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The PAX Prime Cookie/Biscuit Brigade 2010!



  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Those cookies sound awesome Sykora! I'll forward you the forum PM from Hypatia with the details in it. If all else fails, BYOC is a safe bet.

    I've made fewer than last year. Over 300 done now and dough to bake probably 200-300 more in the morning.

    Many thanks to Amy for doing the majority of the work. She correctly figured that I was planning poorly and took over.

    DJBreslin on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Wow, that's awesome DJ! You and Amy are freakin' VIPs, that's an amazing amount of cookies! =) It'll be good to see you guys again this year! =)=)

    Hmm, also I've checked into the hotel room: no cookies yet. Hopefully they should be trickling in soon.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • EruditeAphroditeEruditeAphrodite Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Awww, airline made me check my cookie box instead of gate checking it and about half got destroyed. Guess I should pick up cups for crumble shots. :(

    EruditeAphrodite on
    Pretty Gamer - Your one-stop shop for female gamers and geeks. Written by women, for women. Because we all deserve to feel pretty.
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Final count on my cookies: 550

    DJBreslin on
  • RogueBunnyRogueBunny Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    OMG! Finally finished packaging and labeling the cookies! Over 200 chocolate chip are about to board a plane in AK! Cannot wait to get there!

    RogueBunny on
  • HypatiaHypatia Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    About to get on a plane with a suitcase and duffel full of cookies, see you guys soon!

    And I should have gotten e-mails to everyone who PM'd or signed up on the website of the meeting times, will be back online tomorrow morning-ish!

    Hypatia on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Sykora: That is so awesome, you rock so much!!! Yay!

    Erudite: No worries! True PAXers embrace and love the cookie shot! =)=)

    Rogue: Wooot! Fantastic!! =)

    DJ: 550 cookies is downright daunting! My hat is off to you, my friend!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • GeeCeeGeeCee Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Help! I have JennSpaghetti's cookies! Is there somewhere I can drop these off or should I see about getting them back to her..? Not sure if she is getting my texts.

    GeeCee on
  • CybitCybit Merch Underling RedmondRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Why do I feel like I should do water bottles in concert with you guys? >_<

    Cybit on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Hey GeeCee, are those cookies specifically for her (as in she's distributing them), or are they for the group at large? Because if they're open for the group, I can take them from you and divide them out to the distributors on Friday... but if they're specifically for her to distribute, I don't know for sure... unless she comes to one of the meetings I won't know how to get a hold of her. =(

    We've considered such things before Cybit, and it is definitely tempting... but what we're worried about is actually twofold:

    1) (the more important) Aramark would probably be much more upset with the distribution of packaged goods, as that begins to interfere more directly with their operations. They are a group of people that we don't want to piss off, and we already toe the line pretty finely with cookies. =(

    2) (Less important, but still a good point) Someone would have to pay the upfront cost to actually get the water/milk/whatever, and in the spirit of "100% goes to Child's Play" we probably wouldn't be inclined to actually pay the person back. There's been talks about compensating for some things like buttons and the like, but up to now we haven't done it... everything's been 100% out of pocket for any initial expenses, and 100% to Child's Play going out.

    Now, if we ever decide to change that policy out of some necessity (for instance, not being able to afford to pay for buttons as a group or somesuch), that may remove point 2... but there'd still be the more important point #1 above. In the end, we're a community run "bake sale" with "sale" actually being "optional donations". That walks a fine line, and anything beyond that would probably be crossing the line in a way that could be dangerous for the future of the Cookie Brigade. =(

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • GeeCeeGeeCee Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    JennySpaghetti was just going to drop them off rather than distribute them I believe..

    GeeCee on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Oh, if she was just going to drop them off... just a sec, PMing you now!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • CybitCybit Merch Underling RedmondRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Gotcha. I can cover the upfront cost without trouble, so I could at least deal with number 2. I didn't know Aramark was running the food stuffs at the CC (we had a contract with them at work in the past, and my understanding is that people were not too broken up about them leaving)

    Bah. I don't think I have time to rig my water cooler jug to my backpack with a dispenser tonight; got D&D to run. >_< (We'll ignore the part that I've done this before, and just move on...)

    For what it is worth, I'll probably be packing 10-12 water bottles with me tomorrow (yay backpack) for myself / friends.

    If anyone in the CB needs help with anything, lemme know.

