
[WOW] I guess there's an Expansion coming out this year ? Maybe ?

FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?"Registered User regular
edited February 2014 in MMO Extravaganza
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

The fourth expansion. New stuff:

New continent: Pandaria. http://www.wowpedia.org/Pandaria

New race: Pandaren. http://www.wowhead.com/race=25

New class: Monk. http://www.wowhead.com/class=10

New talent system: http://www.wowhead.com/talent

New challenges: Challenge Mode. http://www.wowpedia.org/Challenge_Mode

New dungeon type: Scenarios. http://www.wowpedia.org/Scenario

New way to spend lots of time: Pet Battles. http://www.wowpedia.org/Pet_battles

New way to get your hands dirty: Sunsong Ranch. http://www.wowpedia.org/Sunsong_Ranch

New patch: Patch 5.4: The Siege of Orgimmar. Connected Realms ! Flex Raiding ! The Timeless Isle ! Killing Garrosh Hellscream ! Woo Hoo !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slzQOyS5TqQ

Patch 5.4: The Siege of Orgrimmar coming September 10.

You're right, the OP is not very pretty, but we make up in information what we lack in color.

Fairchild on


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    FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    The next WOW expansion will be WARLORDS OF DRAENOR.

    Here's the WARLORDS site: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/warlords-of-draenor/

    Previews of WARLORDS art, including new character models, here: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/3529-Art-of-World-of-Warcraft

    Go here for the expansion FAQ: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11514711/World_of_Warcraft_Warlords_of_Draenor_BlizzCon_2013_FAQ-10_30_2013

    Q: What are the key features of Warlords of Draenor?
    Some of the new content and features of Warlords of Draenor include:
    •Explore a Savage World: Explore the hostile world of Draenor, home of the orc and draenei races, as it once existed, and adventure in all-new zones alongside characters central to Warcraft history.
    •Build Your Garrison: Construct, command, and expand your own customizable stronghold on Draenor, and gather NPC followers to collect resources and embark on missions on your orders.
    •Instantly Upgrade to Level 90: Boost one character of your choosing to be ready to adventure on Draenor, making it easier than ever to enjoy the latest content alongside your friends.
    •New Player Character Art: Character models and animations for many of World of Warcraft’s existing playable races are being fully revamped in keeping with the game’s iconically epic style.
    •Adventure to Level 100: Reach new heights of power and unlock bonuses to further enhance your abilities on your way to the new level cap of 100.
    •…And More: Take on a wide array of Dungeons, Raids, Scenarios, Battlegrounds, Challenge Modes, and more—no matter what kind of content you enjoy, new adventures await.

    Q: How does the Garrison work? What kinds of followers and upgrades are available?
    To establish a foothold on Draenor and bolster your faction’s defenses against the formidable Iron Horde, each player will need to build and manage their own Garrison, a customizable fortress that serves as your personal base of operations throughout the course of the expansion. As you complete quests and win allies to your cause, your Garrison will expand and you’ll be able to choose which upgrades you’d like to construct from a variety of options. You’ll also meet and recruit NPC allies and followers who will join you at the Garrison, each providing different benefits.

    For example, a miner rescued from a dungeon might take up residence and help gather Mining resources. A heroic warrior you quarter might embark upon quests at your command, with a chance to return with valuable treasures. Other characters might provide you with quests that expand upon their own stories or lead you to valuable assets in your campaign.

    When it comes time to upgrade your Garrison, you might choose to build a Barracks to send more followers on missions simultaneously, an Inn to provide new recruits, or an Infirmary to speed up injured followers’ recovery time between assignments. You may instead decide to build a Smithy and recruit a Blacksmith to research new plans and craft valuable resources (such as those with daily cooldowns). You’ll also be able to invite friends to visit your Garrison to trade resources and see how your home base stacks up against their own.

