Is there a show or book or game where you've heard all about, but never thought to give it the time of day? Then you randomly decide to try it and, holy shit, what have you been missing? We're here to celebrate those.
For example, I randomly decided to watch an episode of Burn Notice. Hot damn, that show is pretty damn cool. All my friends had been telling me to watch it, and I've glanced at threads about it, but never thought it was my thing until there was a marathon on TV the other weekend.
Another example. The Uncharted Games. With all the heavy hitting releases coming out at that time, I never got around to playing those games until a few weeks ago. Now I absolutely love the atmosphere, gameplay, etc.
What about you guys? Besides sex and masturbating, what were some things that you missed the bandwagon for, but enjoyed well after everyone else?
Your mom.
My friend John was reading it for years before I finally got around to it in college.
I was also apparently eight years behind getting into the Malazan book series thanks to a Secret Satan a couple of years back. Now it's perhaps the best bit of serious fantasy I've read and am devouring the rest of the series in one long go.
There was a lot of good stuff on that console, a lot of shit as well, but it has some A+ material.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
That's about 74 years late to the party I guess.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Never paid it much attention when it was on. For years I avoided it, 'cause I don't know why.
Then, my fiance got Season 1 Disc 1 from Netflix and holy shit. We watched the entire series in like a month or so. Every night after work, it was B5. Saturday and Sunday, all day B5 marathons.
God that's a good show.
I am always on the ball
my finger is on the pulse of everything cool
Just in general, never got in to them until two/three years ago and dang, I wish I got into them earlier.
Coran Attack!
The last book was garbage.
I mean, the rest were garbage too, but at least they were fun garbage.
I saw it before Charles Bronson was even born
I am immortal
Basically I'm late to every party. I need more monies or less hobbies
PSN - MicroChrist
I'm too fuckin' poor to play
WordsWFriends - zeewoot
Harry Potter I was late on, as well, I started reading it after Book 5 came out.