This comment in particular shows some oddities, there's also some from earlier on in the page. With quotes, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Out of quotes, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Happening in IE, Chrome, and Edge.
For me, the first one is in the old style and works correctly and the second one is in the ... style and isn't clickable, I have to quote the post to see the contents. Is it like that for others?
I was just coming in here to start this thread. I can open the 2 spoilers with the word "spoiler" in the button but not the one with the ellipsis in Bobble's post. Happens on Chrome on desktop (49.0.2623.87 m) and iOS (not sure of version as I don't have my iPad at work).
Along those lines, spoiler tags in the reaction history aren't 100%
if the full spoiler is below the ... (more) link, the spoiler box correctly encloses the text, but cannot be toggled on / off; it stays open
if the spoiler is split across that link, then only the text above gets the box
this is not an issue, per se, as the reaction history is obviously stuff that the user has responded to (or posted) and they should therefore know what's in the spoiler
but I thought I'd mention it for the sake of completeness.
Tamin on
SnicketysnickThe Greatest Hype Man inWesterosRegistered Userregular
Spoilers have apparently totally evaporated and are showing as clear text.
like this which should be spoilered but isn't or at least should be
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
edited March 2016
Yup, Daredevil thread is either filled with geese or the spoilers are broken.
Spoilers seem like they are loading expanded and showing their text before they collapse. Pg 46 of the dc movie thread in dd has a nice example with the spoiler in the first post. Using chrome on a S4.
I have a fairly inconsistent connection speed, so I've noticed that the spoiler being open while pages load problem is much more visible when my connection is slow.
I still see the red warning up top but haven't noticed any weirdness since around the night of the multiposts.
the pages-loading-with-spoiler-open-for-a-moment thing is still happening as far as I can tell, it's just open for an eyeblink's worth of time when my connection is decent but when I occasionally have a very slow connection it stays visible for a second or so
BahamutZERO on
BroloBroseidonLord of the BroceanRegistered Userregular
Seems like pages with ellipses spoilers also take much longer to fully load for whatever reason.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
For me, the first one is in the old style and works correctly and the second one is in the ... style and isn't clickable, I have to quote the post to see the contents. Is it like that for others?
Just noticed they were fixed in the Daredevil thread.
Looks like you can still get the ellipses with nested spoilers, but that's a much smaller issue relative to what was just fixed. Yay.
The hard work is much appreciated, you guys. I was totally gonna ask for a refund.
The brackets are stripped from the first spoiler and the closing tag is deleted.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
if the full spoiler is below the ... (more) link, the spoiler box correctly encloses the text, but cannot be toggled on / off; it stays open
if the spoiler is split across that link, then only the text above gets the box
this is not an issue, per se, as the reaction history is obviously stuff that the user has responded to (or posted) and they should therefore know what's in the spoiler
but I thought I'd mention it for the sake of completeness.
Starting here:
If you find any other instances of this please post them.
The old spoilers were working, but I rewrote the post today and deleted/added them back in and the new ones don't work.
Looks good now
I still see the red warning up top but haven't noticed any weirdness since around the night of the multiposts.
the pages-loading-with-spoiler-open-for-a-moment thing is still happening as far as I can tell, it's just open for an eyeblink's worth of time when my connection is decent but when I occasionally have a very slow connection it stays visible for a second or so
edit: seems to affect post history as well