
[League of Legends] Our Final Boss is not the biggest bad



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    Smaug6Smaug6 Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Smaug6 wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Smaug6 wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    skyknyt wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    First of all, not every champion should be situationally comp dependent.

    Secondly, CertainlyT made this champion named Yasuo who is exactly the same kind of champion. Sure he's a good champion in general, but he's ten times more useful on a comp that can set up his ult for him so he doesn't have to build up to it every team fight.

    Same goes for Darius honestly. Not good in poke/disengage comps, etc.

    I will never understand when people act like CertainlyT isn't a great designer. Do his champions almost always release needing some nerfs because they're so complex it's not always apparent how strong they'll be? Yes. Are they still some of the most interesting champs in the game? Also yes.

    Zed is so much more interesting of an assassin than Akali.
    Thresh is more interesting than every support besides Braum and equal to him.
    Yasuo is exactly what light fighters should be. He can't ever get to the point of a Fiora/Trynd/Yi but he has a better team fight in the right comp and can actually lane in most matchups.

    Darius and Zyra are the least interesting of his champs, and Zyra is still really cool and brought a new mechanic to league with her seeds and the way they interact with her spells.

    Literally every single certainlyt champion has been so ridiculous at release that they had to be severely nerfed so that they wouldn't completely shut down variety in the roles they were built for. Every single kit was overloaded and has had to be unloaded before they were at par with other champions in the role. It's apparent he has the same tendency when designing champions that blizzard had when they first made deathknights, "is there a situation this champion feels weak in? better add a passive to help with that!"

    Disagree. Yasuo hasn't had extreme nerfs since his release. He lost some of the things he didn't need, like too much free damage for stacking his E stacks, too much free flow from his wall passive, they took the shield duration/strength down, etc. But nothing insane. He was just a little too strong. Sure, Zyra, Zed, Darius, and Thresh all needed a lot of nerfs. But they didn't have to retool their kits. They just had to take away free CDR/armor pen/AP ratios/etc. from them. Just because the champs had to be nerfed doesn't mean they're not great and interesting designs.

    Xin Zhao was more OP than any CertainlyT champ has ever been at his release. So what? He's also much easier to play than any of Certainly's champs except Darius. I'll take CertainlyT champs all day every day over the bland champs that fill out a lot of the old roster.
    Burnage wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I will never understand when people act like CertainlyT isn't a great designer. Do his champions almost always release needing some nerfs because they're so complex it's not always apparent how strong they'll be? Yes. Are they still some of the most interesting champs in the game? Also yes.

    The thing about CertainlyT, I think, is that he doesn't really design characters for League of Legends. He designs characters for some other - probably more enjoyable - game where every character has a huge amount of flexibility and power built into their kit and relatively few weaknesses.

    Objectively, I'd agree that he's a good designer. His characters are fun to play! The issue is that Yasuo, Zed, Thresh and Zyra don't feel like they should be in the same game as Fiora, Diana, Taric and Lux. They might be interesting but they've warped the entire game.

    I don't agree. Complexity in a champion doesn't inherently make them not fit in league of legends. Orianna is complex and crazy challenging to play at a high level. She's fine in the same game as Annie who is very straightforward.

    Even at this point Zed isn't even that great of a pick because not only did they buff exhaust which counters him, but Zhonya's counters him and now AD carries have an 80 AD item they can build that counters him. Zyra isn't even a common pick any more at this point because Morgana, another old champion counters some of what she does. Sure Thresh is ever present in bot lane, but it's because his kit is fantastic. The utility he brings with his lantern and the pick/peel potential he has is great.

    They need to make more supports like Thresh and Braum.

