
George Foreman [CHAT]ing



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    ShivahnShivahn Unaware of her barrel shifter privilege Western coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2010
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    And also dying from being run through isn't really an issue of bad medical science. A punctured organ is a punctured organ and is bad news.

    Depends on the organ. I'm pretty sure a punctured liver would say "FUCK YOU!" and grow back.

    Shivahn on
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    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    there have been duels where both parties where run through, several times

    none of them survived, of course, when medical science was based on leeches, bleeding, and rubbing dirt on it

    Any links to this? Because I'm wearing my skeptical hat right now.

    I read it far too long ago

    but anyway, there's no way to die instantly by being run through

    almost every instance of "he died instantly" is a white lie because "He then bled out quickly and in a lot of pain and expired after five minutes

    I'm more doubting peoples ability to keep fighting after being run through, you might not die instantly but you are basically out of the fight.

    And also dying from being run through isn't really an issue of bad medical science. A punctured organ is a punctured organ and is bad news.

    People have been able to keep on truckin' and killin' after being shot, a lot

    Abdhyius on
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    there have been duels where both parties where run through, several times

    none of them survived, of course, when medical science was based on leeches, bleeding, and rubbing dirt on it

    Any links to this? Because I'm wearing my skeptical hat right now.

    I read it far too long ago

    but anyway, there's no way to die instantly by being run through

    almost every instance of "he died instantly" is a white lie because "He then bled out quickly and in a lot of pain and expired after five minutes

    I'm more doubting peoples ability to keep fighting after being run through, you might not die instantly but you are basically out of the fight.

    And also dying from being run through isn't really an issue of bad medical science. A punctured organ is a punctured organ and is bad news.

    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    Winky on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    The Office is fucking...


    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    And also dying from being run through isn't really an issue of bad medical science. A punctured organ is a punctured organ and is bad news.

    Depends on the organ. I'm pretty sure a punctured liver would say "FUCK YOU!" and grow back.

    A punctured liver is going to have all sorts of things that were meant to be inside of it on the outside and vice versa. Its a bad scene.

    Pretty sure all your blood passes through your liver for filtering, yeah? I imagine that being punctured ends poorly.

    Inquisitor on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    I finished rewriting the screenplay for my Cthulhu cultist sketch. Anyone want to read it and give me opinions?

    Only if it's a musical.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    You know what? I'll just go ahead and leave this here.

