
[Dota 2] Nyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light, and Visage this week, and straight to CM.



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    SpawnbrokerSpawnbroker Registered User regular
    A friend of mine raged out of a game yesterday and we got stuck in low priority queue because it affects everyone who parties with him for the next 24 hours.

    I never want to go back to that queue. It's the perfect way to troll everyone who makes life difficult for other players. The sheer level of venom that everyone in that match had equals a holding cell for poisonous snakes. Halfway through the match my friend was screaming "GABEN PLS FORGIVE ME, I'LL NEVER LEAVE A GAME AGAIN".

    Valve, the masters of trolling trolls.

    I was extremely happy when I learned about the low priority queue. It's just such a genius idea. Oh what's that, you're gonna be a jerk? Fine, you only get to play with other jerks for a week!

    Steam: Spawnbroker
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    CheesecakeRecipeCheesecakeRecipe "Should not be allowed to post in the Steam Thread" - Isorn Squalor Victoria, Squalor Victoria!Registered User regular
    A friend of mine raged out of a game yesterday and we got stuck in low priority queue because it affects everyone who parties with him for the next 24 hours.

    I never want to go back to that queue. It's the perfect way to troll everyone who makes life difficult for other players. The sheer level of venom that everyone in that match had equals a holding cell for poisonous snakes. Halfway through the match my friend was screaming "GABEN PLS FORGIVE ME, I'LL NEVER LEAVE A GAME AGAIN".

    Valve, the masters of trolling trolls.

    I was extremely happy when I learned about the low priority queue. It's just such a genius idea. Oh what's that, you're gonna be a jerk? Fine, you only get to play with other jerks for a week!

    It's so perfect! I mean, it sucks if you want to party with someone who has it but I love the feeling of knowing that there's a layer of hell underneath the shiny Dota2 pretties where the ragers reside.

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    CorriganXCorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular
    Oh man. If you're not watching The Defense, they're showing off the Banners for teams. Its prettttty awesome to see huge banners and flags showing off your team's graphics on your side of the map.

    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
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    WhatWhat Registered User regular
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Oh man. If you're not watching The Defense, they're showing off the Banners for teams. Its prettttty awesome to see huge banners and flags showing off your team's graphics on your side of the map.

    Only a matter of time before goatse.

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    CorriganXCorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular
    What wrote: »
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Oh man. If you're not watching The Defense, they're showing off the Banners for teams. Its prettttty awesome to see huge banners and flags showing off your team's graphics on your side of the map.

    Only a matter of time before goatse.

    "Oh man, their Rax is just wide open. Dire is really pushing in, and meeting little resistance."

    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    in game team and tournament support is pretty fucking sweet

    would be dope if there were automated weekly tournaments ala wc3 or something. with proper support it would be pretty dang appealing.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    automated in game tournaments feat. silly in game cosmetic prizes would be baller.

    it was great in blc, and would be great in dota2

    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
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    SpawnbrokerSpawnbroker Registered User regular
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Oh man. If you're not watching The Defense, they're showing off the Banners for teams. Its prettttty awesome to see huge banners and flags showing off your team's graphics on your side of the map.

    Gonna second this. The in-game team banners and logos are really slick.

    Steam: Spawnbroker
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    WhatWhat Registered User regular
    Wolves playing damn well.

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    SpawnbrokerSpawnbroker Registered User regular
    Are any of you thinking about trying out the in-game tournament pay per view thing they're going to launch soon? Are they doing that for The Defense?

    Steam: Spawnbroker
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    WhatWhat Registered User regular
    Are any of you thinking about trying out the in-game tournament pay per view thing they're going to launch soon? Are they doing that for The Defense?

    They did, it's 5$. I hear it's "aight". Apparently the sound isnt the best but in the replays it's crystal clear.

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    RaakamRaakam Too many years... CanadalandRegistered User regular
    Feldorn wrote: »
    well, whatever. i played bot games until i was comfortable with being able to last hit with a variety of champs.

    just don't auto attack creeps, aight.

    Oh, I know how to deny/last hit, etc. I just don't remember what champs do, for the most part, and I still don't see when/how to change from laning/what items to buy, etc.

    My padherder
    they don't it be like it is but it do
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    mtsmts Dr. Robot King Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    what i usually do (at least for the first couple times playing a hero , i have a guide from dotafire open on my other monitor. helps a bit, but obviously things can change mid-game, it gives a pretty nice outline.

    feel free to add me. though i have recently only advanced from terrible to merely bad, though some heroes i would say i was passable at.

    mts on
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    The_TuninatorThe_Tuninator Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Raakam wrote: »
    Feldorn wrote: »
    well, whatever. i played bot games until i was comfortable with being able to last hit with a variety of champs.

    just don't auto attack creeps, aight.

