Bobcat received as well, but not yet opened, because my wife has Views about opening gifts before Christmas.
Good thing these aren't Christmas gifts then. It's close enough now that it probably doesn't matter, but in general we *heavily* encourage people to open things and post immediately. Show her this if she doubts you.
Bobcat received as well, but not yet opened, because my wife has Views about opening gifts before Christmas.
Good thing these aren't Christmas gifts then. It's close enough now that it probably doesn't matter, but in general we *heavily* encourage people to open things and post immediately. Show her this if she doubts you.
in fact, it's part of the rules!!
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
I received my gift in today and love it @dashD. The box(es) were hysterical. Pics will be up when I can get my card reader to actually read a card.
Apologies to both @dashD and @smalllady, my bobcat arrived during the busiest time of the year at work combining with me becoming rather ill. Any how, onto the pics.
I came home from one particularly long shift to discover a box with curious writing on my porch.
Inside was a beautifully wrapped gift
containing another box with curious writing:
and this goes on for a while before I finally reach a box containing many other smaller wrapper boxes!
Bobcat the first a Zelda key chain
Bobcat the second: a Batsignal for my desk
Bobcat the thrid: Fluxx
Bobcat the fourth: We didn't playtest this at all
The whole kit and kaboodle
and for no reason what so ever a picture of my puppy, Zelda
My bobcat is ready to be shipped, It will be on the move by tomorrow. BOBCAT GOT LOOSE Last seen headed to New York State
rileyper on
Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending ]
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
I have received my gift just about an hour ago! Will be opening later tonight and pictures to come.
As for MY gift to my giftee: it was sent, and then returned for some reason due to the USPS near me being completely terrible. I will be sending it out tomorrow, and while it should arrive before Jan. 1, I am truly sorry if it doesn't.
I think Royal Mail tried to deliver my parcel, but that have charged me a customs VAT of £20 ($US35) before I can receive it. It would appear the UK's border agency don't believe in The Great Cardboard Tube in the Sky....
I received two canisters of random tea without anything else (packing slip etc). Perhaps these are actually bobcats? Please advise if so. The box had no other telltail marks. Get it.. TELLTAIL... Hahahahaha....... -.-
Still PAXing strong. [E] for lyfe. ELand forever.
I got a "Part 1 of 2" bobcat. I shall wait a couple days for part 2, and if part 2 doesn't come within a day or so I will post pictures of part 1 on their own.
I've not received any bobcats yet, so hopefully that jibes with what the status of my pkg should be at this point. I'm always paranoid about PO delivery errors (they've given my stuff to the wrong house before, alas) and/or crummy neighbors making off with things.
PAX Prime attendee: '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, and soon to be '16
edited for brevity
as stated a few days ago to date I have NOT recieved my gift I'm more than a little disappointed in this also at my giftee as I know they received my gift just have not posted what they got that I have seen.
edited for brevity
as stated a few days ago to date I have NOT recieved my gift I'm more than a little disappointed in this also at my giftee as I know they received my gift just have not posted what they got that I have seen.
I said if. That was just the whole list of people who hadn't posted their gifts yet. I wasn't calling you out.
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
I received my bobcat some time ago and thanked my gifter via twitter but have been slow about posting here.
My cats got toys! First up was a scratching pad. A must for any cat-parent.
They are intrigued by the tissue ball in the underside.
And that came with catnip so they were ALL over the packaging.
Next, felt on a string.
Clearly it must be defeated.
The human (me) was also gifted Apollo Justice for my DS but that doesn't come with cat pictures.
Thank you @bubblegumnex
Edit: The bobcat I shipped has successfully made it over the great waters so it will hopefully arrive in a day or 2. Dang that's cutting it close to deadline. *bites fingernails*
Today is a very auspicious day as not only is it my Birthday but it is also the day my gift from the great Cardboard Tube in the sky arrived at my humble home. The agent of this gift is none other than @Punzie who did a sterling job of getting these gifts to me before the deadline of 1st Jan 2015 and actually on my anniversary of my existence in this reality, which I have now celebrated 44 times. Here is the picture for evidence:
The woolly item is a PAX emblazoned dice bag, which I initially mistook for a teacozy for a teapot, for I am that British!