    You can all take a look at it if you like.
    It is a dark basement, a figure sits hunched over in the middle of a pentagram, surrounded by candles. They are facing away from the camera; there is an audible low chanting, perhaps some creepy mood-appropriate music.
    A doorbell rings. A dog starts barking. The figure turns to the side and you can see they were playing Nintendo DS. The figure is Cultist A.
    Cultist A: Shut up! I’m coming!
    Cultist A gets up and slightly stumbles off camera. The light switch is flicked on. The dog stops barking.
    Cultist A: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist B: Cthulhu fhtagn
    The cultists walk back on camera.
    Cultist A: You’re late. The meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago.
    Cultist B: Yeah well I got confused; all the lights were off in your house. What were you even doing?
    Cultist A: Clearly I was communing with our dark master.
    Cultist B points to the DS, Cultist A tries to hide it.
    Cultist B: No you weren’t, you were playing Resident Evil!
    Cultist A, embarrassed: It’s...it’s more atmospheric in the dark, I get into it more. This is irrelevant. Is that robe you’re wearing blue?
    Cultist B: Cerulean, do you like it?
    Cultist A: No I don’t like it, it’s supposed to be crimson! The color of blood, the hue that will gush from the fountains of our evil lord’s palace when he rises from the sea to reclaim this wretched world!
    Cultist B: Yours is clearly mauve. Anyway, if I’m spending $15 on a snuggie I’m going to pick out a color that I like.
    Cultist A: They’re not snuggies! That’s just branding, they’re…they’re robes.
    The doorbell rings.
    Cultist A: Come in! It’s unlocked!
    Cultist C enters.
    Cultist C: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A and B: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A: Are you wearing leopard print!?
    Cultist C: No it’s “Snuggie Wildside”. I figured it would accurately reflect my animalistic nature.
    Cultist A: Animalistic? This is a death cult. We strictly deal in the horrifyingly unnatural.
    Cultist B: What about Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods with a thousand young?
    Cultist A: She’s…she’s not literally a goat.
    Cultist B: Oh. Well, I never really pegged you as the feline type anyway. Maybe more of, like, a bear…or a raccoon.
    Cultist A: No, we are not adopting fursonas! And anyway if we were you’d have to stick with alien creatures of the deep, like a squid, or a polyp.
    Cultist B: What about, like, a star fish?
    Cultist A: That’s hard, because they’ve got a sissy reputation but they’re really kind of abominations, did you know they eat by throwing up their--
    Cultist C: Look, I’m just going to be honest with you guys, this snuggie is doing double duty.
    Cultist A: It’s a robe.
    Cultist C: Yeah, well, anyway, I’m meeting with the druids on Saturdays now.
    Cultist B, devastated: You’re…you’re meeting with the druids? Behind our backs?
    Cultist C: Well, look, it’s nothing wrong with you guys. I enjoy the time I spend with you guys; praying and chanting and sacrificing and all. It’s just that…you should see the hippie chicks that go to these meetings!
    Cultist B: But…but you’re cheating on us!
    Cultist C: And see, these girls are all about free, wild, natural love.
    Cultist B: I can’t believe…I can’t believe…
    Cultist C: And the solstice celebrations were described to me as “orgiastic”.
    Cultist B huddles up, visibly shaken, Cultist A goes to console him.
    Cultist A: There there, he didn’t mean to hurt you. Why don’t you just calm down so we can get on with the ritual?
    Cultist A, to Cultist C: Look what you’ve done now! You should apologize!
    Cultist C shrugs, the doorbell rings.
    Cultist A: Just come in!
    Cultist D enters, holding a bundle.
    Cultist D: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Other Cultists: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A: Is that a baby!?
    Cultist D: Yeah, say hello to my little nephew!
    Cultist A: Is he…is he a sacrifice?
    Cultist D: Oh shoggoths no. I’m watching him for my sister, she leant me the $15 to buy this snuggie after all.
    Cultist A: Robe. Robe. Robe! It is a robe! Alright, look, obviously none of you here can appreciate the gravity of these meetings. This is not a book club, this is not a daycare center, this is a dark convocation. We have come here to gather together in celebration of the elder ones who slumber deep beneath the Earth, to anticipate the slaughter and mayhem they will rain down upon our tiny insignificant world for aeons following their ascent into power, to prepare to bow our heads in servitude at the feet of their thrones fashioned from the skulls of the unworthy, to—
    An obnoxious ringtone begins playing.
    Cultist A: What in Azathoth’s name did I say about turning off your cell phones!?
    Cultist B: Wait! It’s a call from Cthulhu!
    Cultist A: Well answer it then!
    Cultist B: Hello? Oh, er, Cthulhu fhtagn…er, well, I mean, I guess you would’ve already known that, being you and all…hm?....oh, yeah….mhm….yes, and how are the deep ones?....really?....why yes I did know that cerulean was your favorite color, living under the sea and all….
    Cultist A: What? What is he saying? Put him on speaker phone!
    Cultist A fumbles the cell phone out of Cultist B’s hands and hits some buttons.
    Cellphone: Ph'nglui…..*static*….mglw'nafh…*static*…R'lyeh wgah'nagl….
    Cultist C: I can’t tell if I’m being driven insane by the deep tongue or if your phone just has shitty reception.
    Cultist D: Maybe you should try moving it around to a better spot?
    The Cultists fumble around with the cell phone, trying to move it around the room to get better reception, to little avail.
    Cultist C: You know, maybe if we weren’t meeting in a basement. The druids don’t have this problem, they meet out in the forest.
    Cultist B: Oh no, not the druids again!
    Cultist C and B begin bickering. The baby begins crying.
    Cultist D: Oh, it looks like someone needs a diaper change!
    Cultist D begins to set the baby down on an altar.
    Cultist A: Oh no! You are not changing a diaper on our altar to Nyarlothotep!
    Cultist A and D begin bickering. The static from the cell phone stops.
    Cultist A: He…he hung up on us.
    Cultist B: What…what does that mean?
    Cultist B takes the phone from Cultist A.
    Cultist B: Oh no, he just texted me. He is really mad at us. He sent us a frowny face followed by a tilde…I think the tilde is supposed to be a tentacle.
    Cultist D: Check to make sure he didn’t block us on facebook.
    Cultist C: Ugh, this is such a pain. The druids don’t have to deal with this.
    Cultist B: That’s it, I’ve had it with you! I’m leaving.
    Cultist A: Wait, don’t!
    Cultist B storms out of the room.
    Cultist C: That’s just fine with me, I’m leaving too!
    Cultist A: Seriously, guys, we aren’t done here!
    Cultist C storms out as well.
    Cultist D: This little guy really needs a diaper change, it’s probably past his bed time too. I’m really sorry.
    Cultist D hurries out of the room.
    Cultist A dejectedly rips off his robe, revealing jeans and a t-shirt underneath.
    Cultist A: Ugh, I can’t believe I wasted $15 on this stupid snuggie.
    Cultist A sits down and goes back to playing the DS.

