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PS3 Save Loading Problems Episode 2

Gabee1611Gabee1611 Registered User new member
edited January 2009 in Penny Arcade Games
I cannot load my save from right before the lecture and the robots attack. I had the same problem loading a save in the Worlds Fair after The Bridge to Tomorrow. I select the saved game and it just keeps loading, it never does anything else after that. Is there a way to get the game to load or do I have to start from the beginning again

Gabee1611 on


  • ceiling_fanceiling_fan Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I can't load my completed save, it stays on the loading screen indefinitely. I deleted, redownloaded and reinstalled the game to no avail. On PS3 as well.

    ceiling_fan on
  • wpt1031wpt1031 Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I'm also having the same exact problems as the other previous two posters. I can't reload my game after saving in the Worlds Fair. I've restarted my game twice already and I don't plan on a third time please get this error fixed!

    wpt1031 on
  • WyznewskiWyznewski Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Having the same problem, saved just after getting to World's Fair and can't load. :(

    Wyznewski on
    I am a placeholder sig
  • vertexvertex Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I'm having the same problems loading my savegame.
    I have saved my Game after achieving the "Arsonist" trophy. This savegame won't load and hangs on the loading screen. If I try to go back to the xmb, the whole system crashes. I have also tried to delete, redownload and reinstall the game - no change at all.

    Please fix this very annoying and unpleasant bug!!!

    vertex on
  • breathofwaterbreathofwater Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Just created an account to make sure this problem gets voiced. I love this series so far, just finished the robot attack at the lecture, left, saved and went to eat. Came back down booted up the PS3 only to find my save file will not load. Please address this problem soon, I don't want to stop playing :(

    breathofwater on
  • DarkenedDarkened Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Me too! Tried copying save games off to USB and back, also re-downloaded game. Nothing seems to allow me to load my save game back up... This sucks, hope HotHead's got something to fix this soon! i cannot recommend a broken game to friends!

    Darkened on
  • SplitSplit Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Same problem here with my episode 2 PS3 game save from the world's fair. Had all trophies done except finishing the game, very frustrating to think I'd have to start over from scratch to finally see the ending.

    Please get hothead or whoever to fix this problem, it is affecting a ton of PS3 users, possibly all of us who saved and quit during the last bits.

    Split on
  • ChanceChance Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Same problem, same place, Episode 2.

    Chance on
    'Chance, you are the best kind of whore.' -Henroid
  • shutumdownshutumdown Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    i can not load my save either spent 11 hours on the game quit for awhile came back to load my save and now it hangs on loading screen i regesterd just to say fix this problem

    shutumdown on
  • Ode1stOde1st Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I just registered as well to say I just experienced this loading problem. My save was right after you listen to Krangle speak at the Symposium. When I try to load, it just gets stuck in the loading screen forever. On the PS3.

    Ode1st on
  • shutumdownshutumdown Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    thats where mine hangs after the speech also on ps3

    shutumdown on
  • CrystalCrystal Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Problem: game won't load, just sits in loading screen, on ps3 console
    Area where problem occurs: it is not just a save loading issue, since I loaded saves prior to this issue, it happens after you are able to get to the world's fair.
    What is expected: in order for me not to delete this game and write it off as a 15 loss, I am going to need something from your company to patch this so I can load my game.

    Crystal on
  • chilililichililili Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I also registered just for this, I had previously saved and loaded games so this was not an issue before, however I saved in the World Fair and now the game won't load it stays in on the loading screen indefinitely. Seeing as this is a widespread problem could we get someone to comment at least on the possibility of a patch? I don't want this to turn to Castle Crashers all over again.

    It was a great game, superior than the first one and I was loving it up to this point.

    Does anyone know if this happens when we save only in the World Fair? I mean if we always save in Anne-Claire's Room will this glitch not occur?

    chililili on
  • vertexvertex Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I have saved my Game in Anne-Claire's Room, right after achieving the "Arsonists" trophy.
    As posted above I'm having the same problems.

    vertex on
  • Djih'EfDjih'Ef Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I too am experiencing this same unfortunate event. I was really looking forward to finishing the game today. Alas, I am stuck on the loading screen. I had finished the first panel of the World Fair.

    Furthermore, am I the only one whose settings never save? I always have to adjust the screen at the beginning. When I hit accept, it says it is saving but the gear does not appear, unlike in the first game.

    Hopefully these two problems will be fixed asap.

    Djih'Ef on
  • MathrinMathrin Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Like the others, I too have registered for this bug.

    I just got to the Symposium, and saved after the lecture, now I cannot load my game.

    Mathrin on
  • vertexvertex Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    my settings don't save either

    vertex on
  • chilililichililili Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    vertex wrote: »
    I have saved my Game in Anne-Claire's Room, right after achieving the "Arsonists" trophy.
    As posted above I'm having the same problems.

