
[Women's March on Washington] 100% peaceful march, millions participated, history made



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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Label wrote: »
    I just want to chip in a thought here that occured to me. I think some of you will get this?

    "Intersectionality is the heart of democracy."

    Off the cuff, I like it. We share easy labels, but like snowflakes being similar but not identical, there's always going to be differences.

    The more I think about it, the more it grows on me.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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    LabelLabel Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    more pointedly, if democracy is to be the heart of economic prosperity through effective class action, then it MUST BE intersectional.

    Or our divisions will be used as weapons to turn us against eachother and break us, and our collective economic demise will soon follow.

    As is abundantly evident right now.

    Label on
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    davidsdurionsdavidsdurions Your Trusty Meatshield Panhandle NebraskaRegistered User regular
    For those contacting elected officials' offices and for those that haven't yet but want to:


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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    I think... I gotta check out of these threads for a while. I'm getting super anxious and having a hard time dealing.

    Is there a specific Twitter dedicated to activist opportunities yet I can follow? Something that posts links to things like SwingVote and 5 Calls, so I can stay active but not anxious?

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    The NYC immigration rally is still ongoing. I stayed for an hour and a half but my cold is really getting to me and I had to leave feeling dizzy. Some really amazing speakers including, shockingly, the NYC Comptroller. He cited NYC immigrants make $100bn in income, pay $1bn in taxes--then shouted Donald Trump you are an IDIOT. It was great

    From what I could tell, good turnout too esp for something organized last minute.
    The Comptroller was a boss

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    I think... I gotta check out of these threads for a while. I'm getting super anxious and having a hard time dealing.

    Is there a specific Twitter dedicated to activist opportunities yet I can follow? Something that posts links to things like SwingVote and 5 Calls, so I can stay active but not anxious?

    Keep yourself, alright? First responsibility.

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Cello wrote: »
    I think... I gotta check out of these threads for a while. I'm getting super anxious and having a hard time dealing.

    Is there a specific Twitter dedicated to activist opportunities yet I can follow? Something that posts links to things like SwingVote and 5 Calls, so I can stay active but not anxious?

    Keep yourself, alright? First responsibility.

    Yeah, I'll try; it's a tough call. I consider it a moral duty to keep up with news and do my best to be an agent of change, to try and make things better, but I have essentially spent the last week just hitting refresh on any and every news outlet; it begins to feel like all I'm accomplishing is striking fear into my own heart, which is only making it more difficult to be effective in trying to make a difference.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    ZibblsnrtZibblsnrt Registered User, Moderator mod
    Cello wrote: »
    Yeah, I'll try; it's a tough call. I consider it a moral duty to keep up with news and do my best to be an agent of change, to try and make things better, but I have essentially spent the last week just hitting refresh on any and every news outlet; it begins to feel like all I'm accomplishing is striking fear into my own heart, which is only making it more difficult to be effective in trying to make a difference.

    Fraying at the seam affects how best your best can be; just like any other kind of wearing out you can't go flat out forever. Better to take a breather, check out for awhile, etc., than to push too hard and mess yourself up in more substantial, long-term ways. Despair loops suck.

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    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    Damn near 2000 people showed up to the march here in ol' Cheyenne, and that's nuts for a city of only 60,000

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    LabelLabel Registered User regular
    Label wrote: »
    I just want to chip in a thought here that occured to me. I think some of you will get this?

    "Intersectionality is the heart of democracy."

    Sorry if this ain't quite what you do here in D&D, I don't hang around here much.

    On reflection, (and actually looking up the definition) I do not think I am using intersectionality correctly here. Ah well, should have checked before speaking first.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Cello wrote: »
    I think... I gotta check out of these threads for a while. I'm getting super anxious and having a hard time dealing.

    Is there a specific Twitter dedicated to activist opportunities yet I can follow? Something that posts links to things like SwingVote and 5 Calls, so I can stay active but not anxious?

    Keep yourself, alright? First responsibility.

    Yeah, I'll try; it's a tough call. I consider it a moral duty to keep up with news and do my best to be an agent of change, to try and make things better, but I have essentially spent the last week just hitting refresh on any and every news outlet; it begins to feel like all I'm accomplishing is striking fear into my own heart, which is only making it more difficult to be effective in trying to make a difference.

