[WH40K] Big Preview Tomorrow!



  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    There has even been an Asian batman. There was a big popular Viral video DC commissioned from a Chinese animation studio a few years ago.

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    In other news I picked up my Decimator and another heldrake today. More daemon engines for me! Also my first forgeworld model.

  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    In other news I picked up my Decimator and another heldrake today. More daemon engines for me! Also my first forgeworld model.

    I still think the decimator is deceptively good, even with the points increase. Having mortal wound guns is just so powerful.

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    My daemon engine pack.

    I agree the decimator syncs so well with other things like the soulforged pack, LDs, and Masters of Possession they really do have a place.

    Be it the mortal wound gun or butcher cannons.

    The one downside is the claw is glued on so I can swap it but I do a have a copy of of all the guns so totally worth it.

    The other daemon engine that I think people underestimate is the venomcrawler. It is cheap and has really good guns and decent close combat.

    Mazzyx on
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    edited March 2020

    Oh my.

    The new stuff is so good looking.


    I love them. You can see the plugs for the power armor on them. So much better than the old ones.

    Also look at the immolator!


    Mazzyx on
  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Lanlaorn wrote: »
    A lot of people want this to be some kind of noble battle they can be on the front lines of and it's just not. By all means include women in the gameplay pictures, add in women to all the armies it makes sense to, it just looks nice. But this self righteous insistence that you've found something "problematic" that desperately needs to be addressed has to go. There's nothing wrong with toy soldiers with knightly monastic brotherhood aesthetics being all male, it's not harming anyone and I'm always shocked by the lack of empathy towards the emotional investments of others on display in these arguments.

    Because it's not just about female space marines. If it were, then yes, none of this would matter much because it's a dumb argument about a silly (but awesome) game. But when the people arguing against it keep bringing up ideas like "social gentrification", or a study trying to disprove the representation argument, then it is clearly about gatekeeping for them no matter how they try to spin it. They don't want to make changes to try to accommodate others, and resort to arguments against the very notion of doing so. That is definitively gatekeeping. Note that KiTA never argued why it couldn't work in the lore, only that lore shouldn't be changed. That's about as much effort or detail as he went into on it. But he did argue against the idea that trying to make the hobby seem more inclusive was a good thing. Ditto Smokestacks comment about 'targeted demographics'; which yes, if your targeted demographic is a group of people defined by shared interests and/or geographic locations you can convert into sales more easily then sure, no problem. But lets not pretend that 'male-focused' demographic targeting isn't just another way of saying gender discrimination.

    That's why proponents get so hot under the collar when this comes up. The naysayers routinely present argument points about the larger issues, then try to take refuge in saying that it's just about a game, and act all indignant that people would suggest they're motivated by more than that. But that's ridiculous. You make it about more than lore or minis with the arguments you choose to present.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Anyway, have a funny Raven Guard caption:

    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Anyway, have a funny Raven Guard caption:

    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    I think you probably want to break up the black a little more

    LockedOnTarget on
  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Redcoat-13 wrote: »

    Oh my.

    The new stuff is so good looking.

    Finally, the seraphim and the zepharim are hitting. Time to finish my 20 year long project of 20 seraphim (and I was putting flight stands on seraphim before it was cool!) :biggrin:

    The solo figures are looking great too. I haven't been actually playing much lately, but I'm really jonsing to get the army out. It'll be good exercise hauling all that metal to the store too.
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    KiTA wrote: »
    There will never be Female Space Marines. It goes against 30 years of established lore and canon. It's a stupid, pandering idea that would cost GW millions of dollars for no benefit other than making woke activists smug on reddit.

    Hold up! I want to set aside how you feel about whether or not they should for a minute to address this particular bit.

    If you actually believe it would cost them anything more than some fans bitching on 4chan and reddit then you're out of your mind.

    You can't actually think they'd lose millions of dollars in sales for something that minor.

    1: It is considered a wee bit gauche to directly address people who can no longer respond to the thread.

    2; There's a reason that they got kicked for blatanly bad-faith posting.
    Vanguard wrote: »
    The irony of a post simultaneously declaring that this particular subject is off limits from critique while decrying another poster for censorship is, frankly, overwhelming.

    I mean, just for reference, Smokestacks got a previous 40k thread shut down with his female marines hangup. For some people, it's just this thing.

    Fortunately in that case the thread was already hitting page 100 so we got a 'new thread, drop the discussion.'

    Gabriel_Pitt on
  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    I was happily painting up my sisters earlier, thinking about how it was going to be a while before what I need for the list is released, give me some time to paint what I have, you know?

    GW apparently read my mind, and are releasing everything I need in one hit.

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    KiTA wrote: »
    There will never be Female Space Marines. It goes against 30 years of established lore and canon. It's a stupid, pandering idea that would cost GW millions of dollars for no benefit other than making woke activists smug on reddit.

