Ok, so as I mentioned in another thread I'll be arriving in Boston the 24th (wed) and looking to get some people together to play some tabletop (RPGs, CCGs, Miniatures, etc.) stuff. The lobby has a fair amount of space and tables, and I figure a fair amount of people are staying at the Sheraton or thereabouts so it would be a good place to game. I could even volunteer my room if there ends up being any issues

That said, lets try and settle on who would like to come, what time to start would be good, and what games would be an option for people to play.
I'll be down for like 7pm till whenever. I could bring some Magic the Gathering Decks, or purchase decks and cards of pretty much any CCG/TCG, or miniatures within a reasonable amount of money

I can also look into picking up a board game from a FLGS if that is a better option.
So far we're looking at the following days and times:
Wednesday- 7PM till ??? (can end pretty much whenever, if we get kicked from the lobby we can move some of it to my room)
Thursday- 7PM till Midnight (6PM maybe? Leave feedback in thread)
Magic the Gathering seems to be one of the primary games of choice. There will indeed be some board games and table top games as well, so there's something for everyone!
Twitter feed is up!
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
My only request is that ravager-affinity players be beaten with sock-em-boppers.
There's tons of other options, I just mentioned one that I happen to already have. HeroClix was something else that came to mind, and can be gotten into fairly cheaply. And lets not forget that there's a slew of board games out there, which many attendees have said they are bringing as well.
If there's something you want to play, pop it up. Also, times would be good as well
Thursday isn't out of the question, but I know that personally I have some dinner reservations at 7:30 and likely will not be back till 9pm or so. BUT, we could make this a running event provided there's enough interest.
I might bring a couple of decks with me. i haven't really played with them in an age, and they're not amazing. but i can probably manage a couple of games with the ninja deck or something.
i'd love to buy some more recent ones and tweak them, but i have no clue what i'd be doing with them.
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
Otherwise, I'll bring Warmachine and if anybody is interested, I can bring another starter army or two.
I have 2 sliver decks: one built from the last time I actively played magic (Onslaught), one from the new preconstructed foil decks they rolled out recently. So I'll be running uber noob stuff XD
I hear a LOT about Warmachine...going to look into it some.
if you want some horrible preconstructed stuff, do you have the new foil sliver deck? i have an old constructed one too, and sliver vs sliver is hilarious to play. painful but hilarious.
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
Looks like there's not really any interest for much outside Magic, so lets run with that. Here's what I am seeing for days and times right now:
Wednesday- 7PM till ??? (can end pretty much whenever, if we get kicked from the lobby we can move some of it to my room)
Thursday- 7PM till Midnight
Do these times sound good? Also, does everyone want to only do constructed or is there some interest in doing a booster draft or maybe one of those drafts they used to do for prerelease tournaments (1 startered deck + 3 packs). I'd be willing to shell out the initial cash to pickup the boxes of cards, but would need to ask those participating to essentially pay for what they would be using.
I'll put everything up on the initial post once we start getting everything gelled.
I'd love to see this balloon into a gigantic thing. Go, go, go!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I'd try and make it bigger, but renting the meeting spaces in the Sheraton is expensive and I don't think the community wants to shell out more money for something like that
What manner of non-Magic gaming do we speak of?
Would anybody be interested in Prime Time Adventures?
What stater decks/kits would you guys reccomend?
Well that depends on a lot
Right now I tossed the idea out for boost drafts or possibly do a draft using fat packs (1 fat pack per person), or maybe something else. It does look like they discontinued tournament boxes, so that's not really an option anymore.
Any other ideas would be great to suggest, and if the decision is made to look into doing a draft of some sort I can try and get ahold of a FLGS in the Boston area to try and get a deal on things like fatpacks and boxes.
atiari = king among men
Sponsorships are a no-no. Khoo doesn't want anyone taking away potential sponsors from PAX. As far as I know, meeting rooms like that are pretty expensive and often require catering options, too. But good luck! Update us on the price.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
By sponsors I more mean like my business partner deciding to pony up the cash out of his pocket to do it, rather than anything formal. I'm not the kind of person that can try and solicit money for sponsorship XD
As far as cost goes, it's a wait and see game from the Sheraton. AFAIK they don't require catering, but strongly push the option.
Oh, that's awesome. I didn't want to come off as confrontational or anything.
Like I said, I'm way into this idea. We've got sightseeing tours, a bar crawl, and a dinner, but astonishingly we have nothing more game related on the unofficial Pre-PAX events roster.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
In any case, this all stems from one guy who expected to be sitting in a hotel room staring at crappy TV for a dozen hours or so. What started as a plan to snag a few people to play a few CCGs and tabletop games in the hotel lobby seems to be trying to be a little bigger. Hopefully everything works out.
(Edit: Here's a wiki on it, though it is brief: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Magic:_The_Gathering/Assassin_Format )
So...we're back to the lobby plan. Sorry everyone.
Moar people! Moar people!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
It may be a wise idea to plan for the lobby, and if we are moved around to drop a note in a thread on these forums or the IRC.
Tweet it! Get a list of cell phone numbers. Put a sign up as a bulletin in the lobby or on a declared room door with constant updates to what games are on and where.
not all of us have cell phones