    I feel like they way they are tuning Yasuo moves him away from light fighter (as advertised) into more of a sustained damage assassin champ, which is maybe what they mean when they say light fighter? Its weird because I think everyone acknowledges that the idea of a melee carry is unhealthy for the game, i.e. getting to a point where you are so big that you can 1 v 5 the enemy team or close to it, with enough farm like in Dota. The tools that make him more of a fighter and less of an assassin are the ones they are removing, like the shield building up on dashing, etc. I think to keep the dashing shield they would have had to tone down his damage, a big part of which comes from his passive. I have no idea how to make light fighters viable, in the sense that they want to do sustained damage over time on the outskirts of a fight, but aren't able to just wade into the enemy team and survive without a sea change in terms of overall damage output from champions or by making a champion light fighter with just a ridiculous amount of movement and reposition abilities.

    I just think that its going to take a bunch more trial and error to finally hit on the right formula for light fighter, but the overloaded kits do need to get paired down to better focus that design, which is something that CertainlyT is not good at.

    I disagree they're moving Yasuo away from a light fighter. That's what he is now. He's not an assassin at all. An assassin with 3 damage items kills your AD carry in a split second 1v1. Yasuo with 3 damage items can't kill half the AD carries in league 1v1 without his team knocking them up first for him.

    I think people overestimate his assassination potential. There are factors here that are relevant. Let's say Yasuo is starting with 0 stacks of his Q and wants to kill you. He can dash to you and Q you to get a stack. Can he stick on you for the 2nd? If so, then he has his knock up ready. But since he already had to dash to you to gap close now he has to land the skillshot to get his ult off. Without doing so he will not kill you.

    Are you one of the AD carries who has escapes or knockbacks? If so, you probably just walked away from him pretty easily. Imagine a Fizz coming at you with 3 completed damage items. You're dead without him even having to hit R. That's an assassin.

    IMO Yasuo is good light fighter design. He has to build full damage to be relevant. No free damage so you can go mostly tank and still do good damage like a bruiser. Thus he is very squishy. He has only wind wall and the CC on his knockup and ult to play around in terms of survivability. No alpha strike, Fiora ult, Trynd ult, etc. to hide the glass cannon build behind artificial survivability.

    All this combines to mean he is a potent team fighter if his comp supports him because he can pick with his ult given somebody else sets it up for him, but he's no assassin.

    I mean, I see what you are saying and its moving in the right direction. But Yasuo with 3 items such as I.E., Static Shiv, and say a Brutalizer, could probably kill most ADCs with 3 completed items very, very quickly. Auto, Q, Auto with that build would certainly kill most mids, adcs, and supports assuming equal builds/levels. I think they need to tune the damage to survivability of someone like Yasuo to really hit that light fighter sweet spot in the future. And I agree that Yasuo's design is pretty good, i.e. much better than just giving untargetability or a free Guardian Angel to try and accomplish it.

    I feel like Quin is somewhat more what I envision when I think of light fighter. Highish mobility, light harass, has to be careful when to engage, but when they do if they are on you, its very dangerous. These are qualities she shares with Yasuo, but, her damage just isn't as bonkers. I think the light fighter paradigm is really difficult to achieve in league.

    In the many games I play as Yasuo there is not a single time where upon reaching IE, shiv, and a mid-tier component have I ever killed any champion from full health with just 2 autos and a Q unless my target is some under-leveled bot. The natural crit damage reduction on passive and lack of armor pen without ult stops it from happening. Even with those items I still don't actually want to fight anyone on anything resembling remotely even terms unless I have access to a wave of minions near me or they have a dodgeable / wallable skill set as every fight to the death involving Yasuo is generally decided on whether you can charge his third Q and then actually land the knockup.

    Yeah, I was just thinking in terms of raw damage, like around 200 AD with that build, 100% crit chance (with the reduced crit damage, but with the I.E. enhancement) and some armor pen, its got to be like 1200 damage on someone who didn't build anymore armor? I could be way off, just threw it out there.


    I think we are on the same page and its how we define them. It would be really cool if they can rework the old "melee carries" into the Yasuo model, which I would vastly prefer, though I feel the hardcore Yi and Trynd community would burn the Riot Offices to the ground if that happened.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I figure if Zyra countered Morg Zyra would be played in more support games right now when Morg is just constantly bot lane non stop. I don't play support that much, but I wouldn't want to pick Zyra into a champ who can just black shield the CC from my snare all the time.

