Presidential Election 2012: Apropos of nothing, ejaculating in a hot tub feels amazing.



  • LTMLTM Bikes and BeardsRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    tugga wrote: »
    people so staunchly against the idea of evolution, but are dog owners

    those people are my favorite

    Jesus built my Westie, dude.

  • MrMonroeMrMonroe passed out on the floor nowRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    tugga wrote: »
    people so staunchly against the idea of evolution, but get a flu shot every year

    those people are my favorite

  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Butters wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    I'm going to tell you all a secret, Monastics and holy order priests don't fuck around. Jesuits are pretty great and Franciscans too.

    Jesuits can suck my balls. Nobody runs an institution of self-important and elitist pricks quite like the fucking Jesuits.

    Hey look, wrong opinions time. What specific institution were you dealing with? My experience with them is pretty much only from an educational facility.

    Local private schools here in Ohio that pay their teachers in bits of string, Xavier, John Carroll, Canisius, and to a lesser extent Marquette. Then there's the religious retreats they run for high school boys. All do their best to instill senses of Catholic superiority into their students.

    I've never heard of Catholic superiority from any time past the reformation. Low pay is an issue at pretty much every catholic school though, diocesan or otherwise.

    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • TheBlackWindTheBlackWind Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Butters wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    I'm going to tell you all a secret, Monastics and holy order priests don't fuck around. Jesuits are pretty great and Franciscans too.

    Jesuits can suck my balls. Nobody runs an institution of self-important and elitist pricks quite like the fucking Jesuits.

    Hey look, wrong opinions time. What specific institution were you dealing with? My experience with them is pretty much only from an educational facility.

    Local private schools here in Ohio that pay their teachers in bits of string, Xavier, John Carroll, Canisius, and to a lesser extent Marquette. Then there's the religious retreats they run for high school boys. All do their best to instill senses of Catholic superiority into their students.

    I've never heard of Catholic superiority from any time past the reformation. Low pay is an issue at pretty much every catholic school though, diocesan or otherwise.

    Yeah we always had humility beaten into us.

    PAD ID - 328,762,218
  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Butters wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    I'm going to tell you all a secret, Monastics and holy order priests don't fuck around. Jesuits are pretty great and Franciscans too.

    Jesuits can suck my balls. Nobody runs an institution of self-important and elitist pricks quite like the fucking Jesuits.

    Hey look, wrong opinions time. What specific institution were you dealing with? My experience with them is pretty much only from an educational facility.

    Local private schools here in Ohio that pay their teachers in bits of string, Xavier, John Carroll, Canisius, and to a lesser extent Marquette. Then there's the religious retreats they run for high school boys. All do their best to instill senses of Catholic superiority into their students.

    I've never heard of Catholic superiority from any time past the reformation. Low pay is an issue at pretty much every catholic school though, diocesan or otherwise.

    Yeah we always had humility beaten into us.

    You can be humble about being better than everybody else

  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Antimatter wrote: »
    did we talk about this already

    we probably did but it slipped my mind if we definitely did
    Romney Smokes Obama In Pre-Debate Coin Tosses

    guessed onion, lost

    Squall on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    My high school was run by the order of St. Francis Xavier. We were never taught to be superior to people, but they did go out of their way to teach seniors about leadership qualities and how to get people to work together and accomplish goals.

    We even had a massive, day-long exercise on a retreat where we were taught that some groups have the "deck started against them" by dividing up into countries where rich, powerful nations got tons of students and resources while smaller ones got less and still had to compete. A country could request aid from the U.N. but if fewer than 2 students occupied their area then another country could take them over.

    I think Haiti and a few others were solid fucked because they only had 2 citizens so nobody could leave to request food. They didn't even give us breakfast that morning so shit got crazy.

    Basically it was a lesson about privilege but we weren't told what was going on until after the end. It ended with several countries starting a riot and protesting the U.N.

    The teachers had played us like puppets. It was a great lesson!

    TankHammer on
  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Yea, at both my diocesan high school and my Jesuit college there were emphases on leadership, but that was more about social justice/action than, "those damn Protestants will never learn!"

    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Paul Ryan
    tugga wrote: »
    people so staunchly against the idea of evolution, but are dog owners

    those people are my favorite

    But dogs are all the same species!

