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    StollsStolls Brave Corporate Logo Chicago, ILRegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Stolls wrote: »
    Audio logs are a valid storytelling tool, though they require some care in how they're handled. People noticed them in SS2, but I think not enough attention is paid to how they were handled through the UI: being able to easily listen to them again, or skim the contents, without leaving the game proper or rooting you in place. The logs also stopped automatically if someone else contacts you, preventing overlapping audio.

    With Alien: Isolation, the audio logs are stationary and can take some time to finish. At best that's unproductive, at worst - say, when there's a nigh-unstoppable thing breathing down your neck - it's extremely unwise. You can listen to them again through the menu, but this takes you out of the game. Furthermore, it's easy to have overlapping dialogue from multiple sources, be it nearby survivors or radio support, and this confuses the hell out of subtitles. I loved Alien overall, but it wasn't well handled in my opinion; there were probably better ways to get the same information across.

    One way that isn't done often enough is how FEAR handled the concept, via offsite support. Upon reaching a computer and downloading the contents, your handler does the analysis and comes up with a rough summary. This has the effect of audio logs - conveying exposition through spoken dialogue, including surprise and dread over the revelations of Armacham's project - while keeping the player moving, and also justifiably keeping the speech concise and to the point. It's a subtle thing in action, but it helped to keep the game flowing smoothly.

    I really like audiologs because I like getting super engrossed in the gameworld. I know that they don't make sense from a realism standpoint (literally zero people I know use audio to keep any sort of log or send any sort of message), but I still dig them. The most realistic option would be to be reading emails and charts and notes left around, but audio makes it possible for people who don't want to stop to be able to get story exposition while they are still playing I guess. I even liked the audiologs in Doom 3, even though 90% of them were "Blah blah blah, the new doorcode is 3251" and they were missing environmental audio. For me, stopping to listen to an audiolog or read a note left by someone is a nice way to break up gameplay or ease some tension, especially in a horror game.

    You're dead on about Fear (and games like the earlier Splinter Cells), sending data and having someone analyze it and give you the cliff's notes is probably the most real world way to deliver story.

    Oh yeah, don't get me wrong - I love them when they're done well, and oddly enough I liked Doom 3's take myself. It's a solid way to do worldbuilding and paint a picture of how things fell apart, and with good writing and acting they can contribute a great deal to the atmosphere. It actually makes more sense in futuristic settings, since recording technology would be more common to the point of being trivial; we have stuff on our phones now that can do this kind of thing.

    I just think Alien makes a mistake by forcing you to linger around the log players, while the menu to replay them is kind of clunky to navigate. It works best, in my opinion, when they're convenient to listen to (SS2, Doom 3) or handled concisely (FEAR - and Splinter Cell's another good example).

    Stolls on
    kstolls on Twitch, streaming weekends at 9pm CST!
    Now playing: Teardown and Baldur's Gate 3 (co-op)
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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    So I have 52 screenshots up now for HyperDimensional Neptunia.

    I'm enjoying the humor of the game, but more importantly, the combat is just deep enough to be interesting but not deep enough to be off-putting. One of my favorite things is that your targeting area can be tweaked by using the D-Pad, and in doing so, you can move around, tweak it a bit, and target multiple enemies with your regular attacks, which are similar to the combo attacks of Chrono Cross in that you can lay them out and build to them, but there's more freedom to chain things together in this. You have Rush-type attacks that fill what is more or less the Limit Break meter for the party, Power-type attacks that do the most damage to health, and Break-type attacks to break through an enemy's Guard points (which they regain every turn, so keeping the heat on is a must). The best tactic I've found so far is to take your fastest character and set them out to hit whatever is the highest amount of monsters possible, and chain Break and Power attacks together to break the enemy's Guard, then plow through those with whoever comes up next in the rotation. You also have "Magic"-type attacks (which are not called magic but I forget their actual name) to heal, do elemental damage, etc. This doesn't mean you can be complacent in battle, though. You do have to be aware of the entire HUD to not be constantly using healing items.

    Oh, and @Pixelated Pixie ? It has dress-up. You have to buy the bulk of the items so far, and only a few have stat bumps, but there's already many clothing options for my characters.