    You can't cast W then Q or E fast enough to make plants to react to Morg bindings so I'm not buying using plants to stop bindings. I mean I guess you could put them up between Morg and you to proactively prevent them, but then your plants are just going to die and then you have no seeds for when you need them.

    Zyra is mostly heavy damage and poke, she dosn't care about blackshield because unless Morgana is maxing shield everything Zyra has pops it in just about one hit.

    And her big thing is not the CC at least not in lane. It's the fact that Zyra just like Velkoz can nuke every singe adc from orbit and a 70 hp shield won't help.

    I can get with some of the reasons people are posting, but I don't think you can say Zyra can nuke an ADC from orbit any more. Not since her release nerfs. Her ult range isn't even great any more.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Smaug6 wrote: »
    Talith wrote: »
    Smaug6 wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Smaug6 wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    skyknyt wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    First of all, not every champion should be situationally comp dependent.

    Secondly, CertainlyT made this champion named Yasuo who is exactly the same kind of champion. Sure he's a good champion in general, but he's ten times more useful on a comp that can set up his ult for him so he doesn't have to build up to it every team fight.

    Same goes for Darius honestly. Not good in poke/disengage comps, etc.

    I will never understand when people act like CertainlyT isn't a great designer. Do his champions almost always release needing some nerfs because they're so complex it's not always apparent how strong they'll be? Yes. Are they still some of the most interesting champs in the game? Also yes.

    Zed is so much more interesting of an assassin than Akali.
    Thresh is more interesting than every support besides Braum and equal to him.
    Yasuo is exactly what light fighters should be. He can't ever get to the point of a Fiora/Trynd/Yi but he has a better team fight in the right comp and can actually lane in most matchups.

    Darius and Zyra are the least interesting of his champs, and Zyra is still really cool and brought a new mechanic to league with her seeds and the way they interact with her spells.

    Literally every single certainlyt champion has been so ridiculous at release that they had to be severely nerfed so that they wouldn't completely shut down variety in the roles they were built for. Every single kit was overloaded and has had to be unloaded before they were at par with other champions in the role. It's apparent he has the same tendency when designing champions that blizzard had when they first made deathknights, "is there a situation this champion feels weak in? better add a passive to help with that!"

    Disagree. Yasuo hasn't had extreme nerfs since his release. He lost some of the things he didn't need, like too much free damage for stacking his E stacks, too much free flow from his wall passive, they took the shield duration/strength down, etc. But nothing insane. He was just a little too strong. Sure, Zyra, Zed, Darius, and Thresh all needed a lot of nerfs. But they didn't have to retool their kits. They just had to take away free CDR/armor pen/AP ratios/etc. from them. Just because the champs had to be nerfed doesn't mean they're not great and interesting designs.

    Xin Zhao was more OP than any CertainlyT champ has ever been at his release. So what? He's also much easier to play than any of Certainly's champs except Darius. I'll take CertainlyT champs all day every day over the bland champs that fill out a lot of the old roster.
    Burnage wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I will never understand when people act like CertainlyT isn't a great designer. Do his champions almost always release needing some nerfs because they're so complex it's not always apparent how strong they'll be? Yes. Are they still some of the most interesting champs in the game? Also yes.

    The thing about CertainlyT, I think, is that he doesn't really design characters for League of Legends. He designs characters for some other - probably more enjoyable - game where every character has a huge amount of flexibility and power built into their kit and relatively few weaknesses.

    Objectively, I'd agree that he's a good designer. His characters are fun to play! The issue is that Yasuo, Zed, Thresh and Zyra don't feel like they should be in the same game as Fiora, Diana, Taric and Lux. They might be interesting but they've warped the entire game.

    I don't agree. Complexity in a champion doesn't inherently make them not fit in league of legends. Orianna is complex and crazy challenging to play at a high level. She's fine in the same game as Annie who is very straightforward.