    Winky on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I went to Foxwoods and it was the saddest thing ever. Watching old ladies, chainsmoking, pissing away thousands.

    Old ladies with lots of disposable income and short life expectancies? Where you see despair, I see opportunity!

    Robos A Go Go on
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Drez wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I finished rewriting the screenplay for my Cthulhu cultist sketch. Anyone want to read it and give me opinions?

    Only if it's a musical.

    It's comedic.

    Winky on
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    AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    AngelHedgie on
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky. Going to be 100% honest. Opened the spoilers, eyes flicked over the text and picked out the word "fursona" and I closed the spoiler.

    Inquisitor on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    You know what? I'll just go ahead and leave this here.

    You can all take a look at it if you like.
    It is a dark basement, a figure sits hunched over in the middle of a pentagram, surrounded by candles. They are facing away from the camera; there is an audible low chanting, perhaps some creepy mood-appropriate music.
    A doorbell rings. A dog starts barking. The figure turns to the side and you can see they were playing Nintendo DS. The figure is Cultist A.
    Cultist A: Shut up! I’m coming!
    Cultist A gets up and slightly stumbles off camera. The light switch is flicked on. The dog stops barking.
    Cultist A: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist B: Cthulhu fhtagn
    The cultists walk back on camera.
    Cultist A: You’re late. The meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago.
    Cultist B: Yeah well I got confused; all the lights were off in your house. What were you even doing?
    Cultist A: Clearly I was communing with our dark master.
    Cultist B points to the DS, Cultist A tries to hide it.
    Cultist B: No you weren’t, you were playing Resident Evil!
    Cultist A, embarrassed: It’s...it’s more atmospheric in the dark, I get into it more. This is irrelevant. Is that robe you’re wearing blue?
    Cultist B: Cerulean, do you like it?
    Cultist A: No I don’t like it, it’s supposed to be crimson! The color of blood, the hue that will gush from the fountains of our evil lord’s palace when he rises from the sea to reclaim this wretched world!
    Cultist B: Yours is clearly mauve. Anyway, if I’m spending $15 on a snuggie I’m going to pick out a color that I like.
    Cultist A: They’re not snuggies! That’s just branding, they’re…they’re robes.
    The doorbell rings.
    Cultist A: Come in! It’s unlocked!
    Cultist C enters.
    Cultist C: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A and B: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A: Are you wearing leopard print!?
    Cultist C: No it’s “Snuggie Wildside”. I figured it would accurately reflect my animalistic nature.
    Cultist A: Animalistic? This is a death cult. We strictly deal in the horrifyingly unnatural.
    Cultist B: What about Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods with a thousand young?
    Cultist A: She’s…she’s not literally a goat.
    Cultist B: Oh. Well, I never really pegged you as the feline type anyway. Maybe more of, like, a bear…or a raccoon.
    Cultist A: No, we are not adopting fursonas! And anyway if we were you’d have to stick with alien creatures of the deep, like a squid, or a polyp.
    Cultist B: What about, like, a star fish?
    Cultist A: That’s hard, because they’ve got a sissy reputation but they’re really kind of abominations, did you know they eat by throwing up their--
    Cultist C: Look, I’m just going to be honest with you guys, this snuggie is doing double duty.
    Cultist A: It’s a robe.
    Cultist C: Yeah, well, anyway, I’m meeting with the druids on Saturdays now.
    Cultist B, devastated: You’re…you’re meeting with the druids? Behind our backs?
    Cultist C: Well, look, it’s nothing wrong with you guys. I enjoy the time I spend with you guys; praying and chanting and sacrificing and all. It’s just that…you should see the hippie chicks that go to these meetings!
