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Lost Access to thread

Annihilator1Annihilator1 Sword of the PhoenixSpace...The final frontier.Registered User regular
So I joined the site recently in order to learn more about the Wonderful 101. I came across a thread on google.
For some reason whenever I click the link on google, while it was fine with it before, whenever I try to access it it says "Permission Problem" and redirects me to the mobile site. Is there a problem with my account, or is there a problem with the thread? And does it have something to do with the fact on the homepage all I see is the forum administration and Christmas areas? Please help me out.

Annihilator1-Pokémon Master, Hero of Time, Mushroom Saviour, Wonderful One, Omniwrench Specialist and all round gamer.
Currently Playing: The Wonderful 101
"Just because it follows the path of dark does not make it evil. Remember this: Where there is Light, Shadow is cast, and where Shadow lurks, Light can shine."~Annihilator1, 2013


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    The forums are closed for Christmas. It'll be back up on the 26th.

  • Annihilator1Annihilator1 Sword of the Phoenix Space...The final frontier.Registered User regular
    Ah, ok. Thanks for the help. Guess I kinda picked a bad time to sign up. :/

    Annihilator1-Pokémon Master, Hero of Time, Mushroom Saviour, Wonderful One, Omniwrench Specialist and all round gamer.
    Currently Playing: The Wonderful 101
    "Just because it follows the path of dark does not make it evil. Remember this: Where there is Light, Shadow is cast, and where Shadow lurks, Light can shine."~Annihilator1, 2013
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    or the BEST time

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2013
    God bless us, everyone!

    Sterica on
  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    Is it possible to put a notice on the top of the forums, similar to the notices for the Indie Games subforum and rules forum? It seems like a large number of users are unaware of this tradition, and it's been extended this year.

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    @Spoit mentioned it in one of the closed threads that's a duplicate of this basically, but it was never addressed. @ notifications are not working at all in the Christmas Hangout.

    Any chance that is just an easy fix? ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    @s work in this forum btw

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2013
    I am getting @ notifications in the hangout.

    Sterica on
  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    edited December 2013
    Its a known issue for which I am still puzzling out a workaround.
    The reason is that the hangout is now 100% automated (will deploy itself each year on the 23rd, and close at the end of the 26th without human intervention). To achieve this, I had to do some shenanigans with permissions, which have caused the notifications to fail.

    I'll try to figure out a way to fix.

    Edit: the reason it works for mods and admins is that their permissions are always active for this subform, unlike regular folk who have the permissions added "hot" on each request.

    IcyLiquid on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    I am getting @ notifications in the hangout.
    yeah it appears that it's working for mods at least

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    For those coders who for some reason are vaguely curious, here's how it's done:

  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular

    Automated this?

    Holy shit, man!

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    I love that Icy automates the hangout just because. Like, it probably took as much effort to automate this as it would to manually open and close the hangout for ten years in a row, but he did it anyway just because automating things is cool.


  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Of course i actually know nothing about coding so maybe it was super easy and Icy is just an efficient wizard.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Manually changing the permissions ten times would actually be a massive ballache.

  • marsiliesmarsilies Registered User regular
    So.. interesting thing. It looks like comments are disabled on PATV and

    I assume this is because they're tied to the forums and the forums are shut down?

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Thanks, I fixed that.

  • BowenBowen Sup? Registered User regular
    Damn @IcyLiquid , that is some swank ass clean code you got there.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderator mod
    I read "ballache" as some fancy French word I wasn't familiar with at first

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    Damn @IcyLiquid , that is some swank ass clean code you got there.

    Icy codes like Leon kills.

    Quick, clean, no mistakes, no survivors.

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    Are C and T home rolled functions, or am I missing something?

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla

    C() is shorthand for Gdn::config()->get( ... )

    T() is shorthand for Gdn::locale()->translate( ... )

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    Cool. The C in the conditional threw me for a moment. Made me wonder if you were doing some shenanigans with a comma and the ternary operator.