    Even at this point Zed isn't even that great of a pick because not only did they buff exhaust which counters him, but Zhonya's counters him and now AD carries have an 80 AD item they can build that counters him. Zyra isn't even a common pick any more at this point because Morgana, another old champion counters some of what she does. Sure Thresh is ever present in bot lane, but it's because his kit is fantastic. The utility he brings with his lantern and the pick/peel potential he has is great.

    They need to make more supports like Thresh and Braum.

    I feel like they way they are tuning Yasuo moves him away from light fighter (as advertised) into more of a sustained damage assassin champ, which is maybe what they mean when they say light fighter? Its weird because I think everyone acknowledges that the idea of a melee carry is unhealthy for the game, i.e. getting to a point where you are so big that you can 1 v 5 the enemy team or close to it, with enough farm like in Dota. The tools that make him more of a fighter and less of an assassin are the ones they are removing, like the shield building up on dashing, etc. I think to keep the dashing shield they would have had to tone down his damage, a big part of which comes from his passive. I have no idea how to make light fighters viable, in the sense that they want to do sustained damage over time on the outskirts of a fight, but aren't able to just wade into the enemy team and survive without a sea change in terms of overall damage output from champions or by making a champion light fighter with just a ridiculous amount of movement and reposition abilities.

    I just think that its going to take a bunch more trial and error to finally hit on the right formula for light fighter, but the overloaded kits do need to get paired down to better focus that design, which is something that CertainlyT is not good at.

    I disagree they're moving Yasuo away from a light fighter. That's what he is now. He's not an assassin at all. An assassin with 3 damage items kills your AD carry in a split second 1v1. Yasuo with 3 damage items can't kill half the AD carries in league 1v1 without his team knocking them up first for him.

    I think people overestimate his assassination potential. There are factors here that are relevant. Let's say Yasuo is starting with 0 stacks of his Q and wants to kill you. He can dash to you and Q you to get a stack. Can he stick on you for the 2nd? If so, then he has his knock up ready. But since he already had to dash to you to gap close now he has to land the skillshot to get his ult off. Without doing so he will not kill you.

    Are you one of the AD carries who has escapes or knockbacks? If so, you probably just walked away from him pretty easily. Imagine a Fizz coming at you with 3 completed damage items. You're dead without him even having to hit R. That's an assassin.

    IMO Yasuo is good light fighter design. He has to build full damage to be relevant. No free damage so you can go mostly tank and still do good damage like a bruiser. Thus he is very squishy. He has only wind wall and the CC on his knockup and ult to play around in terms of survivability. No alpha strike, Fiora ult, Trynd ult, etc. to hide the glass cannon build behind artificial survivability.

    All this combines to mean he is a potent team fighter if his comp supports him because he can pick with his ult given somebody else sets it up for him, but he's no assassin.

    I mean, I see what you are saying and its moving in the right direction. But Yasuo with 3 items such as I.E., Static Shiv, and say a Brutalizer, could probably kill most ADCs with 3 completed items very, very quickly. Auto, Q, Auto with that build would certainly kill most mids, adcs, and supports assuming equal builds/levels. I think they need to tune the damage to survivability of someone like Yasuo to really hit that light fighter sweet spot in the future. And I agree that Yasuo's design is pretty good, i.e. much better than just giving untargetability or a free Guardian Angel to try and accomplish it.

    I feel like Quin is somewhat more what I envision when I think of light fighter. Highish mobility, light harass, has to be careful when to engage, but when they do if they are on you, its very dangerous. These are qualities she shares with Yasuo, but, her damage just isn't as bonkers. I think the light fighter paradigm is really difficult to achieve in league.

    In the many games I play as Yasuo there is not a single time where upon reaching IE, shiv, and a mid-tier component have I ever killed any champion from full health with just 2 autos and a Q unless my target is some under-leveled bot. The natural crit damage reduction on passive and lack of armor pen without ult stops it from happening. Even with those items I still don't actually want to fight anyone on anything resembling remotely even terms unless I have access to a wave of minions near me or they have a dodgeable / wallable skill set as every fight to the death involving Yasuo is generally decided on whether you can charge his third Q and then actually land the knockup.

