PAX East 2014 Magical Mystery Tour of Boston! Twitter: PAX_MMT Follow this to keep track of where we are in real time. Very useful if you want to join up midway through!Who: You! And me. And other PAX peeps. AKA your future friends.
What: Visit interesting places in and around Boston.
Where: Schedule TBD.
When: The two days before PAX: Wed 4/9 and Thurs 4/10. Traditionally runs from 9am to 5pm but
you don't have to do the whole thing.
Why: See something of Boston other than the convention center and your hotel. And do it with cool people!
How: Boston's public transit. We'll be using the T (subway and buses) to get around. You can by a pass for $18 that will get you unlimited rides for a week. (Better than paying $2 per ride!) When we leave the morning meetups, I'll be making sure everyone has a pass.
Wednesday 4/9
8:30 meetup at Boston Common [Park St: red/green line]
9:00 travel time
9:30 Fenway (
prepay required!) [Kenmore]
10:30 travel time
11:30 lunch - Sunset Grill and Tap [Packard's Corner: green B line]
12:45 travel time
2:00 Taza chocolate (
prepay required!) [69 bus]
3:00 travel time
4:00 Harpoon (
prepay required!) [northern@harbor: silver line]
Thursday 4/10
8:00 meetup [World Trade Center: silver line]
8:30 breakfast - Friendly Toast [Kendall/MIT: red line]
10:00 travel time
11:00 Sam Adams [Stony Brook: orange line]
12:00 travel time
1:00 lunch @ Faneuil hall/ Quincy market [Haymarket: orange/green line]
2:00 walk over to pastries
3:00 travel time
3:30 New England Aquarium [Aquarium: blue line]
Is all done. Thanks for your opinions.
Potential Destinations:
Now hidden behind this spoiler so I have the info next year.
Interested parties:
-Punzie (your leader)
-FahterVenom (her assistant)
-aBByNormaL +1
-fullofgrace +1
-macrogeek +2
PAX East Pics: 2010-2015 & Vids: 2012-2015
And lunch
Really beer is an integral part of the entire MMT schedule.
I never finish anyth
Getting in on Monday so I will once more be around for the MMT!
New this year: I get a little tired of visiting the same places every year, so this year I'm pulling Organizer's Choice. I will add in one stop of my choosing, regardless of how the voting turns out. Right now I'm thinking it might be the MFA because of the quilt exhibit.
@aBByNormaL - Yes, once the stops are decided on by voting, @punzie will put together a schedule (including transit times, etc.), so that people can join/drop whenever they feel like it. It's a very free-form exercise in group tourism, and a lot of fun.
Yes, the "TBD" under the schedule heading in the OP will be replaced with an actual schedule that you can look at for planning purposes and the twitter account will be updated both days so you can follow where we actually are if we deviate for any reason.
Added Fort Independence to our list of potential stops. The other thing I was going to add (Body Works) closes April 6th, so boo.
I honestly think it's unlikely we'll do it at all. I agree, it'd be tons of fun, but it never gets many votes. I think price+travel time+rules= meh for most people. But maybe I'm totally wrong and this will be the year!
Working on voting form now.
Ok I'll have to get some travel health insurance...
I never finish anyth
Food you? I want to food you? When am I going to learn to proofread? Le sigh..
But more importantly *trumpets trumpeting* voting is live! I'll leave it open for... let's say 2 weeks? Ish.
I never finish anyth
Yes, bad design. It should be fixed now, methinks.
Edit: I completely forgot to vote for the tramp place. Know how I can edit my vote?
I never finish anyth
As you seem to have figured out, you can vote multiple times. I'll probably ignore it if anyone votes for the same thing multiple times tho.
Yeah I kinda remembered how terrible Google is at vetting forms, so I just re-submitted. Delete away.
I never finish anyth
Unsurprisingly, Harpoon Brewery and Taza chocolate factory are in the lead. Second place is a multi-way tie of Fenway, Sam Adams, Modern Pastry, and the aquarium.
At the moment these places are close but not quite making the cut (read: 1 vote away) : Sky Zone, Duck Tour, USS Constitution, Museum of Science, Boston Tea Party Museum, Freedom Trail.
I also just ordered some buttons. I got 50 so that should be plenty for everyone who comes to play with us.
Doesn't we mean we have to learn from our mistakes.
I never finish anyth