    Oh, I know how to deny/last hit, etc. I just don't remember what champs do, for the most part, and I still don't see when/how to change from laning/what items to buy, etc.

    The best way to get a feel for what heroes do and what items to buy is definitely to jump right into playing games. You can see what competent people build and mirror those items, and playing against humans will give you a much better idea of what to expect from certain heroes than playing against bots.

    The_Tuninator on
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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    What wrote: »
    Are any of you thinking about trying out the in-game tournament pay per view thing they're going to launch soon? Are they doing that for The Defense?

    They did, it's 5$. I hear it's "aight". Apparently the sound isnt the best but in the replays it's crystal clear.

    was considering it just to have persisitent on demand replays in an easy find in my client. hate hunting down vods or matchids of awesome matches, and $5 might be low enough that i just plop it so i can check the defense tournament games out at my leisure.

    plus, i half just want to support the model so more tournaments can get monetized in this fashion. can only mean good things for the competitive scene.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    FeldornFeldorn Mediocre Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    mts wrote: »
    what i usually do (at least for the first couple times playing a hero , i have a guide from dotafire open on my other monitor. helps a bit, but obviously things can change mid-game, it gives a pretty nice outline.

    feel free to add me. though i have recently only advanced from terrible to merely bad, though some heroes i would say i was passable at.

    i rarely look at the guides after watching so much DotA 1, HoN, and now Dota 2. i may mess up the skill build the first time, but i can handle the rage. i know enough about the items to know whats good, though not always what item is ridonks on certain heroes.

    moral of the story, boots first, then dagon. when in doubt, necro book, it is a good item on any str or int hero.

    i might add some of you to get some games in, only been queuing for SD/RD and it's always SD. i wanna get some dagon nature's prophet on though.

    Feldorn on
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    valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    so man this game got good in the month I was gone.

    also I got bad.

    and I lost skill bars. NOOOOO

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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    i actually haven't really played any single champion enough to get skill bars

    maybe i should buckle down sometime

    naaaaaaah pick the champ that sounds fun and vaguely fits into our team lineup 420 erryday
    we still lose a lot though!

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    SpawnbrokerSpawnbroker Registered User regular
    They must downgrade your MMR when you stop playing for a while. I played three games today, and I dominated in every single one of them.

    I was in a single draft game where I was the only non-carry pick on my team, and we STILL won because I got six kills in the first 15 minutes, and I was able to stall the enemy from pushing long enough for my teammates to farm. I was Shadow Shaman for that, it was awesome.

    Steam: Spawnbroker
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    CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular

    why enchantress


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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    simple fact

    people (including me) fucking suck at handling multiple creeps

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    simple fact

    people (including me) fucking suck at handling multiple creeps

    This has yet to be the problem for me.

    Carnarvon on
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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    I'd very much like to play a a game where there isn' ta leaver on my team. Outside of 2 games with Furion (forumer not champion), one win and one loss, the last 8 games had a leaver on my team. I hope they let you pay fora stat reset because I'm am hemorrhaging losses at an alarming rate.

    übergeek on
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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    if they let people pay for a stat reset i'm out, i'm sorry but that's dumb. the whole idea of a matchmaking profile is that you build up a better and better view of someone's skill over time. if you're losing because of leavers, that does suck, however you can leave after an abandon (there will be a red "this game is safe to leave" in the text box on the left) and not have it affect your stats. plus, losses are only visible to you. and even more, finally, shit happens on both side of the fence! opposing teams sometimes have leavers, etc.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    if they let people pay for a stat reset i'm out, i'm sorry but that's dumb. the whole idea of a matchmaking profile is that you build up a better and better view of someone's skill over time. if you're losing because of leavers, that does suck, however you can leave after an abandon (there will be a red "this game is safe to leave" in the text box on the left) and not have it affect your stats. plus, losses are only visible to you. and even more, finally, shit happens on both side of the fence! opposing teams sometimes have leavers, etc.

    Actually, they still hit you with the loss for a leaver on your team even if you leave when you're allowed to.