    Yeah, I was just thinking in terms of raw damage, like around 200 AD with that build, 100% crit chance (with the reduced crit damage, but with the I.E. enhancement) and some armor pen, its got to be like 1200 damage on someone who didn't build anymore armor? I could be way off, just threw it out there.


    I think we are on the same page and its how we define them. It would be really cool if they can rework the old "melee carries" into the Yasuo model, which I would vastly prefer, though I feel the hardcore Yi and Trynd community would burn the Riot Offices to the ground if that happened.

    Yi is one of my most played champions in ranked because I jungle him and I have always been a fan of the champ, but I'd love it if they reworked him into more of a Yasuo model where he wasn't basically impossible to take to a solo lane due to getting smashed by almost everybody early but a god of clean up and 1v1s after farming for 30 minutes.

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    LilleDjevelLilleDjevel Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I figure if Zyra countered Morg Zyra would be played in more support games right now when Morg is just constantly bot lane non stop. I don't play support that much, but I wouldn't want to pick Zyra into a champ who can just black shield the CC from my snare all the time.

    You can't cast W then Q or E fast enough to make plants to react to Morg bindings so I'm not buying using plants to stop bindings. I mean I guess you could put them up between Morg and you to proactively prevent them, but then your plants are just going to die and then you have no seeds for when you need them.

    Zyra is mostly heavy damage and poke, she dosn't care about blackshield because unless Morgana is maxing shield everything Zyra has pops it in just about one hit.

    And her big thing is not the CC at least not in lane. It's the fact that Zyra just like Velkoz can nuke every singe adc from orbit and a 70 hp shield won't help.

    I can get with some of the reasons people are posting, but I don't think you can say Zyra can nuke an ADC from orbit any more. Not since her release nerfs. Her ult range isn't even great any more.

    Aye you are probably right, been some time since I played Zyra. But she might not nuke them she is still able to push them out of lane!

    Grass Grows,
    Birds Fly,
    'til there's Fire in the Sky...

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    MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I figure if Zyra countered Morg Zyra would be played in more support games right now when Morg is just constantly bot lane non stop. I don't play support that much, but I wouldn't want to pick Zyra into a champ who can just black shield the CC from my snare all the time.

    You can't cast W then Q or E fast enough to make plants to react to Morg bindings so I'm not buying using plants to stop bindings. I mean I guess you could put them up between Morg and you to proactively prevent them, but then your plants are just going to die and then you have no seeds for when you need them.

    Zyra is mostly heavy damage and poke, she dosn't care about blackshield because unless Morgana is maxing shield everything Zyra has pops it in just about one hit.

    And her big thing is not the CC at least not in lane. It's the fact that Zyra just like Velkoz can nuke every singe adc from orbit and a 70 hp shield won't help.

    I can get with some of the reasons people are posting, but I don't think you can say Zyra can nuke an ADC from orbit any more. Not since her release nerfs. Her ult range isn't even great any more.

    As someone who plays quite a bit of ADC, facing a support Zyra becomes an extremely unpleasant thing once she hits 6. Because she WILL take off 70%+ of my HP in a single rotation and most ADCs are more than capable of removing that last 30%. And she can do that every time a root lands. Which they do, because of that whole going through minions thing and there's always some distractions around which lets her land it. The good thing is that if I have an engage support we can probably kill her ADC IF both of us dodge her burst.

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    JookieJookie Registered User regular
    First Gnar game. He's fun but I don't know how to play him effectively at all. Kites well despite having no range.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I feel like Gnar's pretty straightforward considering the dual forms. When you're a little yordle try to proc his W passive and use the speed from it to kite. Land Qs for free harass. E to escape danger or chase. When you're big his Q has mega range so it's great for chase, and if you're near terrain or a tower you can chain his W and R in big form for some hella damage and a 3 second stun.

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    JookieJookie Registered User regular
    Managing his passive (and your cooldowns around it) didn't feel that easy to me, that's the main thing. Each skill makes sense but there's more to it than just spam abilities and transform when you want.

