Every few years we as a nation come together and elect a leader of the great nation of the United States of America.
Now theres some argument on weather or no what we do actually matters. If the candidates we like even have a chance if they break the party lines, or if we are all just spinning endlessly in a hamster wheel while our corporate overloads watch down upon us from on high.
But who am I to say how it works? I am but a man, and as such I am here to present only the facts about this election cycle so here are the candidates:
Ted "Soupy Soup" "The Zodiac Killer" Cruz
This is man who loves soup and the GOP. Hes their current big gun that the Republican Party seems to be rallying behind. He is pretty religious and conservative. If elected he has promised a can of Chunky Soup in every cupboard.
Donald "The Donald" Trump
Hes rude, hes crude, he speaks his mind, and he hates veterans who didn't win, the poor, Mexicans, people with disabilities, anyone whos Muslim, and people who don't agree that his daughter is hot. He wants to make America great again. What does that mean? Who the hell knows. Not him, hes too busy being the best at elections.
Hillary "The Rod" Clinton
(seen here jamming out to her favorite tunes)
Hillary is the moderate Democrat and appears to be the front runner for the Democratic Party. They love her, your grand parents love her, minorities seem to love her, and her husband...exists. Shes taken heat for everything you can think of from flip flopping opinions to military actions she had little to no involvement in, to just being a woman. She has a strong lead on the party nom right now but she is something of a divisive candidate to some in the party.
Bernie "The Burninator" Sanders
Hes the far side of the liberal Democrats. He wasn't always a Democrat, and honestly after this election if he loses he will probably go back to not being one. That being said he wants to fight, for your right, to equal pay and getting money out of politics. He seems to be a man of the people, often mingling and spending time with his supporters. Even if you don't like his policies you gotta admit hes awful friendly!
So yeah thats what were looking at right now. There might be a few surprised down the road but right now that is our 2016 US Presidental Line Up!
Now imagine them all running out onto a stage to this
Ok so, same as last time: Please keep discussion civil and refrain from letting arguments on the internet make your blood boil. Count to 10 and take a deep breath.
Now enjoy this great post from Joshofalltrades
Okay, I'm going to do my best to summarize all of the crazy things that have happened so far in the 2015-2016 Republican Presidential primary races. Just to put it in perspective. I'm going to leave out memes like the Zodiac Killer thing because that's just the Internet being the Internet.
Ben CarsonChris ChristieTed Cruz- Loves him some soup.
- Said that people who believe in climate change are the equivalent of flat earthers.
- Warned of liberal fascism targeting Christians.
- Released a list of weird facts about himself to be more... relatable? I guess? Among the items in the list are: "I was once bitten by an octopus at the beach and got terribly ill. (Yes, apparently octopuses can be poisonous)," "In high school, I had a role in The Sound of Music twice. But I can’t carry a tune to save my life," "I was once suspended in high school for skipping class to play foosball," and "My favorite movie is The Princess Bride. I can quote every line."
- Claimed that his endorsements by Jeb!, Romney, Mike Lee and Mark Levin proved he had appeal across the entire spectrum of the GOP.
- Pulled dirty tricks against Ben Carson in Iowa, claiming that Carson had dropped out and that his supporters should vote for Cruz instead.
- Then, the two politicians had a meeting about it in a broom closet.
- Sent shameful "VOTING VIOLATION" mailers out to potential voters, disclosing their voting record to neighbors and threatening to continue to do so if they did not turn out to vote in the primary.
- Made a bizarre audition tape for The Simpsons in an attempt to be humorous.
- Does not believe in the right to masturbate. Apparently this is a new belief.
- Made vague insinuations about New Yorkers with his "New York values" comments. Was completely ignored at the NYC GOP gala while speaking.
- Ate a booger off his lip at a nationally-televised debate.
- He shocked Anderson Cooper by admitting he loves The Godfather Part III without any shame in the revelation.
- Had a tabloid scandal regarding several extramarital affairs go mainstream. Resulted in a back-and-forth Twitter slapfight with Donald Trump.
Carly FiorinaMike HuckabeeJEB!John KasichRand PaulMarco Rubio
*breaks out the liquor*
Donald Trump- Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
- Mexico is sending us rapists.
- Compared the Patriots to China, in a good way
- Got involved with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's love life.
- He's hyper-sensitive about his hands and their size.
- Donald Trump Defends Size Of His Penis
- "I alone can solve" the problem of radical Islam.
- Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her wherever".
- Proposed a total ban of all Muslim travel to the US. Including American citizens abroad returning to the country.
- Also wants to surveil mosques and possibly shut them down.
