I'm nervous as a bride on her wedding night circa 1143 A.D. I fear that my inordinate amount of self doubt will lock my thumbs down, causing my early exit from this august institution. Blarg...
So you are as worried as a modern day groom?
Whytmage on
:!!: Current Addiction: World of Warcraft
:!!: Progress: My mage can kick your mage's ass. My hunter can kick your mage's ass, and I'm positive my Shadow Priest can kick your mage's ass also.
Is it me? Oh crap, it's me isn't it? Shit... Oh God! The pressure...
Now the masses are rallying behind my doomed cause. What tiny remnants of my psyche that my fellow Omeganauts leave behind, billowing in the wind like the shredded flag of a defeated foe, these enraged and disappointed legions will surely devour in a vengeance-fueled orgy of shame and tears.
No! Let not this be my fate! Ye gods, have you no pity? Know, ye, no mercy.
I am forsaken...
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Is it me? Oh crap, it's me isn't it? Shit... Oh God! The pressure...
Now the masses are rallying behind my doomed cause. What tiny remnants of my psyche that my fellow Omeganauts leave behind, billowing in the wind like the shredded flag of a defeated foe, these enraged and disappointed legions will surely devour in a vengeance-fueled orgy of shame and tears.
No! Let not this be my fate! Ye gods, have you no pity? Know, ye, no mercy.
Is it me? Oh crap, it's me isn't it? Shit... Oh God! The pressure...
Now the masses are rallying behind my doomed cause. What tiny remnants of my psyche that my fellow Omeganauts leave behind, billowing in the wind like the shredded flag of a defeated foe, these enraged and disappointed legions will surely devour in a vengeance-fueled orgy of shame and tears.
No! Let not this be my fate! Ye gods, have you no pity? Know, ye, no mercy.
I am forsaken...
*hugs* it'll be okay man... I swear...
yeah, you just need to keep thinking about how bad it'll suck to choke and not win that awesome prize!
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
Is it me? Oh crap, it's me isn't it? Shit... Oh God! The pressure...
Now the masses are rallying behind my doomed cause. What tiny remnants of my psyche that my fellow Omeganauts leave behind, billowing in the wind like the shredded flag of a defeated foe, these enraged and disappointed legions will surely devour in a vengeance-fueled orgy of shame and tears.
No! Let not this be my fate! Ye gods, have you no pity? Know, ye, no mercy.
I am forsaken...
*hugs* it'll be okay man... I swear...
yeah, you just need to keep thinking about how bad it'll suck to choke and not win that awesome prize!
It sucks, trust me, it really sucks.
Fuckin' Halo...D:
MNC Dover on
Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051 Steam ID Twitch Page
Thank you all, for your words of encouragement, condescension, and/or indifference.
I will endeavour to make my efforts worthy of the deep and abiding trust you've shown in me.
Again, my Thanks.
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2008
I finally bothered to look up where in Ohio Litchfield is. For some reason I thought it was way down in Southern Ohio. Probably because I've never heard of it. I was not far from you for a wedding reception on Saturday.
I finally bothered to look up where in Ohio Litchfield is. For some reason I thought it was way down in Southern Ohio. Probably because I've never heard of it. I was not far from you for a wedding reception on Saturday.
Is it wrong for me to find it somewhat exhilarating to hear that? Not in a gay way...but in like a manly Viking kinda way. A way where we put on our horned helmets and sorta...I don't know...you just, like, ride around the living room on my back singing ancient Reaving Songs kinda way?
Cause I don't feel that way at all if you think it is in anyway abnormal to be excited by Penny Arcade slipping into the seems of my life.
By-the-way: Where were you?
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
I don't play Viking, I feed Vikings unnaturally strong and tasty drinks.
I'm in Lakewood, btw, where all the civilization is. :P
Civ-ill-I-Huh? What? You mean to say that ya'll have got that insider's outhouses and things? Well I'll be... 'Paps I can send ya a tele-gram. Pa will hafta fix up the ladder agin the 'lectric pole course. But he was fixin' to do that anynohow. Shee-ucks.
