[Game On] SW:SE Dawn of Defiance - Group 1



  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    <Sorry - wrong thread>

    Jester313 on
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Wow. Rheed thought to himself. That escalated quickly.

    Moving quickly Rheed tucks himself into a nook just outside the Cantina. Not quite sure which side of the scrum he wants to be on, he knows for sure he wants to be able to make a quick escape if need be.
    Move - One square left, two squares north, one square right.

    Jester313 on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The second stormtrooper, seeing the bolt of plasma scream past his comrade, shouts out, "They're with the woman! Blast them!" He then levels his blaster at Mnaomai and takes the shot, catching him across the side of the abdomen.
    Stormtrooper 2 aims at Mnaomai Arma (2 swift), attacks: 1d20+2=20, hit! 3d8=16 damage, exceeds damage threshold, -1 condition step.

    That makes it J6's turn.

    New map:

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Jaysix had already chosen his side before the Stormtroopers started firing on an unarmed woman and those who had the bravery to come to her aid.

    He is no soldier, but the medical droid did serve in the Clone Wars and he knows an exposed flank when he sees one. Stepping between the woman and the two mysterious armed men on the other side of the corridor, he interposes his own body, giving her some cover.

    The droid monk sees Mnoamai throw himself into danger against the Stormtroopers, and knows that the stranger is on the right side. When he sees the man get shot in the abdomen by a Stormtrooper, Jaysix calls out to him.

    "Take them down! We have to retreat!"
    J6-N2 moves 2 squares diagnolly north-east to stand beside Maya (4 squares of movement), giving her cover. Then he is using Bolster Ally on Mnaomai Arma, raising him +1 step on the condition track and giving him 1 bonus hit point.

    Pony on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Under cover of his newfound allies, Su-Tada leads the woman towards the cantina to escape the firefight, but not without notice. Two strangers, from the cover of some crates, pull out blasters and take shots at the Jedi and his ward. Luckily, the chaos of battle hampers their aim, and the shots barely miss.
    Stranger 2 draws a hold-out blaster (move), attacks Su-Tada (standard): 1d20+1=11, miss!
    Stranger 1 draws a hold-out blaster (move), attacks injured woman (standard): 1d20+1=3, miss!
    Su-Tada comes out of delay, fights defensively (standard), moves toward cantina (move).
    Injured woman moves (at half speed) toward cantina (move), moves into cantina (standard).

    End of round 1.

    The first stormtrooper, now under attack from the cantina, spins about, takes aim, and returns fire, but Rokk manages to duck at the last minute, sparks showering from where his head once was.
    Stormtrooper 1 aims at Rokk Fiasco (2 swift), attacks (standard): 1d20+1=13, miss!

    Looks like it's Rokk's turn. Everyone has cover at this point, so if you intend to attack, I would suggest aiming to negate cover, which is two swift actions.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • mightyspacepopemightyspacepope Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "Son of a bitch!" Rokk yelled as the blaster bolt screamed over his head. He imagined that there'd be days like this, but he didn't thank that day would be today.

    He raised the pistol again, took careful aim, and squeezed off a shot at the trooper who had shot at him.

    mightyspacepope on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The blaster pistol catches the stormtrooper directly in the chest, burning through his armor and spewing white smoke. The force of the blast knocks the stormtrooper down, who lies on the ground, unmoving.
    Stormtrooper 1 0/7 hp, damage exceeds threshold, dies.

    Torn Dall is up.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • XaiberDXaiberD Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "So this isn't going to be the easy way..." Torn said to himself, charging across the gap and jumping around the console blocking him from the stormtrooper. Swinging down with his stun baton, Torn attempted to deal with this trooper in a slightly less lethal way. Unfortunately, there were still the two unknowns that had started shooting at Su Tada and his charge to deal with after the Trooper went down...
    1d20+1=16, 2d6=6
    16 on the Attack roll, I think that's a hit, not sure what ST armor gives?
    6 Stun Damage if it hits

    XaiberD on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The second stormtrooper tries to defend himself by thrusting his carbine upwards in a futile attempt to block the incoming blow. Much too late, he is knocked unconscious as a wave of stun energy washes through his body.
    Stormtrooper 2 3/7 hp, base stun damage exceeds hit point total, -5 condition steps, unconscious.

