
D&D 5E: The Temple of Yonth



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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular

    Lialeth quickly tosses down a rope, using his body as a makeshift belay to haul up Satra and her golem.
    Geth roll 1d20+5 for Athletics

    1d20+5 10 [1d20=5]

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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    (sorry its been a busy work week whew)

    Time for some mushroom hopping

    Geth roll 1d20+5 for Athletics

    1d20+5 6 [1d20=1]

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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    Well ladies and gentlemen, its been a pleasure.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited August 2020

    Your allies busy trying to pull up the golem, you race across to lend them your strength.

    You’re doing great until you aren’t. The last mushroom collapses under your weight, and with a mighty SNAP you’re gone.

    The rest of you hear a distant splash a couple of seconds later.

    Thraxxagar’s eyes only:
    Geth roll 2d6 for Damage
    Geth roll 1d20 for Bludgeoning Injury

    Should you survive, you earn 70 experience for being the first to enter the under temple!

    —You hit water head on, and in doing so lose your front teeth. You take 8 bludgeoning damage, and your Charisma is permanently reduced by 2.

    The Goat Gang

    There are times in life when the consequences of your actions, or in-action, effect others.

    Though together you attempt to pull up the heavy golem, not even your combined might can shift Timmy Tin.

    The rope rips through your hands, and as you held on tightest Lialeth, you take 1 damage. You’re pulled to your knees before the chasm.

    Satra! Make a Acrobatics check to leap from your falling golem into the arms of Lialeth. Failure will lead to a long drop to your doom!

    2d6 8 [2d6=2, 6]
    Bludgeoning Injury:
    1d20 17 [1d20=17]

    Endless_Serpents on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20 for History


    They’ve got a proper name, but you don’t recall. You don’t even know how you remember anything about them. It’s a hunker. A primitive person, even if it looks like a monster. You won’t share a language, but it’s smart enough to intuit things, if you play your cards right. Where there is one, there must be more. They’re a tribal sort.

    What do you do?

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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Wylan, Aasimar Paladin, HP 13/24

    Wylan stands silently as it observes the creature in front of him. Memories click into place slowly, but they do creep into his mind and remind him that this isn't a simple beast or monster. He wouldn't be able to speak to it directly, but hopefully he can convince it to let him pass. He couldn't remember exactly how he remembered, but he thought that this hunker was not likely alone, so it wasn't wise to attempt to fight it. He places a hand over his chest, feeling the light enter and ease some of the pain he had taken from the beast attacks.

    He reaches into his pack and pulls out a ration, and steps into the hallway. "Hello there." he says in a calm voice, holding the ration out in front of himself. "I'm not looking for trouble, I just want to pass.". Wylan places the ration on the floor, and takes a step back, motioning between the creature and the food.

    I'm using Lay on Hands, to give myself 4 HP.

    I'm taking a stab in the dark here of trying to persuade this thing to let me pass, so I'll roll that, but if it's not relevant, go ahead and ignore it.

    Geth, roll 1d20+5 for Persuasion

    1d20+5 21 [1d20=16]

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    Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
    Ashala, Lizardman Monk, HP 5/10, Strength 12/14, +1 mod

    Ashalla follows the sound outside the room.
    She holds her spear out forward in preparation for another beast.

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    SleepSleep Registered User regular
    edited August 2020

    Walking back to the edge of the chasm i look to the goat. "Good call mr goat, super reliable mushrooms you've found here"

    Yelling down the hole


    Sleep on
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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Satra! Make a Acrobatics check to leap from your falling golem into the arms of Lialeth. Failure will lead to a long drop to your doom!


    She's sweating. She knows the decision she has to make, but she doesn't want to. Her eyes darts from Timmy to Lialeth. There's no time. And at the last possible second....
    Geth, roll 1d20+2 for Acrobatics
    Believe that's actually a 16...I spaced my +2 proficiency out accidentally when I made the roll

    1d20 14 [1d20=14]

    mrpaku on
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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular

    Definitely going to stand, and cast Cure Wounds

    Geth roll 1d8+2 for Cure Wounds

    Then I will cast Light on my lantern, giving off light to let me see

    Cure Wounds:
    1d8+2 3 [1d8=1]

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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    Oh for fucks sake. Really?

