I have found a method for shipping them to Seattle that will allow us to very easily pick up and acquire the cookies in time without worrying about logistics. This is also the perfect solution for you awesome bakers who are baking despite even being able to come to PAX!
I was thinking about picking up a tactical thigh pouch as a convenient way of carrying cookies around the convention. Does anyone happen to have one that I could borrow for the weekend?
It could work, but be forewarned that if you're actively distributing (like in a line or something with a lot of people), the amount of cookies that would fit in a thigh pouch might be gone very very quickly: leaving you to have to make frequent trips back to your base of operations to get more. =( (Unless you'll have more right there in another satchel/bag/something like that, then that's not as big of a problem... but might also defeat the purpose of having a thigh pouch =( )
This is my first PAX and would love to get involved! I am flying from Alaska and plan on packing a hundred or more cookies in my bag. I was wondering how or if I should package these? I also was planning on bringing printed recipe cards so there wouldn't be any allergy issues with them.
Oh, the most preferable way would be for them to be individually wrapped/placed in ziplock bags, or wrapped as small bundles to be handed out if they're small cookies. People seem to be less suspicious (understandably!) of cookies that are already bagged up.
I'm glad you're joining us, welcome to the Brigade!
This is my first PAX and would love to get involved! I am flying from Alaska and plan on packing a hundred or more cookies in my bag. I was wondering how or if I should package these? I also was planning on bringing printed recipe cards so there wouldn't be any allergy issues with them.
I am sending you guys Allergy-Friendly Vegan Cookies, but instead of recipe cards, I'm going to print ingredients on address labels that I will stick on the wrapping. That means you're not trying to had out cookies AND cards, and can concentrate on the cookies!
How to bring cookies.... you can pack them in tupperware. Or, an idea I just had... cereal boxes! Those have a bit of structure to them, but aren't super rigid, and don't have crazy edges for lids to attach. Mind you, I've only ever driven down, so I don't know how well that would work for flying.
I don't mean to derail the thread too much, but as this is my first PAX and didn't see it posted anywhere I was wondering if there was a "suggested" donation amount per cookie. Thanks.
Oh, hi Macbitt! Any donation you want to make is accepted: in fact, if you don't have any donation, that's okay too! Just don't be the guy who gives no donation and takes a whole giant bag of cookies. That happened once to me... but only once. He reached over and took a whole bag of brownies - basically the equivalent of a whole cookie sheet worth of brownies - and walked away. The boos that erupted in the line were epic, I was kind of surprised that he got away without being beaten. I didn't follow him into the crowd though: for all I know he was beaten. lol
Anyways, any donation (or none, as long as you don't take an obviously unreasonable amount of cookies) is totally cool! If you do want to take an unreasonable amount of cookies, be sure to donate accordingly in that fringe case.
In the past, there used to be suggested donations for buttons, but we've moved away from that. They're whatever you want to give as well... but when you snag a button, remember that it probably cost us a lot more to produce than the cookies did, and if you have spare money to give to Child's Play accordingly we'd appreciate it!
Aye, a dollar is probably our most common contribution: two is extra awesome... five would probably get you a hug from the distributor if you felt so inclined, and you could definitely feel no shame in requesting buttons for you and your companions. Twenty or more might get you a round of applause from the people in the vicinity who witnessed the act of unabashed altruism. I have seen that happen before too. That first year, someone threw in 40 bucks while there was a big crowd around the cookie box, and people were thanking him and shaking his hand and such. I was blown away by it... I'm agnostic, but I think I told him "God bless you!" out of instinct in reaction to the unusually generous donation.
Heh, I guess those were really my extreme stories: the most selfish I ever witnessed in that prior post followed by the most generous in this one. The question is, will someone beat that first year person's generosity this year? Only time will tell!
I want to help! I don't think I can make anything, but I definitely want to help distribute. If I do decide to bake, can I just bring some surprise cookies? Do you need to know in advance? And how far in advance?
Just thought I'd mention this for people who might want to participate, but don't bake.