    Q: What new zones will I explore on Draenor?
    The expansion sends players to Draenor as it existed before it shattered into the realm World of Warcraft players know as Outland—and while some of the names of these places might be familiar, we’re building them all from scratch for the expansion.
    Here’s a breakdown of Draenor’s zones:
    •Frostfire Ridge: Across snow-covered wastes and beneath towering volcanoes, heroes of the Frostwolf clan and the Horde unite to repel invaders from their homeland.
    •Shadowmoon Valley: Amid rolling moonlit hills, the draenei at the holy temple of Karabor unite with the Alliance in a desperate fight for survival against the Iron Horde and Shadowmoon clan.
    •Gorgrond: Deep within the desert canyons of Gorgrond, an arsenal of massive siege weapons built by the Blackrock clan is about to be unleashed upon the whole of Draenor.
    •Talador: In the shadow of a besieged Shattrath City, the Auchenai Soulpriests actively seek to safeguard the countless draenei souls inside Auchindoun from a terrible demonic threat.
    •Spires of Arak: At the height of their power, the regal arrakoa plot atop their high peaks, well out of the reach of the brutal Shattered Hand orcs and the wingless outcasts below.
    •Nagrand: Among the fertile hills and outcroppings of Nagrand, the bloodied wolf-riders of the Warsong clan remain a threat not to be trifled with.
    •Tanaan Jungle: Within the overgrown jungle home of the Bleeding Hollow clan, a Dark Portal is under construction . . . and an Iron Horde army makes grim preparations to conquer Azeroth.

    Q: Why are you giving everyone a level-90 character boost?
    World of Warcraft is constantly evolving, and these days players engage with the game in a wider variety of ways than ever. Some enjoy the process of exploring the world and leveling up. Others enjoy the challenge of raiding. Many simply enjoy playing with their friends, wherever they may be. One of our primary goals with Warlords of Draenor is to empower WoW players to quickly and easily be able to participate in the content they’re most interested in, and giving everyone a level-90 character upgrade right out of the gate helps make that possible.

    One common piece of feedback we’ve received from new players and those who’ve taken an extended break from the game is that World of Warcraft requires a significant time investment before they’re able to “catch up” and play with high-level friends. Design changes such as speeding up the leveling curve and features like the popular Scroll of Resurrection and Recruit-a-Friend system have proven very popular, but the issues’s only getting more challenging with each patch and expansion we release. By giving players the option to boost a character to be ready for the latest expansion content, we hope to remove some of these entry barriers and make it so anyone can pick up and enjoy Warlords of Draenor right away, no matter how much World of Warcraft they’ve played in the past.

    Q: It’s been a while since I’ve played WoW—will I know what to do with a level-90 character?
    At the start of the new expansion, players will be thrust into an exciting introductory experience involving a desperate strike against the orc forces on Draenor. During this opening sequence, new and returning players will have an opportunity to get up to speed on the game before diving into their faction’s starting zone content—similar to the Death Knight starting experience in Wrath of the Lich King. We’ve also recently added features such as Proving Grounds, which help players learn how to tank, heal, and deal damage in dungeons in a solo “teaching” environment, to help ease the learning curve and prepare players for battle as quickly, efficiently, and enjoyably as possible.

    Q: How will the included level-90 character upgrade work?
    In regions where players purchase World of Warcraft expansions, each World of Warcraft account that you upgrade to the Warlords of Draenor expansion will receive one level-90 character boost (to be used once the expansion releases). You don’t need to decide which character to boost immediately. You can also create a level-1 character from scratch and then use the upgrade on that if you wish. The boosted character will also receive a level-appropriate set of gear (along with some other assistance) to make sure you’re set for adventuring. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.
    For regions where players do not purchase expansions (including China, Korea, and Taiwan), we’ll have more information to share on our plans in the future. In the meantime, our goal for all regions remains the same—to give players a way to get straight to the action in Draenor.