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    bowen wrote: »
    Damn @IcyLiquid , that is some swank ass clean code you got there.

    Thanks :) I try to keep it neat when possible.

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    edited December 2013
    Nightslyr wrote: »
    Cool. The C in the conditional threw me for a moment. Made me wonder if you were doing some shenanigans with a comma and the ternary operator.

    Haha, this is PHP. We aren't allowed to do nifty shenanigans with operators :(
    (secretly I praise jesus for this, nobody likes an overridden operator. nobody)

    IcyLiquid on
  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    Nightslyr wrote: »
    Cool. The C in the conditional threw me for a moment. Made me wonder if you were doing some shenanigans with a comma and the ternary operator.

    Haha, this is PHP. We aren't allowed to do nifty shenanigans with operators :(
    (secretly I praise jesus for this, nobody likes an overridden operator. nobody)

    To be honest, I wasn't sure if PHP had a use for commas aside from argument lists and whatnot. And it's the language I primarily use (...yay...).

    :rotate: PHP

  • Just_Bri_ThanksJust_Bri_Thanks Seething with rage from a handbasket.Registered User, ClubPA regular
    ...and when you are done with that; take a folding
    chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt Stepped in it Registered User regular
    Every time you do that, Santa is going to reset the reset timer for another three days.

  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 My amazement is at maximum capacity. Registered User regular
    Juicesir is obviously admiring the watch and laptop he got for Christmas. Because anything else would be against the Holiday Spirit (Holiday Spirit is one of Robot Santa's subroutines).

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator, Administrator admin
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    Nightslyr wrote: »
    Cool. The C in the conditional threw me for a moment. Made me wonder if you were doing some shenanigans with a comma and the ternary operator.

    Haha, this is PHP. We aren't allowed to do nifty shenanigans with operators :(
    (secretly I praise jesus for this, nobody likes an overridden operator. nobody)

    I've done some fun shenanigans with overriding array accessors in Ruby, but that was highly specialized shenanigans. (Also helps that you can override things for that variable only in Ruby, which is hella cool.)

    Also, I see you're commenting like a boss.
    // Create lounge (it was deleted by a fuckwit, apparently)

  • undergroundmonorailundergroundmonorail single-track subway Registered User regular
    Did this just... Happen again?

    I've been browsing the normal forums all day, but now they're back to Christmas.

    There are still 360-odd days left, guys, I think this is a tad early...

    Pokémon X | 3DS Friend Code: 0490-4897-7688
    Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
    Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    We're aware of the problem, but there's nothing we can do about it until an admin logs in.

    Sorry everyone!

  • OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Looks like it's fixed?

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Icy finished his evening drinks and swooped in to save us from perpetual holiday cheer.

  • FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    1 hour 20 minutes of hilarity.

    Note: the permission denied page is now a kinda a dead end loop: the insufficient cheer message directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied...

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • halkunhalkun Registered User regular
    If day > dec 26th and hour = midnight, inverse the permissions.

    I bet you cash money this is what happened.

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    halkun wrote: »
    If day > dec 26th and hour = midnight, inverse the permissions.

    I bet you cash money this is what happened.

    No, it was an errant semicolon at the end of a conditional expression but prior to its code block, causing said code block to execute regardless of the outcome of the conditional. Worst.

  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Two Steaks Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Fishman wrote: »
    Note: the permission denied page is now a kinda a dead end loop: the insufficient cheer message directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied, sending you to the permission denied page, which directs you to the Holiday Hangout, which is denied...

    Thanks, fixed!

  • undergroundmonorailundergroundmonorail single-track subway Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    I dunno, I'm betting on
    if date == dec 27:

    oops too slow

    undergroundmonorail on
    Pokémon X | 3DS Friend Code: 0490-4897-7688
    Friend Safari: Fighting - Machoke, Pancham, Riolu | In game name: Jessica
    Official Weather Gym Leader of the G+T Pokémon League. @me to try for the Climate Badge!
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