Hey all,
I don't believe I'm writing this post. I've long been a Microsoft supporter and never would have thought about buying a ps3. Alas, a few things have shifted my position and now I'm actually considering it.
1. I'm graduating in June and will probably be spending at least the next year or more in a different country/region of the world. When I found out that the ps3 is region free (as far as games), it instantly became about a thousand times more appealing. Does anyone know if the Slim version is also region-free?
2. Price cut. Duh.
3. Actual games I want to play, but can't. Uncharted 2 is the first "oh my lord I need this game" that's ps3 exclusive. Throw that in with the ratchet and clank series, god of war, Metal Gear, killzone... and suddenly it's looking a helluva lot meatier than it did before.
Have any other Microsoft fanboys taken the plunge over to the other side of the pool? Any comments, regrets, rants?
for great justice
Note that I don't self-identify as a 360 fan or PS3 fan. I play games. I own some consoles. That's all there is to it, for me.
This answers your question only indirectly, but what made the decision for me was: There are a few PS3 games that are sadly only available on the PS3. Money had been tight for me before, so I didn't buy a PS3 for those games. Now money isn't quite so tight, so when I counted the cost and benefit I decided it was worthwhile. (In more advice-like form: IMHO you shouldn't buy a PS3 unless you have some specific games in mind you really want to play. Start going back and reading reviews and media buzz stuff for PS3 games. If you were like me you were probably ignoring anything for games as soon as you found out they were PS3-exclusives, since those ads didn't apply. You'll need to refresh yourself.)
Secondary factors: I wanted to play old PS2 games and output via HDMI, so I bought an old 60 GB PS3 and plugged in a larger hard disk. I was curious about Bluray movies and saw bluray playback as a nice-to-have extra. (My impression, comparing with digital cable in HD, 360 movie rentals in HD, and Netflix streaming in HD: Bluray seems to me slightly higher quality, but the DVD special features so far have been much nicer, and I had forgotten how much I love special features. So the Bluray alone was worth, maybe, $50 or $100 of the cost to me.) Last, and I'm going to be called a perv for saying this, Microsoft's apparent ban on female nudity in 360 games is frustrating and I had heard PS3 games didn't have this problem.
There is nothing wrong with you if you decide you don't need a PS3. I'm ...eh...mostly glad I got mine. If I had it to buy over again I'd still do it, but there's no overwhelming reason I could use to convince someone to buy one.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
I'll probably pick one up eventually when they get cheaper.
When Heavy Rain comes out, though, that thing is going to be on until it dies.
Get a PS3 if you have an HDTV.
This is me convincing you not to buy a PS3:
Don't get a PS3 unless you have an HDTV.
It also has some great exclusives. Yep!
While the 360 can do the same thing, I find the PS3 an awesome media center (though I have my PC hooked up to the T.V., so there is really no benefits for me). Also, there's a few exclusive games that you may enjoy.
The 360's a great machine and all but the DVD upscaler is absolutely horrid.
I've tried a few DVDs on both 360 and PS3, both on HDMI, and the difference is just night and day.
That's all that needs to be said.
Also, it's better than sex.
I ordered my PS3 this week because UC2 is out next week. Yes, damn the bundles that might exist soon, damn the discounts on the system that might come out later. I need to get in on this shit.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
My primary reason, and I'm not proud of this, was because I believed it to be significantly more reliable than the PS2 (I have 3 PS2s under my belt, unfortunately).
I only own two games, but it's very nice as a Blu-ray player (I prefer my Xbox 360 for 'regular' DVDs, since it'll play UK DVDs, unlike the PS3). And it plays PS2 games very well.....unlike my last PS2.
I think you'll be happy. Can't say for certain, but if you have the money. Both games I own are PS3 exclusives, since I prefer multiplatform games on the Xbox 360 overwhelmingly (I own about 15 360 games), but those exclusive that they are are pretty great.
Siren: Blood Curse
Demon's Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Check out some reviews for those suckers. There's a laundry list of great exclusives that don't come from japan, but if you're looking for the most critically acclaimed HD JRPG or survival horror (not action-horror,) yeah - PS3's got you covered.
In fact the only reason I don't own a PS3 is that I'm having difficulty keeping up with my backlog between the Wii, 360, PSP, and DS as it is. Coincidentally this is also the reason I don't own a PS2. It'd be like instantaneously adding 100 games to my backlog.
