The Omegathon Schedule has been released! This is a very different Omegathon than years past. No Ladykiller round this year, for one.
If you've been chosen, tell us here. As the Omeganauts reveal themselves, I will update this OP with their information (and pictures, should they provide one, say 100x100 pixel portrait shot).
For those about to compete, we salute (and envy) you!
...this is about having fun with a selection of games that really have never seen the light of competitive play. That's what makes the competition so ridiculous and awesome at the same time. I mean, come on - Pong? Katamari Damacy? Peggle? All of these games are super fun to play and watch but you're not going to see a world championship match on G4 for any of these.
I've always felt Penny Arcade readers didn't give much thought to whether a game was "hardcore" or not - to us it's always about how fun it is, and I think the Omegathon really embodies that philosophy.
P.S. I promise it will be rad.
Round 1: Peggle
PC Area - Friday, 3:30 PM
Round 2: Boom Blox
Serpent Theatre - Friday, 8:00 PM
Round 3: Competitive King from the new Geometry Wars
Serpent Theatre - Saturday, 11:30 AM
Round 4: Rock Band
Main Theatre - Saturday, 8:30 PM
Round 5: Jenga
Serpent Theatre - Sunday, 1:00 PM
Final Round: ???
Main Theatre - 4:30 PM
YOUR 2008 OMEGANAUTS 1. (2007 Runner-up)
Name: Ben Gray (MNC Dover)
Hometown: Savannah, Georgia
Age: 31
Favorite Game: A tie between Starcraft and Fire Emblem
Worst Game: Realistic Racers
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: “Beating Heavy Barrel in the arcade with only one man.”
2.Name: Erica (BrokenAngel)
Hometown: Kennewick, WA
Age: 29
Favorite Game: Final Fantasy VI
Worst Game: Sports games
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Teaching my wee ones to play a mean game of Soul Calibur
3.Name: Greg (Plutonium)
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Age: 19
Favorite Game: Starcraft, X-Com,
Worst Game: Console FPS's that aren't Goldeneye
4.Name: Thomas (Hazywood)
Hometown: Chicago, IL (and Big Ten University towns)
Age: 23
Favorite Game: Toss up between Katamari Damashi and Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander
Worst Game: Anything sports or fighting
Best accomplishment: Ability to consistently ranked in RTS games with crappy APM
5.Name: Rae (Shugarae)
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Age: 25
Favorite Game: Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Worst Game: Anything sports other than super mario strikers
Best accomplishment in gaming: Answering the phone when Gabe called and having the willpower not to scream at work
6.Name: Chrissa (ServentsOfChaos)
Hometown: Portland, OR
Age: 28
Favorite Game: CoD4
Worst Game: Anything sports related
Best accomplishment in gaming: Teaching the little ones what gaming is all about!!!
7.Name: Jason (Morgon)
Hometown: Glen Burnie, MD
Age: 28
Favorite Game: Grim Fandango
Worst Game: Anything twitchy.
Best accomplishment in gaming: MyGamerCard.net8.Name: Steve (rhodysteve311)
Hometown: East Providence, RI
Age: 22
Favorite Game: A tie between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Worst Game: Anything involving a dance pad
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Having my girlfriend (who isn't that big into video games) come with me to PAX this year and last. You're the best Ali!
9.Name: Ryan (Ryainken)
Hometown: Clarksville, TN
Age: 22
Favorite Game: System Shock 2
Worst Game: Super Smash Bros.
Best accomplishment in gaming: Never playing a Silent Hill game.
10.Name: Kent
Hometown : Vancouver, B.C Canada
Age: 24
Favorite Game: Starcraft, Street fighter ( all of them )
Worst game: I try not to play games I suck at
Best Accomplishment in gaming: eh .. never accomplished anything.