    It's Mnaomai's turn, Thinatos. He's no longer down one condition step, thanks to J6.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Shaking off the earlier blaster bolt, Mnaomai offers a brief word of thanks to the helpful droid as he weave back and forth, getting behind the palettes stacked in front of the strangers, uses his left hand to swing around the corner and carry his momentum straight to one of the strangers.
    Mnaomai uses a swift action to catch his Second Wind (giving him 10 hit points), a move action to go three squares to the northwest, and a standard action to charge the stranger, attempting to hit the stranger with his stun baton.
    Attack roll against Stranger I. (1d20+5=20)
    Damage roll against Stranger I (Stun damage). (2d6+3=11)

    Thanatos on
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    As the melee in front of him unfolded, Rheed thought to himself, I can get out of this clean. I won’t even need to get involved. I’ll just slip out past the promenade.

    He watched as the two Stormtroopers were incapacitated. He watched as the two dark-robed strangers opened fire on the woman’s saviors. I can just walk away like nothing happened. No need to fight. No need to pique the Empire’s interest.

    He watched another combatant moved quickly, effortlessly, and landed a blow on one of the dark strangers. He saw the injured woman move past him into the cantina. He felt his hands moving with a mind of their own, swinging his trusty rifle up into his hands and point towards the other stranger. He felt the familiar pull of the trigger. As the blaster barked to life, Rheed thought to himself, so much for laying low.
    Move – draw carbine
    Standard – Fire at stranger 2 - Attack roll: 5+5=10 (not good) - Damage roll: 12+2 (for M's destiny bonus!)=14

    Jester313 on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Mnaomai charged too swiftly for the stranger, who frantically tried to level his pistol at the incoming attacker. The stun baton buried in his gut, however, ended any resistance the stranger had left, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

    The last stranger desperately takes cover behind some crates, just quickly enough to dodge a shot from Rheed's blaster. Refusing to give up, he begins raising his pistol at Mnaomai, hoping to at least take someone with him.
    Stranger 2 1/6 hp, base stun damage exceeds hit point total, -5 condition steps, unconscious.
    Rheed misses Stranger 1 (who has a +5 cover bonus to Reflex Defense).

    J6, you're up. Only one enemy left, and he acts immediately after you.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Jaysix looked at the last visible threat to their escape, the shifty fellow who seemed loyal to the Imperials.

    He saw no need for more bloodshed. Surely, news of this will get around the station regardless of whether this man lives or dies, and it is hardly likely he still presents a true threat.

    Calling out to him, the droid's voice was harsh and commanding.

    "Run you fool! You are outnumbered! The day is lost!"
    Persuasion check to Intimidate the Imperial weasel, trying to make him flee: 3+7=10

    He's outnumbered, but not helpless, so I get no bonus or minus on my result.

    He probably resists my Intimidate attempt, much to his eventual demise...

    Pony on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Though shaken, the last stranger seems to otherwise ignore the wise words of J6-N2. "I'll never run from traitors! Emperor protect me!"

    The man leaps up from behind the crates, takes careful aim at Mnaomai, and fires one last shot from his pistol before return fire cuts him down where he stands. At such close range, and off-balance from his attack, Mnaomai winces as the blaster bolt sears past his left cheek before impacting some distance away.
    Stranger 1 aims at Mnaomai Arma (2 swift), attacks: 1d20+1=12, hit! 3d4=9 damage.

    I'm calling the fight, as the final dude has no chance at this point. :P

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    After the last Imperial falls, the injured woman speaks, "Thank you for coming to my aid, but we must flee at once! More soldiers are bound to be on their way. Please, help me up and I will show you the way."

