Conan Exiles: Penny Arcade Server Now Online



  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Walt wrote: »
    does the pickaxe actually increase bark harvest rate or just wood

    It's the same but the increased gathering rate trait effectively doubles what you get per whack. Since you usually need a ton of wood for various projects anyways (whether insulated or shaped), using a pickaxe means you get a ton of bark in addition to the wood you were going to harvest anyways.

  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    Walt wrote: »
    does the pickaxe actually increase bark harvest rate or just wood

    It's the same but the increased gathering rate trait effectively doubles what you get per whack. Since you usually need a ton of wood for various projects anyways (whether insulated or shaped), using a pickaxe means you get a ton of bark in addition to the wood you were going to harvest anyways.

    Yeah this is the case. Gathering it passively when your collecting wood anyway makes a massive difference.

  • PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Blackhand Castle is open for business. The interior is pretty barebones still but I have plans to decorate it little by little. Crafting stations are in the basement. Map room is up top. I need to finish the bridge to the other shore now and figure out where I want to put a couple wheels and maybe a temple. Once I've got an army trained to defend it I'll see about upgrades maybe. Given the snowflake shaped hole in the roof I'm pretty much obligated to put a temple to Ymir there somewhere.

    If I could do it over I'd have made it bigger. The larger wheels are three blocks tall and temples are like 4x4x4. I could fit them on the top floor if it wasn't for the map. I really don't want to tear the roof down at this point just to make one of the lower floors larger though. Maybe I'll modify one of the towers.

    Poketpixie on
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Ok, never saw the fashionist mod, but that is too good to not have, since the gear I like to wear has bonuses I don't particularly want.
    @DietarySupplement , if you would, please add these mods to the server and we can begin working on ironing out the kinks for how to get players set up properly for joining the server.
    Wood Chips - Don't smoke with Bark
    The breakdown of this mod is that you can convert wood into branches and then branches into wood chips (bark) instead of just farming trees and rocks with a pickaxe.
    There's different efficiencies between doing it by hand and choosing one or two workstations to do the work. Also, this is journal compatible since its just a string change to the name and not an item number change.

    Armor Weight -50%/ Durability +50% (FullReleaseReady)
    As the name implies armor weight is dropped quite a bit and durability is increased for armors by that amount.
    Even at medium armor, your sitting at about 50% encumbrance and that means so many more trips back to camp with your farmed mats. Everyone is aware of the armor weights historically and PVP-wise, but we are a Coop server so we will take the quality of life change to make harvesting in the wilds easier.

    WYSIWYG Wheel of Pain (1.0 compatible)
    What You See Is What You Get Pain Wheels. The thrall interns that are currently in training are the ones that show up pumping around the grind wheel instead of that poor old dude 24/7.

    Drag thralls in water (May 2018)
    This mod lets you drag would be thralls through water deep enough to swim. Currently on official servers, you begin swimming and drop the leash thus losing your intern through the world.

    Tool Durability Multiplier Fix
    The server setting "Durability Multiplier" does not apply to tools. This isn't strictly a bug. It's designed this way, as one can tell by taking a look at "BP_Durability". Don't ask me why they did that, I have no answer for you. But what I can say is that I changed tools to work like weapons and armour in that regard so that the durability multiplier applies to them as well.

    It basically adds cosmetic armor slots, which also each contain a checkbox to let you choose whether it's shown or not (so you can wear a helmet but not have it shown, for example).

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • ArthilArthil Registered User regular
    We don't currently have any mods though, right?

    PSN: Honishimo Steam UPlay: Arthil
  • PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    Arthil wrote: »
    We don't currently have any mods though, right?


  • DietarySupplementDietarySupplement Still not approved by the FDA Dublin, OHRegistered User regular
    Okay, I will see about getting the mods installed. I didn't want to mess with it over the holiday weekend in case it caused some extended downtime.

    One thing to note: if this is anything like ARK, I worry that as new builds of the game client are released, the mods won't keep pace and cause more harm than good. I'm fine with the extra working of keeping things in sync, but just be prepared for certain builds where you'll have to uninstall/re-install them as support catches up.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Did they do something at launch to the weight of armors? I feel like my carry capacity is greatly reduced from what I'm used to in Early Access, and I'm not really doing anything differently. I feel like it's gotta be extra weight from my gear that is limiting my ability to haul more crap.

  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    Thats part of why we are putting in the armor weight reduction mod. The devs are of the idea that going to war, you dress for war while others do the actual looting. Which is fine for pvp.

    But on the pve server, we want to be pretty pretty princess in somewhat functional gear as we go about building effigies to our greatness.

    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Speaking of, I'm digging my new build location in the Mounds of the Dead. It's not as pretty as I was hoping for as there are build location restrictions there due to Cimmarian Exile and Wight spawn locations. But otherwise it's really neat.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Ahh guess that means I need to come up with a lightweight suit of armor for gathering. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm at work right now so I can't look at armor and weight values till tonight.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Bonus thought: The Hyena armor is pretty heavy too. It is still considered medium armor, but it is much heavier than generic medium armor.