    Hold up! I want to set aside how you feel about whether or not they should for a minute to address this particular bit.

    If you actually believe it would cost them anything more than some fans bitching on 4chan and reddit then you're out of your mind.

    You can't actually think they'd lose millions of dollars in sales for something that minor.

    1: It is considered a wee bit gauche to directly address people who can no longer respond to the thread.

    Yeah, I posted before getting caught up and seeing he'd been kicked. I considered taking it down but it had already gotten a reaction by time I saw, and once people have seen something argumentative I've posted I feel like it's bad form to delete it or substantially change it. That was a no-no on the first forum I was really active on (for a long time they didn't even allow post editing at all).

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    With my slowdown, and a closet of shame that actually does include some IG and sisters stuff stretching back to the early 2000s (or at least when the plastic immolator came out) it's really testing my promise not to buy anything new until I got all that old stuff taken care of, I totes swears!

  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    I was happily painting up my sisters earlier, thinking about how it was going to be a while before what I need for the list is released, give me some time to paint what I have, you know?

    GW apparently read my mind, and are releasing everything I need in one hit.

    Similar thing happened when I bought the Skaven half of the Carrion Empire for the Warlock Bombardier. Few days later they announced they were releasing the HQs from that box.

    I'm really hoping that if Ragnar does come Primaris and he does have phobos armor that they do something to make other phobos models, specifically Reivers viable. It will finally get me to buy the KT starter for Tau vs Space Wolves. I need 10 more Fire Warriors for my Tau list and I'll get more Reivers and terrain.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • LanlaornLanlaorn Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Lanlaorn wrote: »
    A lot of people want this to be some kind of noble battle they can be on the front lines of and it's just not. By all means include women in the gameplay pictures, add in women to all the armies it makes sense to, it just looks nice. But this self righteous insistence that you've found something "problematic" that desperately needs to be addressed has to go. There's nothing wrong with toy soldiers with knightly monastic brotherhood aesthetics being all male, it's not harming anyone and I'm always shocked by the lack of empathy towards the emotional investments of others on display in these arguments.

    Because it's not just about female space marines. If it were, then yes, none of this would matter much because it's a dumb argument about a silly (but awesome) game. But when the people arguing against it keep bringing up ideas like "social gentrification", or a study trying to disprove the representation argument, then it is clearly about gatekeeping for them no matter how they try to spin it. They don't want to make changes to try to accommodate others, and resort to arguments against the very notion of doing so. That is definitively gatekeeping. Note that KiTA never argued why it couldn't work in the lore, only that lore shouldn't be changed. That's about as much effort or detail as he went into on it. But he did argue against the idea that trying to make the hobby seem more inclusive was a good thing. Ditto Smokestacks comment about 'targeted demographics'; which yes, if your targeted demographic is a group of people defined by shared interests and/or geographic locations you can convert into sales more easily then sure, no problem. But lets not pretend that 'male-focused' demographic targeting isn't just another way of saying gender discrimination.

    That's why proponents get so hot under the collar when this comes up. The naysayers routinely present argument points about the larger issues, then try to take refuge in saying that it's just about a game, and act all indignant that people would suggest they're motivated by more than that. But that's ridiculous. You make it about more than lore or minis with the arguments you choose to present.

    Look I'm tired of this argument before it even begins, let alone after three pages of dogpiling and people talking past my points, but I'd urge you to stop telling other people what they think. More importantly perhaps, stop "knowing" what they think yourself, accept what they're telling you in good faith. No one wants to gatekeep the hobby, there are no dog whistles, it really is about space marines, really is about stupid toy soldiers. Everyone wants our nerdy hobbies to be hip rather than shameful, especially in the eyes of women.

    The craziest part is I'm personally not invested in the lore and would be fine if Primaris Space Marines could be women, but I'll continue to oppose any idea done for purely political motivations, based on logically unfounded but fervently believed goals and completely inconsiderate of the feelings of the diehard fans of the current aesthetic.

    You're not talking about desegrating schools here, despite the insistent "representation is real, deal with it" faith there is no practical reason to alter the classic Space Marine style and it upsets fans in the same way the previously mentioned Batfleck mowing down villains with guns upset Batman fans. And again, I can't stress this enough, no one is arguing against representation in general or arguing to gatekeep women out of the hobby, it's really about the stupid plastic war dollies. Trust people when they tell you what they believe. If the new guardsmen kits are 50/50 men/women no one will bat an eye, if women express interest in the hobby, at my local club they'd have as warm a reception as every other newbie, especially from the grognards so invested they even hate Primaris marines.

    Anyway, if you really think it's critically important that the "flagship faction" be more diverse then lobby (with your wallet) to stop making Space Marines so front and center. Now listen, I'm trying to argue on the internet less, so I'm going to stop responding to this topic, if you take nothing else from this post please just stop assuming what other people think - ironically a complaint often levied against white men with regards to women or minorities!