    I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I feel like the only thing I can do is making sure I know whats going on. We are in this together, never forget that. If you need to step away, we will still be here.

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    Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    But I also see, being from Alabama, where and why people supported him. The only jobs here in my area are fast food, family owned farms, and maybe a factory job if you live close enough. Police are overwhelmed by crime in most of the major cities and BLM is making their jobs harder. Then you have feminist, BLM, and other Social Justice groups whole sale calling people racist, sexist, and homophobic because they don't want more of Obama with Hilary, and it's hard to say no to voting for Trump. It was for me. But what I think turned a lot of the people away from the left was the SJW groups, who would alienated those who leaned right, and sought to condemn everyone who even questioned Hilary or Obama by calling them racist, sexist, and homophobic. They decided that they couldn't support such groups. And they were wrong to vote Trump. But so were the people who pushed them. If someone had tried to reach to those like me who weren't 100% one side or the other, instead of pushing them away, Hilary would have won. And that's all I'm saying.

    Someone pointed out that many Trump supporters wanted to get back to the 1950s way, when life was simple. You know why we believe the 1950s was simple? Because we had just gotten done with a Depression and War. We covered up war scars with fancy cars, nice picket houses, and turned a blind eye to the nastiness because we had had enough of it. You know why we are wanting that again? Because we just when through two wars, a housing market collapse and now a social war that threatens to break out into a race/sex war. Those people are just wanting to feel safe, wanting to hide the ugliness. And that's what Trump promised. He played on those people. The left kept throwing that ugliness in their faces and said "YOU'RE TO BLAME" and they responded with "NO, WE AREN'T" and now we got what we got. Everyone is the villain and victim here because no one wanted to look for the middle ground.

    The "SJW" groups you're writing about have real, life-threatening concerns that the people in power are ignoring, especially BLM. So do the people in your area who are desperate for jobs and dealing with poverty and crime. Those groups and the people from your area are not working at cross-purposes; the same people and policies are causing the different hardships. It's tough to get called a racist or a homophobe, but it's worse to get stopped by police and fear for your life every time. There is no race/sex war coming - that's fearmongering, and a lot of people bought into it because they think it's going to affect their lives for the worse to implement the policies the "SJW" groups are championing. It's not. That's right-wing spin.

    Don't turn away from nastiness, especially not your own. You can be complicit in racism without being a racist, you can be complicit in homophobia without being a homophobe. I know I am. There's a nastiness that breeds introspection and a clearer view of the world, and there's a nastiness that turns the blame for your problems onto others. That second nastiness won the election because it's the easier choice.

    BLM ignore the life-threaten reality of black on black murder and crime. They ignore the fact that the number of black people killed includes people who weren't innocent. They create a false narriative that is what turned me away from them. I support the idea of police accountability, but I dislike how BLM doesn't want to look at themselves and stop the nastiest in their community too.

    And I think the argument of voting Trump means you support racism is as ridiculous as right wing people saying that voting Hilary means you support Adultery because she stayed with Bill after his many affairs. Sure, racist people did vote Trump, but so did racist people voted for Hilary. But everyone had a reason and just calling everyone racist is a cheap cop out of addressing what when wrong this election.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular

    Stop buying right wing propaganda. Black people protest violent crime just like everyone else.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    AstaerethAstaereth In the belly of the beastRegistered User regular
    But I also see, being from Alabama, where and why people supported him. The only jobs here in my area are fast food, family owned farms, and maybe a factory job if you live close enough. Police are overwhelmed by crime in most of the major cities and BLM is making their jobs harder. Then you have feminist, BLM, and other Social Justice groups whole sale calling people racist, sexist, and homophobic because they don't want more of Obama with Hilary, and it's hard to say no to voting for Trump. It was for me. But what I think turned a lot of the people away from the left was the SJW groups, who would alienated those who leaned right, and sought to condemn everyone who even questioned Hilary or Obama by calling them racist, sexist, and homophobic. They decided that they couldn't support such groups. And they were wrong to vote Trump. But so were the people who pushed them. If someone had tried to reach to those like me who weren't 100% one side or the other, instead of pushing them away, Hilary would have won. And that's all I'm saying.