11.Name: Chris (darthtrevino)
Hometown: Bremerton, WA
Age: 27
Favorite Game: Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Bioware RPGs
Worst Game: any rts
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: getting my wife to play . I think one of my favorite gaming moments was when I finally beat Bark at the Moon on expert in GH1. I know that's weak sauce now, but it was frigging awesome when I did that I think of it, alot of my favorite accomplishments were in GH1 and GH2.
12. Name: Mike Friedman (mfriedman13)
Hometown: I live in Apex, NC but call Plano, TX home.
Age: 28, 29 by PAX
Favorite game: I love rhythm games, but FF3 (for SuperNes) is my favorite game.
Worst game: X-Men for the Sega Genesis
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: My favorite gaming moments are getting together with my wife (redfish27) and my friends and rocking out with rock band and following up with a little DDR. Best accomplishment might be beating Legend of Zelda with no sword or Final Fantasy I in one sitting.
13.Name: Tim (firestormsniper)
Hometown: Madison WI
Age: 28
Favorite Game: So many to choose from...Red Alert 2, Burnout 3, Portal
Worst Game: I just can't get into most RPGs
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: Backflipping over death lasers in Breakdown
Name: Jo
HomeTown: Litchfield, OH
Age: 29
Favorite Game: Action/F.P.S./Puzzle/RPGs
Worst Game: Wait...the game I'm worst
at(and D.D.R.),or the worst game
in my opinion(Vampire Rain)?
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Beating Final Fantasy (NES Version) At 6 a.m., With My Friend Jason, For the First Time, Like 16 Years Ago
15.Name: Brian
Hometown: Oakland, CA
Age: 30
Favorite Game: Most recently, Halo 3 and Warfish. Back in the old days, the King's Quest series were a lot of fun.
Worst Game: Sports games, driving games.
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Beating my sister's high score in Pacman when I was 8(?). Too bad she beat my score the next day.
16Name: Jordan (Amandil)
Hometown: Spokane, WA
Age: 20
Favorite Game: A tie between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Kingdom Hearts with a dash of World of Warcraft
Worst Game: Any Cereal Box game
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: My guild and I recently killed Illidan for the first time about a month ago, moving on into Sunwell!
Hometown: Kennewick, WA
Age: 29
Favorite Game: Final Fantasy VI
Worst Game: Any sports game
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Teaching my wee ones to play a mean game of soul calibur
Gabe just sent me a call!
I should have put it in the OP, but you guys should use this format
Other info
Los Angeles, California
Age 19
Favorite Game(s): Starcraft, X-Com,
Worst Game: Console FPS's that aren't Goldeneye
Best Accomplishment: Getting my palm worn off playing the rotation games in Mario Party
Name: Thomas
Hometown: Chicago, IL (and Big Ten University towns)
Age: 23
Favorite Game: Toss up between Katamari Damashi and Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander
Worst Game: Anything sports or fighting
Best accomplishment: Ability to consistently ranked in RTS games with crappy APM
I go on adventures. Sometimes in a virtual space, sometimes in meat space.
Name: Rae (Shugarae)
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Age: 25
Favorite Game: Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Worst Game: Anything sports other than super mario strikers
Best accomplishment in gaming: Answering the phone when Gabe called and having the willpower not to scream at work :winky:
The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
Name: Chrissa
Hometown: Portland, OR
Age: 28
Favorite Game: CoD4
Worst Game: Anything sports related
Best accomplishment in gaming: Teaching the little ones what gaming is all about!!!
... no, wait, that's not right...
Name: Jason (Morgon)
Hometown: Glen Burnie, MD
Age: 28
Favorite Game: Grim Fandango
Worst Game: Anything twitchy.
Best accomplishment in gaming:
Name: Steve (rhodysteve311)
Hometown: East Providence, RI
Age: 22
Favorite Game: A tie between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Worst Game: Anything involving a dance pad
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Having my girlfriend (who isn't that big into video games) come with me to PAX this year and last. You're the best Ali!
Good luck my fellow Omeganauts, it's sure to be a blast!
