Rick and Morty is an American animated television program that debuted recently on Adult Swim. Why should you care?
- Its creators are Dan Harmon (creator of NBC's "Community") and Justin Roiland (voice of Lemongrab, the most fucked-up kid's show character ever, on "Adventure Time").
- It is primarily inspired by Doctor Who and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- It is some of the craziest shit on TV.
Here's the basic premise: Mad genius and barely-functioning alcoholic Rick Sanchez (voiced by Justin Roiland) drags his not-terribly-bright grandson Morty Smith (voiced by Justin Roiland) on wild and distressingly fucked-up sci-fi adventures while also indifferently making life more complicated for his daughter Beth, son-in-law Jerry, and granddaughter Summer (none of whom are voiced by Justin Roiland).
So far, Rick and Morty have traveled throughout alternate universes, explored the dreamscapes of math teacher and super-intelligent dog, escaped from the innards of a homeless man, outwitted aliens, avoided being sent to jail by giants, and Cronenberged the entire Earth. Want to watch their adventures yourself? Tune into Adult Swim Mondays at 10:30 PM for new episodes, or check Adult Swim's Youtube page the week a new episode airs to see it for free.
on the last ep:
I love it.
And I hope Morty loves me
I want to wrap my arms around him
And feel him inside me
at least the monsters in your nightmares will be well adjusted and happy with who/what they are.
But the dad is voiced by Chris Parnell.
It's so weird to go from watching this to watching Archer a few hours later and hearing him as Cyril.
"....everybody is so farrr away from me.....I'm just gone....I'm just gone...."
Wud yoo laek to lern aboot meatz? Look here!
Wud yoo laek to lern aboot meatz? Look here!
nah, rick is right on par
monkey's paw
Wud yoo laek to lern aboot meatz? Look here!
that was a huge WTF? moment. even as they were talking, you're left trying to work out what had happened. did they travel back in time and fix things? does Rick have some kind of magic/sciencey reset button? then, no, as we're learning from this show the truth is always much more disturbing than anything you may have expected.
For a split second I thought it exploded for comedic effect, like once the explosion cleared it would show them covered in black smoke as Rick sighs or something.
But nope! This cartoon is special.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
What can I say morty sometimes science is more art than science
My money's on a Rusty Venture future.
I never really cared for Chris Parnell on SNL, but I feel like he's found his calling doing voicework. He's great.
He was great on 30rock too.
and let's not forget Anchorman.
Just to be clear.
Why, yes. I do believe this show has potential.
There needs to be more of it.
Like, it'd be start to have the "Rick & Morty Channel"
Then, we'd be talkin'.
it gets better/worse.
Battle.net: Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
hopefully adult swim produces content at a fairly reasonable rate. I love venture bros to death but the time between seasons is to long