    Q: Why revisit the player races’ art now? Will I recognize myself in the mirror?
    As we’ve released new World of Warcraft content and expansions, we’ve received feedback that some of the earlier player character models and animations are no longer measuring up to the quality of the newer races. Because Warlords of Draenor takes players back to the homeland of the Orcs—one of WoW’s original playable races—it felt like a great time to update not just the Orcs, but other playable races that could use a refresh.
    We know that many of you already strongly identify with the look of your current character, so we’re dedicating a lot of time and resources to make sure these updates capture each race’s iconic identity and personality. We’re still in the process of determining which races will be available upon the expansion’s release, but our goal is to update all eight of the original World of Warcraft playable races, along with the Draenei and Blood Elves, over the course of the expansion launch and subsequent content updates.

    Q: What kinds of bonuses will my character earn on the journey from level 90 to 100?
    Warlords of Draenor introduces a new bonus system that rewards players with powerful perks as they level up to the new cap. At every level from 91 to 100, characters will earn a major permanent boost to one of their their key spells and abilities (e.g. a Fire Mage might earn a +50% damage boost to Pyroblast or +30% boost to Scorch). Players will also unlock a new talent tier once they’ve achieved level 100, rewarding each class with three potent new abilities to choose from.

    Q: What are the plans for new Dungeons, Scenarios, and Raids?
    We’re planning 6 new 5-player dungeons for the launch of Warlords of Draenor, along with a revamped version of the classic Blackrock Spire. One of our goals is to make sure we’re giving players a good mix of “level-up” Dungeons along with some new, unexplored Dungeons to delve into at max level. The expansion will also give players a chance to earn awesome transmogrifiable weapons and other unique rewards in Challenge Mode Dungeons. We’re also planning a wide variety of Scenarios for launch, along with Heroic Scenarios for those who enjoy the extra challenge.

    On the Raiding front, we’re planning 2 new raid instances around launch, as well as new world bosses. We’ll also continue to provide players with a wide variety of raiding options. In addition to offering four tiers of difficulty as in Patch 5.4, we're also extending our Flexible Raid scaling technology to Normal difficulty raiding. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.

    Q: What challenges await in the world of PvP?
    Warlords of Draenor will feature a new world PvP zone that hurls Horde and Alliance players into an epic conflict fighting for control of strategic fortresses on Draenor. This new area will be seamlessly instanced, with the goal of providing better performance and a more balanced PvP experience than was possible in WoW’s earlier world PvP zones. We’re also planning several major PvP-related UI improvements, including updates to help you track and communicate with your team about objectives in Battlegrounds, along with enhancements to Arena and Rated Battleground enemy unit frames designed to relay key information more clearly.

    Q: What’s in store for professions?
    One of our goals in Warlords of Draenor is to make each of the game’s existing Professions more engaging and integrated into the gameplay. To that end, the Garrison will play a major role in your character’s Professions in this expansion—similar to how your farm was key to the Cooking profession in Mists of Pandaria, only on a much more epic scale.

    Q: What can players expect while questing in Draenor?
    We received a lot of feedback over the course of Mists of Pandaria about what kinds of quests and world PvE content players enjoy most, and we’re continuing to evolve the questing experience in Warlords of Draenor with that in mind. Our goal is to give players a wide variety of fun and unexpected activities, ranging from the kinds of quests they’re familiar with to new experiences along the lines of the exploration- and event-driven Timeless Isle introduced in Patch 5.4: The Siege of Orgrimmar.

    Q: Will you be making any changes to what Stats are available?
    One of our goals for Warlords of Draenor is to make the act of finding and collecting loot even more exciting for players. With that in mind, we’re adding some fun new stats to gear, such as Movement Speed and Cleave, which gives you a chance to do extra damage or healing to additional nearby targets. In addition, we’ll be retiring a few stats that players don’t find very enjoyable to manage, such as Hit and Expertise. We’re also making improvements to armor itemization that will make it easier to share armor pieces across classes. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.