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • Dongs GaloreDongs Galore Registered User regular
    Paul Ryan
    Dog breeds, like Bananas, were carefully designed by our Creator for maximum human enjoyment

  • BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    Its getting pretty annoying to see nothing but attack ads where i live, and these ads are now for nothing but local elections. City council level even.

  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino Angry as Hell #BLMRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Joe Biden
    ok, so, Marco Rubio doesn't buy Romney's tax plan.

    Marco Rubio

    i mean, i know Rubio's just angling for a 2016 run, but if one of the GOP's superstars is expressing doubt about the GOP presidential candidate's tax plan offering, there's got to be something fishy, right?

    fightinfilipino on
    steam | Dokkan: 868846562
    i went to catholic school

    one time we got suspended for having a contest to see who could brain each other the most in a night

    what religion runs your school don't matter onnnnnnne bit son

  • Mr. ButtonsMr. Buttons Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    did we talk about this already

    we probably did but it slipped my mind if we definitely did
    Romney Smokes Obama In Pre-Debate Coin Tosses

    I saw this earlier and laughed. I'm not going to read the story or the comments, just so I can believe that they put this up there as a sign that Fox Nation does have a sense of humor.

    Alternatively: this would have been great as an "the onion or real news??"

  • ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    I'm going to tell you all a secret, Monastics and holy order priests don't fuck around. Jesuits are pretty great and Franciscans too.

    Jesuits can suck my balls. Nobody runs an institution of self-important and elitist pricks quite like the fucking Jesuits.

    Hey look, wrong opinions time. What specific institution were you dealing with? My experience with them is pretty much only from an educational facility.

    Local private schools here in Ohio that pay their teachers in bits of string, Xavier, John Carroll, Canisius, and to a lesser extent Marquette. Then there's the religious retreats they run for high school boys. All do their best to instill senses of Catholic superiority into their students.

    I've never heard of Catholic superiority from any time past the reformation. Low pay is an issue at pretty much every catholic school though, diocesan or otherwise.

    Yeah we always had humility beaten into us.

    You can be humble about being better than everybody else

    Or realize you're better than everyone else because of your humility.

  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    I thought it was the onion

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
  • Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Man, I'm gonna tell my parents that they set me up in the wrong Catholic school, apparently I got screwed.

  • Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    ok, so, Marco Rubio doesn't buy Romney's tax plan.

    Marco Rubio

    i mean, i know Rubio's just angling for a 2016 run, but if one of the GOP's superstars is expressing doubt about the GOP presidential candidate's tax plan offering, there's got to be something fishy, right?

    It's really hilarious in light of the fact that Rubio has gone on TV (at least here in Florida), and straight up endorsed Ryan's healthcare plan.

    Apparently Romney's tax plan is less palatable than screwing senior citizens out of their health care.

  • TefTef Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Man, I'm gonna tell my parents that they set me up in the wrong Catholic school, apparently I got screwed.


    help a fellow forumer meet their mental health care needs because USA healthcare sucks!

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
    Tef wrote: »
    Man, I'm gonna tell my parents that they set me up in the wrong Catholic school, apparently I got screwed.


    oh my god i'm losing it

  • TefTef Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    I want a pope hat that's actually a crocodile head. That'd be great

    I really dislike Catholic ceremonies (I've been to a wedding and a couple of catholic funerals) and it's just all about God and how we're terrible people. I went to an Anglican school and Anglican ceremonies I've to have talked about God and all that stuff, but Catholic ceremonies are like, 'this person died. Hopefully they made peace with God or they might go to hell. The rest of you are probably going to hell though.'

    help a fellow forumer meet their mental health care needs because USA healthcare sucks!

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    why do you think catholic guilt is a Thing

    that said

    i love a catholic mass

    just the ritual of it

  • Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Tef wrote: »
    Man, I'm gonna tell my parents that they set me up in the wrong Catholic school, apparently I got screwed.


  • TheLawinatorTheLawinator Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    Tef wrote: »
    I want a pope hat that's actually a crocodile head. That'd be great

    I really dislike Catholic ceremonies (I've been to a wedding and a couple of catholic funerals) and it's just all about God and how we're terrible people. I went to an Anglican school and Anglican ceremonies I've to have talked about God and all that stuff, but Catholic ceremonies are like, 'this person died. Hopefully they made peace with God or they might go to hell. The rest of you are probably going to hell though.'

