is in direct competition with LoL.
moba = multiplayer online battle arena
elo = The score a person has in the Ranking system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system
leave, leaver = To quit a game before it is over.
raqequit = To quit a game in anger (Being killed, losing)
disc, dc = disconnect from a game.
Bearon = The Ultimate League of Legend Champion. A bear of nobility from Rabilov.
Coral = The color of Adjudicators elected in a fair democratic process. Penny then proceeded to invalidate the election and instead we got dodger blue.
adjudicator = Either an older beta tester, or a beta tester whose skill in game or feedback out of game have been noted.
skin = Items that give a Champion a new look (Costumes, clothes, etc)
champion = The particular character that you as the summoner control
hero = non-canon name for a champion
summoner = Your representation in the game. Essentially you are the puppet master of your selected Champion and you have your own summoner abilities along with the champion's abilities.
deny, denies= Basically last hitting your own creep. This mechanic does not exist in LoL. In DotA, this would prevent the other from earning the gold and experience for killing the creep.

Have you scored a penta?

Previous thread: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/156016/league-of-legends-fiora-french-fencing-femme-fatale-frequently-fights-fools-for-fun/p1

Sampsen on


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    ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Curious to see what these supposed Lee Sin/Udyr nerfs are all about.

    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
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    SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    Where did you hear about nerfs? I'm kind of surprised they're going to nerf Udyr again, I thought he was in a good place.

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    ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2012
    Streaming a PA group game.

    EDIT: It was on CLG's Riot tracker of someone complaining about the early ganking power and top lane prowess of those two guys. A Riot red said they would be tuning them down.

    Arikado on
    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
  • Options
    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    OH MAN

    safari caitlyn on sale


  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Sampsen wrote: »
    Where did you hear about nerfs? I'm kind of surprised they're going to nerf Udyr again, I thought he was in a good place.


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    ChaosHatChaosHat Hop, hop, hop, HA! Trick of the lightRegistered User regular
    A Sampsen thread? This is how you know there was literally nobody else more qualified for the job.

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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Oh man oh man totally going to rock out the Matador Alistar.

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    SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    A Sampsen thread? This is how you know there was literally nobody else more qualified for the job.

    You're damn right no one else was more qualified than me. I did it because it had to be done.

  • Options
    zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    This wrote: »
    Rami wrote: »
    I believe Amumu's backstory thing confirms he is/was a Yordle before being mummified.

    Just checked, it doesn't say anything like that. He doesn't know anything about his past, he just knows that he feels sad and misses his parents though he doesn't know who they were. At least from the Lore section in the game, he could just be a kid mummy the same way Annie is a kid mage.

    He was originally a child mummy. But then RIOT thought that it would be bad if they had an undead child there, constantly crying for his parents. So for Europe they decided that he was actually a Yordle, even though the chinese art clearly shows him with an image of his parents. Then they just made him a Yordle for all zones. Officially, he's a Yordle now.

    His current text goes...
    Perhaps one of the oddest champions in the League of Legends is the Yordle known as Amumu.

  • Options
    ChaosHatChaosHat Hop, hop, hop, HA! Trick of the lightRegistered User regular
    Sampsen wrote: »
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    A Sampsen thread? This is how you know there was literally nobody else more qualified for the job.

    You're damn right no one else was more qualified than me. I did it because it had to be done.

    The hoops that the deluded jump through never cease to astound me.

  • Options
    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    OH MAN

    safari caitlyn on sale


    ugh, when I looked at cait skins that was the one I was sure was shit - and I was right!

  • Options
    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    safari caitlyn rules

    it doesn't rule as hard as soviet russian sniper caitlyn

    but she gets an elephant gun!

  • Options
    ChaosHatChaosHat Hop, hop, hop, HA! Trick of the lightRegistered User regular
    I've begun trash talking.
    ChaosHat (10:10): Sampsen
    Sampsen (10:10): Hat of Chaos
    ChaosHat (10:10): Sup you person
    Sampsen (10:11): no mucho
    ChaosHat (10:11): Drokmir and I are going to become the best duo queue team ever
       it's gonna make you and softmoney look like some shitty dog and pony show
       where every animal is -1 leg and just hobbles around
       They don't even do tricks to be uplifting
       like "oh see! they're disabled but they don't let that get them down, they still do tricks!"
       none of that
    Sampsen (10:12): cool
    ChaosHat (10:12): it's more like "oh my god they just sit around and cry and they're lonely all day honey why did we take the kids to Soft and Sampsen's Super Sad Dog and Pony Show?"
    Sampsen (10:12): i wish you good luck
       you wish you had a dog AND a pony
       you arent so lucky
    ChaosHat (10:13): I don't want them to be sad three legged ones
       Drokmir and I will have a full on fucking circus
       three rings
       tigers and shit
       with all their legs
       Tight ropes
    Sampsen (10:13): mmhmm
    ChaosHat (10:13): Trapeezes
       human cannonballs

  • Options
    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    safari caitlyn rules

    it doesn't rule as hard as soviet russian sniper caitlyn

    but she gets an elephant gun!

    I bought sheriff caitlyn instead

    giant top hat? knee-high boots?

    she puts a whole new spin on that fuzzy cuffs line

  • Options
    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    Arivia wrote: »
    safari caitlyn rules

    it doesn't rule as hard as soviet russian sniper caitlyn

    but she gets an elephant gun!