    EDIT Doesn't help when those that stay are braindead. I as Lesh have to go bottom against Viper and Leoric. Guess how that went. Meanwhile PA and Sand King are both up top, even though we have a jungle Druid, and proceed to feed the enemy Lich from the safe lane. =\

    übergeek on
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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    oh no an invisible loss on my stats

    undeinPirat on
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    oh no an invisible loss on my stats

    It's not all that invisible. Your game history is visible, which has 13 games to a page at my resolution, multiply by the page number, and you get a rough estimate of total games. I can usually skim teammates profiles and see how good or terrible they are. Of course, practice games can throw this off a little. My issue is my rating is getting tanked no matter how well or terrible I play and the lower you go, the more leavers you'll run into. I already have this problem in LoL, I'm trying to avoid it here if I can.

    EDIT Plus there's the stat tracking site. So actually it's not invisible at all.

    übergeek on
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    SejarkiSejarki Registered User regular
    But isn't the goal of the matchmaker to generally maintain you at a 50% win/loss ratio anyway?

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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    Sejarki wrote: »
    But isn't the goal of the matchmaker to generally maintain you at a 50% win/loss ratio anyway?

    Yes, and I'd be fine with that. The problem is there is no way the matchmaker could know that of my last 11 games to give a leaver in 9 of them in order to try and balance me out at 50%. I'm at about 47% right now because of this, and I'm afraid to queue up and waste almost an hour of my time on another leaver. I'm still Level 1, and that patch for levels was what, 3 weeks ago?

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    pardzhpardzh Registered User regular
    I'm going fucking insane not having a PC to play the Doters on. All this new shit looks so COOL. I can't wait until they have all the kinks ironed out of speccing tournies. I'm totally up in that shit for $5, especially if half of it goes to Tobi & company.

    Will probably make a trip to the local LAN center tomorrow night and be a huge nerd on Friday instead of going out.

    gt: Bobby2Socks | steam: Billy Boot-Snatcher

    You talk clean and bomb hospitals, so I speak with the foulest mouth possible
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    MaratastikMaratastik Just call me Mara, please! Registered User regular
    pardzh wrote: »
    I'm going fucking insane not having a PC to play the Doters on. All this new shit looks so COOL. I can't wait until they have all the kinks ironed out of speccing tournies. I'm totally up in that shit for $5, especially if half of it goes to Tobi & company.

    Will probably make a trip to the local LAN center tomorrow night and be a huge nerd on Friday instead of going out.

    No LOUUUUUUUUUUU....your PC's dead? Gotta get that up and running again!

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    rchourchou Registered User regular
    I got a turtle shell for Leviathan yesterday. He looks so fucking keeeewwwl.

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    pardzhpardzh Registered User regular
    Olorin wrote: »
    pardzh wrote: »
    I'm going fucking insane not having a PC to play the Doters on. All this new shit looks so COOL. I can't wait until they have all the kinks ironed out of speccing tournies. I'm totally up in that shit for $5, especially if half of it goes to Tobi & company.

    Will probably make a trip to the local LAN center tomorrow night and be a huge nerd on Friday instead of going out.

    No LOUUUUUUUUUUU....your PC's dead? Gotta get that up and running again!

    Yeah it bit the dust for good.

    I just finished my 2nd week at a ballin' new job though, so I've got money to burn - thinking this is a good time to finally try my hand at building a gaming PC.

    gt: Bobby2Socks | steam: Billy Boot-Snatcher

    You talk clean and bomb hospitals, so I speak with the foulest mouth possible
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    Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    For once I actually managed to win a 4v5 tonight. Our Tidehunter just up and left after we pushed down our first set of rax. I have no idea why you'd stick yourself with an abandon and screw your team into a 70 min long slog as we tried to finish out the game, but there it is. I guess the Dota gods took pity on me after my previous game where I hard carried as Slardar but we still lost because no one on my team would keep the damn lanes pushed.

    I don't know if it's just me, but I've been noticing more and more leaves lately, and it's getting annoying.

    Also, I'm kind of tempted to label Void as the worst hero in Dota 2 right now.

    Dark_Side on
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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    void is by far one of the worst heroes to have on a pub team, for sure

    what's that, a chronosphere that fucks up every teamfight? thanks random void.

    i do dislike heroes that like a radiance on my team, because while i know that doom who got a 35 minute radiance thinks he's hot shit, he's not understanding what radiance's main purpose is.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    void is by far one of the worst heroes to have on a pub team, for sure

    what's that, a chronosphere that fucks up every teamfight? thanks random void.

    *Dark_side quietly whistles and slowly exits from the room as if he didn't do that very thing in a PA game awhile back....

