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Pre-PAX East Gaming Night returns?

atiariatiari Registered User regular
edited March 2011 in PAX Archive
Well, after being forced to miss PAX Prime due to the fact that my new business was not generating sufficient revenue to allow a trip, I have saved up so I can hit up PAX East again. As such I want to start trying to get the feelers out about the desires this time around.

The new location of the convention is the trickiest thing I think. Having the gaming night at the Sheraton provided us with ample room to play, and even then we pretty much took over all available table space on the entire bottom floor of the hotel. I know I'm staying at the Westin this year which is right across from the new location, but have no clue how the lobby is there. Will it support the massive amount of people we had last year (I'm guessing we had around 50-100 people, possibly more or less because I was busy)? Are there alternatives that we can consider? Was the 2 nights before schedule from 7pm till whenever good for most people?

Trying to start planning everything now because I plan to organize my whole trip around it.

atiari on


  • f0cusf0cus Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Definitely interested. I'd say call up the hotel and inquire? But yeah, anything involving meeting forumers and I'm way down.

    f0cus on
    XBox - Angry Cremepuff
    PSN - AngryCremepuff
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    f0cus wrote: »
    Definitely interested. I'd say call up the hotel and inquire? But yeah, anything involving meeting forumers and I'm way down.

    I'll probably do that. Wasn't sure if any of the locals from Boston (I haven't been local in a decade) had an idea about the layout there, but a call will probably be best.

    atiari on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Ok I just talked to them and caught a video on YouTube. We should be fine on table space at the Westin. I'm open to alternatives though if anyone wants to toss them out. Trying to keep this as something that is free, otherwise I'd get a meeting space.

    atiari on
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I love the game nights. I'll be in Boston on Monday and was planning on exploring the area around the BCEC anyway. I can easily look in at some the hotels around there (Westin, Renaissance, Seaport) and see what they look like for lobby/lounge space.

    punzie on
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Game night last year was totally awesome! I'm staying at the Seaport, and maybe (if there's lobby space) we could have one there too?

    itzerokewl on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    itzerokewl wrote: »
    Game night last year was totally awesome! I'm staying at the Seaport, and maybe (if there's lobby space) we could have one there too?

    We need to see what the interest is. I held it at the Sheraton last year on Wednesday and Thursday because it was central to the convention center. The same can be said for the Westin this year.

    atiari on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I don't really like games all that much. But yeah, I guess I could show up a little bit. Meh. Whatever.


    Totally in for both nights, it sounds awesome :D

    MelesMeles on
  • f0cusf0cus Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    We have at least 3 or 4 hotels on the same block as the convention center. We definitely have options.

    f0cus on
    XBox - Angry Cremepuff
    PSN - AngryCremepuff
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Oh, PS, I'm at the Westin attached to the convention centre, so that'd be mah vote. :)

    MelesMeles on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    f0cus wrote: »
    We have at least 3 or 4 hotels on the same block as the convention center. We definitely have options.

    This is true, and I'll have my laptop with me to update the twitter feed if we get overloaded at the primary location (which I would vote for the Westin as well). It wouldn't be a major deal at all to expand out to another location as I know many people bring lots of extra CCG decks, board games, etc. But selecting a primary location is good so people know the first place to check for gaming.

    atiari on
  • AmycusAmycus Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    That sounds like an awesome time. Myself and a group of friends are staying at the Seaport Hotel, and we're planning on arriving Thursday, so a thursday gaming night would be sweet. Maybe some Catan, or go old school with a Monopoly throwdown? =P

    Amycus on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Amycus wrote: »
    That sounds like an awesome time. Myself and a group of friends are staying at the Seaport Hotel, and we're planning on arriving Thursday, so a thursday gaming night would be sweet. Maybe some Catan, or go old school with a Monopoly throwdown? =P

    The best part of the gaming night(s) I organized for PAX East last year was that it was anything goes. We have Magic the Gathering, Munchkin, Fluxx, Battlestar Galactica the board game, and all sorts of other games running all over the place. Everyone was super nice and welcomed newbies and showed them the ropes. I myself played Munchkin for the first time there and bought a copy on the first day of the show :P

    Point is that my main priority for the planning is not what we will be playing, but rather what the primary location will be.

    atiari on
  • MxWoodMxWood Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I'll totally be in if at all possible, I am staying at the westin friday and saturday but whatever night doesn't matter since I live 10 minutes away.