- Refused to disavow David Duke on the air when confronted. Later did disavow him, but why waffle?
- First you bomb the oil. Then you take the oil. Then you get the money. Then you get the power. Then you get the women.
- Re: Fiorina -- "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"
- Expelled Jorge Ramos from a press conference for having the gall to ask him a question. Told him to "go back to Univision".
- Throws black people out of his rallies. Whether they are protesting or not.
- Threatens to sue protestors.
- Bullies the press regularly in unprecedented ways, and the press just takes it.
- Had Sarah Palin give the most unusual endorsement speech of all time.
- Claims global warming concept was created by the Chinese to ruin American industry.
- Re: the people of Iowa -- "How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of this country to believe this crap."
- McCain is not a war hero. Trump likes people who weren't captured.
- Trump encourages violence at his rallies against protestors.
- Encourages nuclear proliferation.
- Wants to sell missiles to Iran that don't work. Is on public record with this "deceptive" scheme.
- Mocked Asians with broken English.
- Called Rand Paul "ugly".
- Claims illegal immigrants are killing "thousands of people". Will "round them up in a very humane and nice way."
- Mocked a disabled reporter.
- Called NATO "obsolete and expensive".
- Praised Vladimir Putin.
- His campaign manager battered a female Breitbart reporter on video.
- Signed a pledge not to run as a third party candidate. Then, when things stopped going his way, metaphorically put that in the paper shredder.
Scott Walker
You know what? I'm done. I don't even think this is everything. Jesus Christ.
Pretty much a standard tax return for someone in his position, as he said.
He's too busy hanging out in the food thread.
Cuz just in the last few years there have been some amazingly powerful visuals of protests. Pepper spray cop, the guy throwing that tear gas canister during Ferguson, lady liberty up there.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
He's at a Trump rally.
The turnaround on those documentaries is like what, 18 months now? How long was there between the overthrow of Mubarak and the Square showing up on Netflix?
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Other than the occasional despair that this is what roughly one half of our country has turned into, I'm fine
From outside the states that's a crazy low amount of tax.
It is just Federal tax however. Maybe the states take a little more?
Possibly. In Texas for instance, that'd be it, but presumably he's taxed in Vermont which I assume has a decent rate of income tax.
I'm not judging Bernie on it or anything, it's just a culture shock. That's around the amount of tax that I paid, and I did not make 206 000 dollars last year.
Apparently Rosario Dawson was one of those arrested last night.
But there's also non-tax taxes, like social security, which isn't included in the $28k. Then there's all the non-income taxes (property, sales, gas, etc), but I don't know how or if those are done in other countries.
I think Medicare or -aid is taxed like SS as well
but complain the loudest about how much they are paying.
Vermont income tax rate is 6% to 7%; property tax/car tax depends on your county.
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
In some ways it depends on the state. State taxes are the full income because it can trigger a deduction on the federal tax which may or may not be taxed in future years as if it were income. That's sort of weird since it's a tax on money you didn't pay instead of money you earned, but whatever.
As far as I can tell this only applies if you're rich or bored enough to make itemization worth your time. I've tried to figure this out a few times but my Wife and I have to pay tax in RI, Mass, NH and CT, and uhhhh it sucks. (State income tax is based on where you earned the money, not on where you live.) Honestly after one year of trying this I just started throwing it into Turbo tax or going to HR Block and put my faith in the lord.
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Cum hoc ergo proper hoc, except for real
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
There's a ton of special snowflake Quebec stuff, it's one reason I want to move. Immigration here especially is a way bigger ballache than in the rest of Canada.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs will let me know in due course if I've paid too much (and give me the money back) or too little (and tax me a bit more next year to make up for it)
All hail PAYE, suckas
Literal first thought upon seeing it: "So, it has begun..."
For reference, I live in Indiana, so primaries are coming up in a few weeks.
@Cello would be better to talk about Ottawa, but it doesn't sound bad unless you're a huge night-life type person?
Ottawa isn't as bad as you'd hear from folks living in Toronto or Montreal. It's kind of a mix of urban and rural. There's obviously less to do than in the bigger metropolises, but if you live downtown it's nice. Decent place to raise a family in the suburbs - safe, there aren't really any "bad" neighbourhoods outside of maaaaybe Vanier, affordable housing and property. But if you're under 35, you probably want to live downtown.
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Dude, go early vote. It took me like 20 minutes including driving.
It's looking like that will not be the case this time around.
One of these days they'll let people like me vote here in florida. But no one ever campaigns for our right to vote because they're all too busy with important issues or something.
Centralization of revenue collection has its benefits.