I was at Costco today and they were giving out samples of Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies. They come in package of 75(ish). It's pre-portioned, frozen dough that you just put on a cookie sheet and bake. I didn't check the exact cost, but they lady said it came out to $0.19 per cookie, which means it'd be around $15 for the entire box.
Jenny_SpaghettiI am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered Userregular
edited August 2010
I'll be glad to bake though I think I'd have to pass on distribution. I'll probably do batches of white choco macadamias, choco chip minties, and cinnamon raisin oatmeals. Passengering on the CST so transporting them shouldn't be an issue.
Yay! Baking is awesome, we *always* need more cookies! I don't think I've ever seen cookies survive until Sunday except for distributors who had cookies but didn't distribute until Sunday. Cookies available all 3 days are pretty much 100% guaranteed to be gone by Sunday, so the more we have the more Child's Play will get!
Also Punzie, no need to tell us if you want it to be a surprise, and if you're up for distributing that's awesome! Make sure to sign up in the link at the OP so we have your contact info (and thus can let you know about things like meetings: we have to have some way to make sure you're restocked with cookies and get the money you collect so we can give it to Child's Play and count it for our grand total! )
I don't remember if I even chimmed in here but I've been interested every year I've gone to help in the distribution part but can never find the meet up location to get the cookies...this year I'm cosplaying as Gabe
I think it might be cool to hand out treats dressed as him. If I missed the sign up list or am going about this the wrong way I'm sorry.
Oh, the Original Post in this thread: it has a link to both the website where you can sign up, and the google group: you'll want to sign up with both, that way you can get maximum coverage of our planning and scheduling! If you get into those, you'll get all the info you need!
I am back, and the 3.14 Bakery in White Center is finally opening! They had their health inspection the other day, and they passed their first attempt! Woot!
So now Jessica, the boss/owner of the bakery, wants to know what exactly is needed for the Brigade. If someone could get in touch with her, that'd be lovely!
Here is the information for the Bakery.
9602 16th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106
If someone from the Brigade could get in touch with her, we'd all appreciate it!
Awesome Shaddz! Lemme talk with Hypatia: odds are one of us will give you a call!
The basic gist though is: as many cookies as is humanly possible! PAX sometimes feels like a bag of holding for cookies. We make a few, they are gone. We make a lot, they are gone in almost the same amount of time. However, the more cookies we have, the more money we get for Child's Play!
Anyways, lemme get a hold of Hypatia, if she hasn't already seen the post!
Okay Shaddz, I'm going to give them a call shortly!
EDIT: Gave a call, but no one was there so I left a message with my number. I'll try again later in the day... I just realized that me being on east coast time means that it's not even 7am over there yet! D'oh! lol!
So an update on the bakery - They opened yesterday morning (Saturday)!
Did real well; I wasnt there, but I will be next weekend. If anyone wants to stop by for a cookie, muffin, or cup of coffee, they're located on 16th Avenue in White Center, kiddy corner (Or is it "kitty corner", I never figured that out) to the GameStop and Walgreens.
There is a panel on Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm titled "Organizing a Child's Play Fundraiser" is this something we as Cookie Brigade would like to show up to and represent?
There is a panel on Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm titled "Organizing a Child's Play Fundraiser" is this something we as Cookie Brigade would like to show up to and represent?
Unfortunately, it's my understanding that we can't generally do things like this because we aren't officially sanctioned and we are generally incognito. Going to a panel in a convention center that dislikes people bringing in their own food to tell people about how we're bringing our own food in seems akin to poking a bear with a stick.
Hey there, Brigadiers. My apologies to those who asked for a Cookie Brigade embroidered patch, there's no way I'm going to get them done by Prime. My wound care doctors put me on bed rest to get the two remaining wounds on my left leg to heal up in preparation for getting my prosthetic and starting physical therapy...so there's not a lot I can do at the moment. I hope everyone has an awesome time at Prime, and I wish I could be there distributing cookies with you all!
