Years ago, as a young child, I used to turn other kids in for smoking. In my teens, I swore I would never touch a cigarette. Now, I dont give a fuck.
For cigars, I love the JR stuff. Its cheap and it tastes pretty good.
For cigarettes, I like some RYO stuff (Balishag is great) and Djarum blacks. If I get drunk though, Ill smoke anything.
So, what is your favorite brand?
Are you a pack-a-day type, or a 1 or 2 cigarette a day type?
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Real cigarettes should taste like anger and leather.
Parliament Lights. Though my girl was telling me about Sweet Dreams? I've never heard of them before.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Also what's the stigma behind clove cigarettes being for cunts? They taste christmassy
Now that's a good cigarette.
of course that also makes me think of denis leary
Before I started, I dated a girl who smoked. It wasn't that bad.
First off, they smell and taste like you are smoking your Gramma's potpourri.
But I don't think it has to do with the cloves themselves. It's just a thing where only pretentious douchenozzles smoke them.
but they don't sell them over here, good thing too or I'd be a pretentious fag
Because clove cigs taste like a fart from potpourri if potpourri could fart.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
my thread isnt even getting a pity post
this isnt cool
I'm all for people smoking if they want to. I personally don't care for it, but hey, to each his own.
The clove cigarette thing is more of a cultural or social thing. People who usually smoke them are like emo goth fags who shop at Hot Topic or pretentious hipster kids who think they are just so much cooler then everything else. I don't like those people. It's like they're trying to smoke being edgy and different, which makes me hate them. With lots of hate.
For the like 20 people in the world who aren't like that and just enjoy the taste and smell of smoking grandma's potpourri or the scented candles my wife leaves all over the goddamn house...have at it.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Djarum blacks are pretty delicious, too. I just can't smoke them regularly becuase they don't satisfy my nicotine cravings like a real cigarette and they make me look like a faggot.
Marlboro Lights for workin'
Yes, I need to quit. Again.
Will make you want to vomit.
I roll my own with one of those lever-action dealies. Chemicals are for suckers (plus it's cheap - 7 bucks a carton for cigs that taste divine without the lingering taste and smell).
When I do buy cigarettes, there's only one kind to buy:
I am certainly not going to be the guy who says "NOW NO ONE ELSE CAN SMOKES", but I've always been anti-clove, so that hasn't changed either.
These motherfuckers hurt.
I've been trying to quit
I've succeeded in drastically cutting down - went from a pack and a half a day to maybe 3/4 a day. More or less with circumstance.
Yeah, the non-filters? That's how I started smoking. Now I suck down those gigantic Cadillac cigarettes... because I have fatty mcfattypants fingers.
But the Luckys are harsh, yet extremely tasty.
Edit: Shit has it been 10 years already?
No they don't. Those are the creme-de-la-creme of cigarettes - I buy them when I'm feeling saucy.
Those are the cigarettes that beat Hitler.