I am really just going to lay out my plans for before PAX...none of which are really numerically measurable since I am what is supposedly call a 'skinny fat person'.
So, anyway, I had no muscle at all...and weighed about 180 lbs. Now this wasn't overweight...but since I had no muscles anywhere practically...I felt like, and maybe even looked like I was overweight. It's hard to tell if I actually looked overweight since how I felt skewed that a bit.
But anyway, IDEALLY I would like to lose about 20 lbs. by PAX. I have been going about a month now with my workout plan. And I am still at about 180...which I am actually really happy with because I can tell I have put on a lot of muscle...especially in my abdominal region (planks YAY!) I can also visually tell the difference...especially in the pectoral (man boob) area.
So my plan is to make sure I do at LEAST 3 days a week doing tabata intervals in the morning. I will do as much cardio as I can after that...but the point of these intervals is high intensity cardio...so I don't know how much cardio I can do with my hands since I will usually be running.
On off days I will be doing some free weight lifting because that is all I really can do right now (really wish I could join a gym by PAX).
So, my muscle mass right now isn't so bad, so really my only goal by PAX is to lose 20 lbs. Hopefully some people in this thread can meet up and see our results at PAX!
The second thing I want to do by PAX is become more social. I went to PAX last year...and like most nerds I am not a social butterfly (other than drawing penises in pictochat) ...even in such a familiar environment I barely made any decent connections with anybody. So, I am going to be going to bars and stuff...and hopefully get better at talking to strangers. And hopefully I will meet cool people at PAX, hopefully even a few people from the forums. : )
Maybe I can participate in the pub crawl...since I turned 21 this year. I don't like to drink though...so maybe I will just make sure nobody walks into traffic.
So just now I thought, this is a stupid post...I don't think I will post it, and nearly hit the back button...I am looking at it right now...but I don't think I will do it...maybe this is why I am not very social...self doubt.
join the pax irc chat if you want to meet lots of new people to hang out with pax
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Hi everyone, decided that I actually want to get involved on the boards this year and this seems like a great place to start. Mushroom, PAX is supposed to be my honeymoon as well, congratulations to you and your fiance!
I'm also trying to trim down for PAX 09. After seeing my Carla pictures from the RSPOD contest last year I wanted to cry. So here is my plan. 1) I threw out the scale as all it had done for me thus far was give me something to obsess over 2) started swimming on a team and commuting by bike every day and 3) started therapy and self help to teach myself a bit of body love and self esteem.
So yeah, glad to meet everyone on the board and I hope I can offer support to everyone on here. If there are any Seattle people who want to meet up for either workouts or just hanging out I've found in the past that having people who are trying to reach the same goals as you helps a lot.
EruditeAphrodite on
Pretty Gamer - Your one-stop shop for female gamers and geeks. Written by women, for women. Because we all deserve to feel pretty.
Sign me up for this too! I've been a closet "I want to lose weight" person all my life, and I think I'm finally at the point where I have the resources, time and energy to do it. Yaaaay! Now all I need is a bunch of people to yell at me to GTFO out of my house and do something!!!
Help me, internet! I'm in Seattle too, so all you Seattle peoples, I want to organize some kayaking and hiking soon, I'll be posting a lot in the Get-togethers thread!
I'll join into the thread to say Grats! to all who are doing this.
I have been following my New Year's resolution to get more active and since January 3rd have been now active in Krav Maga 3x a week. I test to go to lvl 2 on May 6th. It has definitely upped my cardio condition and general ass kicking what with classes focused on knife attack and gun defenses.
Everyone keep going out there and staying active!!
I'm by no means a personal trainer, but I did lose ~50 lbs around a 6 month period last year. I gained back some of it during the harsh winter months here in Pullman (it just sucks to run in the cold) and I'm planning on not only getting back to my old weight but to go even further this year.
Current weight - 215
My lowest point last year - 180 (Mind you this is with some pretty good muscles, which I have lost a lot of)
This year's goal - 165 to 170
So getting past the actual goal part here, lets discuss how to get all our goals by September.
First off, everybody is different, I worked my ass off last year and didn't see any changes for at least 2 months, some people see changes in weeks. When you start out, don't focus on the weight so much for awhile, if you are a couch-potato like I was, then don't expect any real weight loss after only a couple runs.
I'm a guy, so I'm not really familiar with how women go about losing weight, but I know that its different, so my suggestions aren't going to be very helpful.
The best way for guys to start out is to get those muscles built. The muscles consume tons of calories all by themselves, and assuming that you are a gamer (you're going to PAX right?), this means you get to lose weight just by sitting around playing your favorite games, which I think we can all appreciate.
Get the muscles built by maxing out your weight-lifting. This doesn't mean doing 50 reps, this means doing a moderate amount of reps on the highest amount of weight you can handle (without injuring yourself). Do NOT over-lift. You want to fatigue the muscles enough so that they know its time to bulk up. If you want to speed up this process, eat some protein before and after weight-lifting (like within 20-30 minutes). Protein shakes apparently work well, but I've never had them, I usually just eat my dinner after weight-lifting.