    Cybit on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    No worries: indeed, the potential for being struck down like thunder from Aramark is too much to risk adding refreshments to our cookie supply: though I definitely appreciate the sentiment! In an ideal world, we'd be tossing bottles of milk or water people's way too... maybe someday. =( The risk is just too high: too high to even propose it to Aramark. We don't know whether they'd react by blessing us, or by having police escort us out of the building. We just don't know... and we don't want to find out if there's a chance that the reaction would be more the latter than the former. =( As of right now, they seem to have an uneasy truce with us (or at least a willingness to look the other way as far as I can tell). But if we expanded operations, there's no telling how they'd react to that.

    We could use help distributing regular old cookies if you're up for it! Join the google group list on the first post if you'd be up for doing some distributing! You'd just need to meet up with us to get cookies and to hand off any money that was donated!

    Baking is also always in great need, but it may be too late for that =(

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • CybitCybit Merch Underling RedmondRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Heh, on the google list already. I'll try to be at the meet up point tomorrow if possible, if not, I'll call the contact person that sent out the e-mail. :-)

    Cybit on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Excellent! ;)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • Jenny_SpaghettiJenny_Spaghetti I am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Thank you for arranging for the care and disposition of my cookies, you guys. :)

    Jenny_Spaghetti on
  • zachdmszachdms aka Preppy SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Dear Cookie Brigade,

    If there are cookie peoples near the Console Tourney area (floor 6) at any points, the red-bearded guy in glasses would love the opportunity to support Child's Play. :D


    (you all really are excellent)

    zachdms on - Capcom fighting game videos
  • Innocent ViceInnocent Vice Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I had an espresso cookie ths morning that was fantastic. Woot!

    Innocent Vice on
  • AvidAvid Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I did a video interview with Enigmas a member of the Cookie Brigade

    Avid on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Hey everyone! Remember if you need restocking to phone me! We have supplies! =) They're shrinking, but we definitely have them! =)

    Thank you everyone for your fantastic support of the cookie brigade so far! We've still got the rest of the day to go and the morning tomorrow, but it's looking like it's going to be a great year for the Child's Play donations thanks to all of you who have gotten cookies from us, and all the bakers and distributors that made it possible!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010

    Due to concert schedule conflicts, our meeting is going to have a HARD STOP at 7:35. Be up to the meeting location on time, or come tomorrow morning for the meeting!

    Also we are out of cookies, so if you're a distributor looking for more cookies, we don't have any left at the moment =( If we get more, I will post here ASAP.

    If you have money to hand over, be to the meeting on time at 7:30, or hold out for tomorrow morning!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Hey guys! Okay, so at midnight last night Hypatia restocked me with more cookies!

    And on my way out of the hotel, I saw Wil! He <3's the cookie brigade, and we <3 him too! =)=)

    Apparently Jazz may have more cookies... I'm waiting to hear from her, so hopefully there may be more cookies yet! The supply I got restocked with last night is gone, but I do have a small stack here that I'm going to see if I can consolidate with Jazz's before I head out again.

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • GeeCeeGeeCee Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I'm bringing Jenny's box of cookies to BYOC right now, VT. I'll call you when I get up there.

    GeeCee on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Excellent, I'll wait here!

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    We're drawing to a close. If you have Child's Play donations, get them to us in BYOC asap.

    Three good people to find:
    - Alex / VThornheart
    - Hypatia
    - DJ Breslin (seat L1, 503.708.3041)

    In a pinch, find a BYOC Enforcer for help find one of us.

    DJBreslin on
  • djpauliedjpaulie Registered User new member
    edited September 2010
    Thanks for rolling through Console Freeplay on Saturday with some MUCH NEEDED noms.. Well timed, and delicious! :)

    djpaulie on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    At the 2pm Q&A, the tally was $6500, but I believe I heard them say in the closing ceremonies that it was $7900. I'm sure VT or Hypatia will let us know the final total.

    I had someone in the Buttoneer meetup trying to give me money they collected for their buttons... for Child's Play in the name of Cookie Brigade. Or maybe I misunderstood her. (I told her to take the money to the Enforcers at the Info Booth.)

    Whatever the final number is, we had a record breaking year. To everyone involved in the Cookie Brigade, I salute you. You were all awesome. Hypatia and VT... you two stand out as deserving special thanks. Therefore, I especially thank you. :)

    DJBreslin on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I was asked for the oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe I used. Jonxp, I think I mistakenly told you it was recipe II on It's actually a modified version of recipe I:

    The ingredient mods:
    - halve the salt (so, a half teaspoon)
    - add a teaspoon of vanilla extract
    - add a teaspoon of cinnamon

    Prep mods:
    - refrigerate the dough for a while before baking

    Cookie size mod:
    - I use a medium size cookie dough scoop

    Baking mod:
    - I lower the temp to 330F.
    - This may be my stove's issue, but I also rotate the upper/lower baking sheets midway thru.