    I bought sheriff caitlyn instead

    giant top hat? knee-high boots?

    she puts a whole new spin on that fuzzy cuffs line

    yeah that one's pretty rad too

  • Options
    SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    Safari Caitlyn has a teacup though! So civilized.

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    RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    Man, guys, if you're playing draft, don't pick Nasus for top lane when the enemy team hasn't picked their top yet.

    Because it'll be Teemo.

    And you'll preemptively be wasting 29 minutes and 54 seconds of the lives of each of your four teammates.

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    Future BluesFuture Blues Registered User regular
    Rius wrote: »
    Man, guys, if you're playing draft, don't pick Nasus for top lane when the enemy team hasn't picked their top yet.

    Because it'll be Teemo.

    And you'll preemptively be wasting 29 minutes and 54 seconds of the lives of each of your four teammates.

    Top seems like one of the easiest lanes to counterpick as far as I can tell. Even at average levels of play (1k+ ELO) the only lane I consistently see counterpicks happen is top.

    Xbox Live: No Reply
    Steam: Jacobontap
    LoL: FutureBlues
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    CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Sampsen wrote: »
    Where did you hear about nerfs? I'm kind of surprised they're going to nerf Udyr again, I thought he was in a good place.


    Lee Sin just got nerfed and literally no one gave a shit, and he still had a 75% win ratio in Hannover. Udyr top was picked once (iirc) and was an ultrapassive counter to Yorick.

    I'm personally thinking more Lee Sin nerfs.

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    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    it's not just that top lane is the easiest lane to counterpick

    it's that nasus has like a fucking million bad matchups

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    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    epik gaming benched dan dinh :(

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    ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Dan is the leader of Epik, no?

    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
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    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    Arikado wrote: »
    Dan is the leader of Epik, no?

    he founded the team but i don't know if he's the "leader"

    apparently he actually stepped down and wasn't "benched"

    this post has a lot of "quotation marks in it"

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    SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    Rius wrote: »
    Man, guys, if you're playing draft, don't pick Nasus for top lane when the enemy team hasn't picked their top yet.

    Because it'll be Teemo.

    And you'll preemptively be wasting 29 minutes and 54 seconds of the lives of each of your four teammates.

    Top seems like one of the easiest lanes to counterpick as far as I can tell. Even at average levels of play (1k+ ELO) the only lane I consistently see counterpicks happen is top.
    I see counters in mid and occasional jungle counters.

    Of course, sometimes it's a guy counterpicking himself in mid which is always hilarious.

    Like, why would you pick Malzahar when I already picked Ahri. Awful, awful idea.

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    RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    Does Shen beat Lee Sin, top lane, like a redheaded stepchild? 'Cause I decided to practice Shen a lot and that just happened; went 0/0/9, lol.

    Of course, I don't know why I'm practicing him because he's so routinely banned when I play draft, but that's 1250 ELO for you.

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    PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    I think that's just the Shen.

    Because he's still bizonkers ATM.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    epik gaming should bench epik gaming

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    Cucco LeaderCucco Leader Registered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    The AP equivalent of Atma's is Archangel's Staff V:

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    unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    oh my god no

    if anything they should remove atmas instead of adding a new item

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    interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    epik gaming should bench epik gaming

    i want salce to go join some other team

    cause i like salce

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    Cucco LeaderCucco Leader Registered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    oh my god no

    if anything they should remove atmas instead of adding a new item

    Either one. Straight up tank seems so pointless to me.

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    SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    oh my god no

    if anything they should remove atmas instead of adding a new item

    Either one. Straight up tank seems so pointless to me.
    Pure tank/cdr on characters with very, very high control or good base values still works. Leona, some J4 builds, some WW builds, etc

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    they will never make an AP atma's as long as cassiopeia exists

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    KeysierKeysier Registered User regular
    I wonder when they are going to slam Lee-sin and Cassi into the ground, Jarvan style

    Really surprised they haven't, yet, even with both characters having decent skill caps

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    WhytherWhyther Registered User regular
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    A lot of AP caster items already exist. Are you thinking of the AD caster item?

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    Cucco LeaderCucco Leader Registered User regular
    edited March 2012
    Whyther wrote: »
    I hope the AP caster item is basically an Atma's but AP. I have such a hard time justifying playing Maokai when I can do Tanky DPS Shyvana or Riven and be so much more useful.

    A lot of AP caster items already exist. Are you thinking of the AD caster item?

    My poor reading skills strike again. UGH. Seriously, forget I posted anything.

    Cucco Leader on
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    RendRend Registered User regular
    Arivia wrote: »
    The only lane I could see doing that in involves a very suicidal ad carry.

    it's the standard at high elo, where it's unusual for the AD carries to be playing consistently dumb enough for either side to get a kill
    janna's job is to try and make their life bar last through as many harrass attempts as possible while they farm

    it's real boring

    Here from 1200 to 1400 though maxing w first is so good.
    It's not just that worse stuff works better at low level, it's different stuff. The stuff that high level players know how to punish, like for instance w first janna, most people don't know how.

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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    they will never make an AP atma's as long as cassiopeia exists

    There is no need. Zhonya's Hourglass, 100 AP, 50 Armor. Rlyai's 500 HP, 80 AP, RoA...

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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    there can't be an ap atmas because you already have defensive ap items

This discussion has been closed.