The other important point to make is that muscles work on a 48 hour cycle. In other words, do weight lifting every other day. The muscles need a whole day basically to regenerate. Working the same muscles 2 days in a row won't help much.
In between weight-lifting days you want to do your cardio (cardio = running, eliptical, bike riding, game of basketball, etc). You've probably heard your doctor say to do at least 3 days a week of cardio for 30 minutes, this is going to be fine. I'd suggest when you start out to do things that you think are fun or are not quite so intense (it took me a long time to get my heart ready for running), and try to aim for about an hour. Lot of people swear by just walking, or doing an easy jog, but I've also read that this doesn't help improve the heart. Get at least some short spurts of high intensity in there. Elliptical machines can tell you what your heart beat is while exercising, and you should use the machine's heart-beat analyzer to see if you are in the "cardio" zone or not. This seems to be about 140 to 170 BPM.
So the way I do it, following these points, I do weight lifting Mon, Wed, Fri and cardio on Tues, Thurs, Sat. On Sunday I rest completely. I sleep in, play video games, study, etc, but try not to exert myself at all. This rest day seems to give the body a chance to completely regenerate for the coming week.
So far its worked for me. I'm just starting back on this routine, and like I said, don't pay much attention to the weight for awhile, right now mine is going up because my muscles are rebuilding, and there's a good chance the same will happen for you.
Good luck everybody!
Edit: I also wanna say that I stayed around 180 for the majority of winter without working out much at all (I went a couple months without doing anything, probably about 5 months total of not any real workouts before the weight started to come back). This is just a testament to how well my muscles and metabolism were working after all the hard work I did during the summer. If I kept up my routine I would still be at or even below that weight.
For those of you that want to GAIN muscle mass, make sure that you go online and figure out how many calories you should be consuming in order to be able to put on any weight. Let me see if I can find that website that has it... http://www.gain-weight-muscle-fast.com/diet-to-gain-weight.html
Read up on that, should help. Personally, I don't actually keep track of what I eat too much, I just make sure I eat at least 3 full meals a day, as well as down a protein shake after every workout session..
hope that helps
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
I think what everyone is doing here is absolutely wonderful. I am behind you 100%. As for myself, I don't necessarily need to lose weight, but I definitely need to get into better shape.
I do have some tips to help.
1.) What SecCom said is generally right for females as well. To maximize weight loss you must pair weight training with cardio in your weekly routine. The more muscle you have, the higher your ability to burn calories. Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if you don't see the scale dropping immediately, just keep at it, when paired with a proper diet, you will see results.
2.) This one's already very well known: Portion control and willpower is key. Consciously eat less than you normally would, and work small healthy snacks into your diet. Also, try to eat at the same time every day.
3.) Often, thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. Drink a Large glass of water whenever you feel a craving, and also before every meal. Water not only helps you better digest your food but will also keep you from overeating.
4.) I know no one wants to hear this, but the calories in alcohol are immense and often underestimated. Lowering your alcohol intake could possibly remove thousands of calories from your diet per month. (Depending on how much you initially drink.) Also, when drinking you are more likely to eat unnecessarily, and it's always the worst foods for you.
5.) Get a proper amount of sleep. You are less likely to be overweight if you get 8 hours of sleep per night. I know it's sometimes hard to squeeze it in, but reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight is hard work. A consistent sleep pattern is also important. Sleeping helps your metabolism work properly and, when sleep deprived, people are often too tired to exercise.
The full article on the importance of sleep can be found here: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/5276.php
6.) And try to have your dinner earlier in the evening. Your metabolism slows at night so try to avoid eating during the 3 hours before your regular bed time.
That's all of the things I can think of now, if I come across anything else I will definitely share it.
Good Luck everyone.
A couple more tips for losing weight/looking awesome:
1) I know a lot of girls might ready the words "weight training" and imagine themselves all hulked out and muscular, odds are that won't happen to you, we don't gain muscle like guys do. But, if you want to build up those muscles and stay sleek, focus on toning, less weight with more reps.
2) If you have never weight trained before: HAVE SOMEONE TEACH YOU. It looks straight forward enough, I know, but if your technique is wrong you will pay for it later. If you are doing a lift wrong you may not get the results you want and will probably end up hurting yourself. Have a knowledgeable friend, or someone at your gym, teach you and spot for you.
3) Soda is bad for weight loss. Empty carbs and and extra sugars, drink water instead or juice if you need something sweet(at least it has vitamins).
Losing weight for PAX is one of my New Years resolutions!
I lost 20lbs all together last year before PAX. This year I was hoping to lose 20 more but I'm waaaaay behind.
So far I've been trying to get around Greenlake as much as possible. (Meta, I am so down for Seattle exercise! This city is known for it's great hiking!)
