On a whim the other day I decided I wanted an N64. So I bid for one on eBay. Ten minutes ago I learned that I won the auction (the only bidder, haha, £9.99).
So I ask you, people of the forum. What are some good N64 games that I should check out?
With the console I'm getting Goldeneye, Jet Force Gemini and Lylat Wars (aka Star Fox 64). I am interested in:
Banjo-Kazooie & Banjo-Tooie (talk of the third game got me curious)
Pokemon Snap (looks fun)
F-Zero X
I am not interested in Mario 64 (I have the DS version) or the two N64 Zelda games (I have the Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition Gamecube disc that has both of the games on it)
Any other suggestions?
Blast Corps.
Blast Corps.
Blast Corps.
Blast Corps.
Body Harvest is a really cool game too, its one of the last things DMA made before they became Rockstar. It has 6 large, open ended levels and loads of different vehicles and weapons as you fight off various alien invasions throughout history. The controls are a bit awkward and the graphics a bit bland in places, but its worth playing.
I think the best version of Harvest Moon is on the N64 as well.
I second Body Harvest.
WWF No Mercy
also, Harvest Moon and Mario Cart are in my opinion the best when played on the N64.
If you're into wrestling games this is a must. It's certainly the best "non-Smackdown" wrestling game.
I got Harvest Moon for PS2 once, cos I really wanted to play a Harvest Moon game, but eurgh, did not like it. I understand that the N64 version is much better though.
Kirby 64, Lylat Wars, Mario Kart 64 and Paper Mario are all excellent choices but are avaliable on the Virtual Console for cheaper prices in most cases than buying the originals, so you may want to take that into account. I found that looking at those average scoring games at the time such as Chameleon Twist series to be good choices if you can find them cheap enough.
Diddy Kongs Racing is a decent to very good racing game though.
Also Blast Corps.
I'd recommend the following:
Smash Bros
Perfect Dark
Conkers Bad Furday
Edit: Also Mario Kart 64, it is awesome. Ignore anyone who says otherwise.
PSN = Wicker86 ________ Gamertag = Wicker86
Silicon Valley
Blast Corps
No Mercy
The Transformers Fandom: Consistantly bitching about something or another since 1984.
http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/03/28/warbot_001/ - "WARBOT In Accounting"
I will second those, and raise you Donkey Kong 64 and Rayman 2: The Great Escape. Two of the best 3D platformers out there, but don't play DK if you're something of a completist. It'll reduce you to tears.
Fixed for you.
Ogre Battle 64
Beetle Adventure Racing.
The second is an awesome racing game--one of the N64's best.
I enjoyed San Francisco RUSH, too, but that might have been just me.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
One of the best N64 games in my opinion, I would kill for a VC release.
There's something immensely satisfying about piledriving a weird horseman so hard that he is knocked into a daze and at your mercy. No game since has provided that satisfaction.
I wish there would be a new one but that's NEVER going to happen.
Maybe not many people would agree but I really liked that game.
Paper Mario, Diddy Kong Racing and Smash Brothers are games that you can't go wrong with.
Perfect Dark
Top Gear Rally
Mario Kart 64
F-Zero X
Wave Race and WWF No Mercy. Also you know, Orcania of Time.
Blast Corps is obligatory if you can find it
So is Body Harvest, and Banjo Kazooie, and Harvest Moon 64, the best of them.
With Jet Force Gemini coming with the system, you will be very happy.
Edit: Winback! and Starfox, those are good supplements.
Mario 64
Quest 64, in a weird sort of way
Perfect Dark
I'll go one step farther and claim it's the best game on the whole damn console.
Yes, better than OoT. Yes, better than Mario 64. Yes, better than any other game you'll mention.
SF64 defined the N64 for me, and no 3D shmup has yet to top it.
Ocarina of Time
Kind of a different ballpark
(The other three being Shadows, Rogue Squadron, and Blast Corps.)
It's epic in every way.
Super Mario 64
F Zero X
Goldeneye for the mood, or Perfect Dark, because its basicly Goldeneye with improvements on the multiplayer.
Something called, um, Wetverse? I think.
This was exactly going to be my suggestion.
Best games on the system, I think.
Edit: And any Goemon games you find are awesome.
This man is right.
The Transformers Fandom: Consistantly bitching about something or another since 1984.
http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/03/28/warbot_001/ - "WARBOT In Accounting"
Oh man, I loved Hybrid Heaven. No one ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention it. I think I was the only one in my county who ever rented it at the local Blockbuster.