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "Well, you heard the lady." At this, Su-Tada gives her a hand up, while pulling a stun baton with his free hand. Raising his voice enough to be heard by everyone in the immediate area, he says "If you were shooting or swinging implements of violence at the Stormtroopers or Imperial thugs, I suggest you come with us. If you weren't, I hope you are wise enough to stay out of our way." Then, he looks significantly at Torn and gestures towards Mnaomai. "<Torn, you should keep your eye on that one. The three of us have at least one important thing in common.>*" Finally, he looks at Mnaomai, and says "we need to talk, but not here, and not now."

    Then, Su-Tada begins helping the woman to hustle out with all reasonable haste. "So, miss, after helping to save your life, can we at least know your name?"
    *Translated from Kel Dor.

    Thanatos on
  • mightyspacepopemightyspacepope Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Rokk runs over, frantic. "OhbloodyhellIjustkilledastormtrooper!"

    He takes a deep breath. "So, what's the plan?"

    mightyspacepope on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Leaning on Su-Tada for support, Maya heads through a maintenance door towards the fringe parts of the station. The further you get from the Promenade, the less well maintained everything becomes. Lacking the spit and polish of the main portions of the stations, everything is a mess, with conduit cables hanging freely, sparking from time to time, coolant leaks venting clouds of mist into the passageways, and grease and grime everywhere.

    Occasionally you pass individual or paired non-humans, carving out a squalid existence as best they can, living out of what would have once been supply or maintenance rooms. As you approach, they scurry back into their hiding holes, and while you can no longer see them, you know they watch as you pass. It seems non-humans are not welcome in this new Empire.

    Finally, you arrive at an unlabeled blast door. Maya pulls out a datapad and punches a few buttons, and moments later, the door opens with a grinding whine into what appears to be an old service airlock.

    "Here we are. We should be safe in here; the Imperials never come out this far. Oh, and don't worry about the airlock. It's been welded shut, and the opening mechanisms have long ago been scavenged for parts."

    Maya lets herself slump to the floor, sitting with her back to a wall. She takes a moment to rest before continuing.

    "I want to thank you again for rescuing me. My name is Maya, and I am a member of Alderaanian Security, specifically part of Senator Bail Organa's personal security detail. I was sent here by the Senator to recover some very valuable cargo.

    "There is a droid here by the name of Switch who is an information broker. He was responsible for receiving and storing this cargo, which was shipped all the way from the Deep Core. I was supposed to contact Switch, recover the cargo, and deliver it to Senator Organa. However, I was waylaid by the Empire mere hours after arriving on the station. Apparently, the fact that I work for a vocal opponent of the Emperor has flagged me as a troublemaker, and the Empire wants me off the station, one way or the other.

    "I know you have done so much already, but I must ask for your help once again. Please, go meet Switch and recover this cargo, as it is vitally important for the greater good. If you wish to do this, you can find Switch in deep storage bay V14."

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "Oh Mang. You have got to be kidding." Rheed mumbles to himself. Leaning up against the cool metal wall, watching this rag-tag bunch littered before him. He really had no interest in getting involved. Resistance smuggling seemed like a much more dangerous, much less profitable version of private smuggling. But he definitely wasn't going to find a crew down in the station slum, and this Switch fella might be able to point him in the direction of a legitimate money-making outfit.

    "All right people, lets get moving. Put the droid out front, and I'll take the rear guard. Does anyone know where the hell storage bay V14 is?"

    Jester313 on
  • mightyspacepopemightyspacepope Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "I'm in, Maya. This might sound weird, but this is totally what I dropped out of school looking to do," Rokk says.

    His hand repeatedly comes down to pat the grip of the blaster pistol, as if to reassure himself that it's still there.

    "So, how long after killing Imperial soldiers does it usually take Darth Vader send bounty hunters after you?"

    mightyspacepope on
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Su-Tada sits back and thinks, deeply. "This sounds like a compelling mission, indeed. However, if we're going to be risking our lives for it, I think we're entitled to know what exactly this cargo is...?"

    Thanatos on
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "And is there any money in it for us?" Rheed blurted out, stepping into the light.

    Jester313 on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "I can provide you directions to bay V14." Maya begins tapping at her datapad, and continues, "Unfortunately, I do not know exactly what this cargo might be. I was only told of its importance, in that it may help save the lives of countless innocents. This is enough for me. As far as money goes, I promise you that you will be well paid if you complete the mission."