I know I do need to do more weight training. I've been meaning to pick up some weights and get to the IMA more. My arms are basically spaghetti noodles.
eye-shuh on
mentok1982I could never leave you PAX baby.BaltimoreRegistered Userregular
Losing weight for PAX is one of my New Years resolutions!
I lost 20lbs all together last year before PAX. This year I was hoping to lose 20 more but I'm waaaaay behind.
So far I've been trying to get around Greenlake as much as possible. (Meta, I am so down for Seattle exercise! This city is known for it's great hiking!)
I know I do need to do more weight training. I've been meaning to pick up some weights and get to the IMA more. My arms are basically spaghetti noodles.
Here comes the awkward.
Last year you were already a hottie, but I fully support your effort to become even hotter. :winky:
Losing weight for PAX is one of my New Years resolutions!
I lost 20lbs all together last year before PAX. This year I was hoping to lose 20 more but I'm waaaaay behind.
So far I've been trying to get around Greenlake as much as possible. (Meta, I am so down for Seattle exercise! This city is known for it's great hiking!)
I know I do need to do more weight training. I've been meaning to pick up some weights and get to the IMA more. My arms are basically spaghetti noodles.
I go to the IMA too! We could go together sometime and play ... I don't know... tennis or something!
I'm trying to get in better shape too.. *sigh* Yay, working off of pregnancy weight. Albeit like 2 years later. I need to pick up some weighs, because I want to get better muscle mass again, and I'm trying to switch up my eating habits to be a lot healthier. I already walk pretty much everywhere, and I lift/run around all day at work. So I'm hoping eating better, and just trying to walk a bit more will be a big chunk of what I'm working towards. *pokes at tummy pudge and sighs looking at her arms* Ah well. ^5 for those of us trying to better ourselves!
Not that I follow it. While I could stand to lose weight, I have too low of self-esteem to do anything about it. And being able to state that objectively only subtracts further self-esteem.
Hmm, would any of you IMAers be down with rock climbing on Wednesday mornings (I think that's when the early bird climb is)? Also, if any of you are into swimming I just joined Husky Masters (http://www.huskymasters.org/) and am impressed. The coaches seem to be really good, the pool is much better than the IMA and the team members are nice.
EruditeAphrodite on
Pretty Gamer - Your one-stop shop for female gamers and geeks. Written by women, for women. Because we all deserve to feel pretty.
DMmagicPAX East EnforcerSpringfield, MO, USARegistered Userregular
edited April 2009
My wife and I are both trying to lose weight before PAX, though she's not attending with me. My goal is to drop about 40 pounds total by then. I've lost 8 so far!
I've been a looong time lurker here, rarely posting, but have attended PAX 3 of the last 4 years. I usually just pop in, read, occasionally ask questions regarding PAX and I'm out.
The reason I'm posting is simple. I'm a personal trainer and have been for 5 years. In fact, I run a chain of 5 gyms in North Carolina.
I would love to help any of you who'd be willing to give it the effort in regards to exercise and occassional diet advice. (We, by law, are not allowed to be terribly specific on diet, but can still help.)
So please, any of you at all that would like some help just e-mail me. bobby.hall8@gmail.com will be your best bet.
I am able to send work out programs with pics and full details, as well as prescribe cardio programs and help a little in diet/supplementation.
Obviously I'm offering to help for free, so please dont hesitate to ask. I'd also love to meet any of you at PAX and possibly run through a PAX Boot camp of sorts? Kind of out of the PAX norm, but could be fun.
JBob08 on
DMmagicPAX East EnforcerSpringfield, MO, USARegistered Userregular
edited April 2009
I'd totally be down for that. Get up in the morning and jog or something. I feel like I'm on the right track in regards to eating and exercising, but my exercising goes in waves. I'll do really well for a week or two, then miss a week or two of going to the gym. Full time job + school (university) + married life + kittens + writing = busy me.
I'd totally be down for that. Get up in the morning and jog or something. I feel like I'm on the right track in regards to eating and exercising, but my exercising goes in waves. I'll do really well for a week or two, then miss a week or two of going to the gym. Full time job + school (university) + married life + kittens + writing = busy me.
I've been a looong time lurker here, rarely posting, but have attended PAX 3 of the last 4 years. I usually just pop in, read, occasionally ask questions regarding PAX and I'm out.
The reason I'm posting is simple. I'm a personal trainer and have been for 5 years. In fact, I run a chain of 5 gyms in North Carolina.
I would love to help any of you who'd be willing to give it the effort in regards to exercise and occassional diet advice. (We, by law, are not allowed to be terribly specific on diet, but can still help.)
So please, any of you at all that would like some help just e-mail me. bobby.hall8@gmail.com will be your best bet.
I am able to send work out programs with pics and full details, as well as prescribe cardio programs and help a little in diet/supplementation.
Obviously I'm offering to help for free, so please dont hesitate to ask. I'd also love to meet any of you at PAX and possibly run through a PAX Boot camp of sorts? Kind of out of the PAX norm, but could be fun.