    Also note that after Chapter 1 of the game is over, if you have the DLC to get Peashy (TurboGraphx 16) and Plutia (Sega Mega Drive), you can pick them up in the original series, effectively gaining two extra characters with morphing forms to play with (the HDD forms are more powerful versions of the original characters; think mecha piloting in the Xenogears/Saga games, but the other players don't leave the field).

    I'm enjoying the game; the humor is very self-aware and tongue-in-cheek while at the same time being fan servicey and still having solid JRPG mechanics. The voice acting is just goofy enough to have the feeling that the VAs actually had fun with the script, and the designs of everything seems like it was meant to entertain anyone who enjoys anime, video games, and the strange rules that abound in each.

    Edit: the one thing that is odd is that when you first start the game, you need to go to Config on the main menu and select 1080 full screen (assuming that's what you're running in) and controller as your input. It does not auto-detect either setting, but it does save both.

    Kalnaur on
    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    AtaxrxesAtaxrxes Hellnation Cursed EarthRegistered User regular
    Madican wrote: »
    Ataxrxes wrote: »
    So I went to fire up Hyperdimension Neptunia and got to the menu screen but my xbox controller wasnt being recognized so I quit out of the game and now as soon as it gets to the first screen where it says loading... it says the .exe encountered an erroe and just quits. What gives? I rebooted and still the same thing. Any ideas?

    You need to switch to the Xbox controller from the in-game options.

    I did that and switched it to full screen but there was no response. When I quit the game and restarted I now get an error message and the game does not go past the initial loading screen. I can't even get to the menu. I installed some c++ stuff according to someone's advice on the steam forum but still no dice.

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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    Ataxrxes wrote: »
    Madican wrote: »
    Ataxrxes wrote: »
    So I went to fire up Hyperdimension Neptunia and got to the menu screen but my xbox controller wasnt being recognized so I quit out of the game and now as soon as it gets to the first screen where it says loading... it says the .exe encountered an erroe and just quits. What gives? I rebooted and still the same thing. Any ideas?

    You need to switch to the Xbox controller from the in-game options.

    I did that and switched it to full screen but there was no response. When I quit the game and restarted I now get an error message and the game does not go past the initial loading screen. I can't even get to the menu. I installed some c++ stuff according to someone's advice on the steam forum but still no dice.

    Did you verify the files? If nothing else is working, a full reinstall may be needed, but leave that as a last resort . . .

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    @Stolls DooM 3 has probably the best ones, found in Hell. I think it cuts off early but it's still really good.


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    CorriganXCorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular
    Thanks so much to @Antoshka for Last Dream, the clearly finalest of fantasies. <3

    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Thanks so much to @Antoshka for Last Dream, the clearly finalest of fantasies. <3
    Protip: Monks are crazy good.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    Blackjack wrote: »
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Thanks so much to @Antoshka for Last Dream, the clearly finalest of fantasies. <3
    Protip: Monks are crazy good.

    So it is a blatant FF ripoff. :biggrin:

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Kalnaur wrote: »
    Blackjack wrote: »
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Thanks so much to @Antoshka for Last Dream, the clearly finalest of fantasies. <3
    Protip: Monks are crazy good.

    So it is a blatant FF ripoff. :biggrin:

    There's two more classes than in FF1--Monk, Knight, White Mage, Black Mage, Grey (Red) Mage, and Thief are all there, but there's also Hunter and Engineer. It's also a lot more customizable than FF1 but yeah, pretty much. There's even a "collect the four crystals" segment.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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    CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    Telltale's Game of Thrones is pretty good. I feel like Game of Thrones itself is sort trying to subvery typical fantasy the game almost feels like it is trying to subvert Game of Thrones. You play as a family of not-Starks. Like at first it feels derivative, but I feel like they've leaned into it pretty hard to mess with your expectations and flip things around. There's the honorable head of household (Ned) perfect eldest leader child (Robb), the sensitive middle child (Bran), the girl dealing with court drama (Sansa), etc. But they cleverly play around with your expectations, or at least they did with mine.

