The only people I can imagine buying 10 add-on pins are either crazy betting on it being sought after, have a ton of friends that asked them to get them one, or are ebay hucksters trying to make some bucks.
I have serious doubts any of those are common cases ... If it breaks 2K I'll be just as shocked as TAC.
what about someone who backed for $1000 or $500 just because they like round numbers but because there isn't a tier for those, they are able to get 10 pins on top of the stuff they get at those tiers
The only people I can imagine buying 10 add-on pins are either crazy betting on it being sought after, have a ton of friends that asked them to get them one, or are ebay hucksters trying to make some bucks.
I have serious doubts any of those are common cases ... If it breaks 2K I'll be just as shocked as TAC.
what about someone who backed for $1000 or $500 just because they like round numbers but because there isn't a tier for those, they are able to get 10 pins on top of the stuff they get at those tiers
Maybe they'll get 3 hoodies instead? I'm not going to tell you what to guess, but banking on fringe cases seems like an interesting tactic.
The only people I can imagine buying 10 add-on pins are either crazy betting on it being sought after, have a ton of friends that asked them to get them one, or are ebay hucksters trying to make some bucks.
I have serious doubts any of those are common cases ... If it breaks 2K I'll be just as shocked as TAC.
what about someone who backed for $1000 or $500 just because they like round numbers but because there isn't a tier for those, they are able to get 10 pins on top of the stuff they get at those tiers
Maybe they'll get 3 hoodies instead? I'm not going to tell you what to guess, but banking on fringe cases seems like an interesting tactic.
I already guessed and I think the number of people who might have bought more then 3 are not going to change the amount more then a couple hundred but I do think it is going to make up for enough to adjust the average closer to 2 per person, which with 1131 people able to get them, it is putting it closer to 2k
Well, it's my own fault for having a baby! My life pretty much had baby blinders on for the last 3 months... what do I miss? A 2nd Kickstarter Exclusive pin (make that 2 Kickstarter Exclusive pins with the add-on) and a Limited Edition Blind Box Merch pin. OY!
"Look, baby, i love you and i want to start a family with you, but in about 9 months im just not going to be able to take care of you AND my pin understsnd, right?"
what about someone who backed for $1000 or $500 just because they like round numbers but because there isn't a tier for those, they are able to get 10 pins on top of the stuff they get at those tiers
Also, new guess 1131 to fix my duplicate!
Always looking to trade.
Maybe they'll get 3 hoodies instead? I'm not going to tell you what to guess, but banking on fringe cases seems like an interesting tactic.
Perhaps I can interest you in my meager selection of pins?
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I already guessed and I think the number of people who might have bought more then 3 are not going to change the amount more then a couple hundred but I do think it is going to make up for enough to adjust the average closer to 2 per person, which with 1131 people able to get them, it is putting it closer to 2k
Ah well, I'll buy it when the series goes up for sale on the interwebs.
And I guess I should throw in a guess on the bonus pins as well. Mmmmm... 1950.
Check 'em: My Pins!
1080 Add-On Pins Sold - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
My Digital Pin Lanyard
What a wonderful day, isn't it?
My guess is 1372
Did the survey go out for this? The one asking for your address, etc.?
My Digital Pin Lanyard || PAX East '13, '14, '15, '19 | PAX South '15
I'm guessing 1525.
Trade me pins, yo:
My guess is probably late, but 2037.
"Look, baby, i love you and i want to start a family with you, but in about 9 months im just not going to be able to take care of you AND my pin understsnd, right?"
Yeah...I bet she would have......
Luckily for @giantry I remembered he gave me some money for one of the add-on pins.. >_>
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Pals Lanyard
The final count is....
Which makes the victor...
And your prize? A pair of badges (3 or 4 days depending on the show) to a PAX OF YOUR CHOICE. (please send me a PM to "collect" your prize)
We'll be making 1200 total to handle any issues we run into.
Thank you for participating everyone! And of course congrats!!!
Trade me pins! -
and congrats Frostbyte