YES. I was worried about having to leave seattle every day to make it back to my gym before pax >.> but boot camp... id be down for that for sure
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Jesus H Christ...when I turn sideways...I become invisible.
I really could be used as a toothpick...no joke.
And if bigger people are envious...DON'T BE! If you have weight, at least you can (hypothetically) lose it, whereas for some scrawny bastards (me)...even weight gainer, working out etc. doesn't help.
But I've gotten over that for the most part...and if I'm skinny at least I can make it through a scary ass crowd alright?
I'd love to do a PAXCamp. Let me know how many are interested and we can set it up. In the mean time, let me know who'd like help and I'll be here for you as well.
Jesus H Christ...when I turn sideways...I become invisible.
I really could be used as a toothpick...no joke.
And if bigger people are envious...DON'T BE! If you have weight, at least you can (hypothetically) lose it, whereas for some scrawny bastards (me)...even weight gainer, working out etc. doesn't help.
But I've gotten over that for the most part...and if I'm skinny at least I can make it through a scary ass crowd alright?
*trying to be the optimist*
almost anybody can gain weight dude =p just make sure youre increasing your daily caloric intake by at least 500 calories every day, along with the working out, and supplements if you want
Ravenger on
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Jesus H Christ...when I turn sideways...I become invisible.
I really could be used as a toothpick...no joke.
And if bigger people are envious...DON'T BE! If you have weight, at least you can (hypothetically) lose it, whereas for some scrawny bastards (me)...even weight gainer, working out etc. doesn't help.
But I've gotten over that for the most part...and if I'm skinny at least I can make it through a scary ass crowd alright?
*trying to be the optimist*
Oh, HoLeY,
I totally feel your pain even if I don't share it. My husband is slender by nature as well. I couldn't believe how much less sympathy thin people get compared to fat people once he pointed it out. (And I say this as someone who's overweight/undermuscled. I swear we're like Jack Spratt and his wife.) He does a fair amount of weightlifting and a lot of protein for strength training, if that helps. He says he hasn't gained weight so much as gained mass.
I definitely need to be more active, and while I'm not overly concerned about my weight, I am a little chunky and would look better minus some pounds. ^.^
Well, according to the quite obviously evil BMI Calculator and Scale say that I am very close to obesity. I don't feel obese, but I feel that I could lose about 40 pounds.
I've got a summer of nothing to do. Sounds like I'll try it.
...Water not only helps you better digest your food...
Research* says that drinking water before/during meals hurts digestion, as it dilutes the stomach acid that is the first step. That aside, water is great for craving control, I keep a 1L bottle at my desk all day and it keeps me from wanting soda.
*DISCLAIMER: by this I mean something I heard on NPR and am too lazy to look up now. I look forward to being proved wrong.
...Water not only helps you better digest your food...
Research* says that drinking water before/during meals hurts digestion, as it dilutes the stomach acid that is the first step. That aside, water is great for craving control, I keep a 1L bottle at my desk all day and it keeps me from wanting soda.
*DISCLAIMER: by this I mean something I heard on NPR and am too lazy to look up now. I look forward to being proved wrong.
ask and you shall receive, my good man. that is indeed wrong. the first step is actually when food gets broken down in your mouth by enzymes called salivary amylases. your stomach has a ph of about 2 because of the cells that hang out and secrete acid. water has a ph of about 7 and doesnt effect the acidity of the stomach, nor does it hinder the breakdown of food.
(all of the above was taught to me in school, if anyone has a recent (and decent) NEJM article to show otherwise, im all ears)
edit - as an aside, ill add that if anyone has any questions on the way things work, id be happy to answer them with my potentially limited few years of med school knowledge ... or id be happy to look things up with the billion clinical ed texts i have. im studying for board exams, so this will only help me out.
I'd like to lose some weight (6'0", around 240), but I know better than to try specifically to lose weight. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I just can't motivate myself to do things like "lose weight" or "exercise more."
What I find is much easier is to do things like "talk walks to enjoy nature" or "cook more meals myself," both of which are generally healthier than the alternatives.
I'm going to be trying to go for a few longish walks every week this summer. It's been beautiful in western WA for the past couple of days, and I got out for a nice, six-mile walk along the shore of Lake Whatcom (in/outside of Bellingham), and I found out that nature IRL is better than nature in games. (WTF, why did nobody ever tell me that?)
I am just going to be glad that I have a crap-load of awesome people that share my interests at this shindig.
I don't care if their over-weight, skinny as a rail, purple, midgets, or zombies (ok, if they're zombies, we might have a problem...but I'll bring a crow-bar for that).
What I'm trying to say is that although some of you feel you may need to lose or gain weight...the more important thing is that in less than 6 months, we're going to be having the time of our lives...geeking out non-stop....and rocking out like savages to sweet @$$ live shows.
...sorry to get all deep and stuff...