    Cultist B: But…but you’re cheating on us!
    Cultist C: And see, these girls are all about free, wild, natural love.
    Cultist B: I can’t believe…I can’t believe…
    Cultist C: And the solstice celebrations were described to me as “orgiastic”.
    Cultist B huddles up, visibly shaken, Cultist A goes to console him.
    Cultist A: There there, he didn’t mean to hurt you. Why don’t you just calm down so we can get on with the ritual?
    Cultist A, to Cultist C: Look what you’ve done now! You should apologize!
    Cultist C shrugs, the doorbell rings.
    Cultist A: Just come in!
    Cultist D enters, holding a bundle.
    Cultist D: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Other Cultists: Cthulhu fhtagn
    Cultist A: Is that a baby!?
    Cultist D: Yeah, say hello to my little nephew!
    Cultist A: Is he…is he a sacrifice?
    Cultist D: Oh shoggoths no. I’m watching him for my sister, she leant me the $15 to buy this snuggie after all.
    Cultist A: Robe. Robe. Robe! It is a robe! Alright, look, obviously none of you here can appreciate the gravity of these meetings. This is not a book club, this is not a daycare center, this is a dark convocation. We have come here to gather together in celebration of the elder ones who slumber deep beneath the Earth, to anticipate the slaughter and mayhem they will rain down upon our tiny insignificant world for aeons following their ascent into power, to prepare to bow our heads in servitude at the feet of their thrones fashioned from the skulls of the unworthy, to—
    An obnoxious ringtone begins playing.
    Cultist A: What in Azathoth’s name did I say about turning off your cell phones!?
    Cultist B: Wait! It’s a call from Cthulhu!
    Cultist A: Well answer it then!
    Cultist B: Hello? Oh, er, Cthulhu fhtagn…er, well, I mean, I guess you would’ve already known that, being you and all…hm?....oh, yeah….mhm….yes, and how are the deep ones?....really?....why yes I did know that cerulean was your favorite color, living under the sea and all….
    Cultist A: What? What is he saying? Put him on speaker phone!
    Cultist A fumbles the cell phone out of Cultist B’s hands and hits some buttons.
    Cellphone: Ph'nglui…..*static*….mglw'nafh…*static*…R'lyeh wgah'nagl….
    Cultist C: I can’t tell if I’m being driven insane by the deep tongue or if your phone just has shitty reception.
    Cultist D: Maybe you should try moving it around to a better spot?
    The Cultists fumble around with the cell phone, trying to move it around the room to get better reception, to little avail.
    Cultist C: You know, maybe if we weren’t meeting in a basement. The druids don’t have this problem, they meet out in the forest.
    Cultist B: Oh no, not the druids again!
    Cultist C and B begin bickering. The baby begins crying.
    Cultist D: Oh, it looks like someone needs a diaper change!
    Cultist D begins to set the baby down on an altar.
    Cultist A: Oh no! You are not changing a diaper on our altar to Nyarlothotep!
    Cultist A and D begin bickering. The static from the cell phone stops.
    Cultist A: He…he hung up on us.
    Cultist B: What…what does that mean?
    Cultist B takes the phone from Cultist A.
    Cultist B: Oh no, he just texted me. He is really mad at us. He sent us a frowny face followed by a tilde…I think the tilde is supposed to be a tentacle.
    Cultist D: Check to make sure he didn’t block us on facebook.
    Cultist C: Ugh, this is such a pain. The druids don’t have to deal with this.
    Cultist B: That’s it, I’ve had it with you! I’m leaving.
    Cultist A: Wait, don’t!
    Cultist B storms out of the room.
    Cultist C: That’s just fine with me, I’m leaving too!
    Cultist A: Seriously, guys, we aren’t done here!
    Cultist C storms out as well.
    Cultist D: This little guy really needs a diaper change, it’s probably past his bed time too. I’m really sorry.
    Cultist D hurries out of the room.
    Cultist A dejectedly rips off his robe, revealing jeans and a t-shirt underneath.
    Cultist A: Ugh, I can’t believe I wasted $15 on this stupid snuggie.
    Cultist A sits down and goes back to playing the DS.