    Q: Will there be any updates to the graphics and changes to the minimum system requirements?
    Yes—we’re planning a number of tweaks and improvements to the graphics engine in this expansion, including some updates related to the upgraded player characters and the introduction of the Garrison. We’re also looking into updating other existing systems with an eye toward improving graphical quality and performance. We’ll announce the exact system requirements closer to the expansion’s release.

    Fairchild on
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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Finally got H Immersius down last night, took about 3 hours of wipes total, for ~35 wipes. Thankfully most of them were fucking immediately to swirl or the stacking dot because our raid is dumbos, myself included :p

    Spent half an hour on Protectors, seems doable, but Calamity sure gets super dangerous going Rook->He->Sun. Need more dps I think.

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    FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    Most boss fights cling tightly to their own peculiar internal logic, but I'll admit that Immersius escapes me. He dies, kicks off the Swirl effect, then comes back to life with somewhat less health, repeat this until some arbitary point when he is defeated. Is there some indicator of how much life Immersius really has left that I'm missing ?

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    The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    Fairchild wrote: »
    Most boss fights cling tightly to their own peculiar internal logic, but I'll admit that Immersius escapes me. He dies, kicks off the Swirl effect, then comes back to life with somewhat less health, repeat this until some arbitary point when he is defeated. Is there some indicator of how much life Immersius really has left that I'm missing ?

    His energy bar indicates how many of the oozes have been properly killed/healed iirc. Each one has a particular value that I don't remember, but yeah.

    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
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    bombboybombboy Registered User regular
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Spent half an hour on Protectors, seems doable, but Calamity sure gets super dangerous going Rook->He->Sun. Need more dps I think.

    Most people go Rook->Sun->He on HM to load balance the Calamity damage and have it act as a soft enrage / DPS race after her second Dark Meditation.

    XBL - BombBoyGT | PSN - BombBoyGT | Steam - BombBoy | BF4
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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Fairchild wrote: »
    Most boss fights cling tightly to their own peculiar internal logic, but I'll admit that Immersius escapes me. He dies, kicks off the Swirl effect, then comes back to life with somewhat less health, repeat this until some arbitary point when he is defeated. Is there some indicator of how much life Immersius really has left that I'm missing ?

    His energy bar indicates how many of the oozes have been properly killed/healed iirc. Each one has a particular value that I don't remember, but yeah.

    His energy bar is basically his real life bar in that it dictates his death. The visible life bar is just a trigger to make him explode into slimes and the more slimes that are killed/healed during that time, the lower his energy bar goes and thus the lower his visible life bar refills when he respawns.

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    bombboy wrote: »
    Knight_ wrote: »
    Spent half an hour on Protectors, seems doable, but Calamity sure gets super dangerous going Rook->He->Sun. Need more dps I think.

    Most people go Rook->Sun->He on HM to load balance the Calamity damage and have it act as a soft enrage / DPS race after her second Dark Meditation.

    Yeah you don't leave Sun until last otherwise Calamity will gib you. Doing Sun before He means you get a LOT of garrote damage going out, but it's better than dying instantly to Calamity.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    ZythonZython Registered User regular
    Just a word of warning. You need pretty good dps to down protectors. Getting through the calamity soft enrage isn't enough.

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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Zython wrote: »
    Just a word of warning. You need pretty good dps to down protectors. Getting through the calamity soft enrage isn't enough.

    We have pretty good dps, and a lot of gear so I'm not terribly worried about that. My guild usually dies to movement in encounters though, so I dunno.

    Is Norushen or Sha easier? Could always do an hour on them instead, I'd just like to get a 2nd heroic kill this week.

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    PapaganderPapagander Registered User regular
    Sorry for a potentially stupid question, but are there any melee dps out there that can help me with a gear question? I went ahead and got the timeless Xuen trinket for my ret pally, but then raid finder amp trinket finally dropped for me. I'm looking at the cooldown Galakros trinket in raid finder and wondering if I should bother upgrading the Xuen trinket. I like the solid str increase with the Haste proc on the timeless trinket, but I'm wondering if that 31% cooldown reduction wouldn't be better for me. I only raid in LFR, so it's not like I really need to min/max but I am looking to use this toon to do some older (ICC!!!) raids solo.