    It does feel a bit on the "fan fictioney" side when some of the show characters are involved, mainly in the King's Landing sections, but some of it works. Ramsay Bolton, who doesn't do too much on the show besides torture Theon, works largely because his inner life on the show is so barren. Less so when it comes to fan favorite like Tyrion.

    The art style is sort of hit or miss. They go for a painterly look in the environment and sometimes it works wonders, and others it just looks ugly. The characters aren't as stylized so kind of stand out a bit too much. Most characters are fully clothed (a rarity for Game of Thrones) but the ones that aren't look a bit odd given they've attempted to do the painter style stuff on their bare skin (aside from the face). It ends up making some characters look like they have a rash almost.

    Anyways, fairly enjoyable first two episodes so far.

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    TeeManTeeMan BrainSpoon Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I think I might start playing The Long Dark with the wolves turned to passive aggressors. When things are getting gripping in terms of resource management and my own hunger/thirst/coldness one of them turns up in the least-expected spot and I'm dog food.

    Maybe I'd get better at managing them with more practice, but they're turning the fun and excitement of survival into a pointless hamster-wheel for me.

    TeeMan on
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    SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    Passive-aggressive wolves are the worst.

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    SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    SickBrick tries very hard and fails at being Portal with guns, but at least it's short.

    Fancy Skulls is ehhhhh, it's like Paranautical Activity but more artsy I guess.

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    Descendant XDescendant X Skyrim is my god now. Outpost 31Registered User regular
    Started Dark Souls up again so that I can finally finish it. Looking at my profile, I've got 57 hours into it, but only 6 achievements. That would be because all of my progress got deleted at some point.

    I'm now in Blighttown and wishing that I was dead. I hate this place. I still haven't even made it down to the swamp because the Infected Ghouls keep killing me, or I fall off the planks on the way down, or I get killed by a cragspider. I'm really looking forward to getting slaughtered by Queelag over and over again, if I can manage to get to her.

    On a happier note, I figured out that my Kindle country settings were prohibiting me from purchasing Kindle books on Amazon.ca. I quick settings change later, and now I can use the $100 my in-laws got me for my birthday and I don't have to pay credit card fees on currency exchange every time I want to buy a book! There's little more annoying than looking for a book to buy and finding that everything is unavailable in your country, although discovering that the problem is due to something you did to game the system is almost worse.

    Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I'm now in Blighttown and wishing that I was dead. I hate this place. I still haven't even made it down to the swamp because the Infected Ghouls keep killing me, or I fall off the planks on the way down, or I get killed by a cragspider. I'm really looking forward to getting slaughtered by Queelag over and over again, if I can manage to get to her.

    I dunno if you played it on consoles, but imagine getting 15 FPS while going through there. Blighttown is a god damned nightmare, but thank baby Jesus for the PC port.

    KoopahTroopah on
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    Descendant XDescendant X Skyrim is my god now. Outpost 31Registered User regular
    I'm now in Blighttown and wishing that I was dead. I hate this place. I still haven't even made it down to the swamp because the Infected Ghouls keep killing me, or I fall off the planks on the way down, or I get killed by a cragspider. I'm really looking forward to getting slaughtered by Queelag over and over again, if I can manage to get to her.

    I dunno if you played it on consoles, but imagine getting 15 FPS while going through there. Blighttown is a god damned nightmare, but thank baby Jesus for the PC port.

    Oh man. And I thought Dark Souls 2 on the PS3 was bad. I'd probably gouge my eyes out if I had to play Blighttown at 15 FPS.

    Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    YAY! First game of 2015 completed! Sorta. I got the star plant to Bloom in Grow Home. Still have everything else to do in that game but my God, is it fun! Thanks again @vamen, you weren't kidding on the Tiny & Big feel. It's adorable and I just know I'll be coming back to it time and time again.

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    vamenvamen Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    @Big Classy - Awesome! Glad you liked it. Tiny and Big was so charming and I was very excited when I fired up Grow Home and it had a similar feel. I'm not even sure how to describe why it felt the same, except both games are just pure fun. No frustrations, no annoyances, even when falling from great heights when you try to leap across the sky and forget you are out of flower parachutes.