HoLeY on
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
edited April 2009
...Well, some folks already geek out non-stop. But there will be more alcohol!
Or Bawls!
Or coffee!
...And no sleep!
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
I mean...geeking out is really a matter of existence...but I mean like...how many other NOT ON VENTRILO events can you be at with so many people that know what "pwn, n00b, 1337" are?
And sleep...if you're a TRUE gamer...you either get that during the day...or haven't quite figured out what it's for yet...I'm definitely the latter.
I'd love to do a PAXCamp. Let me know how many are interested and we can set it up. In the mean time, let me know who'd like help and I'll be here for you as well.
PAXCAMP, that be awesome =D
I'm needing to lose a couple pounds (~20ish) but I greatly dislike cardio. Running hurts my knee aftr only a mile, and no matter how high the resistance I don't feel anything on the eliptical (and also, it makes my butt bigger I've noticed).
I'm scuba diving a lot in the summer (which also makes my butt bigger, which is awesome but has a limit), and I'm trying to get into kayaking for upperbody work out. but being that i'm trying to get a couple hours flying time in everyweekend, sometimes that makes it impossible for me to dive damn conflicting hobbies!
I think my biggest problem is that i hate doing exercise alone, but i haven't found anyone in vegas to do anything with me :(
I think my biggest problem is that i hate doing exercise alone, but i haven't found anyone in vegas to do anything with me :(
I agree with this. Exercise is boring. It always helps to have a buddy keeping you motivated, or a weekly/biweekly class to keep you on schedule.
I just wanted to add that one should never, ever go without eating breakfast. I know some people don't like to eat in the morning but when you wake up, your metabolism is still technically asleep. (It's not that your metabolism actually stops at night, but it definitely slows down.) Eating that first meal gives your metabolism a boost, and keeps it running all day long.
I think my biggest problem is that i hate doing exercise alone, but i haven't found anyone in vegas to do anything with me :(
I agree with this. Exercise is boring. It always helps to have a buddy keeping you motivated, or a weekly/biweekly class to keep you on schedule.
I just wanted to add that one should never, ever go without eating breakfast. I know some people don't like to eat in the morning but when you wake up, your metabolism is still technically asleep. (It's not that your metabolism actually stops at night, but it definitely slows down.) Eating that first meal gives your metabolism a boost, and keeps it running all day long.
Def do the breakfast thing.
As for motivation, try joining a class of some type instead of just hitting the weight machines. I am one of those get bored types and hence I do Krav, always something new and different.
One big lesson I learned too was that the problem isn't working out it is getting to the facility. Cuz once you are there what the hell else are you going to do? Just get in the car and go is really the best thing I have learned, the workout will take care of itself.
I think my biggest problem is that i hate doing exercise alone, but i haven't found anyone in vegas to do anything with me :(
I agree with this. Exercise is boring. It always helps to have a buddy keeping you motivated, or a weekly/biweekly class to keep you on schedule.
I just wanted to add that one should never, ever go without eating breakfast. I know some people don't like to eat in the morning but when you wake up, your metabolism is still technically asleep. (It's not that your metabolism actually stops at night, but it definitely slows down.) Eating that first meal gives your metabolism a boost, and keeps it running all day long.
Def do the breakfast thing.
As for motivation, try joining a class of some type instead of just hitting the weight machines. I am one of those get bored types and hence I do Krav, always something new and different.
One big lesson I learned too was that the problem isn't working out it is getting to the facility. Cuz once you are there what the hell else are you going to do? Just get in the car and go is really the best thing I have learned, the workout will take care of itself.
I typically wake up at 4:30am-ish, throw something for breakfast in my bag (usually a Cosco muffin or a microwave breakfast sandwich), then eat it when I get to work at 7am. I just can't bring myself to eat that early in the morning. Heck, I rarely manage to pull myself out of bed in time to catch the bus, let alone eat.
HEY, University of Washington people, if I were to show up at the IMA climbing wall on Wednesday April 29th at 7:30am (they have early bird climbing on Wed) who would like to join me?
If you aren't already a climber I'd be happy to belay you and we can spend some time on the bouldering wall getting you familiar with the feel. Climbing is great exercise and a good way to get to know your body in new ways.
EruditeAphrodite on
Pretty Gamer - Your one-stop shop for female gamers and geeks. Written by women, for women. Because we all deserve to feel pretty.
Just a quick shout out to any San Antonio PAXers who want to try out Krav Maga. I just got back from a lunch time class (covered headlock from the side defense and when someone has you in a full mount and is beating the hell out of your face) but def come along if you need a partner. For the ladies, my wife does the Krav for ladies class which is more cardio if you need someone.
HEY, University of Washington people, if I were to show up at the IMA climbing wall on Wednesday April 29th at 7:30am (they have early bird climbing on Wed) who would like to join me?
If you aren't already a climber I'd be happy to belay you and we can spend some time on the bouldering wall getting you familiar with the feel. Climbing is great exercise and a good way to get to know your body in new ways.