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Someone needs to figure out how to perform dice rituals on Geth to make it roll right :P


    "I'm sorry about your golem, little one," Lialeth says, helping Satra find her feet on solid ground. "I can carry a lot, but that was too much even for me. I tried." Peering down the hole, he rubs the back of his head. "Do you think he's alright? If he survived, perhaps your golem survived as well. Maybe they can help each other."

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited August 2020

    There is *bawling*. Satra leans into Lialeth's arms...uncaring about a stranger, uncaring he could snap her in twain *right now and *immediately**. Her legs hurt..her heart hurts...but...

    His words break through to her though...slowly, eventually. She smiles weakly up at her protector, nods with just a small appreciation

    "You...you tried," she replies, softly. She pats the Goliath's arm, squeezes his shoulder...smiles sadly. "*Thank you*." She clears her throat...catching a clot of blood, she spits it away. "And...you're right, *absolutely*, right...TIMMY TIN! MY MAN! THIS...IS...SATRA. *SOUND-OFF!*"

    mrpaku on
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Mr. Grungle

    The Grungle is going to run away, to the north-west.

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Billy, Goat, HP 24/26

    Billy looks down the hole, nonchalantly. The Tinker had been saved, which was good.
    The cost had been the loss of the big golem and one of their party, which was bad.

    But such were the winds of fortune and ill fortune; not all would always make it through the treacherous passes. This was known to Billy, and there was little that he could do to change that right now. The quest still beckoned, and its direction was forward.

    Billy once more took up a lead, moving away from the hole and a few steps further along the corridor, and waited.

    Fishman on
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Mr. Grungle

    You sprint north, running so hard and fast you’re panting. You skid to a halt over a thin sheet of ice. Your ragged breath visible under the amber lights.

    Before you is what you can only imagine is a burial chamber. It has gotten to cold in here there are even large glacial blocks growing from the cracked floor.

    Three tall tombs at the far end of the room, doors are closed to the left and right. The wall behind one of them is exposed, revealing pipes and pistons slowly working, fighting against the cold.

    In the middle of the room there is a light... it’s slowly turning in a circle... it’s shaped like a person.


    Map legend:
    ^ = ice blocks, can be used as cover while you still attack.
    — = tables, empty
    *H* = a ghost?
    /-\ = tomb

    What do you do?

    Man Down Brigade

    Lialeth! You earn 50 experience for slaying the golem.

    The humidity gives way to sheer heat. The moss and fungus here is large, and covered in spikes and hazardous looking fluids.

    Before you is a room lit not just by the lights above, but a boiling pool of lava! The lava feeds into what must be a forge, something Dwarven you’d say, if this place was not so alien. Before it stands a ghost, still as the dead, just... standing there.

    You take a step forward... and realise not all the fungus is stationary!



    Roll for initiative!

    Geth roll 2d20 for Fs and Js

    Map legend:
    Red = lava
    Orange = forge
    F = fungi brute
    J = orb head zombie
    ; = hazard fungus, you’ll take 2 psychic damage if you end your turn on these

    Thraxxagar is dead. Timmy Tin is destroyed. Pay no attention to the spoilers that will be appearing in the thread from now on.

    No one traversing the temple is allowed to look in this spoiler. Sure, I can’t really enforce that, but it’s just, you know, not relevant to you, okay?


    You struggle to swim to the surface! This isn’t water, it’s sludge as thick as honey. As you break the surface waves sends you back under, and pushes you twenty feet away.

    Grasping, clawing you way in whatever direction your points, you find purchase. You crawl up onto metal. Not the reflecting black of the temple, this is just a rusted heap of steel and bronze.