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    nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    i love playing heroes that get radiance but i will usually only get it if i think i can farm it by 20 minutes

    and when i do................

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    CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Randomed Brewmaster and got start out with a bottle. Not even the enemy team's level 1 Rosh could withstand me.

    But frsrs, Brewmaster is like the best dude in the game, hands down. So goddamned sportsmanlike.

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    undeinPiratundeinPirat Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    radiance on heroes where you want it and you get it at early enough time? yeah gg pubs can't handle 18 minute radiance weaver

    brewmaster is probably my favorite hero for just random matchmaking. also veno. but brewmaster because unless shit is really messed up, you should win most teamfights once you get your ult through the midgame, clinching the victory through aggressive pushing. because of how survivable and how damaging you are, you can just charge in with your team halfheartedly following and force game ending teamfights REALLY quickly

    edit: unrelated fuck smoke of deceit destroying solo brewmaster, i'm alright with it but god it sucks when you are playing against someone who understands how to screw you over

    undeinPirat on
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] steam: undeinpirat
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    Page-Page- Registered User regular
    This Rubick deal got me curious about how deliberate the dota 2 changes are. It turns out that most of them are intentional, but open to debate. There's the obvious stuff that most people notice, like the way orbs work completely different now, but there's some less obvious stuff that's only noticeable to people who know enough to look for them. Those were intentionally not reproduced, even though they've been known (and used) glitches in wc3 for years and years that raise the skill ceiling.

    Example A: The burrowstrike bug.


    This has been known about and exploited for a long time. It's even used intentionally at times as an extra escape or to set up a kill. It works because wc3 dota had to be programmed in a way that heroes like CK wouldn't get stuck on everything, all of the time. So if he burrowstrikes into certain bits of terrain where he's not supposed to be the map shunts him aside, which can drastically alter his course. This was removed from dota 2.

    Example B: potm butt-arrow


    This has also been around forever and is often seen in highlight videos. It allows potm to fire the arrow in a the opposite direction without having to actually spend the time needed to turn around. It can't be done in dota 2.

    Some are more convenience changes, like the way linken's interacts with some skills. Due to coding issues in wc3, linken's is really goofy. There are some skills that will be blocked by linken's fully, some that can't be blocked at all, and some that can't be blocked but still trigger the spell block (putting it into a cd state even though it hasn't been used). I'm not sure how much of this has been cleaned up so far, but a few cases where things were just plain weird have been fixed. First, it can no longer trigger from Sniper's headshot passive, which is great, and second, it now treats all targeted line disables equally in all cases. In wc3 dota it only blocks a targeted disable if the linken's holder was actually targeted. This means that, say, an ES who clicks their fissure right on the linken's hero will have that fissure blocked, but if they target the ground, even though the fissure hits the exact same way, it won't be blocked. Now those disabled are blocked in all cases, whether the linken's holder or the ground was targeted.

    There have also been changes to how fog of war works. Actually, there's been changes to how unit targeting ai works that alters fog of war behaviour. In wc3 when a unit is chasing another unit and loses it in the fog the attacking unit just stops. In dota 2 they keep going until they reach the point where they last saw their target, and if they see the target again the start attacking it again. This changes juke behaviour, since in wc3 the chaser has to continually issue move commands (without actually attacking) before they can get sight on their target again, which makes quick bursts in and out of fag, or up and down slopes, very effective, because the attacker will spend a lot of time targeting, then turning, and by then their target is gone again. In dota 2 as long as they keep sight on their target now and then they'll keep going, and since they'll automatically reacquire their target they'll start attacking immediately.

    This seems to also be related with the small, but deliberate, period of uncertainty every time a unit clears fog of war away. This was actually a problem in wc3 dota with the way some skills worked, most notable being Queen of Pain's scream of pain. For a while it was changed so that it couldn't hit invisible units, but the problem was that if a qop blinks into unseen space and immediately screams they will issue the attack before they actually have sight, so the scream will hit nothing. In dota 2 all sight is instant, so that's never a problem.

    I think they've also cleaned up blink distances. In wc3 any time a unit tries to blink past their maximum blink range they will actually blink less than the maximum (4/5s), so it's important to always know the maximum range of a blink and be able to get as close as possible to it without going over. In dota 2 if you blink outside the maximum distance you get the maximum distance.

    The tricky one here is Batrider. Before dota 2 he was a top competitive pick, after dota 2 nobody will touch him. Why? Not sure, but all the Batrider players (pros and pubs) agree that he just doesn't feel right and they don't want to pick him anymore. It's odd.

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