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Restuarants in Boston



  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    Any recommendations for a good spot to take my girlfriend out for a date night? I know everything is going to be crowded, but I figured I might be able to sneak in a reservation for at least one night out of the weekend. I'm willing to spend some money, but really, anything above $60 before tip for the two of us seems more than we're looking for. I'm looking for more dressy locales. Thanks!

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    @DisposableLemur Firstly, awesome name. Now to your question. I have never personally gone here before, but I have often walked by and also heard a lot of verbal reviews for this place: The Melting Pot. The setting seems to be of a more personal and intimate romantic style, so maybe this is what you're looking for; the lighting is very dim, the seats are deep sitting leather and not far away from each other so you can peer into each other's eyes all night while feeding each other cheese dipped goodies while hoping to the Nine that your significant other doesn't poke you in the face with hot cheese and the sharp, snake-pronged tongs... Seriously though, it's a good experience. The majority of the people I've talked to have had positive reviews. I think that for two people it should be under $60. Anyways, fondue is a whole different experience than your typical dinner on the town date. Just an idea that might work in your favor.

    I do my own fondue, so I've never really felt like shelling out the money to sit by myself in the back corner of a fancy place like that. Plus, they don't have an Xbox so it kind of breaks the deal for me.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • ScorpiusScorpius Registered User regular
    @DisposableLemur I have heard nothing but good things about the Melting Pot.

    When my wife and I do date night we like to go to Stephanie's on Newbury (which is on Newbury St not far from the Hynes Convention Center). You can go over $60 with drinks and appetizer and desserts but if you shoot a little simpler, then you'll be all set. My wife and I prefer the comfort food there which is right around the $20 range.

  • bschorybschory Cambridge, MARegistered User regular
    @DisposableLemur If you like Italian food and it's a nice night, go to the North End and wander around until you find a place that looks good. This has worked for me a number of times.

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Thanks for the information. I want to go to something that we don't have in Atlanta, and there is a melting pot down the street from us, so maybe we'll stick to seafood. I appreciate the suggestion though, and yeah, they're pretty nice, their sam adam's cheese dip is amazing. Close is better, but I'm willing to take a taxi, wandering won't work too well with her in heels and a dress.

    DisposableLemur on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    @DisposableLemur Not sure if you're into this sort of thing, but what about Fogo de Chao. I have had good experiences at Brazilian steakhouses in the past, but have never been to this particular one. It does seem a bit pricey, so I don't know if it's within the $60-for-two limit; my assumption would be yes, but it's just an assumption. I'm just trying to think outside the box for ya.

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • Jax7786Jax7786 Registered User regular
    I posted earlier about this, but I know Foodler and the like will deliver to the Westin, etc. Has anyone actually had them deliver to the convention center? If so, where did you meet the driver?

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    @Le_goat Haha, thanks, I appreciate it. Apparently Boston and Atlanta food options are really similar, barring seafood. I'm going to do a bit more investigation. I've eaten at Fogo several times. I never feel like I eat my money's worth though.

  • ScorpiusScorpius Registered User regular
    @Jax7786 We had a pizza delivered last year. Got a call when it was there and someone met the delivery guy outside the main lobby

  • bschorybschory Cambridge, MARegistered User regular
    @DisposableLemur Good Boston seafood tends towards being expensive. Doing it for $60 is going to be cutting it close. All of the places I could recommend don't fit in with that budget. If you find a place that works and is awesome, please post it here as I'd love to go try it.

  • realisticradicalrealisticradical Durham, NCRegistered User regular
    @DisposableLemur Hmm, actually @bschory made a pretty good point, though your total tab at the end of the evening depends heavily on drinks, a $60 meal becomes a $90 meal after a few coctails. I don't think Melting Pot or Fogo fall below that number, and why go with national chains. How about No Name Restaurant, though it's not really fancy. If you're cool with waiting outside in a line Giacomo's in the North End. (But yes, there are lots of great North End places and its not too far from the convention center.) There's always Legal Test Kitchen.

    And I know it's been mentioned here before, and you'd probably hit/exceed your budget, but Ten Tables in Jamaica Plain (or Harvard Square) is wonderful (Make a reservation, though if you go to Harvard Square there are lots of other great places within walking distance). Also East Coast Grill in Inman Square is great (again a few $$$). Those are both outside of a quick jaunt from the convention center though.

    Last chunk of advice, there's a lot of great stuff to do in many areas (North End especially) if you're willing to walk a bit from your restaurant to a desert place and such. Perhaps reconsider the uncomfortable shoes.

  • realisticradicalrealisticradical Durham, NCRegistered User regular
    Ok, weird to follow my own post but here goes.