    Someone pointed out that many Trump supporters wanted to get back to the 1950s way, when life was simple. You know why we believe the 1950s was simple? Because we had just gotten done with a Depression and War. We covered up war scars with fancy cars, nice picket houses, and turned a blind eye to the nastiness because we had had enough of it. You know why we are wanting that again? Because we just when through two wars, a housing market collapse and now a social war that threatens to break out into a race/sex war. Those people are just wanting to feel safe, wanting to hide the ugliness. And that's what Trump promised. He played on those people. The left kept throwing that ugliness in their faces and said "YOU'RE TO BLAME" and they responded with "NO, WE AREN'T" and now we got what we got. Everyone is the villain and victim here because no one wanted to look for the middle ground.

    The "SJW" groups you're writing about have real, life-threatening concerns that the people in power are ignoring, especially BLM. So do the people in your area who are desperate for jobs and dealing with poverty and crime. Those groups and the people from your area are not working at cross-purposes; the same people and policies are causing the different hardships. It's tough to get called a racist or a homophobe, but it's worse to get stopped by police and fear for your life every time. There is no race/sex war coming - that's fearmongering, and a lot of people bought into it because they think it's going to affect their lives for the worse to implement the policies the "SJW" groups are championing. It's not. That's right-wing spin.

    Don't turn away from nastiness, especially not your own. You can be complicit in racism without being a racist, you can be complicit in homophobia without being a homophobe. I know I am. There's a nastiness that breeds introspection and a clearer view of the world, and there's a nastiness that turns the blame for your problems onto others. That second nastiness won the election because it's the easier choice.

    BLM ignore the life-threaten reality of black on black murder and crime. They ignore the fact that the number of black people killed includes people who weren't innocent. They create a false narriative that is what turned me away from them. I support the idea of police accountability, but I dislike how BLM doesn't want to look at themselves and stop the nastiest in their community too.

    And I think the argument of voting Trump means you support racism is as ridiculous as right wing people saying that voting Hilary means you support Adultery because she stayed with Bill after his many affairs. Sure, racist people did vote Trump, but so did racist people voted for Hilary. But everyone had a reason and just calling everyone racist is a cheap cop out of addressing what when wrong this election.

    Hillary didn't run on a platform of encouraging adultery, or basing her policies on adultery. Also adultery is nowhere near as harmful as racism.

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    ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    BLM ignore the life-threaten reality of black on black murder and crime. They ignore the fact that the number of black people killed includes people who weren't innocent. They create a false narriative that is what turned me away from them. I support the idea of police accountability, but I dislike how BLM doesn't want to look at themselves and stop the nastiest in their community too.
    I'm sorry, but to me this sounds too similar to: "Sure, women and homosexuals should protest for the rights they're entitled to, but they should also mention that some women are real bitches and there are gay people who are total assholes. Oh, and some of the black people who were wrestled to the ground and then shot, or who were choked to death, well, they were criminals, which makes their extrajudicial killings more okay, right?" You're asking things here that it's pretty shitty to ask of people who are systematically treated worse. You're asking them to basically say that, well, yeah, it's kinda understandable that they're treated worse, but hey, it'd still be nice if they were treated a bit better.

    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Shitting on BLM for focusing on the thing that birthed the movement--police brutality against people of color--and not on fixing all of society's ills is absolutely ridiculous.

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    RubycatRubycat Registered User regular
    Im also pretty sure black on black, black on white, white on white is all just "Crime"

    PSN: Rubycat3 / NintentdoID: Rubycat
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    CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    Holy shit, Ghost.

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
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    Hexmage-PAHexmage-PA Registered User regular
    BLM ignore the life-threaten reality of black on black murder and crime.




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    Hexmage-PAHexmage-PA Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Like seriously, I don't agree with every concept in the social justice wheelhouse (for example, cultural appropriation is a concept that I kind of get but still don't fully agree with), and I personally have more PoC friends who criticize several aspects of identity politics than I do ones who zealously support it (with one even going so far as to call it an "opiate of the masses").