    MxWood on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    MxWood wrote: »
    I'll totally be in if at all possible, I am staying at the westin friday and saturday but whatever night doesn't matter since I live 10 minutes away.

    The Pre-PAX Gaming Night(s) takes place before PAX, probably Wednesday and Thursday like I setup last year. Truthfully there's not a lot of organization involved on my part, but I do run a twitter feed saying when everything is getting started, what I'm bringing, and what I've seen others bring down.

    atiari on
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    jw what kind of games we talking about

    rascrush on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    rascrush wrote: »
    jw what kind of games we talking about

    As stated in earlier posts it is card and board games. Video games are off limits unless I rent a meeting room and have TVs brought in. And that would mean it going from a free event to something I'd need to get together money for. Seeing as there's already the MMT and Pre-PAX Dinner as paid events I would prefer keeping this free. That and the fact that commercial sponsors aren't allowed as per historical precedence.

    atiari on
  • heelsheels Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Last years gaming in the lobby of the Sheraton always brought a smile to my face when I passed through.

    Keep up the good work!

    heels on
    < devious1> heels: you are worst idea person ever
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    i would prob be interested when would this be like what days

    rascrush on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    rascrush wrote: »
    i would prob be interested when would this be like what days

    We ran it Wednesday and Thursday last year. Even with the Pre-PAX Dinner going on we had the lobby packed. I see no reason to do it differently this year.

    atiari on
  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    ya if i came down thursday i would do it still trying 2 decide what night i am gonna come down

    rascrush on
  • undeadundead Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    The lobby of the Westin beats the Sheraton with ease. The only problem with trying to play a game in the Westin lobby is that the couches and chairs are so comfy that you have to fight to not fall asleep.

    undead on
    As I am, so shall ye be.

    Yahoo group GCIACST
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I'm planning to go to at least one of these nights, probably Thursday. I'll be bringing along the Forum badges too for anyone who wants them.

    kropotkin on

  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    undead wrote: »
    The lobby of the Westin beats the Sheraton with ease. The only problem with trying to play a game in the Westin lobby is that the couches and chairs are so comfy that you have to fight to not fall asleep.

    Then we will FIGHT IN THE SHADE!!

    The shade of the tastefully positioned floor lamps and decorative ferns, that is.

    MelesMeles on
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    kropotkin wrote: »
    I'm planning to go to at least one of these nights, probably Thursday. I'll be bringing along the Forum badges too for anyone who wants them.

    Awesome, I never got to meet up with you at PAX East last year to get the forum badges for distribution at the gaming night so glad you'll make it yourself this time!

    atiari on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Last PAX I ended up playing Magic with some people in the lobby until... it must've been 6am. At one point Khoo came downstairs and we tried to entice him to play. =) That was probably my most satisfying gaming experience that I've had at any PAX so far, and I'm looking forward to doing it again if anyone's up for the late night Magic antics. =)

    Inky's coming with me, be forewarned of its jankiness. =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • atiariatiari Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Last PAX I ended up playing Magic with some people in the lobby until... it must've been 6am. At one point Khoo came downstairs and we tried to entice him to play. =) That was probably my most satisfying gaming experience that I've had at any PAX so far, and I'm looking forward to doing it again if anyone's up for the late night Magic antics. =)

    Inky's coming with me, be forewarned of its jankiness. =)

    That would rock my world in so many different ways if we could get Khoo or anyone else to sit down with us for a game. I know for a fact that at the last PAX East Jerry walked by us a good 4 or 5 times, asked what we were doing, and seemed very tempted to sit down and join us. It is unlikely that it would happen purely due to how busy they are in putting everything together, but I do think it would be the ultimate memory for any PAX goer.

    On the off chance that any of them read this: I've got extra Magic the Gathering decks I'll bring, and a whole bunch of *Clix figures I'll drag along too in case you are interested in sitting down for a few ;)

    atiari on
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I'm staying at the Westin this year so I am definatley looking forward to being part of game night!

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm checking into the Westin on Thursday afternoon, so I should be down for gaming that night. Sounds awesome. :)

    Themiscyra on
    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • JerkfishJerkfish NYCRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Is this strictly board and card games or do RPGs go on at Gaming Night too?

