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Pokécrawl Episode 6: Pokémon Forever!



  • DhutchDhutch Registered User regular
    Blue X ticket gotten! Thanks, JackWren, hope whatever you're doing instead is awesome!

    Ravenclaw, Dumbledore's Army! CaCAW! 2011 TWDT Winners!
  • funnypapersfunnypapers Registered User new member
    So the eventbrite page says that the crawl goes until 2am, but we're going to the last bar around 1130. Are we all going to be hanging out until 2 or will it not actually last that long?

  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    Also see two Red X's available.

  • PizzleStixxPizzleStixx Parp? Burnett? Really? UghRegistered User regular
    So the eventbrite page says that the crawl goes until 2am, but we're going to the last bar around 1130. Are we all going to be hanging out until 2 or will it not actually last that long?

    I'm assuming last call and bar close is 2 with everyone able to do whatever the hell they want once we hit the last stop.

  • Registered User regular
    So the eventbrite page says that the crawl goes until 2am, but we're going to the last bar around 1130. Are we all going to be hanging out until 2 or will it not actually last that long?

    Once we've hit the last bar and done the challenges everyone free to do what they want. That including to stay at the bar until close if you choose.

  • cabsycabsy the fattest rainbow unicorn Registered User regular
    It helps to think of this as more of a loose collection of drunks having a common goal than a strict set of rules that must be followed

    Really the only hard and fast set rule is don't show up without a ticket

  • PizzleStixxPizzleStixx Parp? Burnett? Really? UghRegistered User regular
    cabsy wrote: »
    It helps to think of this as more of a loose collection of drunks having a common goal than a strict set of rules that must be followed

    Really the only hard and fast set rule is don't show up without a ticket

    Amendment to that rule, be wearing your drinking pants.

  • RidleyDragonRidleyDragon Registered User regular
    The temperatures for the crawl are going to be in the 15-20 F range, so dress warmly! There will also be fresh snow on the ground, so comfortable shoes with good grip is also a good idea.

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    The temperatures for the crawl are going to be in the 15-20 F range, so dress warmly! There will also be fresh snow on the ground, so comfortable shoes with good grip is also a good idea.

    Looks like more snow coming on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

    Make sure to bring some extra Ice Heals!


    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • buckett421buckett421 Registered User regular
    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to find someone willing to trade their red tickets for 2 Team Yellow Y. Please let me know ASAP if you're willing to trade.

    Thank you,


  • KemicalKemical Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    I just released two Red Y tickets, so if someone needs them grab them asap! They are gone

    Kemical on
  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    In a few days,we'll all be stumbling around the frozen tundra of Boston in search of booze! It'd probably help if you all knew where you were going right? Maybe these bar routes will help?

    Red X
    Bar 1 7:15 Sissy K's
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Green Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Clarke’s vs Yellow Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Wild Rover vs Blue Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Hennessy’s

    Red Y
    Bar 1 7:15 Sissy K's
    Bar 2 8:30 Wild Rover vs Blue X
    Bar 3 9:30 Black Rose vs Yellow X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hong Kong vs Green X
    Bar 5 11:30 Hennessy’s

    Yellow X
    Bar 1 7:15 Wild Rover
    Bar 2 8:30 Hennessy’s vs Blue Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Black Rose vs Red Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Green Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Hong Kong

    Yellow Y
    Bar 1 7:15 Wild Rover
    Bar 2 8:30 Hong Kong vs Green X
    Bar 3 9:30 Clarke’s vs Red X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hennessy’s vs Blue X
    Bar 5 11:30 Hong Kong

    Green X
    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Hong Kong vs Yellow Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Sissy K's vs Blue X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hong Kong vs Red Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s

    Green Y
    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Red X
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Blue Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Yellow X
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s

    Blue X
    Bar 1 7:15 Clarke’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Wild Rover vs Red Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Sissy K's vs Green X
    Bar 4 10:30 Hennessy’s vs Yellow Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Black Rose

    Blue Y
    Bar 1 7:15 Clarke’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Hennessy’s vs Yellow X
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Green Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Wild Rover vs Red X
    Bar 5 11:30 Black Rose


    I hope everyone's liver is prepared!

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • mahshahmahshah Registered User regular
    Sweet, Hong Kong is on our route. Definitely my favorite bar from last year.

  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    does anyone remember the name of the bar with karaoke and the awesome guy selling chicken om a stick?

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Hong Kong. Chicken all daaaaaayyyyy.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Also, am I the only one that sees Green X twice?

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • PizzleStixxPizzleStixx Parp? Burnett? Really? UghRegistered User regular
    Nah I see Green X as well ... There are bars called the Wild Rover and Black Rose??? Goddamit I need to hit those too or my Irish blood will mutiny against me!

  • cabsycabsy the fattest rainbow unicorn Registered User regular
    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Red X
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Blue Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Yellow X
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s

    is the right schedule for Green Y, he just got it a little messed up

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Whoops! Thanks for point that out, it's fixed now.

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    There are bars called the Wild Rover and Black Rose??? Goddamit I need to hit those too or my Irish blood will mutiny against me!