    Edit: Added in the quote since apparently I'm far too slow on this tangent.

    Lanlaorn on
  • LockedOnTargetLockedOnTarget Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Dude you spent a good part of this conversation implying shitty things about the motivations of others so maybe take your own advice?

    LockedOnTarget on
  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt (effective against Russian warships) Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Lanlaorn wrote: »
    if you take nothing else from this post please just stop assuming what other people think
    but I'll continue to oppose any idea done for purely political motivations, based on logically unfounded but fervently believed goals and completely inconsiderate of the feelings of the diehard fans of the current aesthetic.

    Dude, seriously, c'mon.

    Gabriel_Pitt on
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    You want to know my fluff annoyance right now?

    Fucking Calgar is still alive.

    He had one heart stabbed by a Keeper of Secrets. And then had both hearts cleanly stabbed through and destroyed by Dracnyen. But he still lives! FUCK THAT! Abbadon kicked his smurf ass. His soul should have been fed to the sword.

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    You want to know my fluff annoyance right now?

    Fucking Calgar is still alive.

    He had one heart stabbed by a Keeper of Secrets. And then had both hearts cleanly stabbed through and destroyed by Dracnyen. But he still lives! FUCK THAT! Abbadon kicked his smurf ass. His soul should have been fed to the sword.

    It'd be a tough call, killing off a character with a mini. But it's not like he's the poster-boy for the Ultramarines range anymore. Not only is Bobby G back, but there's a lot more named smurfs around in general.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    You want to know my fluff annoyance right now?

    Fucking Calgar is still alive.

    He had one heart stabbed by a Keeper of Secrets. And then had both hearts cleanly stabbed through and destroyed by Dracnyen. But he still lives! FUCK THAT! Abbadon kicked his smurf ass. His soul should have been fed to the sword.

    It'd be a tough call, killing off a character with a mini. But it's not like he's the poster-boy for the Ultramarines range anymore. Not only is Bobby G back, but there's a lot more named smurfs around in general.

    Yeah, I was fully expecting him to bite it in Shadowspear. He feels a bit narratively pointless with Guilliman around.

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    You want to know my fluff annoyance right now?

    Fucking Calgar is still alive.

    He had one heart stabbed by a Keeper of Secrets. And then had both hearts cleanly stabbed through and destroyed by Dracnyen. But he still lives! FUCK THAT! Abbadon kicked his smurf ass. His soul should have been fed to the sword.

    It'd be a tough call, killing off a character with a mini. But it's not like he's the poster-boy for the Ultramarines range anymore. Not only is Bobby G back, but there's a lot more named smurfs around in general.

    Yeah, I was fully expecting him to bite it in Shadowspear. He feels a bit narratively pointless with Guilliman around.

    Also he had no hearts!

    Just through primaris magic he lived. I call bullshit. Let him die for the glory of the Imperium on the sword of the first among traitors.

  • KhraulKhraul Registered User regular
    Just saw the new Psychic awakening vid

    As both an Ork player and a newly minted Space wolf player as of this year I'm rather excited for this release.

    Bnet - Khraul#1822
    Gamertag - Khraul
    PSN - Razide6
  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    I mean, just for reference, Smokestacks got a previous 40k thread shut down with his female marines hangup. For some people, it's just this thing.

    Fortunately in that case the thread was already hitting page 100 so we got a 'new thread, drop the discussion.'
    You made the car stop! I mean, we were already pulling up to a stop sign, but it was definitely you who made the car stop.

    Maybe there should be a moratorium on the subject, since there don't seem to be any new points made by either side, and neither side is going to be changing anyone's views on the matter.

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    I'd rather leave the thread than participate in one that silently acquiesces to outdated notions.

  • KoregKoreg Registered User regular
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Anyway, have a funny Raven Guard caption:

    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    I think you probably want to break up the black a little more

    You need to report to the nearest center for reeducation.

    This is borderline heresy.

    If, if Reagan played disco He'd shoot it to shit You can't disco in Jackboots
  • italianranmaitalianranma Registered User regular
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    What program do you use to color that image?
    Koreg wrote: »
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Anyway, have a funny Raven Guard caption:

    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    I think you probably want to break up the black a little more
    This is borderline heresy.

    I’m dying

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    @italianranma honestly I just spillpaint in MS Paint when I'm spitballing a color scheme. The blank I posted is a png with fairly little pixellation in the big open spaces so it fills nice and neat for the most part. I made the stripes on the crest & forheads of the helmets just using the line tool to block it off from the sides/temples. I should probably use something better, but I'd need something free like GIMP, which I haven't used or even had installed in about a decade.

    I can't really afford to collect wh40k minis at present, so it's mostly just wishful thinking, but I do use a lot of the schemes I come up with in various PC/video games (or as close as they'll let me get).