    DJBreslin on
  • adesteradester Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I would like to thank you all for what you guys/girls did. :)
    I still have some lemon chewies, Chocolate chip, oatmeal, and something else I just grabbed to give money. They are going to be carefully rationed over the next few days due to pax withdrawls.

    adester on
  • Mr.bluMr.blu Registered User new member
    edited September 2010

    Mr.blu on
  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I had a lot of fun as a cookie brigadeer this year. I pretty much only brigaded on Friday and turned in like $30-40, but I had fun and learned a lot of lessons for next year.

    A few ideas/questions: would it be out of character to supplement the literal cookies and candy of our brigade with other items? I'm considering adding a small bag of apples and some PB&J sandwiches to my "cookie" repertoire at East. I've also considered small bags of assorted dried fruit/nut combos or Trail Mix. Some of the people I talked to/sold to were obviously using cookies to substitute for real meals, and I think it would be cool to offer some slightly healthier things in addition to cookies. Always have cookies too, of course.

    Oh, one final question - I know the official line is that we give cookies away and accept donations to child's play; while those two things are almost always related they are not explicitly connected. A few times during the show I gave cookies to hungry or sad looking people (mostly enforcers stuck somewhere) who didn't have cash, asking them to just donate something to Child's play in the future if they liked the cookies. Is this out of line, or well within the spirit of what we are doing?

    Cultural Geek Girl on
    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
    Nerd blog at
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I had a lot of fun as a cookie brigadeer this year. I pretty much only brigaded on Friday and turned in like $30-40, but I had fun and learned a lot of lessons for next year.

    A few ideas/questions: would it be out of character to supplement the literal cookies and candy of our brigade with other items? I'm considering adding a small bag of apples and some PB&J sandwiches to my "cookie" repertoire at East. I've also considered small bags of assorted dried fruit/nut combos or Trail Mix. Some of the people I talked to/sold to were obviously using cookies to substitute for real meals, and I think it would be cool to offer some slightly healthier things in addition to cookies. Always have cookies too, of course.

    Oh, one final question - I know the official line is that we give cookies away and accept donations to child's play; while those two things are almost always related they are not explicitly connected. A few times during the show I gave cookies to hungry or sad looking people (mostly enforcers stuck somewhere) who didn't have cash, asking them to just donate something to Child's play in the future if they liked the cookies. Is this out of line, or well within the spirit of what we are doing?

    IMO, we stick to cookies (and cookie-like things, like caramels). We start doing sandwiches and we start running closer to the edge of irritating Aramark. My feeling is, we should do one thing, and do it well.

    Absolutely we give away cookies! In fact, that was the original motivation for the whole thing. Giving cookies to our fellow gamer brethren out of sheer love. That's how it started in 2007 (by chance), and that's the way I approached it in 2008 when I walked the queue lines. First and foremost, I'm giving cookies to my "friends." Secondarily, I'm collecting donations for Child's Play. We're just so good at it, that we can pull off nearly $8K in donations. :)

    DJBreslin on
  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    edited September 2010

    You guys rock!

    jonxp on
    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • VenerableMonsterVenerableMonster Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I want to thank you guys for all your awesome work. Also, thank you for taking my euro's as they were the only money I had. Can't wait to see ya'll next year. I'll try and bring some American monies as well.

    VenerableMonster on
  • adesteradester Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I had a lot of fun as a cookie brigadeer this year. I pretty much only brigaded on Friday and turned in like $30-40, but I had fun and learned a lot of lessons for next year.

    I picked the wrong person to donate some of the money to then :(
    But then again Friday was a hung over day and Cookie aren't the top priority over real food and hydration. :D

    adester on
  • EnigmasEnigmas Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I did Cookie Brigade on Friday and Saturday and had a lot of fun. The looks of happiness people got on their faces as I walked the Expo Hall were great. This was my first year, and now that I have a little experience, I think I'll be a lot more effective next year.

    Thanks everyone. $7900 is amazing!

    Enigmas on
    3DS: 4871-3908-4971
    Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
    PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...

    Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
    Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
  • ransimransim Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    A few people were asking me about how I made the candy, and why some of it was chewy versus crunchy. So I figured I would post the recipe here and a little bit of SCIENCE!