    But I don't see the lyrics to the next smash broadway hit song "Seven Mouths To Please You, Eleven Tendrils To Hold You (Reprise)."

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    TavTav Irish Minister for DefenceRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Man, it is really weird when a couple you're friends with break up on facebook.

    Tav on
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    Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I can't post my favourite of those vintage ads, because of titties.

    Aroused Bull on
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Winky. Going to be 100% honest. Opened the spoilers, eyes flicked over the text and picked out the word "fursona" and I closed the spoiler.

    You know you want to read it.

    Winky on
  • Options
    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    People also have a tendency to die of shock/trauma. *shrugs*

    Inquisitor on
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    Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
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    HonkHonk Honk is this poster. Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited November 2010
    deeet dooot deeeeeeeeet

    working way past midnight for the fifth day in a row.

    doooooot deeeeeeeet

    Honk on
    PSN: Honkalot
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    japanjapan Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Shivahn wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    Most casino gambling is something I'll probably never understand the appeal of.

    I can see betting on sports, or playing poker with money at stake, etc. but gambling on pure chance outcomes (especially where the odds are in the house's favour) seems to be literally giving money away.

    How do you feel about the lottery?

    I mean, I think gambling in a casino could be fun if you go into it thinking "I COULD get rich, and that's neat, but I know I probably won't and I'm not gonna spend more than 200$" and stick with it.

    That is probably not how a lot of people approach it though.

    Same, really. I occasionally put a couple of quid into the pot whenever someone at work decides to run a syndicate, but more out of "play nice with the co-workers" social obligation and because it would fucking suck if all my colleagues shared in a major lottery win and I hadn't contributed.

    japan on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    Survivor: Auschwitz

    The Musical

    Leprechaun 6: Auschwitz

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    He's going to get mailbombed.

    Aroused Bull on
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    Fred Savage Power GloveFred Savage Power Glove Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    I think it's been made extremely clear by now that Uwe Boll will make whatever he feels like.

    Fred Savage Power Glove on
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    People also have a tendency to die of shock/trauma. *shrugs*

    In my completely layman understanding of shock/trauma, it usually occurs when you are not prepared for or expecting a blow. Someone who is engaged in a fight is in a significantly different neuro-chemical state than someone at rest.

