The Fire Emblem Thread! Echoes may be a remake but hey lets use spoilers anyway



  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    I'm assuming its the gacha term for "blatant money trap"

    Gatcha's are called Gatcha's because the Japanese were literally using the english slang Gatcha as a "Haha they don't know what this really is or means lets call it that."

    On that note buy Hector.

    He's stupid rare normally and even if you get a garbage IV he has the best inheritance skill in the game.

    He's literally the only unit worth spending money on in the game.

    Transporter on
  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Transporter I read your story in the other thread you can't fool me

  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Transporter I read your story in the other thread you can't fool me

    Oh this advice is purely divorced from Hector being my one true waifu.

    Like, I would drop literally the same amount of money, with the same terrible odds, even if I didn't want him to round out the FE7 team.


    He's an incredible Green armor unit, which there are only TWO of, with a legendary axe with a fantastic ability built in, with the best A-Skill in the game even if you don't want to use him as a unit.

    He's so good he's arguably the best green unit in the game. PRE, AND POST INHERITANCE.

    No other unit matches his value. You could argue Ryoma, but Ike exists now and Reds are loaded. Takumi's value has dropped significantly, and there are other dancers than Azura, one, being available from the beginning, and free.

    Hector is the only unit, pre-any visible power creep, that is actually worth spending money on. Every other unit has viable alternatives. There is only one Hector.

  • Tommy2HandsTommy2Hands what is this where am i Registered User regular
    His daughter shits all over him though

  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino Angry as Hell #BLMRegistered User regular
    i've been doing F2P and saving up orbs, but when i saw this banner i had to pull for a shot at Azura.


    mid-speed Takumi?

    steam | Dokkan: 868846562
  • No Great NameNo Great Name FRAUD DETECTED Registered User regular
    +atk-spd Hector and -atk+spd Azura get. Already have Takumi, and have Ike so Ryuma can get lost.

    PSN: NoGreatName Steam:SirToons Twitch: SirToons
  • KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Up to the final chapter of Conquest.

    Haven't taken a crack at it yet but layout wise it looks a hell of a lot easier than the last several have been.

    Entrap staves have saved me a lot of hassle so far.

  • OptyOpty Registered User regular
    I spent all my orbs getting Ike (+atk -res though, so at least a good IV combo) so now I'm cleaning up the rest of the single player and power levelling peeps to get orbs from the quests for chances at the "everyone good" pull. I'm thinking of doing everything but red so I minimize orb usage, but I really want Azura (I don't have a good dancer) so I'm tempted to do just blue until I get her instead.

  • PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    Kelor wrote: »
    Up to the final chapter of Conquest.

    Haven't taken a crack at it yet but layout wise it looks a hell of a lot easier than the last several have been.

    Entrap staves have saved me a lot of hassle so far.


    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
  • DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    ...I got another Takumi

  • KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Polaritie wrote: »
    Kelor wrote: »
    Up to the final chapter of Conquest.

    Haven't taken a crack at it yet but layout wise it looks a hell of a lot easier than the last several have been.

    Entrap staves have saved me a lot of hassle so far.


    Turns out there was another level after that one.

    It was ironic that they turned around and did the same thing to me I'd been doing to make things easier, but all the units they entrapped were able to one shot the units in the sub rooms and then join with the group and my Odin was able to take 90% of Garon's life with Lightning.

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    I tried that stage on lunatic. takumi had a 70% to hit my unit with bow breaker

  • KelorKelor Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    I tried that stage on lunatic. takumi had a 70% to hit my unit with bow breaker

    Oh, I'm just playing on two star difficulty. I just don't have enough time these days to bang my head against a wall repeating a map like I used to for Hector Hard mode or Radiance Lunatic.

    Some of these maps were bad enough, I can't imagine them on Lunatic.

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    May quests are up, good amount of orbs in there if you're like me and got burned blowing them all on ike (with no ike)

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Oh the xander grand hero battle is up for people who may not log in every day but also definitely dont want to miss that handsome prince

  • KandenKanden Registered User regular
    Which is better Ike or Lucina? Trying to decide which one I should use

  • DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    Kanden wrote: »
    Which is better Ike or Lucina? Trying to decide which one I should use

    if you're gonna pick one solely based on arena viability, probably ike? raising both is a good idea in the longer term though.

  • RadiusRadius Registered User regular


    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
  • WyvernWyvern Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Well, I somehow got Azura on my third orb. In addition to already having gotten an off-banner Ryoma and Hector completely by accident. So that's pretty nuts. (Then I tried to get one of the Radiance greens again and failed miserably, but still.)