Very exciting—there were bobcats waiting for me when I got home today!
So cute in their travel carrier:
Yessss! So excited about this one!! I'm completely new to this world but I've always been super curious. I can't wait to see what it's like!
Ahhh, this game always makes me think of PAX & seeing everyone play it in lines. I think I'll take this to the next family dinner/gathering I go to and see if it livens things up.
Ermahgerd, WoW Mega Bloks! I didn't even know these were a thing! Little Lichy & Sindragosa, n'awww. So psyched to get these put together and displayed.
What a lovely and generous haul! My own live-in bobcat approves as well. She was particularly interested in Pokemon right off the bat...
So, I've been incredibly slow about posting my bobcat, and I would like to say an extreme, heartfelt sorry to @draklan, who was my AWESOME gifter. I was in the process of trying to move, so posting pics became a distant thing in my mind. However, without further ado, here they are:
Unfortunately, I couldn't get any pictures of the wonderful individually wrapped gifts, as I have a little sister who loves gifts to no avail. So, after letting her help me unwrap some, the first things we came across were these two guys:
The Ren is admittedly a bit unnerving when you first see him, but he's still awesome nonetheless.
Next up were two awesome blind box figures, one from The Walking Dead series, and one as one of the turret guns from the Portal series:
One of the more practical items that came was an ice tray, but it wouldn't be a REAL ice tray unless it served up batcubes!
I haven't used them yet, but I cannot wait to try.
My sister and I were very excited for these three, as they gave us both something to do together, and something that flexed our minds!
Two of the last things I unwrapped were some awesome POP Vinyls, and of course one of them was of the best (sort of) hero of all time: Deadpool!
I wasn't able to snag a picture of EVERYTHING that came separately (my sister snatched the glasses, and the candy was gone almost immediately :P) , but here is a picture of all the amazing things received:
They were all awesome gifts, and I'm sorry if I made you anxious by not posting. You did an awesome job, @draklan!
Very exciting—there were bobcats waiting for me when I got home today!
So cute in their travel carrier:
Yessss! So excited about this one!! I'm completely new to this world but I've always been super curious. I can't wait to see what it's like!
Ahhh, this game always makes me think of PAX & seeing everyone play it in lines. I think I'll take this to the next family dinner/gathering I go to and see if it livens things up.
Ermahgerd, WoW Mega Bloks! I didn't even know these were a thing! Little Lichy & Sindragosa, n'awww. So psyched to get these put together and displayed.
What a lovely and generous haul! My own live-in bobcat approves as well. She was particularly interested in Pokemon right off the bat...
So I just went to check on the bobcat I sent. Turns out it never got sent. I ordered through ozgameshop, since my person is in australia, and apparently my credit card company canceled payment on it a day or so after the fact. I never got any emails or contact of any kind saying that it got kicked back, or that I had an outstanding order or needed to pay or anything like that. Just logged in, and it said "awaiting payment on this order." I've tried paying again, and it says it went through.
GIFTERS. Please give me updates on these giftee's packages.
birrhan gifting to Menolly07
DashD gifting to pureval
Happendy gifting to Ravenger
Kiss Me Goodbye gifting to birrhan
Pureval gifting to Happendy
Rileyper gifting to Kirindal
zerzhul gifting to squire_Pug: Z's gift didn't ship the first time. Is trying again.
SmallLady gifting to PayneTrayne: Slowest shipping ever evidently. Tracking
SmallLady on
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
Bobcat received as well, but not yet opened, because my wife has Views about opening gifts before Christmas.
What does the Great Cardboard Tube in the sky have to do with Christmas? Besides it's bobcats we're talking about here, not a pair of sodding socks!
in fact, it's part of the rules!!
What's this? What's this?
I open it up and pull everything out:
Oh my.......
The Unwrappening!
Awesome haul!
Thank you @Xenard This is more than I could have hoped for! Super grateful!
I will now go swear at wood for several hours!
<@zerzhul> you win at twdt
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
<@zerzhul> you win at twdt
Apologies to both @dashD and @smalllady, my bobcat arrived during the busiest time of the year at work combining with me becoming rather ill. Any how, onto the pics.
I came home from one particularly long shift to discover a box with curious writing on my porch.