    Winky on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    Gonna have to get really baked to enjoy a film like that.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    MyDcmbrMyDcmbr PEWPEWPEW!!! America's WangRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I ended up with a $130b surplus. Of course, 51% came from raising taxes, but is it really "raising" taxes if we are just going back to Clinton era levels of taxation? I prefer to think of it as "rolling back teh stoopid."

    I mean most of it came from the Estate Tax, the $1m Tax, and getting rid of cuts for those making $250k/year.

    MyDcmbr on
    So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
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    CokebotleCokebotle 穴掘りの 電車内Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    Survivor: Auschwitz

    The Musical

    Is he trying for a real-life Springtime for Hitler?

    Cokebotle on
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    CokebotleCokebotle 穴掘りの 電車内Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Also, good morning [chat]

    Cokebotle on
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    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010

    I think it's been made extremely clear by now that Uwe Boll will make whatever he feels like.

    Who keeps giving him money?

    Winky on
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    TaranisTaranis Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    People also have a tendency to die of shock/trauma. *shrugs*

    In my completely layman understanding of shock/trauma, it usually occurs when you are not prepared for or expecting a blow. Someone who is engaged in a fight is in a significantly different neuro-chemical state than someone at rest.

    No, shock is still a pretty big risk even when you're expecting to get hit.

    Taranis on
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    EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    In my completely layman understanding of shock/trauma, it usually occurs when you are not prepared for or expecting a blow. Someone who is engaged in a fight is in a significantly different neuro-chemical state than someone at rest.

    Yeah, shock happens no matter your mental state.

    Echo on
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    AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Cokebotle wrote: »

    Survivor: Auschwitz

    The Musical

    Is he trying for a real-life Springtime for Hitler?

    Considering German tax laws, it's a non-zero probability.

    AngelHedgie on
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
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    Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Cultist D: should have lockjaw in the live-action sketch as well.

    Aroused Bull on
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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »

    I think it's been made extremely clear by now that Uwe Boll will make whatever he feels like.

    Who keeps giving him money?



    Also I think this could just be a threequel to Bloodrayne.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
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    DaxonDaxon Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    People also have a tendency to die of shock/trauma. *shrugs*

    In my completely layman understanding of shock/trauma, it usually occurs when you are not prepared for or expecting a blow. Someone who is engaged in a fight is in a significantly different neuro-chemical state than someone at rest.

    Shock and trauma are different things. Trauma is any damage to tissue, like for example a cut on your finger would be trauma.

    Shock is an incredibly non-specific concept: there's circulatory shock, septic shock, shell shock... It's meaningless really as just the word "shock".

    Daxon on
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    EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    edited November 2010
    Didn't they close that loophole because of Uwe?

    Echo on
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    Aroused BullAroused Bull Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    And Cultist A should be played by David Warner.

    Aroused Bull on
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    AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Recently my online advertisements have flipped over to girl stuff from whatever they were before, I can't remember. All I know is that I am now getting hella wedding dress ads and I don't really mind.

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    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Winky wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    People have a tendency to just stop responding to pain in certain situations, so it's somewhat believable to me.

    People also have a tendency to die of shock/trauma. *shrugs*

    In my completely layman understanding of shock/trauma, it usually occurs when you are not prepared for or expecting a blow. Someone who is engaged in a fight is in a significantly different neuro-chemical state than someone at rest.

    medical shock is not what we think of as shock in any way

    Abdhyius on
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    japanjapan Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Arivia wrote: »
    Recently my online advertisements have flipped over to girl stuff from whatever they were before, I can't remember. All I know is that I am now getting hella wedding dress ads and I don't really mind.

    Recently I have been getting ads for power tools and holidays in the Middle East.

    japan on
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    EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    edited November 2010
    I saw an ad once.

    Echo on
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