I been talking to a real Civ-ill-I-whats-it's-called Man! What till I tell sister-mom this 'un!
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2008
Well, I meant civilization, meaning that there's 75-100 people who live in the same building as I do and six bars in walking distance. You know, instead of a handful of neighbors in walking distance and having to drive somewhere to buy... anything.
A way where we put on our horned helmets and sorta...I don't know...you just, like, ride around the living room on my back singing ancient Reaving Songs kinda way?
Yeah, the whole 'Oh, crap! I need to buy milk and Maker's Mark! Oh crap! The nearest store is 275,191 miles away'-thing. Yeah, it blows.
The upside is, of course, that when the Zombie-Apocalypse comes, I will have only a dozen or so foes to dispatch, before sealing myself into my (formerly) Y2K bunker to feast on canned goods and harvested rain water, emerging from time-to-time to hunt the (now) abundant deer and double-kill any remaining Zombies.
You, my unfortunate friend will have 75-100 slavering, brain(and/or simply flesh, depending on your preferred Zombie-lore) hungry shamblers to deal with even before you even get out your front door!
Good luck pal. My Compound FTW!
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2008
Only Madagascar is safe from the Zombie Apocalypse
Only Madagascar is safe from the Zombie Apocalypse
Touche, my good man. Perhaps Three-che, even.
Of course when the Zombie-Apocalypse begins, which I think is Tuesday right?, my fellow Omeganauts and P-A forumers are welcome to flee to my Estate, if they can't get to Madagascar.
Edit: Unless you're a Really hot chick. I get shot down enough now and I'm almost used to it. Getting reject after the End of the World might be a bit much for me.
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2008
That's a generous offer. Too bad there's only about three of us who are close enough to make it to your place before they were overcome.
Hey~ I got a call today, looks like I'm the only Canadian! hope some more Canadians get in =(
Name : Kent
Hometown : Vancouver, B.C Canada
age: 24
Favorite Game: Starcraft, Street fighter ( all of them )
worst game: I try not to play games I suck at
Best Accomplishment in gaming: eh .. never accomplished anything.
Whoo Vancouver represented! I'm backing you mighty Canadian Omeganaut.
You need a new winning attitude though.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is probably the first time that they have a Non-U.S. Omeganaut. Am I right?
Anyways, fellow Canadian here and I'm supporting and cheering for you all the way til you're eliminated :P
Hey~ I got a call today, looks like I'm the only Canadian! hope some more Canadians get in =(
Name : Kent
Hometown : Vancouver, B.C Canada
age: 24
Favorite Game: Starcraft, Street fighter ( all of them )
worst game: I try not to play games I suck at
Best Accomplishment in gaming: eh .. never accomplished anything.
Whoo Vancouver represented! I'm backing you mighty Canadian Omeganaut.
You need a new winning attitude though.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is probably the first time that they have a Non-U.S. Omeganaut. Am I right?
Anyways, fellow Canadian here and I'm supporting and cheering for you all the way til you're eliminated :P
Not much faith in your fellow countryman, eh? Maybe he won't be eliminated and win the whole thing.
Holy monkey bats... Gabe just told me I'm an Omeganaut.... (still waiting for one of my friends to debunk that)
Name: Thomas
Hometown: Chicago, IL (and Big Ten University towns)
Age: 23
Favorite Game: Toss up between Katamari Damashi and Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander
Worst Game: Anything sports or fighting
Best accomplishment: Ability to consistently ranked in RTS games with crappy APM
Out of curiosity, what is your name in GPGnet and/or TA?
Quick question: I noticed that there are only 15 names in the OP, but there are 20 Omeganauts. Is that just because people haven't posted their info or because there are still calls left to make?
Basically I want to know if there's any chance in hell I could still make it in.