  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Ahh guess that means I need to come up with a lightweight suit of armor for gathering. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm at work right now so I can't look at armor and weight values till tonight.

    Just gather naked, like Derketo intended.

  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    I gather in the thief set.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Once I get to 50 the Thief set is an option. Right now I'm only 31.

  • Pixelated PixiePixelated Pixie They/Them Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Ahh guess that means I need to come up with a lightweight suit of armor for gathering. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm at work right now so I can't look at armor and weight values till tonight.

    The default light armor actually increases your encumbrance stat, so it's actually better than wearing nothing at all while out gathering. You get +5 encumbrance for a full set, so +35 to to your carry limit, and the armor itself weighs a lot less than that.

    It's what I use. I know if I'm out gathering, I'm not going to be fighting anything important, so I don't need anything protective.

    Pixelated Pixie on
    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur. Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Speaking of effigies to our greatness,
    Located just east of Seperemeru in the scenic sand flats. :razz:

    Heh also that wall is totally just for show.

    There is still more work to be done in the courtyard and I still need to furnish the inside, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Originally it was supposed to be 12x12, but when laying the foundation I guess I was more tired than I thought and it somehow ended up being 17x17. Heh, so I needed to come up with new ideas for the inside layout.

    Also I need to find me something that's a big ass fire for the top piece. Like the bonfire, but not. So far though the only braziers I have are underwhelming. Are there any big fuck off statues maybe?

    edit- And I learned that Gates will attach to foundations buuut they attach to the center of the foundation block making it fairly useless. However you can throw down a fence foundation on a regular foundation and it'll connect to the edge of a foundation block. That's how I got that bigass gate for a main door to the pyramid.

    Axen on
    A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    I met a traveller from an antique land
    Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert... near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;

    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
    Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.[4]

  • NosfNosf Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    A friend has been running a server for ages, and all my stuff was still there...mostly. They're running a few mods, notably the better bark mod. The ideal part of this mod is I have a couple drying racks by my T4 carpenter station. Bark comes off the shaped wood creation and right into the rack for drying, which grants resin for creation of insulated wood. Dried wood to insulated wood gives bark, so once you're going the system just feeds itself. One of the people on the server wrote it, and it's on the workshop. They run a few mods, some better dyes and such, one I think lets you make scissors and personal fashion items so I was able to give myself a haircut the other day.

    Personally, I've refurbished my old fort at the north end of the river valley just SE of the Black Galleon. I've walled it off and created some stairs up to the Galleon so I can run raids and now have a plethora of T4 thralls of each stripe except an alchemist, I believe. The river valley nets me piles of ironstone ore each run, and I spent the weekend hitting the brimstone caves so I have a few thousand brimstone that I've turned into steelfire, and then replenished my brimstone to create hardened steel.

    I've also setup some stairs up to the highlands which are a bit of a jog, but I have a small gathering spot up there. I pushed into the north, and with the right attributes I find the cold is pretty neglible around the Black Keep. I've unlocked the obelisk and will map room up there with a solid pile of materials and get an insulated house built so I can farm the Keep's defenders and the keep itself. Ultimately, I want to build map rooms at each obelisk or near each for better fast travel around our server.
    Axen wrote: »
    Speaking of effigies to our greatness,
    Located just east of Seperemeru in the scenic sand flats. :razz:

    Heh also that wall is totally just for show.

    There is still more work to be done in the courtyard and I still need to furnish the inside, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Originally it was supposed to be 12x12, but when laying the foundation I guess I was more tired than I thought and it somehow ended up being 17x17. Heh, so I needed to come up with new ideas for the inside layout.

    Also I need to find me something that's a big ass fire for the top piece. Like the bonfire, but not. So far though the only braziers I have are underwhelming. Are there any big fuck off statues maybe?

    edit- And I learned that Gates will attach to foundations buuut they attach to the center of the foundation block making it fairly useless. However you can throw down a fence foundation on a regular foundation and it'll connect to the edge of a foundation block. That's how I got that bigass gate for a main door to the pyramid.

    T3 shrines have a light that shines into the sky, my shrine to mitra is on top of a butte that overlooks my fortress.

    Nosf on
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    We're in purge town, gents. Next time there are 5 of us on, it's go time.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    A page or two back someone mentioned how deadly Dancers can be with daggers. I experienced that last night. I fought a pair of them. They were just Exile I's and II's, but they completely destroyed me. They stacked that bleed up to 20 so fast I didn't even have a chance. Also, they burned right through my shield. All those rapid hits made the durability on my shield just drop almost instantly.

    Lucascraft on
  • Pixelated PixiePixelated Pixie They/Them Registered User regular
    Yep. Bleed stacking is overpowered and dancers can just fuck right off.