    Now that my luck has finally turned around after months of getting nothing but garbage, I'm not sure who to even promote anymore. I have 60,000 feathers so I might as well start using them somehow.

    Natural 5*s:
    -Felicia (totally forget her IVs)
    -Nowi (+SPD I think?)
    -Hector (-ATK)
    -Julia (-ATK, possibly useless?)
    -Azura (+SPD/-HP)

    What I would really like to have is cavalry, a good ranged caster, and a green that can move more than one space.

    I'm not sure I have a good cavalier at all, except maybe Sully who I'm not sure I want to raise (as much as I love her) since I already have a Sapphire Spear on Azura now. Frederick, Jaigan, Stahl, and Cecilia might be it.

    I think raising a +ATK/-HP Nino all the way from 3* might be the best call. My natural 4* Nino turned out to be terrible and I don't really have a lot of other good options for casters (except maybe red ones, which I don't feel are important).

    Honestly, it's tempting to promote my level 40 4* Shanna or Kagero as a reward for loyal service (they're STILL in my arena team because I can't get the newcomers up to 40), but that would be really stupid on both counts. Especially Kagero, who's +HP/-SPD and should probably be fed to a better-statted ninja. (Not sure if Felicia will have the ATK for this.)

    Wyvern on
    Switch: SW-2431-2728-9604 || 3DS: 0817-4948-1650
  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    5* ninooooooo

  • DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    honestly it's always more satisfying to get your favorites to something approaching usability, imo, so you should follow your heart

    that being said, nino is a Good Kid and deserves the best

  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Hmm, 5* Ryoma. Well, I was lacking 5* red units I guess...

  • WyvernWyvern Registered User regular
    Daypigeon wrote: »
    honestly it's always more satisfying to get your favorites to something approaching usability, imo, so you should follow your heart
    Well Lyn is already 5*, I whiffed on Titania, and Jill, Nephenee, Fiora, and Canas aren't in the game, so my heart has to make do with what it can get.

    Switch: SW-2431-2728-9604 || 3DS: 0817-4948-1650
  • Tommy2HandsTommy2Hands what is this where am i Registered User regular
    Got my Xander, immediately made him 5 stars

    No looking back

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Got an Ike hooray

    Don't really want to pull for a hector now so I guess I'll just start saving for the next hero fest since theyre such a better value compared to normal banners

    Kwoaru on
  • DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    new arena squad (anna/olivia/ryoma/olwen) clocks in at 4772 for a perfect run

    gotta get some new skills on olivia i guess! I feel like i'm hovering just outside the top 10k, which is a little irritating

    also: Xander mission ends today, if you ain't picked him up yet

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Did you all know about this and not tell me if so that is messed up
    McMoogle wrote: »
    Did i just accidentally use my leveling team in the Arena on my 7th match because i wasn't paying attention? Of course not! And if i did I'd like to see you prove it. Maybe I just wanted to see what would happen if i won 6 advanced + 1 beginner.

    This might be a bad time to tell you this, but after you choose to go into the arena, and you get your 3 choices of opponents, if you choose "Surrender" it doesn't break your streak, you just lose a dueling sword.

    Kwoaru on
  • DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Did you all know about this and not tell if so that is messed up
    McMoogle wrote: »
    Did i just accidentally use my leveling team in the Arena on my 7th match because i wasn't paying attention? Of course not! And if i did I'd like to see you prove it. Maybe I just wanted to see what would happen if i won 6 advanced + 1 beginner.

    This might be a bad time to tell you this, but after you choose to go into the arena, and you get your 3 choices of opponents, if you choose "Surrender" it doesn't break your streak, you just lose a dueling sword.



  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Daypigeon wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Did you all know about this and not tell if so that is messed up
    McMoogle wrote: »
    Did i just accidentally use my leveling team in the Arena on my 7th match because i wasn't paying attention? Of course not! And if i did I'd like to see you prove it. Maybe I just wanted to see what would happen if i won 6 advanced + 1 beginner.

    This might be a bad time to tell you this, but after you choose to go into the arena, and you get your 3 choices of opponents, if you choose "Surrender" it doesn't break your streak, you just lose a dueling sword.




