Are there going to be tabletop tournaments this year? I assume yes, but I haven't seen much of anything about them. Specifically I'm interested in War Machine, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and Warhammer 40k.
TrainwreckX on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Are there going to be tabletop tournaments this year? I assume yes, but I haven't seen much of anything about them. Specifically I'm interested in War Machine, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and Warhammer 40k.
are you high ? you posted in the Orkfest thread already.
I knew about Orkfest, but I thought that was just being run by another member of the boards. Ok, let me rephrase my original question.
Will there be tournaments officially endorsed by the PAX staff for the winning of tickets and or prizes like there has been in past years? For example, the 40k in a flash tournament that has existed in past years.
And yes, I'm all about the tabletop stuff that people are posting on these boards, I'm just wondering about official tournaments. And I'm not interested in pencil and paper stuff, FYI.
TrainwreckX on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2007
As with your schedule thread, this is all the information there is on tabletop-related activity. When more info is announced, it will be put into the Events sticky.
I know what you are saying, but I don't think it applies.
I have simply asked if these would exist. Read the very first sentence of my OP.
What times, and their details, don't matter as much to me right this second. Sure they would be nice, but I'm just interested to know if there will be any official miniatures tournaments, as opposed to just RPGs. I'll wait for an answer from the PAX staff or organizers on this one. I understand they are busy, but figure somebody will see this thread eventually.
As with your schedule thread, this is all the information there is on tabletop-related activity. When more info is announced, it will be put into the Events sticky.
Right now, there are two primary places that information is being posted. One, is on the main PAX site. Two, is here. Regarding any and all tournaments, if they are announced, they will show up in the sticky that I posted earlier in this thread.
If they have not been announced yet, then the answer is "what has been posted is what we know." If there is more in the making that we do not know about yet, then the most that we will get now is a hint, and the official announcement will be made when the tournament is made official.
Jaiden on
[15:51] <+Snickers> Dur, I R CUM
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
are you high ? you posted in the Orkfest thread already.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
They never contain any useful info. They are set to sticky to be ignored.
Will there be tournaments officially endorsed by the PAX staff for the winning of tickets and or prizes like there has been in past years? For example, the 40k in a flash tournament that has existed in past years.
And yes, I'm all about the tabletop stuff that people are posting on these boards, I'm just wondering about official tournaments. And I'm not interested in pencil and paper stuff, FYI.
I have simply asked if these would exist. Read the very first sentence of my OP.
What times, and their details, don't matter as much to me right this second. Sure they would be nice, but I'm just interested to know if there will be any official miniatures tournaments, as opposed to just RPGs. I'll wait for an answer from the PAX staff or organizers on this one. I understand they are busy, but figure somebody will see this thread eventually.
If they have not been announced yet, then the answer is "what has been posted is what we know." If there is more in the making that we do not know about yet, then the most that we will get now is a hint, and the official announcement will be made when the tournament is made official.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed
Things are being worked out, they will be announced and posted in the info stickies when ready.
I feel you (and evidently your friends) are making it more complicated than it is.
Easy answer.
Wait, things will be posted when they are ready.
Yes. The answer is yes.
Yes, there will be tabletop tournaments.
[10:24] * @BigRed-Worky cums the water
[12:32] <+prox> lawl you kickbanned me so hard my client crashed