
[League of Legends] Worlds has started, keep spoilers in tags!



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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    JAEF wrote: »
    Buff Nunu

    This really can't be stated enough. Nunu is no where near fat enough imo.

    Needs more textures + polygons

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    BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    I think nerfing Lee and Kha'zix would be a huge mistake from Riot.

    Well. Kha got nerfed on the PBE today, so...

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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    Roz wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    New patch, new winrates to over-analyze:

    Rammus: 60% win rate

    This is crazy and I'm guessing it to be a bug of some kind. The change they put in was a nice buff for him but I don't understand how it would have given him a 5% win rate increase.

    Sona: 54% win rate

    Her bug fix is a nice buff and she's a very strong solo queue support now.

    Nidalee: 43% win rate

    Nerfs were pretty big, but probably deserved. She may be a decent pick for competitive but I don't think she's great in solo queue anymore.

    Azir: 39%-40% win rate

    Not sure exactly why but Azir's low win rate has been constant. Usually with new champs their win rate steadily climbs, but Azir hasn't followed that pattern. Not sure if it's because he's just super hard to play or what. Itemization seems like it may be a problem since people like to rush Nashor's on him but his low base attack speed might make that inefficient. I could see Riot eventually overbuffing him like they often do with high skill cap champs.

    Rammus has been my go to jungle the past week. He is hilariously effective.

    Any idea why his win rate is so crazy right now? Was the Q/W buff that good?

    The last time I remember a 60% win rate was when Hiemer had a bug with his turrets.

    Not sure. Nothing feels out of place or exceptionally strong. I have noticed a higher incidence of teams that go something like:

    Talon/Zed mid
    Kha Jungle
    Nid/Lee/Renekton top

    Against those teams he can straight up just rush a thornmail and wreck dudes. I've done that a number of games in a row.

    And if on queue, first game of my series I first pick Rammus. The opposing team instalocks zed+kha'zix.


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    RamiRami Registered User regular
    Elise is such a bad champion I don't understand her at all.

    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX NNID: W-S-D-X 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Kay wrote: »
    Hey surrealitycheck‌ what is the most swag and bi-winning way to build and play VIKTOR THE GLORIOUS EVOLUTION now?

    havent tried him yet

    i imagine that actually rushing max level hex core + a lichbane will get you a surprisingly huge amount of ZE DAMAGES

    basically it would depend on what you have in lane. if theyre gonna land shit on you in lane you need mr + fatness so a rod build could be legit

    if ur feeling saucy you could go tear hexcore lichbane archangel and the bonus mana from lichbane + hexcore will do work

    lichbane is pretty core because of the ZAPPING and you probably want some cdr in there somewhere. i have debated furor boots purely because it works lulzily with his q but they are, as ever, a huge fuckin waste of time so never buy them

    but yeah i would not underestimate the power of getting a lichbane and flattening people. the deeps is real

    i should probs test him but i havent played in a few weeks
    I was starting with Dorans, then either getting another couple, or Hexcore upgrade (Q).

    Sheen early on, Deathcap and Void Staff, Lichbane, other stuff to taste.

    Against an AD mid (Yasuo, Zed, Talon etc) I was getting an early Glacial Shroud then figuring if I wanted to go Frozen Heart (CDR + Mana OP) and Lichbane or Frozen Fist and Void Staff.

    Pity Furor boots are crap. I like the idea behind them. I mainly spam Q->auto and chase/kite depending. Laser secondary burst seems suprisingly reliable given all the complaints about it. It comes out pretty damned quickly, totally unlike Vel'koz's.

    but fanks 4 ur dope swag tips on LoLIronMan. Tony Stark op.

    No, this is wrong. Unfortunately for mr realitycheck his levels of swag are hampering his ability to objectively evaluate item purchase paths, nothing matters when you're that far ahead.