    Makes sense since Australia is hell.

    My SteamID Gamertag and PSN: TheLawinator
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Our priest was cool. Sometimes we got stand-ins that were Debbie Downers about sin and shit but that isn't indicative of all Catholics.

    Plus gothic architecture and organ music is bad ass.

    I still have appreciation for the ceremony.

    TankHammer on
  • UbikUbik oh pete, that's later. maybe we'll be dead by then Registered User regular
    Catholics have the best pimp chalices


  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    straight up i still miss when they used to ring the little tinkly bell while they were blessing the host or w/e

    "do this

    in memory

    of me"

    *tinkle tinkle tinkle tinkle*

  • UbikUbik oh pete, that's later. maybe we'll be dead by then Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    i've rung those bells

    Ubik on

  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden

    those bells fucking ruled

    taking them out is the worst thing the church has done that isn't like, y'know, causing pain and suffering for gay people

  • FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    Tef wrote: »
    Tef wrote: »
    I want a pope hat that's actually a crocodile head. That'd be great

    I really dislike Catholic ceremonies (I've been to a wedding and a couple of catholic funerals) and it's just all about God and how we're terrible people. I went to an Anglican school and Anglican ceremonies I've to have talked about God and all that stuff, but Catholic ceremonies are like, 'this person died. Hopefully they made peace with God or they might go to hell. The rest of you are probably going to hell though.'

    yeah this is what weirded me out about the catholic funeral i went to

    funerals, to my secular sin-filled mind, should be about remembering the person who died and their achievements. the whole thing was just this disturbing diatribe about satisfying God, about how he is with God now, about how God helped him do the things he did, etc etc and it felt like it could've been cookie-cuttered onto literally anyone

    i understand it's a comfort to the bereaved if they're religious people but it struck me as giving outrageously short shrift to the deceased so they could bullshit for an hour

  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    when i die i'm putting it in my will that people have to make up ridiculous shit i did at my funeral

    "i remember this one time

    dude cockslapped a bear"

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    the bells were still at my church when i last went

    which is like a year or two ago

    for christmas

    or something

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    definitely did it for regular masses too

  • Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    when i die i'm putting it in my will that people have to make up ridiculous shit i did at my funeral

    "i remember this one time

    dude cockslapped a bear"

    Request the Bill Brasky Special.

    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
  • WeaverWeaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular
    Joe Biden
    This thread has killed the onion for me. Used to be I could every now & then take a look at it and get a laugh, but it's so fucking overposted here that now it just annoys me.

  • Volucrisus AedriusVolucrisus Aedrius Registered User regular
    Last Catholic funeral I went to was for my grandfather, and it definitely wasn't all about God.

    Then again I live on the West coast, people here are a bit more secular, it seems.

  • Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Joe Biden
    TankHammer wrote: »
    TankHammer wrote: »
    Our priest was cool. Sometimes we got stand-ins that were Debbie Downers about sin and shit but that isn't indicative of all Catholics.

    Plus gothic architecture and organ music is bad ass.

    I still have appreciation for the ceremony.

    Yeah, the first church I went to had this really cool Irish priest, who was an absolutely chill and personable dude.

    The other priests I've known weren't too bad; maybe a little more fond of corny jokes and fake anecdotes, but mostly they focused on trying to get us to be decent people, while keeping the guilting and politicking to a minimum.

    There was one dude who was a transfer from a Catholic church in Texas whose homily involved him holding up a shirt with abortion statistics stenciled on it, though.

    Needless to say, I didn't exactly like his sense of theater.

    Romanian My Escutcheon on
  • Volucrisus AedriusVolucrisus Aedrius Registered User regular
    My parents loved this visiting Haitian priest they had.

    One day he decided to talk about the whole immigration issue, and basically said "What religion are the majority of people fleeing across the border to a better life here in America? Oh, yeah, that's right... they're catholic. Stop hatin."

  • ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    Joe Biden
    I went to a Lutheran school from pre-school to eighth grade and got a mediocre education for a shit-ton of money

  • Dronus86Dronus86 Now with cheese!Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Jill Stein arrested for trying to enter tonights Presidential Debate.

    EDIT: Actually, the article says they were "lead away by county and campus police officers", so maybe arrested?

    Dronus86 on
    Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.
    Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
This discussion has been closed.