    Hard Candy Recipe

    2/3 cup corn syrup
    2 cups granulated sugar
    3/4 cup water
    food coloring
    candy flavoring (I used LorAnn)

    Candy Thermometer
    4 Cup Pyrex Measuring Cup - measuring cup MUST be able to withstand 300°+
    Small pot holder
    Pot that can hold 4+ cups, I recommend stainless steel
    Tin foil
    Candy Molds - very important, ensure these are molds for hard candy, not chocolate. Chocolate molds will MELT. Silicon molds are also fine, just ensure they are food safe and good up to 450°.
    Pam or similar cooking spray. Not bakers joy.
    Cookie sheet with sides
    Confectioners Sugar

    First cover your working area with tinfoil. Including a spot next to the pot to lay tools on, and under your molds. Its much easier to clean up and the candy won't stick as readily to foil. After this you'll want to place your pyrex cup on the foil next to the pot.

    Second lay out your molds. I recommend its a space close to the stove and at a comfortable height. Once the molds are laid out thoroughly spray them with cooking spray. If you don't the candy will stick and be a pain in the tuckus to remove.

    Now you're ready to start making the candy.
    1. Mix in a pot the sugar, corn syrup and water. Make sure its stirred well!
    2. Clip your candy thermometer to the pot, make sure the bulb isn't touching the bottom of the pot but is completely submerged.
    3. Turn the heat on to high. And watch the thermometer.
    4. It should very rapidly reach 220°, the steam at this point will start to dissipate. Continue to watch the temperature.
    5. When the temperature reaches 275° uncap your candy flavoring set it next to the pyrex cup. Once that is done grab your food coloring.
    6. When the temperature reaches 290° quickly add several drops of food coloring. Let the boiling action mix the food coloring into the candy goo.
    7. At 300° quickly and safely remove the the thermometer, set it on the foil, and pour the contents of the pot into your pyrex measuring cup. Add the flavoring as you pour or after and mix it in.
    8. Grab the measuring cup by the handle and use the pot holder to support the bottom and carefully begin to pour into your molds. DO NOT OVERFILL THEM! And pour slowly but steadily. You have about 5-10 minutes to complete your pouring before it solidifies. This really just takes practice but you'll get it!
    9. Once you've finished pouring put your measuring cup in the sink and fill it with hot water, do the same for the pot and place your tools inside the pot that got the sugar mixture on them. It takes about an hour for the water to dissolve the candy.
    10. Fill your cookie sheet with a layer of confectioners sugar (enough to coat the bottom).

    The candy will take time to cool, and it'll depend on the type of mold you used. Hard plastic candy molds will cool faster, 10-20 minutes. Silicon molds take longer, 20-30 minutes. However once it has cooled and hardened carefully pop the candy out of the molds onto the foil. Move them from the foil to the confectioners sugar.

    The confectioners sugar will keep them from sticking together, coat both sides and put them in something for storage.

    Congrats you've just made tasty hard candy.

    Now the key to this is the temperatures. My original recipe only had me taking the sugar mixture to the Soft Crack stage at 275°. That is why the candy was somewhat soft and sticky. The reason for this in the original recipe was to retain true color for the food coloring which was added at the beginning rather then later.

    I was corrected however and told to add the food coloring later to get true hard candy.

    I'll be making much much more of this leading up to PAX East, probably make several batches a week. So hopefully I'll have a lot to bring for the brigade. I was also thinking about polling people for flavors/colors, I'll have more time so I can experiment a bit more.

    ransim on
  • astillacastillac Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Mmmm, science! ^5 ransim!

    Also, I just made a twitter account for the Cookie Brigade. @paxcookies
    Cookie Brigade was already taken, just sitting there unused. :(
    At any rate, I'm thinking we can use it in good ways - people who can't make it to meetings can still check in, brigadiers can find each other...

    astillac on
  • EnigmasEnigmas Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    astillac wrote: »
    Mmmm, science! ^5 ransim!

    Also, I just made a twitter account for the Cookie Brigade. @paxcookies
    Cookie Brigade was already taken, just sitting there unused. :(
    At any rate, I'm thinking we can use it in good ways - people who can't make it to meetings can still check in, brigadiers can find each other...

    This is a great idea. I wasn't able to make it to any of the meet-ups and was kinda lost on Friday cause I don't have a smart phone to check emails and such. Man was I out of it on Friday.

    Next year though, I should have an Android. And it shall makes things that much simpler.

    Enigmas on
    3DS: 4871-3908-4971
    Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
    PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...

    Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
    Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
This discussion has been closed.