    “There are no happy endings, because nothing ends.” ... also, "Ah, turn blue!"
    XBOne | LyrKing
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    HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular

    You won: [Assurance of Consequence]...again...for the fourth goddamned week in a row, for an all time total of SIX of these motherfucking trinkets.

    Number of tier pieces, or indeed, ANYthing else of use from SoO in the entire time it's been available: Zero.

    Really getting sick of this loot system.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I got lucky and got one of those items that counts as a wildcard tier item at the vendor from LFR Garrosh last week. However, I think I want to wait to use it until I'm down to my last missing tier piece or two. I'd hate to buy, e.g., the helm, and then get a helm token drop the next week (which I could use for my offset, but still) and then continue to not get, e.g., shoulders for months. This ToGC style "any tier piece" item is awesome, but I feel like I can't use it for a while.

    That's another reason why I thought ToGC was great, btw.

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    MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Papagander wrote: »
    Sorry for a potentially stupid question, but are there any melee dps out there that can help me with a gear question? I went ahead and got the timeless Xuen trinket for my ret pally, but then raid finder amp trinket finally dropped for me. I'm looking at the cooldown Galakros trinket in raid finder and wondering if I should bother upgrading the Xuen trinket. I like the solid str increase with the Haste proc on the timeless trinket, but I'm wondering if that 31% cooldown reduction wouldn't be better for me. I only raid in LFR, so it's not like I really need to min/max but I am looking to use this toon to do some older (ICC!!!) raids solo.

    I'm Enh and the Amp trinket is my BiS. That should pretty much tell you how good it is. I also have the Multistrike trinket, and various sites are saying Heroic Renataki's could *still* be better (I'm going to run sims prob tonight or tomorrow). In the end, run a stock sim for both gear setups and see what you can find. "In general," the raid trinkets are going to be better than the vendor trinket.

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    The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    edited October 2013
    Yeah, I'd be a big fan of them going back to the 'universal' token system from ToGC. It's nice that Garrosh has them, for sure, but it also makes it weird to spend them for the reason stated, having a mix of the universal and single slot ones.

    But I suppose I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth here, having it at all is better than, I dunno, the plethora of head tokens I got in T14 and virtually no shoulders across any characters; at least this way you can fill those random slots that refuse to drop.

    Unless I suppose if all the slots refuse to drop.

    But WoW loot system being the WoW loot system, you know you'll pretty much be guaranteed to get whatever token you just bought with the universal one the next week.

    The Dude With Herpes on
    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

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    BigityBigity Lubbock, TXRegistered User regular
    Ugh, how does a ret pally in a flex raid do 40k dps. Less than both tanks...and almost one healer.

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    PapaganderPapagander Registered User regular
    @Muglsey, thanks! That's the way I was leaning but I don't usually use mods so verification has been hard to come by. Doesn't seem like any of the sights I've check on WOW stuff are fully updated gear wise for 5.4. Just sucks knowing a lower ilvl item is better than what you spent some time and effort procuring the coins for lol. I got a little overenthusiastic on timeless, used some burdens on gear I should've just waited for the tokens to drop on. Got the 535 trinket because I was on my third or fourth week on not getting any of the trinkets in lfr and then blam! but its a story we all know so well....

    “There are no happy endings, because nothing ends.” ... also, "Ah, turn blue!"
    XBOne | LyrKing
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    TenekTenek Registered User regular
    Yeah, I'd be a big fan of them going back to the 'universal' token system from ToGC. It's nice that Garrosh has them, for sure, but it also makes it weird to spend them for the reason stated, having a mix of the universal and single slot ones.