I couldn't convince myself to get up that early for *anything*! But I wish I could, because that climbing wall looks so awesome. I'd like to get into some low-level, low-impact climbing. Not so much with the crazy intense stuff (not yet, anyway..)
Also, babelfish you should join our Northwest Adventure Team! I think beginning next month I'm going to start planning some nature outings... eeee!
HEY, University of Washington people, if I were to show up at the IMA climbing wall on Wednesday April 29th at 7:30am (they have early bird climbing on Wed) who would like to join me?
If you aren't already a climber I'd be happy to belay you and we can spend some time on the bouldering wall getting you familiar with the feel. Climbing is great exercise and a good way to get to know your body in new ways.
I have work from 8AM - 5PM.
Right now I play tennis with a co-worker and a friend starting at 5:30PM on Thursdays. But any other day after work I'd be happy to meet up.
If any IMA/UW people would be willing to take a class for something that has times after work, I would be down for that. Or we can meet up for swimming or just general work out.
I definitely would love a work out buddy or two....or five... to keep me motivated!
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
I'm also trying to trim down for PAX 09. After seeing my Carla pictures from the RSPOD contest last year I wanted to cry. So here is my plan. 1) I threw out the scale as all it had done for me thus far was give me something to obsess over 2) started swimming on a team and commuting by bike every day and 3) started therapy and self help to teach myself a bit of body love and self esteem.
So yeah, glad to meet everyone on the board and I hope I can offer support to everyone on here. If there are any Seattle people who want to meet up for either workouts or just hanging out I've found in the past that having people who are trying to reach the same goals as you helps a lot.
Help me, internet!
I have been following my New Year's resolution to get more active and since January 3rd have been now active in Krav Maga 3x a week. I test to go to lvl 2 on May 6th. It has definitely upped my cardio condition and general ass kicking what with classes focused on knife attack and gun defenses.
Everyone keep going out there and staying active!!
Current weight - 215
My lowest point last year - 180 (Mind you this is with some pretty good muscles, which I have lost a lot of)
This year's goal - 165 to 170
So getting past the actual goal part here, lets discuss how to get all our goals by September.
First off, everybody is different, I worked my ass off last year and didn't see any changes for at least 2 months, some people see changes in weeks. When you start out, don't focus on the weight so much for awhile, if you are a couch-potato like I was, then don't expect any real weight loss after only a couple runs.
I'm a guy, so I'm not really familiar with how women go about losing weight, but I know that its different, so my suggestions aren't going to be very helpful.
The best way for guys to start out is to get those muscles built. The muscles consume tons of calories all by themselves, and assuming that you are a gamer (you're going to PAX right?), this means you get to lose weight just by sitting around playing your favorite games, which I think we can all appreciate.
Get the muscles built by maxing out your weight-lifting. This doesn't mean doing 50 reps, this means doing a moderate amount of reps on the highest amount of weight you can handle (without injuring yourself). Do NOT over-lift. You want to fatigue the muscles enough so that they know its time to bulk up. If you want to speed up this process, eat some protein before and after weight-lifting (like within 20-30 minutes). Protein shakes apparently work well, but I've never had them, I usually just eat my dinner after weight-lifting.
The other important point to make is that muscles work on a 48 hour cycle. In other words, do weight lifting every other day. The muscles need a whole day basically to regenerate. Working the same muscles 2 days in a row won't help much.
In between weight-lifting days you want to do your cardio (cardio = running, eliptical, bike riding, game of basketball, etc). You've probably heard your doctor say to do at least 3 days a week of cardio for 30 minutes, this is going to be fine. I'd suggest when you start out to do things that you think are fun or are not quite so intense (it took me a long time to get my heart ready for running), and try to aim for about an hour. Lot of people swear by just walking, or doing an easy jog, but I've also read that this doesn't help improve the heart. Get at least some short spurts of high intensity in there. Elliptical machines can tell you what your heart beat is while exercising, and you should use the machine's heart-beat analyzer to see if you are in the "cardio" zone or not. This seems to be about 140 to 170 BPM.
So the way I do it, following these points, I do weight lifting Mon, Wed, Fri and cardio on Tues, Thurs, Sat. On Sunday I rest completely. I sleep in, play video games, study, etc, but try not to exert myself at all. This rest day seems to give the body a chance to completely regenerate for the coming week.
So far its worked for me. I'm just starting back on this routine, and like I said, don't pay much attention to the weight for awhile, right now mine is going up because my muscles are rebuilding, and there's a good chance the same will happen for you.
Good luck everybody!
Edit: I also wanna say that I stayed around 180 for the majority of winter without working out much at all (I went a couple months without doing anything, probably about 5 months total of not any real workouts before the weight started to come back). This is just a testament to how well my muscles and metabolism were working after all the hard work I did during the summer. If I kept up my routine I would still be at or even below that weight.