    Kiting the enemy Gnar was ridiculously easy though when he tried to jump me.

    Also late at some point in the game I was 1v1ing Trist and beat the shit out of her by walking up and slamming her into a wall. More champs need to be able to do that.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    his passive going up based on being in combat is way more complicated than say, "pressing button gives you 20 heat"

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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    His passive eventually ends up punishing you for proper last hitting. You then choose to take damage when you lumber in to last hit, or you have to stay back and lose out on gold. Not in all cases mind you, but some cases.

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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    übergeek wrote: »
    His passive eventually ends up punishing you for proper last hitting. You then choose to take damage when you lumber in to last hit, or you have to stay back and lose out on gold. Not in all cases mind you, but some cases.

    Thankfully, his skills do AoE creeps nicely when mega.

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    Oh yeah, did anyone see this?


    I expect this won't get far before Morello finds a way to reinforce "babysit the ADC or lose" style.

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    ExarchExarch Registered User regular
    They're making to much out of a comp just designed to feed kills to Rekkles for the sake of getting the kill record. I don't expect this to be a new meta comp, just a situational one.

    No gods or kings, only man.
    LoL: BunyipAristocrat
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Penumbra wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Zyra counters Morg Josh

    Care to explain why? I assume it has something to do with the plants tearing through the Black shield and providing additional Q blocking. As well as the root traveling and going through the shielded target, but I'm not certain.

    You can poke through creeps(so you're not afraid of root) and your damage is so high you don't care about black shield. Plus your main cc is AOE(and fucking huge) so it's not like you are really afraid of her shield.

    With Zyra you rush pen and you will absolutely nuke their ad through blackshield. Shit you will nuke their team through it.

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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Gnar is the best hero in the game. Period. No contest.

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    Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    Gnar is the best hero in the game. Period. No contest.

    is voli jealous?

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    RendRend Registered User regular
    So this just happened.


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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Gnar's transform is a like free and better Shyvanna ult. He's probably not great in D1 and above just to the consistency that those players typically value. But this is by far the most fun I've had in league in ages. He's just amazing all around.

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    BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    Couldn't ban Gnar because nobody on the enemy team had him.

    My team's Gnar proceeds to die thirteen times to the enemy Jax.


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    spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    Couldn't ban Gnar because nobody on the enemy team had him.

    My team's Gnar proceeds to die thirteen times to the enemy Jax.


    Jax counters Teemo... no surprise he counters gnar too.

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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    Jax counters autoattackers fairly well, yeah. Though actually Teemo seems like it shouldn't be so one-sided if Teemo focuses on Q pokes.

    Also, I love this item suggestion:

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    Burnage wrote: »
    Couldn't ban Gnar because nobody on the enemy team had him.

    My team's Gnar proceeds to die thirteen times to the enemy Jax.


    Jax counters Teemo... no surprise he counters gnar too.
    Teemo jax is pretty much a skill matchup. Teemo can max blind to make the only damage Jax can do be his leap strike damage and his stun. Poke with blind pre 3, if he does go in you should have enough time to get q off and stop jax from dealing any real damage.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
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    SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
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    RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    All I'll say about the regi-fine situation: It 100% depends on the language used between regi and the LCS officials. In regi's mind, they recommended/asked him to do something. In their minds, they told him to do something. Without being there, or having an official transcript, it's hard to say who is technically correct.

    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways steamcommunity.com/id/Raslin

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    Raslin wrote: »
    All I'll say about the regi-fine situation: It 100% depends on the language used between regi and the LCS officials. In regi's mind, they recommended/asked him to do something. In their minds, they told him to do something. Without being there, or having an official transcript, it's hard to say who is technically correct.
    Even if they explicitly told him, it's completely stupid for them to care about that and a bizarre overreach of power.

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    PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain iFizzRegistered User regular
    Can I just take a second to say fuck Ziggs?