    But I suppose I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth here, having it at all is better than, I dunno, the plethora of head tokens I got in T14 and virtually no shoulders across any characters; at least this way you can fill those random slots that refuse to drop.

    Unless I suppose if all the slots refuse to drop.

    But WoW loot system being the WoW loot system, you know you'll pretty much be guaranteed to get whatever token you just bought with the universal one the next week.

    The tradeoff with the universal tokens is either you put all the tier pieces at the end, or you kill the last boss and he drops the same stuff you've been getting all along. I like the hybrid system. The risk of getting a new piece of gear and then having it drop the next time already exists anyways.

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    sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    Does anyone know of any addons that put the action bars closer to the center of the screen. I have a problem where I'm looking down to do my rotation. I also need an addon that puts up things like trinket procs or the duration of Shield Block in the center of the screen or nearer to it. Looking at the top right and bottom left constantly is a pain in the butt and I'd rather have everything closer to the center of the screen.

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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    sumwar wrote: »
    Does anyone know of any addons that put the action bars closer to the center of the screen. I have a problem where I'm looking down to do my rotation. I also need an addon that puts up things like trinket procs or the duration of Shield Block in the center of the screen or nearer to it. Looking at the top right and bottom left constantly is a pain in the butt and I'd rather have everything closer to the center of the screen.

    I use a weakauras setup inbetween the bars of icehud for my rotation abilities and non-timer cooldowns, it works well. I bet someone has already made a warrior weakauras setup that you could tweak to your liking as well.

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    BigityBigity Lubbock, TXRegistered User regular
    I am a big fan of weak auras. I mean my normal buttons I never look at it, but it's nice to know when Oblit will be up when I get a KM proc or something without having to look down and die to the purple stuff on the ground.

    I also add timers for certain things, diseases for DK, rip for druid, etc. Also I like to put up certain icons when X ability is off cooldown (like swiftmend).

    You can do quite a bit on there really.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I think you can do similar stuff with TellMeWhen if for whatever reason you don't like how WeakAuras works or looks.

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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    weakauras is really powerful but not the easiest thing in the world to configure, even for basic shit like watching ability cooldowns. If all you want to do is watch a few timers/cooldowns you can use needtoknow, which is basically just weakauras with fewer options and a lot of the config-hell stripped out.

    if you just wanna move actionbars you can use dominos, or whatever other bar mod is the mack of the minute these days

    it was the smallest on the list but
    Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget
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    InvisibleInvisible Registered User regular
    I'm one piece away from my 4pc set on my hunter in LFR gear. Got lucky yesterday and ended up getting the shoulders and pants and already had the helmet. Now if I could just get the chest or gloves. I also love that the hunter set works for all specs. It's very annoying trying to gear my enh/res Shaman.

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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    NeedToKnow and TellMeWhen are great, lightweight tracking addons. Used em for quite some time. I eventually stumbled upon an addon called Raven, though, which is like NTK/TMW but with more functionality/customization. You can set up bars, or icons, and lots of other shit.

    It's still fairly easy to setup and use, but there's a lot of shit you can do with it if you want to learn how to set that all up. I haven't really bothered, because the base stuff suits me fine. Raven also comes with the handy functionality of adding range indicator on your action bar abilities (green/red hue if you're in/out of range), as well as showing the cooldown of said abilities.

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    sumwar wrote: »
    Does anyone know of any addons that put the action bars closer to the center of the screen

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    CaedwyrCaedwyr Registered User regular
    Also, if you are looking for a training mod to let you know what button you should be pushing next, Ovale works pretty well. You can even generate custom rotation scripts based off personal simcraft results. It really helped me learn to Cat and play my dps alt rotations. Cat dps in particular is incredibly non-intuitive as to what button is most important to maximize your dps, and ovale with the right scripts takes a lot of the guesswork out.

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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    I wish my folks understood raiding/computers/games a bit better. Cause 'we don't know when we need the computer or for how long' the day I have a raid with no advance notice multiple times drives me up the wall.