    BTW - did you use the catapult flowers? I overlooked them almost until the end. Be sure to use one if you didn't! Good times.

    vamen on
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    Pixelated PixiePixelated Pixie They/Them Registered User regular
    I started (restarted) playing Divinity: Original Sin yesterday. I'd never gotten far before.

    7 hours later I realized I forgot to eat dinner and it was practically bedtime.

    Oops. Game is good, yo.

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
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    cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
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    Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    Weird. These days, it seems like the only things I can actually focus on to any real degree are TV and videogames. And even with TV, I'm usually browsing on my phone at the same time so I'm not sure if that even counts.


    SteamID: edgruberman GOG Galaxy: EdGruberman
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    chuck steakchuck steak Registered User regular
    I started Metro Last Light months ago, and got about 4 hours into it. Thought it was good, but didn't see what all the fuss was about. Then a couple nights ago I gave it another try, put on some good headphones and turned the lights out, and I don't think I've ever been more immersed in a game. The voice acting is really good, the pacing it perfect, and the little details in player movement when opening doors and interacting with the environment adds a lot. The build up to big events is really well done too. You can feel something coming, but never know when or what it will be. The only thing I'm not loving are the parts where you get swarmed, and pretty much have to find a corner to stand in and hope you can kill all the things before you run out of ammo or die.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    Weird. These days, it seems like the only things I can actually focus on to any real degree are TV and videogames. And even with TV, I'm usually browsing on my phone at the same time so I'm not sure if that even counts.

    Doing two things at once is not focus.

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    BigityBigity Lubbock, TXRegistered User regular
    That is what he was saying...

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    Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    Weird. These days, it seems like the only things I can actually focus on to any real degree are TV and videogames. And even with TV, I'm usually browsing on my phone at the same time so I'm not sure if that even counts.

    Doing two things at once is not focus.

    Agreed. The only reason I was kind of counting it is because I can at least still follow what's going on in the show. At work - instantly distracted by any and everything (particularly this thread :) )


    SteamID: edgruberman GOG Galaxy: EdGruberman
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    vamenvamen Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I usually only watch TV when I play MMOs...that way I'm sort of tricking myself that by doing two things I sort of consider a waste of time *, I'm at least being more efficient with it =p.

    * I should note I don't really consider such things a waste of time, but any time I exclusively do either, I always end up afterwards going "I should have been working on [insert various hobbies here] instead."

    vamen on
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    Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    Took catalog of my last gen console games to see which ones I'd be willing to grab again, on the cheap, just to have on PC (Since I'm transitioning away from consoles). Bioshock and Bioshock 2 were the only ones I didn't already have or at least have wishlisted. :razz:

    Went to go wishlist them, when I discovered you can't buy Bioshock 2 on Steam anymore? When did that happen?

    @Undead Scottsman
    It's available. You're probably pointing to the old Bioshock 2, which was the one that required GFWL. At some point, they stripped out that abomination, and I think patched in steamworks.

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    JazzJazz Registered User regular
    MechMantis wrote: »
    Why are people saying that System Shock 2 had the first audiologs when System Shock 1 is standing right there.

    System Shock 1 suffers from the same problem as Street Fighter 1; its very existence tends to get overlooked despite its admittedly illustrious successor having the ruddy great "2" suffixing its title.

    I've also witnessed the same phenomenon with Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2. I had a customer once refer unironically to GTA 3 as, and I quote, "the first one".

    Yes, I'm aware that Street Fighter 1 is a mere shadow of what the series would become, more so than SS or GTA. Point stands, goddammit.

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    Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    Finished Season 1 of TWD last night, as well as 400 days. Man, I'm depressed now.
    Lilly, why oh why did you have to kill Carley!

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    RobesRobes Registered User regular
    Castle in the Darkness is a pretty good metroidvania game for only $5. I've been having a lot of fun playing it. That is all.

    "Wait" he says... do I look like a waiter?
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    f3rretf3rret Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    TeeMan wrote: »
    I think I might start playing The Long Dark with the wolves turned to passive aggressors. When things are getting gripping in terms of resource management and my own hunger/thirst/coldness one of them turns up in the least-expected spot and I'm dog food.

    Maybe I'd get better at managing them with more practice, but they're turning the fun and excitement of survival into a pointless hamster-wheel for me.