  • LordSolarMachariusLordSolarMacharius Red wine with fish Registered User regular
    As a follow up to this post:
    While waiting for Echoes I've decided to do a new little playthrough of Conquest. Generic female Corrin, not using siblings, not doing any paralogues, and focusing on characters I didn't use much in my initial play (Jakob, Silas, Nyx, Arthur, Beruka). Some things I've noticed:

    -The story feels... maybe not better, but more fitting for the main character to be Corrin and not a player insert. "Alden" (CQ), "Garnet" (BR), and "Marthusala" (Rev) I treated as player inserts, so their stupid actions were incredibly frustrating, I suppose, because the game was showing "me" doing things that were baffling. Now it's just Corrin being Corrin. It feels right.
    -This is the first time as a female Corrin and this definitely has made Camilla a bit less cringey. But more importantly, starting with Jakob instead of Felicia means I'm actually using Jakob and he has turned out to be one of my favourite characters. Felicia has a pretty boring clumsy gimmick going on - Jakob's king-of-the-jerks routine is much more entertaining.
    -Leaving Elise on the bench means Jakob is my only healer. Which means for the first time in a Fire Emblem game I am depending on vulneraries. It's changed the gameplay in an interesting way. (Though I'm at the point where Niles will be an Adventurer and Selena a Falconknight soon.)
    -Silas either has crazy growths or I'm getting super lucky, but he's been a monster. On the last chapter I did (the one with Shura) he strapped on an Effie backback and they held down the Eastern half of the ship while the rest of the team fought through the West.
    -Nyx makes little squeaking noises when she attacks. This hasn't stopped being odd to me.
    -This is the first time I'm really taking note of and utilising characters' personal skills. Beruka's +4 damage to enemies that can't fight back has made her a handaxe champion. Arthur... his personal skill (-5 dodge to self, -15 dodge to enemies) made me look up what dodge is, which I don't think I've ever seen explained in game. Turns out it's avoid but for critical hits. I had to restart a couple early chapters after he'd eaten a few, but pretty quickly got him a bronze axe and a goddess icon. I would have dropped him if I wasn't set on using him. On the other hand, now that he has a killer axe he's getting a little dangerous himself. (He'll never match my Revelations Rinkah though - she ended up a Beserker with Death Blow. With a killer axe she'd often go in on opponents with a 90%+ crit rate.)

    While about to head into the final chapter, some thoughts on how characters turned out for me.

    -Old favourites Effie and Keaton are still amazing. Though I married Corrin to Keaton, and... his bonding quotes are a let down. Turns out he's really needy. He's still a great unit, though nowhere near as good as Velouria was on my initial playthrough (she got an eternal seal and basically single-handedly carried me through the endgame last time). I had to drop Laslow though, due to numbers, and I miss him. He was a consummate Hero for me before.
    -Jakob and Silas both fell of considerably on the back nine. They're both just... too much all-rounders. I find that as the game progresses all the units become so polarised, and you kind of have to match that. If a unit has average defences they're a liability - you need high defensive types to draw physical opponents, high resistives for the magic users, and then great attackers to cull what you've drawn in. I've noticed this in every Fire Emblem game I've played, and it's no doubt why I vastly prefer the early/middle game. I'm kind of disappointed to hear that Echoes has significantly upped Gaiden's infamously low growth rates - I was looking forward to that. As it is, Silas is handy (especially for that Shelter), but he's no longer great.
    -Selena is useless as a Falconknight. Her Strength and Magic are so low that she can't scratch opponents. Her defences are good, but not enough for baiting. She just flies around rallying speed and healing. Nyx meanwhile is so incredibly fragile that you can't trust her anywhere near an enemy. I flipped her into a Dark Flier so now at least she can zip around and finish off weakened enemies before Gaelforce-ing back behind my lines.
    -Flying Fortress Beruka is amazing. First off - I've come to feel that I under utilised rallying before. Her Rally Defence is incredibly useful. She quickly capped Skill and Luck, and her high Strength and Defence make her so good. The last level had a gaggle of Generals with Beast Slayers and Beserkers with Hammers, and I had a serious moment of panic when I realised that Effie, Benny, and Keaton were all in danger. But while she has the advantages of both Armours and Beasts, she counts as neither (Dragon). Pivotal for that chapter, and just constantly pulling her weight on the front lines. I'm embarrassed to have benched her before. One note though: all her dialogue is about assassinating people and sneaking around and such. It's very incongruous with how she plays.
    -Arthur... Arthur. I tried to like you, dude. I've fed him pretty much all the stat boosters I can, and he's still a liability. It's all that damned skill. He's super useful in support, but he himself is too risky to have anything but bronze equipped, and then he can't get it done offensively. I miss my Laslow. And Soleil. Now they were Heroes.
    -Odin and Corrin both got class changed into Swordmasters. For Odin, this meant that he quickly maxed out his Skill, Speed, and Luck. And while his Strength isn't great, that high Skill, plus a Killing Edge +1, plus a Swordmaster's native crit boost, plus his personal skill's crit boost... yeah, he critical hits a lot. With Corrin, she also has that chance of Dragon Fang going off which is kind of dirty when combined with Astra. There was one map where I was air-lifting most of my units across a ravine when a trio of paired-up Masters of Arms spawned, I misjudged things and Azura was stuck behind. I could only get one unit back that turn, so Beruka flew Corrin into a fort and she diced through the lot of them on the counter.
    -Niles is extremely disappointing. He quickly maxed out his Resistance, and he has okay Magic, but everything else is bad. I assume he got screwed on his level-ups, 'cause it seems wrong to make Conquest's main bow user this bad with a bow. Even a Shining Bow. And it's doubly disappointing because I remember his daughter being terrifying with one. I would literally hold Nina back in reserve as a safety valve, because anything she was pointed at died. Capture, as far as skills go, is kind of useless. Especially because you can't capture most units you'd actually want to. I wish they let you keep captured unit's weapons - that'd be useful.
    -Charlotte was a mess. Low Defence and a Resistance of 2. While a Killer Axe, Gamble, Beserker crit boost, and high Strength meant she was pretty good at killing, it got to the point where if she didn't crit and finish off an opponent she'd be guaranteed to die on the counter. And she missed a lot, but needed the crit boost from Gamble... frustrating. She ended up going a couple of chapters basically doing nothing but Rally Strength, and fell behind badly. This past chapter I decided to try to salvage her. I cheesed the game a bit, letting a mob of Heroes crash against Effie and Benny at a choke point while Charlotte just slowly hand-axed her way through them all. This got her to level 15 (for the Axefaire) and I Beruka-Friendship Sealed her into another Wyvern Lord. Much more useful, and now a level away from Rally Strength+Defence.
    -Benoit is a revelation. He has tonnes of HP, Skill, Luck, a surprisingly high Resistance, and the most ridiculous Defence I've ever seen. With a defensive partner and a defence rally, he's in the 50s. It got to the point where he stopped being effective bait, because enemies recognise that they can't do shit and just stand there as he waddles up and pokes them. Actually, I've been using him as a mobile wall throughout the second half of the game, placing him strategically to funnel enemies where I want them. And his resistance (the second highest on my team!) means he can even take a shot or two from Sorcerers. Unlike Effie he has no Speed, but he's a General (Warry Fighter) so he doesn't care. His Strength is kind of on the low side, but he capped Skill a long time ago, and is extra handy with a Killer Lance. Plus that Skill triggers Pavise a lot. I love Benny.