PS3 is a reasonable choice as well, with free online gaming, most of the big multiplatform games operating within striking distance of the 360, a fairly acceptable price, a decent Blu-Ray player, a few games you can't get anywhere else, and a great magnet for dust and fingerprints.
Also the dust and fingerprints thing doesn't apply anymore with the slimline models.
DS is still a much better buy.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I own all three consoles and my PS3 gets the least love. But that's mainly because I'm more of a co-op gamer and the PS3 lacks those types of titles in a huge way. Like, there's only really two or three good games that are local co-op.
The graphical quality between the PS3 and 360 are marginal at 720p quality. So if you're getting a TV you might as well spring for the 1080p, which would be useless if you're going to be living there for only a year.
If you're going to be spending the next year in another region why not pick up a DS? I mean if you're in another country I think that it would be kinda lame to spend that entire time inside playing video games. But I'm more of a country loving kinda guy when I travel abroad.
Don't worry, Fat Princess isn't that good.
On the flipside... DVDs tend to look better in my 360 than in the PS3. My PS3 is a PS3 exclusive machine, and bluray player. Not that it's a bad thing.
How the fuck is that possible?
Like seriously. I tried it with a few different TV shows and films and every single one of them looked noticeably better on PS3.
No idea. 720p on both, via HDMI. The 360 just seems to look better. I always go back and check when people complain about the video quality of a DVD but my movies look more vivid in the 360. However the PS3 is quieter so if I want to watch a DVD at night I'll probably put it in there.
My TV is 1080p, both running HDMI, though I'm not sure how that would make a difference when upscaling conventional DVDs.
Still, if you have both, I can't imagine why you wouldn't play it in a PS3, considering your 360's a time bomb.
And then I moved up to Canada (I'm from the states) and I decided to leave my xbox 360. At the time I thought I'd have a lot less free time since I had heard my uni was tougher. And, at the time, a friend was going to come up and visit at the beginning of October and could bring up anything I forgot.
Unfortunately it turns out that I've quite misjudged that decision. Instead of being swamped in work, I'm taking all these easy as piss intro courses that leaves me with tons of free time to do whatever. And while I enjoy a good drink every now and then, there are only so many hours of the day for that. Why not ship up my 360, you ask? Because my parents sent up the DVDs and I got RAPED with brokerage fees and Canada's "go fuck yourself" tax. If it's going to cost me atleast 70 dollars to ship up my 360, part of me thinks I might just wait for a really good deal within a few weeks on a refurbished ps3 and pick that up. And then take them back with me.
Moral of the story: If you think you might possibly want to play games while abroad, take the fucking thing. Last year I spent a few months in Europe and my DS earned it's weight in gold. I also rather stupidly left it at home. Fail.
Thanks for the impressions too, I'm always happy to hear that some people are enjoying their purchase. Back at home I have a beautiful 37" 1080i that I'm sure could benefit from the ps3. And I also spend a decent amount of time at my parent's house, where their 1080p 62" is begging for some more love. Of course, once I graduate in June then I'll probably in Europe or Australia and gaming on a 12" TV the size of a thimble. But hey, you've gotta do what you gotta do.
Yes = Buy.
No = Don't Buy.
A PS3 without games you want to play is just a Blu-Ray Player.
Oh I've got another year or so. I just got it back from the repair center, haha. I use my 360 a lot more, lately, for Netflix and streaming videos from my PC. Using TVersity it seems to work better on my 360 as well. I wish I knew why because I prefer the interface of the PS3 to the 360.
Blu-ray is really nice, though.
If he has a HDTV, Blu Ray almost justifies the price of entry on its own.
Get Wall-E to see for yourself.
Holy shit, Speed Racer.
If you can afford it and you want it, then get it. The only plausible reason you shouldn't get one is if by buying the ps3, you will not afford rent, food for your baby, etc.
Feed your baby Uncharted 2.
it seems like he's going to buy something, he just wanted advice from people who, y'know, own one already?
I'd lower the threshold to 5, personally, but this.
Buy it if you want to play games on it. Don't buy it if the games you want to play aren't on it.
If the games you want to play are on it, but haven't been released yet, then don't buy it until you get a fucking great deal.