    Your final build should be some variation of Void/Cap/Rylai/Lich/Sorc/Augments. The order should be E augment first, then Void/Rylai, then Cap/Rylai, then Rylai/Lich, then finish augments/last item. If you don't get Rylai's finishing Q augment early can be valuable, but its usually better to just finish Rylai.

    You want to start with Dorans and then get E-Augment. With E augment you can clear waves with a single laser after level 7 or 8 or so. Early Q augment is a trap because your early Q/auto damage is very bad(it looks good when comparing to a single ability, but not compared to a single ability plus an auto attack, and Q isn't an AA reset), it delays your E-augment and prevents you from roaming. Because E-augment lets you clear waves with a single laser its a hidden damage buff. Most champions need either raw AP (Cap) or CDR/MP5(Cup/Morello) in order to clear waves effectively but if you don't you can skip to the cheaper and more efficient void staff or the tanky/utility Rylai and will still be able to clear waves in a single ability. So long as you're not loose with your lasers you will have plenty of mana to fight, so don't worry about mana/mp5 items.

    You want Lich after Cap and Cap after Void in all instances. Void and Cap will do more damage at all points in the game compared to Lichbane except in the most extreme points where items don't matter (because if you're getting that many Q auto's off in a fight nothing matters). In order for Lichbane to be better than cap you need to be able to get 3-4 procs in a fight before you get your second E off and you have to only hit one person with the E's (Because cap provides .21 effective ratio on your Q-Auto so the diff is only .29 compared to the rest of your kits damage).

    Sheen is an OK purchase in the middle due to its base damage but only if you aren't able to get something on your way to Cap or Void. Void will do more damage than cap at almost all points in the game. Early in the game you don't have enough raw AP in order to overcome the effective base magic damage on Q and R even when enemies have low MR. Later in the game when you have higher AP, the effective base damage on Q becomes even more of an issue and enemies have high enough MR to make void more powerful.

    The value on your augments is pretty weak unless you're constrained in cash (can't make the 1600 NLR leap for your cap) or space (gotta upgrade an item fully from base). This is especially true early when your AP/level on them is low.

    Fundamentally you play new Viktor the same way you played old Viktor. Nuke the wave then go roam(or nuke the wave and push). Your early bully is reduced a bit and your early augments are weaker and in return your auto attack doesn't suck and you have a big lategame item.

    yeah nu viktor owns

    his lichbane q is deletion city

    that shits about 800 damage at 300ap

    I wish people would stop saying this(in general that his Q does a lot of damage), because its hilariously not true and because it leads people to misunderstand what is strong about Viktor (even in his current iteration)

    Lichbane Q @ 300 AP with Viktor and level 13 is 1.2 AP + 210 damage +1.75 AD. Which is about 700 damage

    That is less damage than Annie with Lichbane Q @ 300 AP (735 damage) and Annie's Q has a pretty low base damage for this kind of thing

    Lux Q auto at level 13 with Lichbane and 300 AP: about 920 damage.

    Its beaten by 300 AP Veigar Q-Auto (735 damage), Kayle (715), Teemo (775), Fizz (auto omitted, just his Q) (851)

    Most notably its less than Deathcap Viktor once you factor in your E

    E,Q Lich Ratio is 2.18

    E,Q Cap Ratio is 2.184

    So the lichbane only does .75 AD more, but Deathcap will have a bit more than 20 more raw AP (assuming LB + Book = 3400 gold vs Deathcaps 120 AP at 3300), which is worth 43 more damage, making your level 13 difference only 20 damage on the combo for the more expensive Lichbane. But it doesn't do anymore damage if you can't make the auto for some reason(or you hit >1 person with your E). And this isn't including his ult damage (which puts the lichbane far behind)

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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    The way Viktor's ult sticks to you without his input is super annoying holy fuck get off me he died already shit

    It has always done that. But only if he clicked on you directly when he ulted. It acts exactly the same way now (you only get the auto follow if you click on an enemy and they're in the radius).

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    BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    New thread's up!

    I went with a theme that I hope Talith will appreciate.

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