    But if you're going to disagree with and argue against some aspect of what people term social justice, at least make sure you aren't parroting thoroughly refuted arguments like "but what about black on black murder?"

    Hexmage-PA on
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    But I also see, being from Alabama, where and why people supported him. The only jobs here in my area are fast food, family owned farms, and maybe a factory job if you live close enough. Police are overwhelmed by crime in most of the major cities and BLM is making their jobs harder. Then you have feminist, BLM, and other Social Justice groups whole sale calling people racist, sexist, and homophobic because they don't want more of Obama with Hilary, and it's hard to say no to voting for Trump. It was for me. But what I think turned a lot of the people away from the left was the SJW groups, who would alienated those who leaned right, and sought to condemn everyone who even questioned Hilary or Obama by calling them racist, sexist, and homophobic. They decided that they couldn't support such groups. And they were wrong to vote Trump. But so were the people who pushed them. If someone had tried to reach to those like me who weren't 100% one side or the other, instead of pushing them away, Hilary would have won. And that's all I'm saying.

    Someone pointed out that many Trump supporters wanted to get back to the 1950s way, when life was simple. You know why we believe the 1950s was simple? Because we had just gotten done with a Depression and War. We covered up war scars with fancy cars, nice picket houses, and turned a blind eye to the nastiness because we had had enough of it. You know why we are wanting that again? Because we just when through two wars, a housing market collapse and now a social war that threatens to break out into a race/sex war. Those people are just wanting to feel safe, wanting to hide the ugliness. And that's what Trump promised. He played on those people. The left kept throwing that ugliness in their faces and said "YOU'RE TO BLAME" and they responded with "NO, WE AREN'T" and now we got what we got. Everyone is the villain and victim here because no one wanted to look for the middle ground.

    The "SJW" groups you're writing about have real, life-threatening concerns that the people in power are ignoring, especially BLM. So do the people in your area who are desperate for jobs and dealing with poverty and crime. Those groups and the people from your area are not working at cross-purposes; the same people and policies are causing the different hardships. It's tough to get called a racist or a homophobe, but it's worse to get stopped by police and fear for your life every time. There is no race/sex war coming - that's fearmongering, and a lot of people bought into it because they think it's going to affect their lives for the worse to implement the policies the "SJW" groups are championing. It's not. That's right-wing spin.

    Don't turn away from nastiness, especially not your own. You can be complicit in racism without being a racist, you can be complicit in homophobia without being a homophobe. I know I am. There's a nastiness that breeds introspection and a clearer view of the world, and there's a nastiness that turns the blame for your problems onto others. That second nastiness won the election because it's the easier choice.

    BLM ignore the life-threaten reality of black on black murder and crime. They ignore the fact that the number of black people killed includes people who weren't innocent. They create a false narriative that is what turned me away from them. I support the idea of police accountability, but I dislike how BLM doesn't want to look at themselves and stop the nastiest in their community too.

    And I think the argument of voting Trump means you support racism is as ridiculous as right wing people saying that voting Hilary means you support Adultery because she stayed with Bill after his many affairs. Sure, racist people did vote Trump, but so did racist people voted for Hilary. But everyone had a reason and just calling everyone racist is a cheap cop out of addressing what when wrong this election.

    People can have multiple concerns but focus on certain ones at any given moment in time. I went to the Women's March but I also do what I can to help out animals and I'm hoping to start mentoring again in a year or so.

    Your second part is a deeply, deeply flawed analogy. Trump has made racists claims and is doing what he can to implement racist policy. Mrs. Clinton has done nothing similar regarding adultery. And frankly blaming her in any way for her husband's indiscretions is gross.

    If a person votes for Trump then they have supported him. Which means they provided the support for everything he does. It doesn't matter if they agree with everything, the support for it all has been provided.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Absolutely. If you voted Trump, everything bad he does is on you, too. It wasn't anything hidden or secret. People have been saying this about him since forever, it was out in the open for everyone to see. Yet his supporters somehow chose to believe in their own version of Trump that does only what they deem right, and not all the other things he said, because it's easier to justify voting for him that way.

    I have about zero, zero sympathy for anyone who voted Trump.