    So, I've had a lot of fun discovering some new loves (Beruka and Benoit, Swordmaster-Odin) that got left behind on my initial play (I used a lot of children characters). It's also been fun not having Xander around as a crutch. There have been a couple of times (staircase, ninja hallway) where I just went, damn, how on earth did I do this the first time? Oh yeah: Xander. I've found that not doing Paralogues hasn't hampered unit growth (I was a bit worried that less maps would leave them under levelled, but without the kids everyone is getting more out of the main chapters). On the other hand, I'm super bummed that Nyx, Arthur, Falconknight-Selena and Niles all ended up kind of crap. The main hardship has been a lack of gold, weapons, and Dragon Vein points at the Castle. I've spent most of the game with a Killer Axe being passed around, because I don't have the money to buy a second one and the staves I need, y'know? Or the million Hand Axes. And why buy someone an Iron Sword when I can forge them a Bronze Sword +1 from the couple I got in the lottery. (Though I did buy an Iron Sword, actually, to forge into Odin's 'Basixcalibur' while I was fundraising for a Killing Edge +1 ('Lady Deathkill').)

    I decided to play this on Classic instead of Casual, and... mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's a more "pure" experience, as there'll be times like when I'm finishing off a boss where normally I'd try to feed that exp to a weaker unit. And I'd see the boss having a 10% crit chance, save and give it a go. But on Classic, nope. Not a chance I'm taking that risk. I think this has also hurt Arthur for me - I might be more forgiving of his untimely deaths if I didn't have to redo huge amounts of gameplay because of him. I miss the way Shadow Dragon did it, actually (there'd be one or two, one-use icons on the map that you could move a character on to and create a battle save. It stopped you from having to redo the entirety of huge maps, while not letting you save-scum like Fates Casual does). I'm looking forward to Mila's Turnwheel in Echoes - that seems an excellent gameplay addition. I've also found the story far less crap than I remember it. It's still not great - Corrin's logic is pretty strained, and there's a bit too much "Corrin must be made to suffer" in the middle. That all feels like you're just being aimlessly jerked around instead of progressing in a, y'know, story, but the beginning and end flow well enough. And the characters are a lot of fun.