One, thing I haven't deduced yet from my (quite) limited communications with the P.A. People: Will there be some kind of Omeganaut thing in the package that contains my passes and what not from my pre-reg? Anybody know?
Joey Geko on
Douche-Bag, Intellectual, Elitist Scum, Well-read Traveler, Nabob, Member of the Class of Omeganaut '08. The Omeganaut.
Well, I guess the worst-case scenario would be getting to the final round and not knowing how to play Tetris...
So you are as worried as a modern day groom?
Is it me? Oh crap, it's me isn't it? Shit... Oh God! The pressure...
Now the masses are rallying behind my doomed cause. What tiny remnants of my psyche that my fellow Omeganauts leave behind, billowing in the wind like the shredded flag of a defeated foe, these enraged and disappointed legions will surely devour in a vengeance-fueled orgy of shame and tears.
No! Let not this be my fate! Ye gods, have you no pity? Know, ye, no mercy.
I am forsaken...
yeah, you just need to keep thinking about how bad it'll suck to choke and not win that awesome prize!
It sucks, trust me, it really sucks.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
I will endeavour to make my efforts worthy of the deep and abiding trust you've shown in me.
Again, my Thanks.
Now if we just knew what games to practice ON I'd be set. >.<
Is it wrong for me to find it somewhat exhilarating to hear that? Not in a gay way...but in like a manly Viking kinda way. A way where we put on our horned helmets and sorta...I don't know...you just, like, ride around the living room on my back singing ancient Reaving Songs kinda way?
Cause I don't feel that way at all if you think it is in anyway abnormal to be excited by Penny Arcade slipping into the seems of my life.
By-the-way: Where were you?
I'm in Lakewood, btw, where all the civilization is. :P
Civ-ill-I-Huh? What? You mean to say that ya'll have got that insider's outhouses and things? Well I'll be... 'Paps I can send ya a tele-gram. Pa will hafta fix up the ladder agin the 'lectric pole course. But he was fixin' to do that anynohow. Shee-ucks.
I been talking to a real Civ-ill-I-whats-it's-called Man! What till I tell sister-mom this 'un!
well, as long as you didn't mean in a gay way.
The upside is, of course, that when the Zombie-Apocalypse comes, I will have only a dozen or so foes to dispatch, before sealing myself into my (formerly) Y2K bunker to feast on canned goods and harvested rain water, emerging from time-to-time to hunt the (now) abundant deer and double-kill any remaining Zombies.
You, my unfortunate friend will have 75-100 slavering, brain(and/or simply flesh, depending on your preferred Zombie-lore) hungry shamblers to deal with even before you even get out your front door!
Good luck pal. My Compound FTW!
And disease, if you've ever played Pandemic 2. Fucking Madagascar.
May the lemurs kill them all.
edit: I'm totally buying that shirt on Friday.
Touche, my good man. Perhaps Three-che, even.
Of course when the Zombie-Apocalypse begins, which I think is Tuesday right?, my fellow Omeganauts and P-A forumers are welcome to flee to my Estate, if they can't get to Madagascar.
Edit: Unless you're a Really hot chick. I get shot down enough now and I'm almost used to it. Getting reject after the End of the World might be a bit much for me.
And that is an awesome shirt.
You know..... Zazzle has a severe lack of ladies styles that come in dark colors.
Khoo, Travis, and all the Omegatechs are really going out of their way this year to make sure we're treated like VIP's.
I hope I don't run out of buttons to hand out before the train even arrives in Seattle.
What do you mean?
EDIT:Nevermind, got the e(lectronic) mail.
I have a zombie FALLOUT shelter!
Correct me if I am wrong but this is probably the first time that they have a Non-U.S. Omeganaut. Am I right?
Anyways, fellow Canadian here and I'm supporting and cheering for you all the way til you're eliminated :P
Out of curiosity, what is your name in GPGnet and/or TA?
Basically I want to know if there's any chance in hell I could still make it in.