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    CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    Absolutely. If you voted Trump, everything bad he does is on you, too. It wasn't anything hidden or secret. People have been saying this about him since forever, it was out in the open for everyone to see. Yet his supporters somehow chose to believe in their own version of Trump that does only what they deem right, and not all the other things he said, because it's easier to justify voting for him that way.

    I have about zero, zero sympathy for anyone who voted Trump.

    There were white employees who got together in little circles to talk shit about Hillary Clinton last year, now they're panicking over the hiring freeze. Their tears are delicious.

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
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    Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular

    Stop buying right wing propaganda. Black people protest violent crime just like everyone else.

    This isn't from me buying right wing propaganda, this is from what I saw as someone who supported the movement. I when to two different protest, one in Montgomery shortly after the Michael Brown shooting, and one in Atlanta last summer, and I even got to sit down and had lunch with one of the organizers of the Atlanta movement. Now, the first time, it never occurred to me to question them or their movement, there was and still is a real issue of police brutality and abuse that needs to be fixed like yesterday and theirs was a righteous movement, but I'm a person who doesn't listen to just one side, and I did hear the right wing stuff. Then, when I when to the Atlanta one, I listened and never once did any speaker say anything but the police accountability. So I asked the organizer when I got the chance about why not address black on black crime and he said while it was something that was important, it wasn't the matter in the hearts and minds of the people there. Which, I get, it's a movement birthed from police on black killings, but it seems like if any group could do something about black on black crime, it would be them.

    And I'm glad you pointed me to that article, @enlightenedbum because I've seen very little from anyone other than right wing people really speak against black on black crime, and theirs was to show that BLM wasn't a strong movement, or legit movement. There are still things about BLM that I dislike, but I still do believe in their message. It's just that I wish they would do more. And I don't think it's ridiculous to ask that they address black on black crime. I think it's irresponsible not too. Because no group has had the voice that BLM has had the last few years and it would be a shame if they didn't use their presence to try to hit both subjects.

    But those are my opinions. I see they aren't popular, but I feel those things should be out there and should be addressed.

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    reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    Addressing black on black violence is the most important because you can't stop black people from meeting black people. Police on black violence is much easier to solve, just tell black people to not act suspiciously and the police won't have a reason to interact with them.


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    MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    I would say Black Lives Matter has no need to focus on black on black violence. Trying to solve everything under a single umbrella is how you fail at getting social change through demonstration. Keep your message focused. Simple as possible. And have a platform backing it up. A great example of trying to be everything to everyone is OWS. And that was a shit show.

    Also my brain will never stop seeing BLM as Bureau of Land Management. Just a Westerner thing I guess.

    In other news the events keep rolling in. New one in DC.


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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    "But this other thing exists, why aren't you protesting it?" is almost always an attempt to shut down protest via moralizing. It's impossible to protest every terrible thing at once without losing focus and accomplishing nothing at all.

    The correct response to such outcry is, typically, "yeah, that's pretty bad. What are YOU doing about it? We're over here working on this other thing, but you've clearly got time on your hands."

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    And I think the argument of voting Trump means you support racism is as ridiculous as right wing people saying that voting Hilary means you support Adultery because she stayed with Bill after his many affairs. Sure, racist people did vote Trump, but so did racist people voted for Hilary. But everyone had a reason and just calling everyone racist is a cheap cop out of addressing what when wrong this election.
    Trump was openly supported by the KKK and he accepted the endorsement. He had outspoken white supremacists in his inner circle. He has a long record of making racist comments against blacks and latinos. Many of his campaign promises were simply scapegoating immigrants, refuges, and minorities. His supporters regularly brought swastica flags to rallies and used 'heil' salutes.

    I don't see how you can look at this and say "yeah, racism's not really an issue here, both candidates are really the same."

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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Richy wrote: »
    I don't see how you can look at this and say "yeah, racism's not really an issue here, both candidates are really the same."

    1 out of 7 Trump voters can look at pictures of the 2008 and 2016 inaugurations and say the crowd in 2016 is bigger. It's a brave new world.

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    Richy wrote: »
    I don't see how you can look at this and say "yeah, racism's not really an issue here, both candidates are really the same."

