Or longer than that if you've got the time to spare, I'm not your dad.
Outer Worlds is the new Obsidian first-person sci-fi RPG that is definitely not Fallout: New Vegas with the serial numbers filed off, and
definitely isn't a thoughtful game of exploration that resets time on a set schedule. I'm not even sure why you'd say something like that.
It's an
Epic exclusive, but also seems to be available on
Microsoft's Game Pass. Which kind of feels like a mean girl saying "None of you three are invited to my birthday party. Except you, Epic. And you, Game Pass. Not you, Steam. None of you except not Steam are invited to my birthday party."
If you
were looking for a new take on Fallout: New Vegas without all of Bethesda's bullshit, it seems like this might be your jam. Let's do a thing!
This game is very good.
I don't know if I'll stay up to play it when it unlocks tonight but at least I have the weekend for it
I just wanted to come in and tell Jedoc you're an absolute monster
You beautiful bastard
For bonus points, she has to pay his gravesite rental fees because she is his closest living relative
Only they aren't related
She found his body so she was the closest living person in relative distance to him upon discovery and is responsible
They are depressing and it took me a bit to notice the difference in the quality of grades based on amount earned.
The first two hours of this game have me real damn close. Burn it all down.
That's insane!
Downloading now.
They're all really good.
I get the feeling I'm going to spend a lot of time broken at the bottom of various cliffs, with no medicine because I huffed it all while trying to loot containers.
Can I rebind all keybinds? Like, all of them? No hardcoded keybinds like the Fallout games had etc
Are the menus and stuff mouse friendly or are they all scrolling ones?
Honestly the UI in recent Fallout and Elder Scrolls games have put me off all of them basically forever so I am sincerely hoping this game doesn't have the same issues.
The controls for all your in-game actions are fully rebindable, and they actually seem to have been thoughtfully laid out for KBAM. You've got four weapon slots assigned to your first four number keys, or you can shuffle between them using the mouse wheel. Movement, aiming, and shooting all feel good, and it feels like they actually used all the keyboard keys they needed rather than limiting it to the number of buttons on a controller.
However, menu controls are not rebindable. Not only can't I make it let me back out of menus using the back thumb button on my mouse, I can't rebind the buttons to bring up the map or journal or inventory.
Menus are pretty console-y. You can click on everything just fine, but everything is split into submenus that you navigate from the top of the screen.
It's all stuff that I've made my peace with by now, but if you were put off by Fallout 4 and Skyrim there is no balm here for your weary soul. Sorry.
I know the Oblivion zoom in is made fun of, but I wish they still just did it
There is something very comforting about the game. It feels like a game from last gen, from the way it plays and how the world is broken up, the character interactions...it feels like a game right before open-world bloat took everything over, a game is expected to be 70 hours long and that's BEFORE all the GAAS and DLC and microtransactions. I think it's one of the reasons it's reviewing so highly and has people gaga for it because, while it's lacking stuff like a super robust char creator, the pick up every single thing that's not nailed down Fallout 4 thing, mega AAAAAAAA graphics, CINEMATIC STORYTELLING WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST and "this is the only game I'll ever need to play now" thing that modern games tend to shoot for, it feels like something you'd find and love and gush about from a decade ago.
There's something nice about it just being a game, no having to connect to servers all the time, no constant microtransaction hooks, no HUGE open world with hundreds of minor stupid lore collectibles to find, no "the Halloween Kill 'Em All and Let The Law Sort 'Em Out weekend event starts tomorrow!! Be sure to kill as many marauders as possible for a purple lootbox!!!" ads on the launch screen. It's making me more forgiving of the game's flaws, for sure, because it just feels kind of...quieter, I guess. Less demanding of me.
Anyway, good game, I'm liking it.
I started on normal and thought this was fine, got merc'd a couple times. Then I switched to keyboard/mouse because switching weapons and inventory was annoying on controller, and woo shit is ez-pz. I'm early enough where starting over on hard would be okay, but eh. Whatevs.
I too have seen firefly Obsidian. And to be fair, this is pretty close to being firefly the game, so, fine I guess.
Smart, smooth talker, good with a pistol, but don't ask him to throw a punch or lift anything heavy
I thought about dropping to below average in strength or temperament to really lean into the "dying of tuberculosis" bit but decided that wasn't quite necessary
I do have a very good mustache though
put all points into the "huckleberry" skill
Fun so far though. Started out on hard but might be a little rough going that way for a while. But I do at least have a buddy now.
Dear Satan.....
Well that blows, that just straight up means I can't play the game at all without using external programs or hoping for a mod. And honestly I've had so much trouble using those methods for Fallout 4/NV/3/Skryim etc that it's not worth it for me at all.
I'm really, really disappointed. Hardcoded keybinds are not at all accessibility-friendly.
no fucking way am I sticking with this Rick and Morty looking motherfucker
yeah thanks for the save, I'm sure you're all altruism buddy
I'll take my chances with the corporate overlords and their gilded cage, thanks
You think gild is free? If you work hard, maybe chrome.
Can't do that. It's a thing with me.
Anyway, Apparently there is (Comes Now the Power spoilers!)
Eh, nevermind, the option presented itself anyway. That is a weird way to go about it.
Pretty much just that.