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    Don't let that [Performer] tag fool you, she WILL cut you. Taking on two Dancers at once is a death sentence.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    It certainly makes solo thrall taking a whole lot more difficult. I'm gonna have to bring my co-op buddy along with me to capture dancers.

  • DietarySupplementDietarySupplement Still not approved by the FDA Dublin, OHRegistered User regular
    Do you guys think we should close this thread and do a new one we can control?

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I've thought about that a lot. A while ago I was all inspired to do a big newbie guide for the game with tons of info to help new joiners to the game. But I think that time has passed, and I'm not feeling nearly as inspired anymore.

  • DietarySupplementDietarySupplement Still not approved by the FDA Dublin, OHRegistered User regular
    Well only because the user that created it hasn't even logged into the server in quite some time, and it'd be good to get things like servers, mod lists, guides, links, etc up there.

    Or can the mods just change ownership of a thread?

  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Nope, gotta start fresh

  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Should have told me over Memorial weekend. I would like to dig through the thread and find pics and paragraphs to throw in the OP. Ill try and get something together, but dont expect it until sometime over this coming weekend.

    But yes. We need to get a new thread up and running.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    Been ignoring this for a long time because I don't really care about the source material but apparently this is pretty good.

    Might end up checking it out during the summer sale.

    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • BloodycowBloodycow Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Been playing this for about a week with a buddy on a PVP server. It doesn't run any mods that I know of, but we are having fun.

    Set up out base in a cave that is open on 2 sides. Near the black gallion.

    The only way to get into it is to climb up a wall, then open a hatch door. We have yet to be raided as you can't throw orbs that high and you can't build a treb in the cave as it would be too close to our stuff.


    The base is also just south of the Arena Obelisk. We put a map room up on top of the cave (use an elevator to get up there easy), then map rooms near all the other obelisks. Makes farming super easy. Just keep hopping around using map rooms.

    Bloodycow on
    " I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet.”
    ― John Quincy Adams
  • WaltWalt Waller Arcane Enchanted Frozen ElectrifiedRegistered User regular
    cave base map room is done!

  • PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    I've got a little highway system set up in the highlands. When you come up from the Shattered Basin follow the ravine up and then look to your left/northwest towards the broken aqueduct(The Breach).

    I've set up an elevator there to take you up top. By the way, below that waterfall is a broken piece of the aqueduct sitting in the lake there. If you dive into the water next to it there's a one of those glowy monoliths under the water that you can click on for lore stuff.

    Once there you can hop on another elevator to take you across to the other side of the aqueduct.

    It's a long, uneventful run north along the aqueduct at that point.

    Eventually you'll come to the Great Dam.

    Follow the stairs up and you'll find a bridge that leads to Blackhand Castle. The bridge goes to both sides of the lake now much to the dismay of Nordheimer camps on the western shore. I still need to add fence railings and some other decorative stuff to the bridge but other than that it's done. The castle has a new tower on the western side with a wheel of pain in the basement and an alter to Ymir on the roof.

    I thought about rebuilding the aqueduct but there are far too many resource nodes in that area, hence the use of elevators instead. They're slower but they have a much smaller footprint so they shouldn't interfere with the iron nodes in the area.

    Poketpixie on
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Awesome! Great to see you're still expanding the castle! That run along the aqueduct is soooo long and boring.

    I killed the Kingscourge last night and completed the Black Keep. It was like a mini Dark Souls dungeon/boss. Which means the whole time I was in there I was stressed the fuck out. But I managed to down the boss with generous usage of the cooked exotic meats I had with me. I will never go back.

    My last stop is the volcano. I've spent some time in there but the last time I explored I accidentally fell off a rock into some lava and lost all my good stuff, so I'm nervous about going back. I can't figure out a safe way to get to the Well in the middle. But the volcano itself is really really cool. Visually awesome, dangerous but not ridiculous, and there's a good amount of story there I wasn't expecting.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure from their video tour of the volcano before launch that the only way into the middle is a jumping puzzle on floating chunks of rock in the lava flow.

  • WaltWalt Waller Arcane Enchanted Frozen ElectrifiedRegistered User regular
    what kind of armor/weapon damage should I be bringing to black keep? I'm using kingslayer weapons and either stygian plate or vanir heavy armor. im thinking i probably need a shield and a black ice sword or something?

  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    Good work, Pixie. I'm building stairs down to the Desert near the Dogs base, should finish tonite. Perhaps we can link that with your elevators ?

    I may put a Wheel down there to allow easy employee recruitment.

    Fairchild on
  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
  • KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    The Well is accessed via the Dragonmouth in the far north, so if you take an alternate path in you'll have a hell of a time getting out.

    Kinscourge I did with Hardened Steel Axe, Ancient shield and medium Vanir armor.

    Karoz on
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