    Maya stopped tapping at her screen and turned the datapad to face you. "Here you go. This is the most direct route I can find that steers you clear of the more heavily patrolled areas of the station. It should take you to Switch and keep you safe at the same time."

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Paid handsomely. The words bounced around in Rheed's head.

    "Alright. The credits aren't going to earn themselves. Someone grab that data pad and lets get going. We've got things to do, and none of them involve hanging around here bonding."

    Jester313 on
  • mightyspacepopemightyspacepope Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Rokk picks up the datapad. "Yeah, let's listen to the big, scary Rodian and get a move on."

    mightyspacepope on
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Su-Tada nods, and says to Torn "<Well, I, for one, I'm tired of doing nothing but running. It's a chance to go on the offensive against the Empire. Besides which, I think we're going to have trouble finding any other way off the station after what we helped do to those Stormtroopers and the Imperial agents. So, unless you have a better idea, I think we should follow the Rodian>*."
    *Translated from Kel Dor.

    Thanatos on
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    "I have no idea what that guy just said. But Skippy over here," Rheed begins, indicating Rokk, "is right. You should listen to the big, scary Rodian. And If I had any proof he didn't have a tiny little pea-brain, I'd nominate him leader. But I don't. So I won't."

    Rheed moves towards Jaysix, stops short, and cocks his head to one side.

    "Why doesn't FancyBot here take the front. It seems to have a good a head on its shoulders. Even if it is made outta tin."

    Jester313 on
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Jaysix examined the woman's injuries while she spoke. When she was finished, and everyone else had gotten a word in edgewise, he felt comfortable speaking.

    "Your injuries are severe, but not life threatening. I suggest you seek medical attention as soon as you are able."

    As he was examining and listening, the medical droid was doing more than he appeared. He was listening to her voice, comparing that to heart-rate, pupil dilation, and other factors. A well-programmed droid with years of self-training on top, Jaysix was adept at sensing falsehood. He wanted to believe the woman's story, but he also feared that perhaps this entire scenario was a trap to catch a certain sort of person.

    The sort of person who would reveal themselves to save an innocent.

    The sort of person Jaysix was suspecting some of his comrades might be.
    Taking 10 on a Perception check to sense Deception, with a result of 19.

    Pony on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Maya smiles at J6. "Don't worry about me, I'll be able to get help on my ship. And when you secure the cargo, please contact me on this comlink frequency." She gestured to a sequence of numbers on the datapad below the map.

    "And may the Force be with you."

    Following Maya's directions, you enter a very much neglected part of the station. Many of the lights have burned out, and blaster marks and carbon scoring mar the walls, ceiling, and floor. The area reeks of ozone and electrical fires, and pools of coolant litter the hallways at regular intervals. After winding your way through a near-labyrinth of decrepit corridors, you come upon a room containing a sealed blast door clearly labeled "V14". Standing guard are two Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes who notice you but do nothing.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • Jester313Jester313 Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Keeping close watch behind the group, lest any helmet-heads come calling, Rheed glances over his shoulder to the Gamorreans. Not wanting to alarm them, he tries to shield his drawn rifle, which is pointed back down the corridor the way they came.

    He whispers harshly, "Any of you Fancypants do-gooders speak Gamorrean?"

    Jester313 on
  • XaiberDXaiberD Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Torn nodded, "<I quite agree. Besides, it's not every day we get to act like Jedi, even if we have to stay hidden.>*" He said, and began to move along with the others.

    As the woman said, "And may the Force be with you." Something twanged inside Torn, and worry rushed through him. He knew that many people still used the saying, but he felt worried.

    As the group came up to the Gamorreans, Torn's worries struck again. "Not I. Though they usually understand english, I'm sure we could just convince them to let us by." He said, looking at Rheed. "Just remember, no making fun of their weight, and if there's alot of grunting and squeeling, we're probably not getting in. These boars don't look smart enough to piece together 'No' let alone an explaination..." Torn finished, glancing around at the rest of their motley crew.
    *In Kel Dor.