    Steam: BrightWing
    PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
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    programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Raslin wrote: »
    All I'll say about the regi-fine situation: It 100% depends on the language used between regi and the LCS officials. In regi's mind, they recommended/asked him to do something. In their minds, they told him to do something. Without being there, or having an official transcript, it's hard to say who is technically correct.

    Roster changes are a typical enough scenario that there ought to be an explicit, written black and white procedure to not allow for any confusion.

    If your regulation can cause a good faith misunderstanding, it should be changed with no fines assessed.

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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    wrong thread :<

    Coinage on
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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Sighh, why does deathlord always pull alex when I'm playing mage :(

    have you considered starting red buff on him

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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    So for Gnar, I'm now thinking something like Kingblade and Whisper for damage items and then just all tank. Minignar gets a large amount of attack speed passively and even more by bouncing around, and Megagnar doesn't need much at all. Mega gets a lot of free AD too. Whisper covers the penetration for dealing with the inevitable defenses on people... though Youmuu's seems good too, especially the active covering Mega's gaps... but it doesn't really help the issue of enemy defenses much.

    Finding the balance of items is going to be hard.

    I will say that Visage seems nice on him though for your MR. Mega scales very well with CDR (and mini), and with all the HP/5 mega gets anyways, and the life steal you're grabbing for mini... why not go nuts with it?

    As far as build order, I'm thinking Dorans+Pot start into Cutlass or Kingblade, tank item, finish Kingblade/work on LW, tank item, finish offense, TANK TANK TANK. (Final build being Kingblade, Whisper, Boots, Visage, Randuins/Sunfire, tank to taste)

    Polaritie on
    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Right now my nightmares include going up against a Maokai, Zyra, Talon, Fizz, J4 team.

    That is the current super tryhard Dominion lineup.

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    RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Raslin wrote: »
    All I'll say about the regi-fine situation: It 100% depends on the language used between regi and the LCS officials. In regi's mind, they recommended/asked him to do something. In their minds, they told him to do something. Without being there, or having an official transcript, it's hard to say who is technically correct.
    Even if they explicitly told him, it's completely stupid for them to care about that and a bizarre overreach of power.

    While I agree, rules are rules. No one is being forced into the LCS; They choose to be involved, and hence, need to follow their rules, as dumb as they may seem.

    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways steamcommunity.com/id/Raslin

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
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    DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    I haven't played gnar and won't own him for a while, but it seems like his kit would do pretty well with something like brutalizer -> BoRK -> youmuu's swagblade -> tank item -> tank item/last whisper (-> tons of damage)

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    spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    2 games off promos again.

    The main thing that determines if you will win a game in Bronze 5 is whether your team has fewer shitlords on it than their team.

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    CesareBCesareB Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Right now my nightmares include going up against a Maokai, Zyra, Talon, Fizz, J4 team.

    That is the current super tryhard Dominion lineup.

    Where do I sign up?

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    TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    Why Zyra instead of a 5th that can also jump on people over walls?

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    oh jumping on walls isn't why those guys are good, it's because they shit damage and durability

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    KhavallKhavall British ColumbiaRegistered User regular
    Apparently Hurricane is on Graves' recommended items.

    Very funny, riot.

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    Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    I haven't played gnar and won't own him for a while, but it seems like his kit would do pretty well with something like brutalizer -> BoRK -> youmuu's swagblade -> tank item -> tank item/last whisper (-> tons of damage)

    I've been going Bork -> Ghostblade -> Tank with pretty decent results. Except against Nidalee, because she's the worst.

    As a splitpusher he's basically manaless sivir. Use Q to clear waves and the W speedboost to run if someone comes to stop you.

    His Q is silly for chasing and retreating. It's very hard to be caught if you don't have a bad transform time. And if you do, then you hop in and murder them with the shock factor.

    I feel his W is pretty lame except for the MS, and His E I haven't figured out all of which walls you can jump yet, but for a transform champion (I hate the rest of them) I like him.

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    spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    braum gnar botlane is... hilariously fun.

This discussion has been closed.