Read up on that, should help. Personally, I don't actually keep track of what I eat too much, I just make sure I eat at least 3 full meals a day, as well as down a protein shake after every workout session..
hope that helps
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
I do have some tips to help.
1.) What SecCom said is generally right for females as well. To maximize weight loss you must pair weight training with cardio in your weekly routine. The more muscle you have, the higher your ability to burn calories. Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if you don't see the scale dropping immediately, just keep at it, when paired with a proper diet, you will see results.
2.) This one's already very well known: Portion control and willpower is key. Consciously eat less than you normally would, and work small healthy snacks into your diet. Also, try to eat at the same time every day.
3.) Often, thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. Drink a Large glass of water whenever you feel a craving, and also before every meal. Water not only helps you better digest your food but will also keep you from overeating.
4.) I know no one wants to hear this, but the calories in alcohol are immense and often underestimated. Lowering your alcohol intake could possibly remove thousands of calories from your diet per month. (Depending on how much you initially drink.) Also, when drinking you are more likely to eat unnecessarily, and it's always the worst foods for you.
5.) Get a proper amount of sleep. You are less likely to be overweight if you get 8 hours of sleep per night. I know it's sometimes hard to squeeze it in, but reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight is hard work. A consistent sleep pattern is also important. Sleeping helps your metabolism work properly and, when sleep deprived, people are often too tired to exercise.
The full article on the importance of sleep can be found here: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/5276.php
6.) And try to have your dinner earlier in the evening. Your metabolism slows at night so try to avoid eating during the 3 hours before your regular bed time.
That's all of the things I can think of now, if I come across anything else I will definitely share it.
Good Luck everyone.
1) I know a lot of girls might ready the words "weight training" and imagine themselves all hulked out and muscular, odds are that won't happen to you, we don't gain muscle like guys do. But, if you want to build up those muscles and stay sleek, focus on toning, less weight with more reps.
2) If you have never weight trained before: HAVE SOMEONE TEACH YOU. It looks straight forward enough, I know, but if your technique is wrong you will pay for it later. If you are doing a lift wrong you may not get the results you want and will probably end up hurting yourself. Have a knowledgeable friend, or someone at your gym, teach you and spot for you.
3) Soda is bad for weight loss. Empty carbs and and extra sugars, drink water instead or juice if you need something sweet(at least it has vitamins).
I lost 20lbs all together last year before PAX. This year I was hoping to lose 20 more but I'm waaaaay behind.
So far I've been trying to get around Greenlake as much as possible. (Meta, I am so down for Seattle exercise! This city is known for it's great hiking!)
I know I do need to do more weight training. I've been meaning to pick up some weights and get to the IMA more. My arms are basically spaghetti noodles.
Here comes the awkward.
Last year you were already a hottie, but I fully support your effort to become even hotter. :winky:
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
I go to the IMA too! We could go together sometime and play ... I don't know... tennis or something!
Not that I follow it. While I could stand to lose weight, I have too low of self-esteem to do anything about it. And being able to state that objectively only subtracts further self-esteem.
G+: MStublefield
Twitter: dmmagic
I've been a looong time lurker here, rarely posting, but have attended PAX 3 of the last 4 years. I usually just pop in, read, occasionally ask questions regarding PAX and I'm out.
The reason I'm posting is simple. I'm a personal trainer and have been for 5 years. In fact, I run a chain of 5 gyms in North Carolina.
I would love to help any of you who'd be willing to give it the effort in regards to exercise and occassional diet advice. (We, by law, are not allowed to be terribly specific on diet, but can still help.)
So please, any of you at all that would like some help just e-mail me. bobby.hall8@gmail.com will be your best bet.
I am able to send work out programs with pics and full details, as well as prescribe cardio programs and help a little in diet/supplementation.
Obviously I'm offering to help for free, so please dont hesitate to ask. I'd also love to meet any of you at PAX and possibly run through a PAX Boot camp of sorts? Kind of out of the PAX norm, but could be fun.
G+: MStublefield
Twitter: dmmagic
It's those damn kittens eating up all your time.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Jesus H Christ...when I turn sideways...I become invisible.
I really could be used as a toothpick...no joke.
And if bigger people are envious...DON'T BE! If you have weight, at least you can (hypothetically) lose it, whereas for some scrawny bastards (me)...even weight gainer, working out etc. doesn't help.
But I've gotten over that for the most part...and if I'm skinny at least I can make it through a scary ass crowd alright?
*trying to be the optimist*
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Oh, HoLeY,
I totally feel your pain even if I don't share it. My husband is slender by nature as well. I couldn't believe how much less sympathy thin people get compared to fat people once he pointed it out. (And I say this as someone who's overweight/undermuscled. I swear we're like Jack Spratt and his wife.) He does a fair amount of weightlifting and a lot of protein for strength training, if that helps. He says he hasn't gained weight so much as gained mass.
I definitely need to be more active, and while I'm not overly concerned about my weight, I am a little chunky and would look better minus some pounds. ^.^
I've got a summer of nothing to do. Sounds like I'll try it.