    1 out of 7 Trump voters can look at pictures of the 2008 and 2016 inaugurations and say the crowd in 2016 is bigger. It's a brave new world.

    It's like a magic they can't admit what reality is or the spell is broken.

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    mRahmanimRahmani DetroitRegistered User regular

    Stop buying right wing propaganda. Black people protest violent crime just like everyone else.

    And I don't think it's ridiculous to ask that they address black on black crime. I think it's irresponsible not too. Because no group has had the voice that BLM has had the last few years and it would be a shame if they didn't use their presence to try to hit both subjects.

    BLM isn't addressing "black on black crime" (a racist term used to justify systemic injustice toward black people, btw) because it's specficially about police brutality.

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    surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    this i found interesting

    dvas icon turning up in the korean version of womens march
    You know what’s really cool about this 전디협 (전국 디바 협회 - national D.va association) movement in korea? as much as korea is known for being good at e-sports, female gamers face a SHITLOAD of ridicule and discrimination and by shitload i kid you not. The number of female gamers participating in korean mlg is alarmingly small(or none, in some games), and while some people may think it’s a coincidence, it’s not. Female gamers that are more than capable of competing in mlg are constantly turned away from the gaming scene because people believe ‘men are inherently better at games’, and even if they do participate, they receive a lot more harassment from the viewers than a male gamer would. If they do well, their success is downplayed. If they don’t, their failure is automatically attributed to their gender.

    And it’s not just in mlg! The whole gaming scene in korea is a horrible, horrible place for women to be in general- almost all of my gaming friends (and myself) have gotten some kind of sexual harassment just because they got on voicechat. By sexual harassment it’s not just everyday cat-calling(which sucks on its own), women get ACTUAL RAPE THREATS over chat for making a minor mistake(or even just being there). I’m not going to go into detail because just thinking about what they said makes me want to throw up, but you’ll be surprised at how often it happens. Making things worse, a lot of famous streamers use violent language directed towards women such as 삼일한(literally an acronym of ‘women should be beaten every three days’), and make rude comments whenever a woman happens to be in their team. the men who watch this replicate their actions mindlessly, contributing to the violent atmosphere women are already in. Someone might argue Korean gaming culture is just violent and unforgiving in general regardless of gender because gamers get so competitive. Regardless of gender? I don’t think that’s the case.

    the “National D.va Association” started as a twitter account managed by one anonymous person, but quickly gathered a huge following of female korean gamers standing against discrimination in the gaming scene. Yes, as someone said, Hana would certainly be proud, but that’s not really what they’re aiming for. In fact, they’re fighting to make the country a better place for Hana to be born in. A country with a gaming culture that doesn’t discourage women from playing games, where women can compete equally with men, where women can actually be at the top of the ranks without being stigmatized and disregarded. They’re actually fighting to make D.va possible.

    It might just be a bunny symbol and yes, I get that people are excited to see something from Overwatch in the Women’s march, but that symbol and D.va’s existence as a character means a lot LOT more to us. Please give a big shoutout to everyone that contributed to the National D.va association! I might just be an artist in my corner minding my own business, but as a Korean, a female, and a gamer myself, I can’t find the words to express how proud and glad I am for this kind of movement to actually happen. Thank you Blizzard for Hana Song.

    Thanks for reading!

    it also poses an interesting and rarely considered case for representation; it provides a nucleus for people who already hold a feeling to collect around

    surrealitycheck on
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    PROXPROX Registered User regular
    This just in: Jontron thinks Women's March is sexist:

    TLDR Jon says it's sexist to think all woman are virtuous and have a good cause just because of their gender.
    Woman are not oppressed because they can go to McDonalds and buy a huge big mac.

    Counterpoint: Jon seems like someone who hasn't seen any data and bases his opinion on how he "feels" woman are being treated.

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    davidsdurionsdavidsdurions Your Trusty Meatshield Panhandle NebraskaRegistered User regular
    PROX wrote: »
    This just in: Jontron thinks Women's March is sexist:

    TLDR Jon says it's sexist to think all woman are virtuous and have a good cause just because of their gender.
    Woman are not oppressed because they can go to McDonalds and buy a huge big mac.

