Hey all, it's me, Happendy.
You may remember me as the guy who asked 3 days before AUS for 20 AUS sets and being blessed by an Angel known widely around these parts as
@PedroAsani with 19 AUS sets. Now I plan on doing this for anyone who wants a South set.. You know... To offset the karma... Totally not so I can stock up on Merch pins. ANYWAYS. Since South is a new PAXen, and not everyone has a pin pal over here yet. I thought I'd help everyone out by bringing a suitcase full of pins to Prime/East for everyone to have.
I'll be at both Prime and East, so PAX pickup is an option at those PAXen. I will NOT be at AUS. I'm sorry, nothing against ya'll, it's the ocean.
I'd prefer to do a cash exchange at Prime/East/I'm local to Seattle. I could likely ask someone nicely if they can bring the pins back to Boston. If you really want to do a mail order, I wont ask for money until I have the pins in my hand. Just paypal it to me
I'm only going to be proxying for the Core sets + Any other pins that are purchasable. This means no limited edition pins or pins I have to stand in a line for longer than 40 minutes for. Cutoff is Thursday night before South because reasons.
PM me if interested
List of Reservations
@dchoy 2-3 + Vendor
@Geometric Cube 1<
@Happendy 20
@misskass 5
@JKwon 3
@big haircut 2
@Geometric Cube 10 + Vendor
@Khraul 1
@agentcooper 1
@luckycharm 2 + Vendor
@MrLukeCarroll 2 + Vendor
@sirmrej 2/3 + Vendor(?)
@agentcooper "Some" sets + Vendor
@Geometric Cube "Maybe" 10 + Vendor
@SKOoOTA 2 + Vendor
@Gerzzog 2 + Vendor
@Tigger796 1
@Pruncible 1
@Luthien 1+LRR
@dooonutt 2 + 2 Vendor (AUS)
@MerrickUMD 1+Vendor
@Rayner 1+Vendor (AUS)
@TristanP 1 + Vendor?
@sennohki 2 + 2 Vendor
@Solelron 1
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
I have no idea about LE Pins for South, but I would imagine there are going to be plenty of vendor Pins people want. I shall be trying to get stuff, but extras will no doubt be sparse.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I was actually serious about doing it from the bottom of my cold icy heart. But you guys never had any doubt, right?
It was really interesting to see the difference between how Aussies hit the merch booth and the way US people do it. Almost everyone at Aus was buying at the Merch level, some several times over. In the US the spend is a lot lower, and Brian said he was unprepared for it. It turns out that because there are fewer events like this, people are saving up and willing to part with a lot more cash. That the prices were more reasonable (no "Australia Tax") helped even more.
I'm also going to be there, but possibly Enforcing and I am uncertain how much time I will have for Pin stuff. My group has another person there, but I won't be doing as much as I normally do.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Gamertag - Khraul
PSN - Razide6
"Damn fine pins!"
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
How many days until PAX? I lost count. 63?
“I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry.”
Hopefully @Duckie if everything lines up.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Lies. I will be in that case. I can't afford another plane ticket.
My return luggage will be...interesting
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Nevermind, sorry
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Any of the 3rd party pins that can be bought from booths - behemoth, tinman, comic artists etc.
Hm... I'm going to need to send another PM to Happendy.
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Im going to try to answer as many questions as possible and likely make a final count sheet on Wednesday before PAX.
I'm also going to reach out to anyone who asked to have their set mailed.
“I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry.”
ok ok..fair LOL they could use south as a catchup Con