    During March in Boston, every bar is Irish and serves Guinness on tap. It's magical.

    That said, bring on Hong Kong's chicken sticks and karaoke!


    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • pennywaltzpennywaltz Registered User new member
    Randomfool wrote: »
    In a few days,we'll all be stumbling around the frozen tundra of Boston in search of booze! It'd probably help if you all knew where you were going right? Maybe these bar routes will help?

    Red X
    Bar 1 7:15 Sissy K's
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Green Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Clarke’s vs Yellow Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Wild Rover vs Blue Y
    Bar 5 11:30 Hennessy’s

    Green Y
    Bar 1 7:15 Hennessy’s
    Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Green Y
    Bar 3 9:30 Hong Kong vs Blue Y
    Bar 4 10:30 Sissy K's vs Yellow X
    Bar 5 11:30 Clarke’s

    FYI for Green Y

    "Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs Green Y" should actually read "Bar 2 8:30 Black Rose vs RED X"

  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    There's a couple of Yellow X tickets available.
    And two Blue X.

    All gone!

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    I misclicked on a person for Facebook so if you were trying to join and didn't get in, please try again. Sorry!

    Also, please be prepared tomorrow. It will be cold.
    Please make sure you have your tickets ready or eventbrite ready to scan your tickets. Thank you!

  • RastRast Keene NHRegistered User regular
    Just released a ticket for the best team ever, Green Y, as I had a friend cancel. All yours!

    Pax East 2015: Hotel [X] Passes [X] PokeCrawl [ ] Pure Joy [X]
  • ManlyExplosionManlyExplosion Registered User new member
    There's one open spot on Blue Y, I had a friend cancel.

  • Account4ThisAccount4This BostonRegistered User regular
    Super pumped, just managed to grab 4 rando ticket drops (3 teams) for the crawl! I have a crew of 5 (total) and 1 non-drinker, so I'll see ya'll out Tomorrow night! (I told them all to make new friends). We were the ones in the various Eevee hoodies last year for those who ran into us!

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    Pumped to see and challenge everyone tonight! My fiancee and I made some of the above-mentioned pretzel necklaces we'll have available for donations!

    Let's go Yellow Y!



    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Today is the day!! Just a few important things:

    1. I highly recommend hydrating and eating before the crawl. I also recommend Hong Kong dance floor chicken.
    2. Starting bars and routes are in the second post of this thread.
    3. Please bring cash. The bars are super busy and using a card slows things down. Also, we will be asking each of you for a donation of at least $1 for Child's Play. This covers your scorecard and any buttons you win.
    4. If you are from outside the US, please bring your ID and your Passport. Bouncers (and Boston in general) can be picky sometimes.
    5. If you don't have a ticket and plan on just showing up...don't. I'd love for everyone to come but bars are weird about fire & safety laws and max capacity. Sadly, we can't break them.

    Have any other questions? Ask!
    See most of you tonight!

    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • TorpedoStitchesTorpedoStitches Registered User new member
    One open spot on Red Y.

  • scottyb1218scottyb1218 BostonRegistered User regular
    Pumped to see and challenge everyone tonight! My fiancee and I made some of the above-mentioned pretzel necklaces we'll have available for donations!

    A fellow Team Yellow Y member

  • ebagazareebagazare Registered User regular
    Two spots open for green x team

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I also recommend bundling up.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • chellerschellers New HampshireRegistered User regular
    Just released 2 yellow Xs, good luck!

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    There's 4 tickets open right now! Come join the fun!

  • Undone_OVUndone_OV Registered User regular
    Since there are red x tickets still available would I be capable of switching from red y to red x, just curious :)

  • mindflare77mindflare77 OhioRegistered User regular
    Not sure what happened, but one of my tickets (was two orders) is suddenly not showing up? Blue X, for what it's worth... What do I do? Was going to go with a friend but don't want her to crash without a ticket.


    PSN/Steam: mindflare77
  • LordBraska1999LordBraska1999 Bahston, MARegistered User regular
    I hope all post pokecrawl roads end at Hong Kong....

  • sniper_kingsniper_king Registered User regular
    Last minute can anyone trade a green x for a green y??

  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    Did red x leave sissy ks already?

  • BlueLaguna88BlueLaguna88 Registered User new member
    edited March 2015
    Just FYI hosts of Pokecrawl; the bouncer at Hennessey's didn't let two of my friends from Red X into the bar because they were chanting "Red X!" like we all did throughout the night. (he must've thought they were drunk.) When I asked him to if it's ok that I get my other friends who he let in, he simply replied "No, your friends ain't shit to me." and preceded to banning me from getting in the bar. It was completely unprofessional and I beleive the Pokecrawl should avoid that bar for future Episodes. PS we're calling tomorrow to complain to the manager about the unprofessional employee. I attended Episode 5 last year and had no problem entering Hennessey's. That was a real buzz kill.
    PSS I want to thank everyone who set this up and we look forward to attending next year, this won't deter us from attending future episodes, thank you everyone for setting up the crawl and making this possible.

    BlueLaguna88 on
This discussion has been closed.