    I'll probably do the same for Birthright some time in the future. Obviously going to have Echoes around for the next while any time I want to play a Fire Emblem. But once that's done... no royals, no Paralogues, and no grinding too. Saizo, Hinata, Subaki, Hayato, Kaze will all be pretty new to me. Maaaaybe Takumi. People seem to like him, and I didn't use him in Birthright or Revelations. And he has a pretty cool looking special skin as a Swordmaster...

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    I've used arthur as a lodestar and he turns out really well. guy actually has a huge base defense growth, one of the highest in the game.

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Oh yeah. Echoes does come out this week. I forgot even though I preordered.

    I hope they did a better job with it than Shadow Dragon but I'll buy any mainline FE regardless.

    Also...I wonder if they'll ever remake Genealogy of the Holy War. That's the one I'm most interested in.

  • DaypigeonDaypigeon Registered User regular
    if they keep doing the remakes in this order genealogy is next

    i could see them also skipping right to sword of seals though tbh

  • WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Consider this: if and when they get around to the GBA games, the part of the series that definitely had the coolest sprite animations, they're probably going to redo them with 3D models and it won't look as cool

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Okay class lets learn about fire emblem echoes


    Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a remake of the 1992 game Fire Emblem: Gaiden, it is coming out for Nintendo 3DS on May 19th

    The world of FEE:SoV looks kinda like that of fates, two parallel countries where one is happy and peaceful and prosperous while the other is kinda bleak and shitty and violent but thats probably where the similarities end

    The game follows these two dorks and their friends


    and opposed to them are these dorks


    but none of that matters lets talk about the mechanics and stuff

    • No weapon durability
    • When a unit has no weapon equipped they use their class's basic weapon and most non-basic weapons have some kind of bonus besides just increased attack power, for example the basic sword is just called "sword" and it has might 0 and no skills, but an iron sword has might 2 and it gives access to the skills Steel Blow and Windswept (whatever those do)
    • Most bows have a range of 1-3 so they can attack and counter attack in melee range and they can attack from further away (with some exceptions like the basic bow which is 1-2 and the longbow which is 2-4)
    • Mages expend health when they use spells, so the basic tome fire has might 3 and costs 1HP with every use while thunder might 4 and costs 2hp per attack (along with some other stuff but you get the idea)
    • There is no weapon or magic triangle but I guess the different skills found on weapons will help differentiate them in some way, I didn't dig enough for a lot of detail about this

    • Class promotion appears to be linear so none of that reclassing nonsense* but it also seems to have 3 tiers? So a Cavalier will become Paladin but that Paladin can then become the sexy sounding Gold Knight
    • Villagers can promote to one of several different units but I believe once they've embarked along a path they are stuck with it
    • I assume levels have the same caps because no site seems to mention it being different but I could be wrong
    • There is infinite exp via the 3D dungeon mechanic
    • The 3D dungeons are also where you go to class change apparently
    • Support conversations only go up to A rank, however nothing I can find says anything about a cap on the total number of supports a character can have so it seems like a good half way between the awakening/fates method and the classic method

    *there is an exception to the reclassing rule but it involves turning most units into villagers and then I guess you could promote them along a different line from there but I'm hiding that fact outside of the list in smaller print I apparently can't make smaller so hopefully no one notices that scourge somehow snuck in

    Here have a video of somebody doing one of the 3D dungeons, there is some kind of fatigue thing I guess? The game probably explains that

    its the first dungeon and the person playing doesn't talk so probably no spoilers but watch at your own peril I guess

    Oh it also will have DLC and amiibo stuff here have a look at the amiibo so you can recognize them if you somehow spot them in the wild. The DLC looks like the standard DLC model they used for fates and awakening where some are good for gold and some for items and some for story stuff and some for classes

    Go here for more DLC details


    Anyway I think it looks neat and I will probably get it because fire emblem owns a share of my wallet no matter how much fates hurt me

    Kwoaru on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    I see this game is introducing something called the turn wheel which lets you rewind turns during a battle.

    Not sure of the restrictions but very interesting.

  • KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Yeah its got a couple weird/neat things that the website doesn't quite explain and probably won't have english guides for until a bit after it comes out

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    This whole pre and post Awakening fan rivalry folks have going on makes finding meaningful commentary kind of annoying.

  • LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    i like the gacha game and not any of the mainline ones, despite trying repeatedly.

    it's me, i'm the common enemy that can unite the fandom!

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Also as an aside. I'm so happy we're (technically) getting another console Fire Emblem.

    For a second I wasn't sure we would.

This discussion has been closed.