    I'm trying REALLY hard to play on Stalker difficulty, but when you get wolves like this:

    And temperatures like this:

    It's pretty brutal. Although I tried it on Voyageur a bit last night, and died twice in under an hour because of wolves... I wish they had an "environment" difficulty and a "wolves" difficulty. I'd like to try getting by with harsh weather and few supplies, but also without wandering wolf-hordes.

    f3rret on
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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    I do this all the time. My focus is actually dangerous to me, as I can sit playing games, doing art, or just staring at YouTube videos for hours. Once I get on a track, it takes quite a bit to get me off it.

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    akajaybayakajaybay Registered User regular
    Ended up with Apotheon on the PS4 instead of Steam, since free (sort of, with PS Plus) is a good enough deal.
    Been a bit buggy so far actually. I mean I rather like it. I did turn up the difficulty because it seemed a bit too easy on normal. It looks great, there's a lot of area to explore, and it's always fun to figure out how to break into all the hidden areas. BUT, I had one middle bossish fight where the enemy is scripted to run off into the map partway through and you have to follow. Except I didn't realize this so I didn't give chase immediately. When I went looking for it later the objective arrow would just point to a solid block of stone. So somehow it ended up trapped in there, and restarting and leaving and coming back later did not help to reset it. So I had to roll back to a much earlier save since I had been creating many manual saves and the automatic ones had already been replaced.
    Had one straight up crash when entering a door as well. And got myself trapped in some geometry I had to reload the last autosave to get out of.

    Anyway, I like the game quite a bit, but have been having some problems.

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    cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Kalnaur wrote: »
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    I do this all the time. My focus is actually dangerous to me, as I can sit playing games, doing art, or just staring at YouTube videos for hours. Once I get on a track, it takes quite a bit to get me off it.

    now that I think about it, this was a more common occurrence when I lived by myself. Living with my parents, there's someone who shows up at least once a day to make sure I'm not dead.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    Kalnaur wrote: »
    I can't remember the last time I got so lost in a game I forgot to do something like eat or sleep. Maybe my attention span is gone.

    I do this all the time. My focus is actually dangerous to me, as I can sit playing games, doing art, or just staring at YouTube videos for hours. Once I get on a track, it takes quite a bit to get me off it.

    now that I think about it, this was a more common occurrence when I lived by myself. Living with my parents, there's someone who shows up at least once a day to make sure I'm not dead.

    I live with my wife, but she does much the same thing. We are both generally hyper-focused people.

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    TheKoolEagleTheKoolEagle Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Steam thread, baby girl landed feb 5, at 3:03pm. All is well, successful VBAC. See you on the late night and in 3 threads.
    Grats dude, our baby girls were born 2 hours and 58 minutes apart, ours came in at 6:01pm on the 5th

    TheKoolEagle on
    uNMAGLm.png Mon-Fri 8:30 PM CST - 11:30 PM CST
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    I sense a lot of one-handed PG-rated gaming in your futures.

    God speed.

    KoopahTroopah on
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    KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    Urgh, I've been on asymmetrical multiplayer kick right now but Nosgoth and Depth are starting to lose popularity and distill down to the more hardcore and dedicated players--that or the matchmaking is doing a better job. I have that enviable position of having played enough to be labeled "good" while being just above average.

    With Evolve coming out today/tomorrow it's just going to get worse I imagine. So I could jump on Evolve thanks to the GMG VIP deal but I'm have the problem of only kinda liking it during the beta. Balance seemed off and while patches will hopefully be forthcoming I can't see a lot of fun with being curbstomped by wraiths from the start--unless that "unlock everything from the start" preorder bonus was only for the consoles.

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Weeklong deals of note:

    Zeboyd games are on sale (but everyone around here probably already owns all of those)
    Anodyne is 50% off
    Deadlings: Rotten Edition is $2 and was mildly amusing as far as I'd played (looks to be a tablet port)

    That's all I've got of those I've actually played.

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    bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    I sense a lot of one-handed PG-rated gaming in your futures.

    God speed.

    Go play Nintnedo, daddy is murdering things....and by murder I mean being super nice and loving....

    Steam ID: Good Life
This discussion has been closed.