    You roll onto your side and open your eyes. You are staring back at yourself, eyes glazed, scales sagging. You look like you’ve been dead for a couple of weeks, the decomposition slowed by a lack of insects and heat. Your corpse is wearing your gear, save a few differences, like the fact your hands are clutching a longbow.

    Do you search your corpse? If so, make an Investigation check. The higher you roll, the more equipment you can take.

    The golem rises up from the sludge, and having no orders, stays there.

    You may need to convince it to come with you, should you wish it to. That’s a Persuasion check.

    The air is thick with dust. It’s dark as Hades ass crack down here.

    Map legend:


    Purple = sludge, very difficult terrain (moving costs 10 ft. per square)
    Dark purple = 40+ feet deep sludge, requires an Athletics check to cross.
    Green = groups of mushroom stalks, too slippery to climb.
    Orange = a raft
    !@!, \•/ = devices requiring inspection

    Fs and Js:
    2d20 13 [2d20=3, 10]

    Endless_Serpents on
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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Billy, Goat, HP 24/26

    Oh, Mlep.
    Geth, roll 1d20+2 for initiative.

    1d20+2 6 [1d20=4]

    Fishman on
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Order of the Goat

    The fungi brutes all have 3 initiative. The orb head zombies all have 10 initiative.



    The hunker waves off your offering, but understands your attempt at a peaceful compromise. Then it does something unexpected.

    Taking out a small, thin black rectangle, it presses it to the wall, and put another hand to its temple. The wall becomes liquid-like, and rolls away. The hunker hops through the gap in its funny way, and continues on. A dozen feet away another one awaits it.



    You don’t see what’s walking around through the trees, but you do see just the hint of a monster sharpening a crude spear outside the room, to the south.

    Further south you swear you hear the telltale sound on big stupid heavy boots on the floor. Is your ally in trouble?

    Endless_Serpents on
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    SleepSleep Registered User regular

    Roll 1d20+3 for initiative

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    SleepSleep Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20+3 for initiative

    1d20+3 10 [1d20=7]

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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Wylan, Aasimar Paladin, HP 17/24

    The ration remains on the floor, but the message seems to have been received, as the hunker doesn't immediately attack him or raise an alarm. What it does do, however, catches Wylan by surprise. It touches a wall, which promptly disappears, an incredible feat. Wylan knows that he needs to go north based on the map he received, but he can't help but follow the hunker down the hallway, attempting to inquire about the device it held and how it did whatever it just did.

    I'm trying to gesture at it to point to the device, point to the wall, and shrug. A non-verbal "what the heck just happened" if you will.

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular

    Geth roll 1d20+1 for Initiative

    1d20+1 15 [1d20=14]

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular

    Geth, roll 1d20+2 for Initiative

    1d20+2 21 [1d20=19]

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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    edited August 2020
    "Friend Golem...Timmy! If you join me I may be able to return you to your small master!
    Geth roll 1d20+0 for Persuasion

    I will check the corpse, I wouldn't want to create some kind of time loop by not dying with the gear I'm wearing....or something.

    Geth roll 1d20-1 for Investigation

    1d20+0 6 [1d20=6]
    1d20-1 9 [1d20=10]

    Bucketman on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Satra’s Fleeting Few

    The beings crawling out from all corners of the room scream at you! They’re ready to attack!

    Initiative Order
    Satra - 1st
    Lialeth - 2nd
    Roy - 3rd
    Orb Head Zombies - 4th
    Billy - 5th
    Fungi Brutes - 6th

    Try to update this map, or describe where you end up in good detail.




    Top secret spoiler for no one.

    You retrieve an ordinary longbow, 3 arrows, the very same warhammer you own, 50 feet hempen rope, a shield, 2 x torches, a full water skin, prayer book of the church of Thor, and 5 sticks of incense. Keep only what you wish to.

    Timmy stares at you blankly as you ask for it to join you.

