Firefox 72.0.1 on Windows 10, unsure of precise patch version or where to easily look that up.
It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing... And take away its pain.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
A quick check shows that all threads in G&T are doing this as well, but it's only nearly every thread in Moe's subforum. This forum (Tube's Circus) also only has most all threads marked as read, regardless of having clicked on them in the past.
I've done it accidentally before, marked a whole subforum as read. One thing of note that I'll point out - if you click into one of those threads that you've previously never read, it will likely just take you to the first post, and then from there on out you'll see the unread number as 2.1k new or whatever.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
This is greatly appreciated!
i'm seeing 1 new post in threads i've never read and the, i assume because it's varied, correct number of new posts in threads i have read
But, you know, maybe don't fix this one. It's a really nice bit of micro-nostalgia for the rad post I just made.
Eh, it's making my bookmarks tab lie to me
My bookmarks tab doesn't deserve that
Like, if I go into a thread, read it to the end, and click back out, it will be marked as read. But if I make a post at the end of that, when I go back to the main page the thread will be listed as having one new post.
I don't know if that's helpful information or anything, just something I noticed that seems to be related.
There's always some user with an edge case claiming a bug is a feature.
Only affects recently created threads. On safari mobile
I got the same problem but only with one thread. The marvel thread in se++. All other threads I read (which I think we're all older) behaved normally.
Now also happening in the new movies thread in D&D, created this morning.
Additional info: I tried clearing my cookies & cache to resolve this issue, and it's still showing up for that thread (https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/234730/tinker-tailor-soldier-movie). Feels like it's specific to new threads created after a certain point in time.
Me too. But only on the new thread I have bookmarked. In my case, the new Star Wars discussion thread in D&D.
Other threads are ok, excepting that whenever I make post, its counted as a new, unread post for me. Which has been reported before, I believe.
It's the strangest thing.
This is my situation, as well.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
The only thread I'm seeing do the latter is the D&D Climate Change thread
If relevant: the #latest link takes me to the second post (first reply)
For me, it's affecting the D&D Star Wars thread:
To be fair, there are worse things in life than constantly experiencing Han Solo. But, the #latest link always takes me to the bottom of the first post, and the whole thread remains marked as "unread."
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
February 11th https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/234623/satisfactory-fps-factorio-coming-to-steam-soon/p1
February 18th https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/234962/pc-games-lumote-taur-lair-of-the-clockwork-god-quantum-league-out-today#latest
February 21st https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/235087/in-which-we-ffwd-thru-the-talky-bits-of-the-movie-thread#latest
All of which were created after the initial posting issue outlined in this thread started. Could they be related?
The Division 2 thread in G&T is doing it for me and that's from April 2019.
Permanently stuck at all posts unread
Meanwhile, it is doing it to me with the movie thread but no other thread I've been keeping up with (including the Marvel thread)
This just fixed for me. The movie thread was the only one I've experienced the issue with and it's working correctly now
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
The affected threads still show up as completely unread, until I post in them at which point they become read... until someone else posts in them and it becomes 100% unread again.
It now shows that all the posts are new, and clicking on the title to go to the latest, it goes to the first post in the thread. After clicking in and out a few times, it still shows as though all the posts are brand new and unread, even though there are no new posts.