Hometown: Clarksville, TN
Age: 22
Favorite Game: System Shock 2
Worst Game: Super Smash Bros.
Best accomplishment in gaming: Never playing a Silent Hill game.
You''ll get a picture once I gain muscles.
Name : Kent
Hometown : Vancouver, B.C Canada
age: 24
Favorite Game: Starcraft, Street fighter ( all of them )
worst game: I try not to play games I suck at
Best Accomplishment in gaming: eh .. never accomplished anything.
Name: Chris
Hometown: Bremerton, WA
Age: 27
Favorite Game: Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Bioware RPGs
Worst Game: any rts
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: getting my wife to play ;-). I think one of my favorite gaming moments was when I finally beat Bark at the Moon on expert in GH1. I know that's weak sauce now, but it was frigging awesome when I did that I think of it, alot of my favorite accomplishments were in GH1 and GH2.
I look forward to playing with you all!
Edit: Hey Moe, go ahead and bump me up to 32. Can't deny my birthday last January, ignore it sure, deny it no.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Name: Mike Friedman
Home town: I live in Apex, NC but call Plano, TX home.
Age: 28, 29 by PAX
Favorite game: I love rhythm games, but FF3 (for SuperNes) is my favorite game.
Worst game: X-Men for the Sega Genesis
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: My favorite gaming moments are getting together with my wife (redfish27) and my friends and rocking out with rock band and following up with a little DDR. Best accomplishment might be beating Legend of Zelda with no sword or Final Fantasy I in one sitting.
Name: Tim
Hometown: Madison WI
Age: 28
Favorite Game:So many to choose from...Red Alert 2, Burnout 3, Portal
Worst Game:I just can't get into most RPGs
Best Accomplishment in Gaming: Backflipping over death lasers in Breakdown
Finally a Canadian Omeganaut! I was starting to think it was rigged.
I'll be cheering for you Kent, GOOD LUCK!
THis guy has to be one of the coolest Omeganauts. Seriously he runs MyGamerCard thats easily one of the largest xbox sites on the internet. I've had the chance to hang with Jason on a few occassions and he is a really cool guy. Good Luck guys n' gals.
What I want to know now is where the other 7 omeganauts are...
The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
They are losers... that's who they are.
(Sorry Moe, I just had to post that)
My evidence: 1) I talked to a(n alleged) man named (supposedly) Gabe on my cell phone.
2) I have both received, and replied to, various e-mails from someone going by the title
'Chief OmegaTech'.
Wow, typing it like that...makes it seems like flimsy evidence indeed.
Name: Jo
HomeTown: Litchfield, OH
Age: 29
Favorite Game: Action/F.P.S./Puzzle/RPGs
Worst Game: Wait...the game I'm worst at(any D.D.R.),or the worst game in my opinion(Vampire Rain)?
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Beating Final Fantasy (NES Version) At 6 a.m., With My Friend Jason, For the First Time, Like 16 Years Ago
edit: man, everybody's editing everything while I make posts tonight
wait various? cause I've only gotten 1 email >.> am I missing something?
Edit: Wait I lied! I got 2
Name: Brian
HomeTown: Oakland, CA
Age: 30
Favorite Game: Most recently, Halo 3 and Warfish. Back in the old days, the King's Quest series were a lot of fun.
Worst Game: Sports games, driving games.
Greatest Accomplishment in Gaming: Beating my sister's high score in Pacman when I was 8(?). Too bad she beat my score the next day.
Is it wishful thinking to ask if that means there might be more contests?
so, what happens again when the tour bus carrying half of them meets its fiery demolition at the bottom of a ravine? (btw, i'm of course speaking of the half that BA isn't a part of!)
you're catching on to my evil plan, i must dispose of you, but no one can know!
[edit] DAMN! foiled again!
Whoo Vancouver represented! I'm backing you mighty Canadian Omeganaut.
You need a new winning attitude though.