    The golem instead says, “Negative. Search commencing immediate effect.”

    It walks 25 feet away and is immediately assaulted by a mass of arms that burst out all around it!



    For speed, the initiative order is as follows:
    You = 1st
    Handy spectre (SS) = 2nd
    Timmy = 3rd

    Geth roll 3d4 for Seriously Sinister Spectre Slashes

    Seriously Sinister Spectre Slashes:
    3d4 7 [3d4=4, 1, 2]

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    edited August 2020

    HP- 2/20

    A grim and somewhat awful determination sets over Satra's tear stained face. An innocence has been lost... whatever hesitation she may have had snuffing out the Powerpotomus is long gone, with her brother dead. And before even the monsters roar out, she again experiences that strange sense of otherness, of stepping outside of herself....

    Satra watches as if in slow motion as her new allies draw their weapons, but Satra has already thrown herself to the ground behind them, pointing her pistol up at the Fungi Brute before it can finish it's dreadful howl and firing with a cold, bloodthirsty intensity.

    "We'll need a real *miracle* to get out of this one" a voice from the distant past rings out to her. Then Satra watches as the Other-Satra takes out the necklace that she keeps hidden under her leathers, removes the Angel's Tear that she has carried all these years since....holds it over her forehead...and crushes it.
    Geth, roll 2d6 for Problem Solver

    Problem Solver:
    2d6 3 [2d6=2, 1]

    mrpaku on
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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    Well, I got this bow now. Best put it to good use. But first, I think I have a clear shot at the guy with my breath weapon? Its a 30 foot straight line , the handy specter has to made a Dex save DC 11 to take half damage.

    Geth roll 2d6 for Breath Weapon

    Breath Weapon:
    2d6 8 [2d6=5, 3]

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    edited August 2020

    Even though he had let his guard down, Lialeth's years of training kick in at the first sign of trouble. He draws an axe, throwing it hard at the fungus monster nearest the forge. "Use the hallway for cover!" he yells to his new allies. "Let them come to us!" He then pulls out his shield, ready for retaliation.
    Lialeth will stay in his space, and throw one handaxe at the F nearest the forge squares. He'll also put his shield back on.

    Geth, roll 1d6+3 for Handaxe Damage

    Handaxe Damage:
    1d6+3 7 [1d6=4]

    Denada on
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    SleepSleep Registered User regular

    Roy is more than happy to let big and harry take the front line for now, he pulls out the ol longbow lets loose an arrow at that same brutish fungus monster.

    Geth roll 1d8+3 for longbow damage.

    longbow damage:
    1d8+3 5 [1d8=2]

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    Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular

    Ashala, Lizardman Monk, HP 5/10, Strength 12/14, +1 mod

    Ashala moves to the room in the south, her spear occasionally flexing in her hands.
    She raises one hand, and brings her spear verticle to salute the other spear wielding creature.

    Care for a friendly challenge?

    Ashala proceeds to perform a small spear demonstration, hoping to catch the interest of the creature.
    Geth roll 1d20-1 for Performance

    1d20-1 2 [1d20=3]

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    Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    Please standby, work requires me off the coast.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    The Goat Gang

    Satra drops and fires at a fungal brute sprinting directly towards you from the forge.

    Next the mountain man bellows for you to hold back, and immediately after he and Roy lay waste to the brute with axe and arrow. It collapses a foot before the corridor you’re stacked up in.

    You hear the crash of a little glass vial. The rose-gold of an angel’s tear runs down Satra’s face. She begins to glow faintly.

    —Satra! You feel a warm kiss on your cheek. You sense it is full of sympathy. You are invincible for the next 3 rounds. In addition, your maximum HP is increased by 3. You heal 3 HP, right now.

    Everyone earns 40 experience for slaying a fungi brute!

    As the creature slumps before you a chattering, agile orb head zombie skitters over the corpse and unleashes a purple beam of occult energy at Lialeth!