P.S. I've been talking with Tally from Loading Ready Run and she'll be on the lookout for Cookie Brigade members, so someone be sure to take the LRR crew some cookies at their panel on Friday at 3:00 PM in the Raven Theatre. With as much money as they bring in with Desert Bus, they deserve some cookies!
No worries Facelesscog! Focus on getting better and training up, don't worry at all! I'm looking forward to seeing you at East! We'll make sure to toss some cookies their way as well! I think I ran into one of the Loading Ready Run guys back in '08, we were both exhausted and laying against the side of a pillar.
Ohhhhh, I love baking! And I'm going all out for PAX this year with the cosplay and buttons and trying to meet people (usually I'm a shy one who tries to blend into the wallpaper).
Anyway, I live like a 5-10 min walk to the Convention Center and would love to help with this endevour. I was reading through the thread and noticed people wanting to mail their goodies pre-Con. This is something I can so help with. If it's still needed of course.
I'm gonna sign up to the GoogleGroup for more details and planning.
Woot, excellent! That'll be fantastic, we'd love to have you on the team! Aye, join the Google Group and give your info out: it could definitely be useful to have more than one mail-based drop point!
Just wanted to post this here. I had sudden inspiration the other day to make some hard candy for the brigade. I know I know its not cookies, but they're tasty, I promise.
So some toying around with a silicon mold for ice and some hard candy goo and I got Strawberry Space Invaders. Think these will go over well?
Wait... i can cook... and pawn it off on other people to make them fat instead of inhaling it all myself?
Where do I sign up?! haha, although curious.. How many does the average person generally make and do they just cruise the convention and if they get asked for a treat, hand one out? Details would be spiffalicious.
They also have a tetris one, that... I slacked off and was going to wait to get until the last moment, aaaaand now it's too late because theyre sold out until october. Doh.
They also have a tetris one, that... I slacked off and was going to wait to get until the last moment, aaaaand now it's too late because theyre sold out until october. Doh.
I got them off amazon for cheap with Prime. They don't have the tetris one though.
One thing I will say, that I learned, is that you need to make sure the mold is able to withstand the heat of the candy. Most silicon that is food safe should be good up to 450, and the space invaders mold did wonderfully. But just make sure if you use a silicon mold its good up to at least 300 degrees for hard candy.
Okay, so everyone:
I have found a method for shipping them to Seattle that will allow us to very easily pick up and acquire the cookies in time without worrying about logistics. This is also the perfect solution for you awesome bakers who are baking despite even being able to come to PAX!
PM Me and I'll drop you the info! I also just posted it to our mailing list, so if you're on it already check your E-Mail!
EDIT: Do note that you'll still have to pay for shipping unfortunately... but remember that it's for an awesome cause!
I'm glad you're joining us, welcome to the Brigade!
I am sending you guys Allergy-Friendly Vegan Cookies, but instead of recipe cards, I'm going to print ingredients on address labels that I will stick on the wrapping. That means you're not trying to had out cookies AND cards, and can concentrate on the cookies!
How to bring cookies.... you can pack them in tupperware. Or, an idea I just had... cereal boxes! Those have a bit of structure to them, but aren't super rigid, and don't have crazy edges for lids to attach. Mind you, I've only ever driven down, so I don't know how well that would work for flying.
What's that? Yes, yes that is a 5' x 3'-ish giant flag! I'm almost done making it, just a few more cuts and an iron, bwahahah!
Anyways, any donation (or none, as long as you don't take an obviously unreasonable amount of cookies) is totally cool! If you do want to take an unreasonable amount of cookies, be sure to donate accordingly in that fringe case.
In the past, there used to be suggested donations for buttons, but we've moved away from that. They're whatever you want to give as well... but when you snag a button, remember that it probably cost us a lot more to produce than the cookies did, and if you have spare money to give to Child's Play accordingly we'd appreciate it!
In other news, Hypatia's flag is awesome! Woooot!
I never finish anyth
Heh, I guess those were really my extreme stories: the most selfish I ever witnessed in that prior post followed by the most generous in this one. The question is, will someone beat that first year person's generosity this year? Only time will tell!