    That or I need to get this job so when I actually move back here I can setup my computer properly and not in this temporary setup :/

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
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    sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    I downloaded Bartender4 and Pitbull Unit Frames and it's great this is everything I wanted. I do have to get used to all the new changes now but it's gonna be good in the long run.

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    CaedwyrCaedwyr Registered User regular
    edited October 2013
    For my unit frames, I'm pretty happy with Perl Classic. I do use the default unit frames for the raid frames as it seems to avoid a lot of problem others in my guild have with their custom raid frames. I play a tank, so the colour of the health bar is what matters to me the most, and not things like debuffs and other details.

    Caedwyr on
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    Dr_KeenbeanDr_Keenbean Dumb as a butt Planet Express ShipRegistered User regular
    Before my last hiatus I had a pretty glorious and super-customized UI. I'll have to see if I have any screenshots.

    Nowadays I run basically stock with utility addons.

    PSN/NNID/Steam: Dr_Keenbean
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    Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Wiped at <1m hp on all 3 protectors because a mage died on final desperate measures phase, and we decided to clear after a few more wipes. I'm really fucking angry :/

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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    Oh lord. Spent all night working on Heroic Malkorok tonight. It's a fun fight to tank, I get ridiculous vengeance, and it's generally pretty easy/stress-free.

    So in turn, all the stress comes from everyone else in the raid screwing things up. "Oops, I touched an orb when I shouldn't have." "Oops, I wasn't able to stand in the purple swirly and it blew up on the raid." "Oops, I stood in Arcing Smash/Breath of Y'Shaarj." "Oops, I stood in front of Malkorok during the Blood Rage and got insta-gibbed." The list goes on and on.

    Our best pull was 32% a bit after the first Blood Rage phase. It's entirely doable, people just need to stop playing like geese.

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    Yay Garrosh down on 25 (already had him down on 10).

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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    we learned tonight that one side of our guild can successfully do heroic spoils, but not the other side

    it was the smallest on the list but
    Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget
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    JediNightJediNight Registered User regular
    Obviously they're too Spoiled to do it properly...

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    NumiNumi Registered User regular
    Invisible wrote: »
    I'm one piece away from my 4pc set on my hunter in LFR gear. Got lucky yesterday and ended up getting the shoulders and pants and already had the helmet. Now if I could just get the chest or gloves. I also love that the hunter set works for all specs. It's very annoying trying to gear my enh/res Shaman.

    Last week my damn hunter managed to get gloves off the celestials, then head/legs/chest off lfr and finished the week off with the offset shoulders from ordos on a. This for an alt I rarely play so the blizzard lootsystem strikes again I guess. When you get the 4p you really need to try it out in survival, it becomes pretty hilarious when you get a streak of non-stop explosive shots so long that serpent sting falls off the target.

    At this point I would very much like it if they simply removed all the role specific stats and combined them into one, such that str/agi/int becomes power and works equally well for all roles and let us have one set of gear instead of carrying around a bunch of different stuff. Then redo the dual-spec system to allow for fast switching, essentially like switching stances for warriors though not in combat.

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    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    btw, triple vanq tokens off Paragons.

    This is the third week in a row that they've done this. I think everybody who's on that token right now has their pants.

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    CrayonCrayon Sleeps in the wrong bed. TejasRegistered User regular
    Did all SoO wings, plus two wings of ToT...not one single piece of loot other than a fourth orb of command that I already have a 536 shield in off hand.

    This lfr loot system can go fuck itself for all I care. Phew, I feel better now.

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    belligerentbelligerent Registered User regular
    So I've come to the conclusion that I hate ef spamming the raid on my paly. I don't care if it's a better spec, sh all the way for me.

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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    edited October 2013
    Titan Panel being broken makes me realize how much I've come to depend on that add on for keeping track of certain things.

    edit: oh good, it appears as the add on has been updated now.

    Assuran on
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