    XaiberD on
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    J6's vocabulator slit flickered slightly as Torn spoke. Jedi! True Jedi! What fortune, he thought. He had his suspecions the entire time, but now it confirmed that at least Torn and So-Leet were Jedi, and knowing that it was safe to assume Mnoamai was too.

    The droid monk took the lead, walking towards the Gamorreans directly and remarking absently "I will handle this" over his shoulder as he did so.

    Jaysix knew that culturally, Gamorreans hated droids and often would just physically assault a droid for no reason at all. But if these Gamorreans worked for Switch, then clearly they didn't possess the same prejudices as many of their kind.

    Gamorreans proved their mettle through strength and aggressiveness. Smooth-talking and compliments would fail here. No, instead the droid needed to be confrontational.

    Leaning forward, directly into the face of one of the Gamorreans, Jaysix's voice was deep and almost gutteral as he spoke.

    "We need to talk to Switch. Now. We have business."
    Persuasion check to shift the Gamorreans to friendly. I'm assuming they are indifferent, so that gives a -2 modifier. It's not an Intimidate check, really, I'm using Gamorrean cultural norms to persuade them.

    Persuasion check: 8+5=13

    Pony on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The Gamorreans look J6 over with their beady black eyes, and they both start chuckling. "Grunty-snort, squeal grunt! Snorty-snort grunt snort." With that, one of the Gamorreans sticks out his hand, as though waiting for you to give him something.
    Translator roll to understand Gamorrean.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    J6 consults his linguistic database, trying to discern what the Gamorrean said.
    Intelligence Check to understand Gamorrean: 3+2=5

    His linguistic database must've been out of date, or perhaps they were using a regional dialect he was unfamiliar with. However, he understood the gesture easily enough.

    Pulling a credit chip from a forearm compartment, J6 nodded as if he understood, and said in Basic "Will a hundred do for the lot of us?"

    Pony on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The Gamorrean who spoke snatches the credchip from J6, examining the amount. Grunting in what you are guessing is surprise, he gestures to his companion, and the two of them leave down a passageway.

    Suddenly, the blast door slides open.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large crates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat and fumes that makes the entire area unpleasant. Flickering lights provide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall.

    Near the center of the room is an item that seems very out of place--a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny, ebony coverings that seem to soak up light and offer only the slightest reflection. The droid’s eyes flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Su-Tada cautiously steps forward into the cargo bay, looking around for anything suspicious. "Switch, I presume?" he asks, in the general direction of the droid.

    Thanatos on
  • VathrisVathris Baconist @EndofTimeRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Tending to his flesh wounds, Mnaomai attempts to recover (1). He steps forward into the bay; while scrutinizing his prior conflict.
    "Careless, next time I must take greater care."
    While in thought, Mnaomai makes his way to the front of the pack. As he passes, Mnaomai lets out a compliment. “Before I forget, excellent shooting back there Devaronian.” Mnaomai’s attention turns to the room and the droid. He attempts to look the bay down for trouble but the pain of his wound clouds his focus (2).

    (1) Recover action to bring condition track back to normal.
    (2) 1d20 +2 = 6 Perception check in the bay for suspicious items.

    Vathris on
  • delrolanddelroland Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The droid studies Su-Tada for a moment. "It seems you have me at a disadvantage, for you know who I am, but I do not yet know who you are, besides that you are in trouble with the Empire."

    Switch then gestures to two seats sitting in front of the desk. "Ah, but where are my manners? Please, come into my office. What business brings you to me this day?"

    delroland on
    EVE: Online - the most fun you will ever have not playing a game.
    "Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Su-Tada nods towards some of the crates as he takes one of the two available seats. "Gentlemen."

    Turning towards Switch, he says "my name is So Leet, and I and my companions have been sent by Maya on behalf of the government of Alderaan. You're holding some cargo she'd like us to pick up. You may have heard, she ran into a bit of trouble on the promenade, earlier, so requested that we take care of this pickup for her."

    Thanatos on
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