    Edit: ah shit, forgot the board changes the image format. Yeah, MS Paint doesn't like .webp so hang on, I'll dig up the link for where I got the png (I think it might've been from Bolter & Chainsword or dakkadakka). Sorry.

    Edit 2: Here you go. It was an imgur link from a B&S thread.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Her hands are a bit weirdly painted I guess but otherwise she just looks very muscled?
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Anyway, have a funny Raven Guard caption:

    Also, I was playing around with the primaris painter template (blank image in spoiler below, for those who don't have it), and I'm curious what people think of this color scheme?
    It feels a bit sporty, like it'd be more at home with Tau or bike-focused Eldar.

    Belt buckle should be black, too. I also wouldn't have both knees blue. Maybe keep one and use it for squad and campaign markings. Instead make the helmet blue so it doesn't get lost between the pauldrons.

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Ghaz and Ragnar previews are up.




    Ghaz looks to be Primarch/Dread sized.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I chose Necron specifically because they look less bad when I screw up the paint job.

  • DayspringDayspring the Phoenician Registered User regular
    What a beast!
    Ghaz got his head cut off? When did that happen?
    Also if the photo at the bottom of the article is correct, seems like they’re packing Nobz into the box set again, they’re in every ork box ever lol

    My Warhammer stuff online: Youtube Twitter Insta
  • KhraulKhraul Registered User regular
    If those models are the set, I'm not stoked about the Primaris being infiltrators.

    Even then it'll probably be a day 1 preorder for me.

    I need those new Ragnar and Ghaz models.

    Bnet - Khraul#1822
    Gamertag - Khraul
    PSN - Razide6
  • Der Waffle MousDer Waffle Mous Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. New Yark, New Yark.Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    I'm kinda stunned at the idea of 40k's "30 years of established lore and canon" when they can't even keep a stable canon between consecutively released army books half the time.

    edit: and jesus, that Ghaz is a good 25% bigger than I thought it was.

    Der Waffle Mous on
    Steam PSN: DerWaffleMous Origin: DerWaffleMous Bnet: DerWaffle#1682
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited March 2020
    The Ragnar model is pretty nice looking. Honestly not all that different from the conversion I was working on and forgot about so I'm pretty meh about Ragnar. It does look like he is wearing the same armor as an Intercessor though so that is disappointing.

    The Infiltrators are also pretty meh for me. I have 20 from the Shadowspear box. If they are multi part I could at least make Incursors from it. I do really like Infiltrators though. They are fun to use.

    I'm really just hoping the psychic awakening book is good.
    Sterica wrote: »
    I chose Necron specifically because they look less bad when I screw up the paint job.

    For real, if I could get myself to not care and stress over a paint scheme for them I could probably have all 9000 points of Necrons painted in a week.

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Holy shit I like orcs now

  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    "Ok everyone, we need some bold new ideas for our next special character. Something, unique, memorable. Something that people haven't seen before. Any ideas?"

    "How about...and bare with me on this, what if, they were jumping off a rock? Maybe an aquila, or a bit of eldar ruins?"

    "Brilliant, whack it in CAD and let's ship it."

  • KhraulKhraul Registered User regular
    The detail on the Ragnar model is excellent, but it's certainly design by numbers primaris stuff.

    The Ghaz model is a fantastic upgrade from the old one.

    Bnet - Khraul#1822
    Gamertag - Khraul
    PSN - Razide6
  • TastyfishTastyfish Registered User regular
    Dayspring wrote: »
    What a beast!
    Ghaz got his head cut off? When did that happen?
    Also if the photo at the bottom of the article is correct, seems like they’re packing Nobz into the box set again, they’re in every ork box ever lol

    In this Psychic Awakening, Ragnar supposedly did it whilst also being beaten to a pulp and losing an arm. I've heard a grot finds Ghaz's head and bring it back to be reattached and Ragnar gets rescued and upgraded, so both can go back at each other for round 2.

  • BloodySlothBloodySloth Registered User regular
    Norgoth wrote: »
    "Ok everyone, we need some bold new ideas for our next special character. Something, unique, memorable. Something that people haven't seen before. Any ideas?"

    "How about...and bare with me on this, what if, they were jumping off a rock? Maybe an aquila, or a bit of eldar ruins?"

    "Brilliant, whack it in CAD and let's ship it."

    "Ghazghkull already has a super classic design, and his relatively ancient model is still pretty popular. What do we do to update him for modern 40k while respecting his iconic look?"

    "...Double the amount of machine guns stuck to his arm?"

    "You're getting a raise."

  • honoverehonovere Registered User regular

    First Story from machine war. After the dull space marine stories this is a good one.

  • SleepSleep Registered User regular
    Oh hey new thread title, did something dope happen for orks?

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