    @DisposableLemur So you said you want something you don't have in Atlanta. Honestly, Atlanta has some great food so you might be a tad bit hard pressed to find something unfindable. (Unless you go for clam chowder or lobster somewhere.) But then I thought, Boston has a great Chinatown, what about East Ocean City. It's a Chinese seafood restaurant, fish swimming around in tanks and the like (yelp link). Quick note, the concensus seems to be go with the more adventurous and fish dishes, skip the Chinese restaurant stuff you can get at home.

    Alternately I always loved Shabu Zen (shabu is Japanese hot pot, you get meat/fish and veggies and cook them in your soup) if you like some spicy their Tom Yum broth is great. (yelp link) I always liked Shabu as a date place because the meal itself is engaging and fun.

  • DisposableLemurDisposableLemur Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    I meant $60 just for entrees, I realize I left that out. I found a good spot, and thanks for all the suggestions. Yes, it's hard because Atlanta has ALL the food. Next question, and thanks @realisticradical we'll have to check that place out. Any good Pho spots that anyone knows of? Not turning up much in my search so far.

    DisposableLemur on
  • realisticradicalrealisticradical Durham, NCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Pho Pasteur.

    Edit: When you're done eating there are two strip clubs across the street.

    Double Edit: Also when you're done with your Pho they have a great shaved ice desert with red bean and mung bean and mint jelly. (The Pho place, not the strip clubs.)

    realisticradical on
  • mgnademgnade DelawareRegistered User regular
    Red Bones BBQ in Davis Square (redline T-stop) is a must

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    He's from Atlanta so he probably has access to real southern food. Red Bones is tasty, though. Their buffalo scallops are absolutely incredible.

    @realisticradical Both Centerfolds and Glass Slipper will go above his $60 limit. Lets stick within his constraints, lol

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • Fetch26291Fetch26291 MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    @DisposableLemur One place that Boston has that Atlanta doesn't: Fire + Ice
    It's an all you can eat place. You select your ingredients and they cook them on a huge donut shaped flattop grill (my Mom said it's like Mongolian bbq)
    There's one in Harvard Square and one in Back Bay.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    We went to Dumpling Cafe in Chinatown last night. The menu was massive/hardcore traditional and the food was great. Reasonably priced too: 4 of us ate ourselves silly (with a couple of beers) and it came to $25 pp incl tip.

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • ElzemereElzemere BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    We do also have a Max Brenner here in Boston. A chocolate themed restaurant near the Prudential Center/Copley Sq area. Plenty of non-choc items to eat if it becomes too much. Service is standard. It can be a bit cramped depending on where you're sitting.

    Elzemere on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    I'm not going to vouch for any of these places, nor confirm nor deny the deals listed here, but this was on today, so I thought maybe some of you may be curious in these spots: Great Spots for Wallet-Friendly Eats After Work

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • d0ughb0yd0ughb0y Registered User regular
    We went to Dumpling Cafe in Chinatown last night. The menu was massive/hardcore traditional and the food was great. Reasonably priced too: 4 of us ate ourselves silly (with a couple of beers) and it came to $25 pp incl tip.

    You went without me again?!

  • JerYnkFanJerYnkFan Registered User regular
    We went to Dumpling Cafe in Chinatown last night. The menu was massive/hardcore traditional and the food was great. Reasonably priced too: 4 of us ate ourselves silly (with a couple of beers) and it came to $25 pp incl tip.

    I went this afternoon for lunch and that was the best dumplings/pork buns I have ever had including ones from NYC Chinatown and portions are HUGE.

  • insaneshowinsaneshow Registered User regular
    insaneshow wrote: »
    Hey Everybody!

    My girlfriend and I are headed to PAX East! We are both gluten free due to medial reasons. Last year, finding gluten free places to eat was pretty hit or miss. I was wondering if the community had any good places in or around BCEC for those on the gluten free diets.

    Thanks and Happy PAX!

    We found there was a sandwich place called 'Flour' not to far from BCEC. They can do any sandwich as a salad, worked out really well for a good gluten free lunch.

  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    For next year, I recommend Papaguyo (I THINK that's the name? It's close enough you'll see it when you get there). It's right down the street towards South Station off on the left hand side of the street. It's a nice little Mexican place with decent portions for a good price and a great selection of drinks.

    We had it Sunday night before we left and everything was just amazing. I HIGHLY recommend it.

    And while the food was good, thanks to drinking heavily and not sleeping, I was too sick to enjoy my food at the pub connected to the convention center. My friends loved it, but for reasons outside the pubs control, I could not enjoy it :(

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