So I just finished checking my email filters, and I've found that there's a @cookie_brigade that someone is using. Who is running this one? Anyone know? (I don't know why it didn't come up in my search on Twitter.)
Hmm, I'm not sure! Hypatia, did you make a twitter account at one point?
Also, all Brigadiers: be sure to fill out the survey! You should have received a link to it through the Google Group by now! We're looking for your stories of both wonder and woe, to help improve our efforts next time around and spread the word about the cool things that happen with the Cookie Brigade!
I was going to suggest a Cookie Brigade twitter account too! I was without a smart phone or computer for the duration of PAX, so the twitter would have really helped.
I had many people who said they wanted cookies but didn't have money to donate, and I still gave them cookies (most of them dug some change out of their pockets afterward). One those people was Tycho! He almost refused to take any cookies from me because he didn't have cash to give to Child's Play. I told him that by setting up the charity, he already gave more than enough and was deserving of all my cookies!
Hmm, I'm not sure! Hypatia, did you make a twitter account at one point?
I did set up a twitter account but it isn't a Cookie Brigade specific one (Hypatia_PA), I think the cookie_brigade one might be run by Sgt. Auberie, but that could be completely wrong!
Hey cookie brigade chefs. If you aren't in on the google group and are interested in getting involved in an AWESOME super secret project (and don't mind sharing your recipes) PM me and I will get you information. I won't post details in here, but you can ask VT, this has the potential to be SOOOO cool!
Also, I need information on how the brigade got started for this project. Whose idea was it originally?
EruditeAphrodite on
Pretty Gamer - Your one-stop shop for female gamers and geeks. Written by women, for women. Because we all deserve to feel pretty.
Hey everyone, just wanted to say thank you for everyone's work and it was awesome fun being in cookie brigade!!!
My favorite story for this year was how I sold out of cookies and raised $300 in less than 10 minutes waiting in line for the Bungie panel Saturday and having an Enforcer help me out by attracting people with her yelling and making it so people wouldn't swarm me!!!
Hey guys! So the 3.14 Bakery in White Center helped the Brigade out by donating 12 dozen cookies. Now they've been NOMinated for Evening Magazine's Best Bakery in Western Washington!
Help vote, please! The more business they get, the more cookies they can afford to donate next year! Instead of 4 boxes of cookies, maybe 4 dozen boxes!
Hey guys! So the 3.14 Bakery in White Center helped the Brigade out by donating 12 dozen cookies. Now they've been NOMinated for Evening Magazine's Best Bakery in Western Washington!
Help vote, please! The more business they get, the more cookies they can afford to donate next year! Instead of 4 boxes of cookies, maybe 4 dozen boxes!
Also, all Brigadiers: be sure to fill out the survey! You should have received a link to it through the Google Group by now! We're looking for your stories of both wonder and woe, to help improve our efforts next time around and spread the word about the cool things that happen with the Cookie Brigade!
I had many people who said they wanted cookies but didn't have money to donate, and I still gave them cookies (most of them dug some change out of their pockets afterward). One those people was Tycho! He almost refused to take any cookies from me because he didn't have cash to give to Child's Play. I told him that by setting up the charity, he already gave more than enough and was deserving of all my cookies!
I did set up a twitter account but it isn't a Cookie Brigade specific one (Hypatia_PA), I think the cookie_brigade one might be run by Sgt. Auberie, but that could be completely wrong!
Also, I need information on how the brigade got started for this project. Whose idea was it originally?
My favorite story for this year was how I sold out of cookies and raised $300 in less than 10 minutes waiting in line for the Bungie panel Saturday and having an Enforcer help me out by attracting people with her yelling and making it so people wouldn't swarm me!!!
Help vote, please! The more business they get, the more cookies they can afford to donate next year! Instead of 4 boxes of cookies, maybe 4 dozen boxes! @Shaddz
You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
Done, and I even dropped something onto Twitter. Hopefully they win.