    Jerkfish on
  • Bigtoy_JBigtoy_J Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I am up for some Thursday evening gaming. I am looking to play some Dominion. I am also going to be bringing a couple deduction games (Code 777, Deduce or Die).

    Bigtoy_J on
    Love George Bernard Shaw quotations.

    Also, I can count to "boat".
  • flatlineflatline Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I am staying at the Westin Waterfront, coming up Thursday night on the PAX Train. Myself and my traveling companion are almost definitely going to be around to play something on Thursday night. Have you talked to the staff at the Westin (sorry I haven't read all the posts, at work)? Are they really OK with 30, 40, 50+ people sitting around playing various games? I am a D&D DM and I was considering running Tomb of Horrors or something for people, but obviously we would need a little bit of space to play.

    flatline on
    East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Jerkfish wrote: »
    Is this strictly board and card games or do RPGs go on at Gaming Night too?
    I wouldn't mind getting in on some RPG action, but they do tend to be time-consuming.

    Ooo, flatline, Tomb of Horrors? Which edition? Assuming we can go through with this anyway -- good point about the Westin lobby.

    Themiscyra on
    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    So glad to see this is making another appearance. In fact, I think we should just make it PAX Community Policy that the lobby of the hotel(s) closest to the convention center is to be used as a tabletop gaming hub all weekend long, especially before and after PAX.

    This is basically the case now. I just like making things official.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
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  • TwinkieTwinkie Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    atiari wrote: »
    Last PAX I ended up playing Magic with some people in the lobby until... it must've been 6am. At one point Khoo came downstairs and we tried to entice him to play. =) That was probably my most satisfying gaming experience that I've had at any PAX so far, and I'm looking forward to doing it again if anyone's up for the late night Magic antics. =)

    Inky's coming with me, be forewarned of its jankiness. =)

    That would rock my world in so many different ways if we could get Khoo or anyone else to sit down with us for a game. I know for a fact that at the last PAX East Jerry walked by us a good 4 or 5 times, asked what we were doing, and seemed very tempted to sit down and join us. It is unlikely that it would happen purely due to how busy they are in putting everything together, but I do think it would be the ultimate memory for any PAX goer.

    Although I have no idea what "Inky" is, this sounds like exactly the thing I would like to do this PAX. Huzzah!

    I also propose we acquire cardboard cut-outs for Khoo, Jerry and Mike so they can play with us in spirit, because we all know they want to... C'mon, you couldn't turn down a leggy Leia with Khoo's face on it if you tried!

    Twinkie on
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I just felt the need to shout out 51 DAYS!! So excited to be staying at the Westin, gaming nights sound awesome!

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • MTSonic11MTSonic11 Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I just felt the need to shout out 51 DAYS!! So excited to be staying at the Westin, gaming nights sound awesome!

    I've had a countdown on my office wall since it's been under 100 days. But for some reason, I got really excited today when I saw it flip over to 50 Days XXX Hours.

    I'm totally stoked for the gaming night. I didn't stay near the convention center last year, so I didn't do a lot of the extra stuff. I booked a hotel at the Westin right away to make sure I didn't miss out this year. I can't wait to watch, learn and play new stuff. And then of course go buy tons of games :wink:

    MTSonic11 on
  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    MTSonic11 wrote: »
    I've had a countdown on my office wall since it's been under 100 days. But for some reason, I got really excited today when I saw it flip over to 50 Days XXX Hours.

    I'm totally stoked for the gaming night. I didn't stay near the convention center last year, so I didn't do a lot of the extra stuff. I booked a hotel at the Westin right away to make sure I didn't miss out this year. I can't wait to watch, learn and play new stuff. And then of course go buy tons of games :wink:

    Yeah I stayed a the Holiday Inn Brookline last year. Close enough to get there quick but far enough to have to make the train before the concerts ended. Not again! Westin all the way this year.

    Halfazedninja on
    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
    Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja

  • jma00a1jma00a1 Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Any thing going on at the Seaport for Pre-PAX?

    jma00a1 on
    "You know," said Arthur, "it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young." "Why, what did she tell you?"

    "I don't know, I didn't listen."
  • MintMint Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'm so into playing some dominion!!

    Mint on
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I'll DEFINITELY go! I'll be down there Thursday anyways, and gaming sounds great!

    Knoland on
    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
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