I was at Costco today and they were giving out samples of Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies. They come in package of 75(ish). It's pre-portioned, frozen dough that you just put on a cookie sheet and bake. I didn't check the exact cost, but they lady said it came out to $0.19 per cookie, which means it'd be around $15 for the entire box.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
Also Punzie, no need to tell us if you want it to be a surprise, and if you're up for distributing that's awesome! Make sure to sign up in the link at the OP so we have your contact info (and thus can let you know about things like meetings: we have to have some way to make sure you're restocked with cookies and get the money you collect so we can give it to Child's Play and count it for our grand total!
I think it might be cool to hand out treats dressed as him. If I missed the sign up list or am going about this the wrong way I'm sorry.
[X] Train tix
[_] Finish Vivi costume
[X] Anxiously wait
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
Sign up at the link at the OP and we can contact you with meeting times and locations as they progress!
Also, lol akjak
[X] Train tix
[_] Finish Vivi costume
[X] Anxiously wait
I am back, and the 3.14 Bakery in White Center is finally opening! They had their health inspection the other day, and they passed their first attempt! Woot!
So now Jessica, the boss/owner of the bakery, wants to know what exactly is needed for the Brigade. If someone could get in touch with her, that'd be lovely!
Here is the information for the Bakery.
9602 16th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106
If someone from the Brigade could get in touch with her, we'd all appreciate it!
Have a good one,
Twitter.com: @Shaddz
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
The basic gist though is: as many cookies as is humanly possible! PAX sometimes feels like a bag of holding for cookies. We make a few, they are gone. We make a lot, they are gone in almost the same amount of time. However, the more cookies we have, the more money we get for Child's Play!
Anyways, lemme get a hold of Hypatia, if she hasn't already seen the post!
EDIT: Gave a call, but no one was there so I left a message with my number. I'll try again later in the day... I just realized that me being on east coast time means that it's not even 7am over there yet! D'oh!
I'm in a cookie baking mood and I just found some good recipes, so if I can work out the logistics, I'll make some cookies!!
Because its pax east seattle, duh
Also... I didn't even notice that! Um, ignore any East references
Did real well; I wasnt there, but I will be next weekend. If anyone wants to stop by for a cookie, muffin, or cup of coffee, they're located on 16th Avenue in White Center, kiddy corner (Or is it "kitty corner", I never figured that out) to the GameStop and Walgreens.
3.14 bakery - Check it out!
Twitter.com: @Shaddz
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
Whoops! Thanks for catching that, let me know if you see any other mistakes
Unfortunately, it's my understanding that we can't generally do things like this because we aren't officially sanctioned and we are generally incognito. Going to a panel in a convention center that dislikes people bringing in their own food to tell people about how we're bringing our own food in seems akin to poking a bear with a stick.
P.S. I've been talking with Tally from Loading Ready Run and she'll be on the lookout for Cookie Brigade members, so someone be sure to take the LRR crew some cookies at their panel on Friday at 3:00 PM in the Raven Theatre. With as much money as they bring in with Desert Bus, they deserve some cookies!
Anyway, I live like a 5-10 min walk to the Convention Center and would love to help with this endevour. I was reading through the thread and noticed people wanting to mail their goodies pre-Con. This is something I can so help with. If it's still needed of course.
I'm gonna sign up to the GoogleGroup for more details and planning.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
So some toying around with a silicon mold for ice and some hard candy goo and I got Strawberry Space Invaders. Think these will go over well?
Where do I sign up?! haha, although curious.. How many does the average person generally make and do they just cruise the convention and if they get asked for a treat, hand one out? Details would be spiffalicious.
Does a bear Pope in the Catholics?
I got them off amazon for cheap with Prime. They don't have the tetris one though.
One thing I will say, that I learned, is that you need to make sure the mold is able to withstand the heat of the candy. Most silicon that is food safe should be good up to 450, and the space invaders mold did wonderfully. But just make sure if you use a silicon mold its good up to at least 300 degrees for hard candy.