All hail the Hypno-Spode!
Research* says that drinking water before/during meals hurts digestion, as it dilutes the stomach acid that is the first step. That aside, water is great for craving control, I keep a 1L bottle at my desk all day and it keeps me from wanting soda.
*DISCLAIMER: by this I mean something I heard on NPR and am too lazy to look up now. I look forward to being proved wrong.
ask and you shall receive, my good man. that is indeed wrong. the first step is actually when food gets broken down in your mouth by enzymes called salivary amylases. your stomach has a ph of about 2 because of the cells that hang out and secrete acid. water has a ph of about 7 and doesnt effect the acidity of the stomach, nor does it hinder the breakdown of food.
(all of the above was taught to me in school, if anyone has a recent (and decent) NEJM article to show otherwise, im all ears)
edit - as an aside, ill add that if anyone has any questions on the way things work, id be happy to answer them with my potentially limited few years of med school knowledge ... or id be happy to look things up with the billion clinical ed texts i have. im studying for board exams, so this will only help me out.
I'd like to lose some weight (6'0", around 240), but I know better than to try specifically to lose weight. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I just can't motivate myself to do things like "lose weight" or "exercise more."
What I find is much easier is to do things like "talk walks to enjoy nature" or "cook more meals myself," both of which are generally healthier than the alternatives.
I'm going to be trying to go for a few longish walks every week this summer. It's been beautiful in western WA for the past couple of days, and I got out for a nice, six-mile walk along the shore of Lake Whatcom (in/outside of Bellingham), and I found out that nature IRL is better than nature in games. (WTF, why did nobody ever tell me that?)
Now to buy some better shoes...
I am just going to be glad that I have a crap-load of awesome people that share my interests at this shindig.
I don't care if their over-weight, skinny as a rail, purple, midgets, or zombies (ok, if they're zombies, we might have a problem...but I'll bring a crow-bar for that).
What I'm trying to say is that although some of you feel you may need to lose or gain weight...the more important thing is that in less than 6 months, we're going to be having the time of our lives...geeking out non-stop....and rocking out like savages to sweet @$$ live shows.
...sorry to get all deep and stuff...
...And no sleep!
And sleep...if you're a TRUE gamer...you either get that during the day...or haven't quite figured out what it's for yet...I'm definitely the latter.
PAXCAMP, that be awesome =D
I'm needing to lose a couple pounds (~20ish) but I greatly dislike cardio. Running hurts my knee aftr only a mile, and no matter how high the resistance I don't feel anything on the eliptical (and also, it makes my butt bigger I've noticed).
I'm scuba diving a lot in the summer (which also makes my butt bigger, which is awesome but has a limit), and I'm trying to get into kayaking for upperbody work out. but being that i'm trying to get a couple hours flying time in everyweekend, sometimes that makes it impossible for me to dive
I think my biggest problem is that i hate doing exercise alone, but i haven't found anyone in vegas to do anything with me
the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
I agree with this. Exercise is boring. It always helps to have a buddy keeping you motivated, or a weekly/biweekly class to keep you on schedule.
I just wanted to add that one should never, ever go without eating breakfast. I know some people don't like to eat in the morning but when you wake up, your metabolism is still technically asleep. (It's not that your metabolism actually stops at night, but it definitely slows down.) Eating that first meal gives your metabolism a boost, and keeps it running all day long.
Def do the breakfast thing.
As for motivation, try joining a class of some type instead of just hitting the weight machines. I am one of those get bored types and hence I do Krav, always something new and different.
One big lesson I learned too was that the problem isn't working out it is getting to the facility. Cuz once you are there what the hell else are you going to do? Just get in the car and go is really the best thing I have learned, the workout will take care of itself.
I typically wake up at 4:30am-ish, throw something for breakfast in my bag (usually a Cosco muffin or a microwave breakfast sandwich), then eat it when I get to work at 7am. I just can't bring myself to eat that early in the morning. Heck, I rarely manage to pull myself out of bed in time to catch the bus, let alone eat.
Probably less than healthy, yeah.
If you aren't already a climber I'd be happy to belay you and we can spend some time on the bouldering wall getting you familiar with the feel. Climbing is great exercise and a good way to get to know your body in new ways.
I couldn't convince myself to get up that early for *anything*! But I wish I could, because that climbing wall looks so awesome. I'd like to get into some low-level, low-impact climbing. Not so much with the crazy intense stuff (not yet, anyway..)
Also, babelfish you should join our Northwest Adventure Team! I think beginning next month I'm going to start planning some nature outings... eeee!
I have work from 8AM - 5PM.
Right now I play tennis with a co-worker and a friend starting at 5:30PM on Thursdays. But any other day after work I'd be happy to meet up.
If any IMA/UW people would be willing to take a class for something that has times after work, I would be down for that. Or we can meet up for swimming or just general work out.
I definitely would love a work out buddy or two....or five... to keep me motivated!