Inside was a beautifully wrapped gift
containing another box with curious writing:
and this goes on for a while before I finally reach a box containing many other smaller wrapper boxes!
Bobcat the first a Zelda key chain
Bobcat the second: a Batsignal for my desk
Bobcat the thrid: Fluxx
Bobcat the fourth: We didn't playtest this at all
The whole kit and kaboodle
and for no reason what so ever a picture of my puppy, Zelda
Thanks @BombClancy!
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Seriously, please open, take pics and post right away. Making a post of "i'll post pics later" doesn't help anything.
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
As for MY gift to my giftee: it was sent, and then returned for some reason due to the USPS near me being completely terrible. I will be sending it out tomorrow, and while it should arrive before Jan. 1, I am truly sorry if it doesn't.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
The Bobcat barrage will not stop until you post pictures. Do you want to be up to your neck in irate bobcats? I wouldn't.
Yours Sincerely,
Bobcat Santa
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
I did. I misread your initial post as wanting it & ordered it in addition to your package sent ._.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
Part 1, picking my weakest stat is probably the best plan to give me a more well rounded set of abilities. It's good to be S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Part 2, awesome choice! I am certain I will get a lot of enjoyment out of this
Thanks so much, mystery gifter!
as stated a few days ago to date I have NOT recieved my gift I'm more than a little disappointed in this also at my giftee as I know they received my gift just have not posted what they got that I have seen.
Thank you, Secret Bobcat! If you're coming to PAX South, you'll have to find time for me to buy you a drink!
You're welcome! You get a drink too!
I said if. That was just the whole list of people who hadn't posted their gifts yet. I wasn't calling you out.
My cats got toys! First up was a scratching pad. A must for any cat-parent.
They are intrigued by the tissue ball in the underside.
And that came with catnip so they were ALL over the packaging.
Clearly it must be defeated.
The human (me) was also gifted Apollo Justice for my DS but that doesn't come with cat pictures.
Thank you @bubblegumnex
Edit: The bobcat I shipped has successfully made it over the great waters so it will hopefully arrive in a day or 2. Dang that's cutting it close to deadline. *bites fingernails*
The woolly item is a PAX emblazoned dice bag, which I initially mistook for a teacozy for a teapot, for I am that British!
and last but not least...
Thanks @Manic2k you did well.
So cute in their travel carrier:
Yessss! So excited about this one!! I'm completely new to this world but I've always been super curious. I can't wait to see what it's like!
Ahhh, this game always makes me think of PAX & seeing everyone play it in lines.
Ermahgerd, WoW Mega Bloks! I didn't even know these were a thing! Little Lichy & Sindragosa, n'awww.
What a lovely and generous haul! My own live-in bobcat approves as well. She was particularly interested in Pokemon right off the bat...
Thank you so much, @NowHiringHenchmen ... I love it all! :biggrin:
Unfortunately, I couldn't get any pictures of the wonderful individually wrapped gifts, as I have a little sister who loves gifts to no avail. So, after letting her help me unwrap some, the first things we came across were these two guys:
Next up were two awesome blind box figures, one from The Walking Dead series, and one as one of the turret guns from the Portal series:
One of the more practical items that came was an ice tray, but it wouldn't be a REAL ice tray unless it served up batcubes!
My sister and I were very excited for these three, as they gave us both something to do together, and something that flexed our minds!
Two of the last things I unwrapped were some awesome POP Vinyls, and of course one of them was of the best (sort of) hero of all time: Deadpool!
I wasn't able to snag a picture of EVERYTHING that came separately (my sister snatched the glasses, and the candy was gone almost immediately :P) , but here is a picture of all the amazing things received:
They were all awesome gifts, and I'm sorry if I made you anxious by not posting. You did an awesome job, @draklan!
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I'm glad it made it there safely!
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Sorry @Squire_Pug
It's coming now, I think, if this website is to be believed.
birrhan gifting to Menolly07
DashD gifting to pureval
Happendy gifting to Ravenger
Kiss Me Goodbye gifting to birrhan
Pureval gifting to Happendy
Rileyper gifting to Kirindal
zerzhul gifting to squire_Pug: Z's gift didn't ship the first time. Is trying again.
SmallLady gifting to PayneTrayne: Slowest shipping ever evidently. Tracking