    Counterpoint: Jon seems like someone who hasn't seen any data and bases his opinion on how he "feels" woman are being treated.

    I don't even know who that is. Am I supposed to care about this person's bigotry for any extra reason?

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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Who is "Jon Tron" and why should I give a shit what they think?

    Edit: *goes to Wikipedia*

    Oh, some YouTuber. Game Grumps is a name I've heard of, not sure I've ever actually watched one of their clips.

    Second half of the original question stands, aside from "has millions of viewers".

    Forar on
    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    PROX wrote: »
    This just in: Jontron thinks Women's March is sexist:

    TLDR Jon says it's sexist to think all woman are virtuous and have a good cause just because of their gender.
    Woman are not oppressed because they can go to McDonalds and buy a huge big mac.

    Counterpoint: Jon seems like someone who hasn't seen any data and bases his opinion on how he "feels" woman are being treated.

    Thats.... unfortunate :(

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    Yo the phrase "black on black crime" is a racist dog-whistle meant to indicate the inherent criminality of black folk harkening back to Guilded Age politicies of paternalism and the white man's burden and shit, people commit crimes in their own communities for the most part, but nobody talks about white on white crime for some reason.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    this i found interesting

    dvas icon turning up in the korean version of womens march
    You know what’s really cool about this 전디협 (전국 디바 협회 - national D.va association) movement in korea? as much as korea is known for being good at e-sports, female gamers face a SHITLOAD of ridicule and discrimination and by shitload i kid you not. The number of female gamers participating in korean mlg is alarmingly small(or none, in some games), and while some people may think it’s a coincidence, it’s not. Female gamers that are more than capable of competing in mlg are constantly turned away from the gaming scene because people believe ‘men are inherently better at games’, and even if they do participate, they receive a lot more harassment from the viewers than a male gamer would. If they do well, their success is downplayed. If they don’t, their failure is automatically attributed to their gender.

    And it’s not just in mlg! The whole gaming scene in korea is a horrible, horrible place for women to be in general- almost all of my gaming friends (and myself) have gotten some kind of sexual harassment just because they got on voicechat. By sexual harassment it’s not just everyday cat-calling(which sucks on its own), women get ACTUAL RAPE THREATS over chat for making a minor mistake(or even just being there). I’m not going to go into detail because just thinking about what they said makes me want to throw up, but you’ll be surprised at how often it happens. Making things worse, a lot of famous streamers use violent language directed towards women such as 삼일한(literally an acronym of ‘women should be beaten every three days’), and make rude comments whenever a woman happens to be in their team. the men who watch this replicate their actions mindlessly, contributing to the violent atmosphere women are already in. Someone might argue Korean gaming culture is just violent and unforgiving in general regardless of gender because gamers get so competitive. Regardless of gender? I don’t think that’s the case.

    the “National D.va Association” started as a twitter account managed by one anonymous person, but quickly gathered a huge following of female korean gamers standing against discrimination in the gaming scene. Yes, as someone said, Hana would certainly be proud, but that’s not really what they’re aiming for. In fact, they’re fighting to make the country a better place for Hana to be born in. A country with a gaming culture that doesn’t discourage women from playing games, where women can compete equally with men, where women can actually be at the top of the ranks without being stigmatized and disregarded. They’re actually fighting to make D.va possible.

    It might just be a bunny symbol and yes, I get that people are excited to see something from Overwatch in the Women’s march, but that symbol and D.va’s existence as a character means a lot LOT more to us. Please give a big shoutout to everyone that contributed to the National D.va association! I might just be an artist in my corner minding my own business, but as a Korean, a female, and a gamer myself, I can’t find the words to express how proud and glad I am for this kind of movement to actually happen. Thank you Blizzard for Hana Song.

    Thanks for reading!

    it also poses an interesting and rarely considered case for representation; it provides a nucleus for people who already hold a feeling to collect around

    Damn, this is amazing. Got a source for that?

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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    Not strictly Women's March related, but this is happening in my adopted hometown right now;

    Haven't seen any pics with puppets yet. I'd be really surprised if they didn't show up at some point, though.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    I could swear that exact thing was linked before, but a cursory bit of checking isn't showing anything.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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