    Geth roll 1d6 for Psionic Laser
    Geth roll 1d20 for Psychic Injury

    Billy! What do you do?

    Ashala & Wylan

    Ashala, from the perspective of the monster... you run up to it with a toothy maw dripping with blood, and shake your spear at it!

    It reflexively strikes at you, shouting in a language you don’t understand.

    Wylan... as you approach the hunker with your hands where it can see it, it turns to explain as best it can... until you hear shouting to the both.

    Both it and its companion sprint away to give their brethren aid.


    What do you do?

    Geth roll 1d4+3 for Crude Spear Poke
    Geth roll 1d20 for Piercing Injury


    Your gullet glows electric blue as you barf forth dragon breath to rival the scaled lords of old!

    The many handed spectre and the foolish golem are both locked by the arc of lightning, becoming bright white figures shuddering in the sludge.

    Shortly after the spectre... is no where to be seen. The golem looks at you, blinds metal eyelids, but nods to you in thanks. Make a Perception check.

    Geth roll 1d20+2 for Saving Throw
    Geth roll 1d20 for Lightning Injury

    Psionic Laser:
    1d6 6 [1d6=6]
    Psychic Injury:
    1d20 20 [1d20=20]
    Crude Spear Poke:
    1d4+3 6 [1d4=3]
    Piercing Injury:
    1d20 3 [1d20=3]
    Saving Throw:
    1d20+2 7 [1d20=5]
    Lightning Injury:
    1d20 13 [1d20=13]

    Endless_Serpents on
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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular

    You take 6 psychic damage... but the bending of your mind space offers you unique and terrible insight! Increase the ability score of your choice by 2.


    You take 6 piercing damage as the spear pokes your freaking left eye out! Your passive perception is halved.

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    edited August 2020
    Can I get an update to the map of where our foes are?

    EDIT: Thx

    Fishman on
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    "Well that was easier then I thought it would be"

    Geth roll 1d20+2 for Perception

    1d20+2 13 [1d20=11]

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    DenadaDenada Registered User regular

    "Hah!" Lialeth cries, "Your psychic rays have only made me stronger, monster!"

    "We should definitely kill them quickly," he says a little more quietly, to his companions, "That hurt and something tells me it will hurt more next time."
    Naturally, I will increase Lialeth's Strength score to 18.

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    AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Wylan, Aasimar Paladin, HP 17/24

    Wylan takes a second to think before reacting as the two hunkers run away. He felt like he was going to get an answer but was interrupt by whatever noise grabbed their attention.

    Instead of charging ahead, Wylan moves carefully forward, feeling that his slow show of harmlessness was what prevented him from being attacked. He turns the corner and looks around, looking for the source of the commotion but taking a moment to look around in general.

    On the phone so don’t have a map to update but basically I’m just moving up to the intersection of that hallway that everyone is in and looking around.

    Wylan wouldn’t think of Ashala charging in so would be cautious that the hunkers might be fighting another monster and would be deciding if he was going to help.

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    Billy, Goat, HP 24/26

    Yo, Cabro.

    Let's show these overgrown truffles how we do things in the mountains.

    Rising high, Billy nimbly avoids the unnatural abomination in front of me and instead bounds in a careening, headlong charge into the center mass of the Fungoid brute standing dangerously close to a molten stream of boiling rock with his very best Goatwegian Kiss.
    In RAW terms, I'm using Nimble Escape to avoid reaction attacks from the close Orb-head Zombie and executing a shove attack against the Fungi Brute.


    geth roll 1d20+4 to give this fungi all the hot rock he can handle

    Fungi Brute opposes with either athletics or acrobatics to avoid being shoved into the drink.

    Also, I'm not sure if this counts as an 'attack' for the purposes of the Morgus Bite item I have or not. If so, this would also deal 1 damage to both him and me.

    to give this fungi all the hot rock he can handle:
    1d20+4 23 [1d20=19]

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
    I'm KO'd
    End of the line
    It was fun!

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