    So basically the only work around to this problem is to play the game continously in one sit down after the arsonist area?

    chililili on
  • shutumdownshutumdown Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    my settings do not save either my other issue with the game is sometimes it will crash back to the xmb

    shutumdown on
  • project359project359 Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Add me to the list. Worked fine for a few days but then after a 4 hour stint last night, the saved game won't load this morning. Very frustrating,

    project359 on
    Your sig was too tall. -Thanatos
  • rigormortisrigormortis Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Add me to the list. Game hangs on loading a save file that is saved during the World Fair. I was so close to finishing, hope they fix it. I'll give it another week, then I guess I'll start over if need be, but I hope a patch is coming for this.

    rigormortis on
  • RevChrisRevChris Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Joined the forum just to say this happened to me too , saved right after first arriving at the worlds fair.
    Gotta say , Game Devs are lucky software can't be returned for refunds or I would have taken this straight back , don't you have any game testers?

    RevChris on
  • EzzeranEzzeran Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I too am having the same problem, though it seems to happen earlier than World's Fair for me.

    I don't know id the Arsonist trophy is the problem or not.. I have the trophy, but can't remember if I got it in my last session before saving.


    Ezzeran on
  • shutumdownshutumdown Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    just reported to ps3 fanboy

    shutumdown on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Thanks for the reports guys. We are looking into this right now and will get a fix up as soon as we are able.


    HH Joel on
  • Indestructible ImplosionIndestructible Implosion Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I also, just registered for this...
    having the problem of it not saving my settings as mentioned above, which gets really annoying after a while...
    also having the eternal loading screen problem when trying to load a save file, although I haven't got the arsonist trophy yet, or many of the other things mentioned, I'm only up to the part in the cloyign odor sanitarium, after you get caught and are breaking out, i saved just outside charles dubois office after killing the 2 guards outside o_O I didn't get nearly as far as many of you (I'm assuming)

    Indestructible Implosion on
  • Ode1stOde1st Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I also forgot to mention that the game does not save my settings and I have to re-set my screen size every time I load the game.

    Ode1st on
  • shutumdownshutumdown Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    HH Joel wrote: »
    Thanks for the reports guys. We are looking into this right now and will get a fix up as soon as we are able.

    thank u for the reply

    shutumdown on
  • drwoogiedrwoogie Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I also registered here to report this problem. This is a massive issue amongst alot of users however most people dont know where to go or who to contact and even how to report this problem. I will not list any other sites but if you google penny arcade ps3 save freeze the results will shock you.

    Now as to make this right for the faithful fans I DEMAND FOR ALL PS3 USERS THAT YOU RELEASE EPISODE 3 NEXT WEEK! :)

    Its good to know you guys check the shit here to see whats up. So thank you and please keep us informed. O and BTW i FUCKING LOVE your games. I would pay $59.99 so the 15 bucks is nothing. Thanks again from Louisiana :)

    O and i forgot. Mine froze at the fair halfway through. I have a 60gb PS3 launch system (upgraded HD) and newest firmware etc...

    drwoogie on
  • metal_caliburmetal_calibur Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I also am experiencing this problem on my PS3. I just went to the lecture hall to hear Dr. Krangle's lecture and I had saved and quit. Now the loading logo will eternally show. (I made a new file and only went to Anne-Claire's and it does load alright.)

    Thank you Hothead for being on the ball for fixing this issue. If there is anyway to salvage the malfunctioning save file, I would be eternally grateful!

    metal_calibur on
  • ZulerZuler Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Thank you guys for responding.I hope we all won't have to start again.And I must say that the penny arcade adventure episodes are the best psn games I have seen.

    Zuler on
  • gorkishgorkish Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    I registered to say 'me too' on this issue as well.

    Hopefully the save itself is workable and I won't have to play through the whole entire thing again. I saved about 2 kills before the last battle so naturally I was rather upset. I probably would have noticed it earlier except I did basically play through the entire game start to finish yesterday leaving the game paused for hours on a go, but not shut off.

    And onto the more minor bugs that I noticed, but that did not make me want to destroy my TV:

    1) Game Options & Settings don't save. FWIW the default overscan estimate seems conservative.

    2) Cursor can dissapear in the brain minigame -- you have to quit and start over.

    3) Tycho's 3rd special: sometimes you hit the correct button but "Miss" comes up over the FF image while it is still dispalyed in the circle. This seems to happen more than it should if I've really just got my timing off. I feel that I can pretty reliably nail this action.

    I have to say that I am disappointed to see so many QA issues especially after the release had a couple of weeks to settle on the other platforms first. Running into 3 of them out of the gate and then having a total game-breaker is really a letdown. That being said though, thanks for being responsive; There are those of us out there who appreciate the PS3 support even though it is a bit behind.

    gorkish on
  • theneonlobstertheneonlobster Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    also just registered for this reason :)

    my ps3 is frozen. please fix. great games, though! and i was really happy to find out there's an ep.3. can ya make sure this doesn't happen next time, though ;)

    i'll play some fallout in the meantime.

    theneonlobster on
  • theneonlobstertheneonlobster Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    since we're reporting bugs, when i'm fighting the spiders there's no sound when they attack. only bug i've noticed, though.

    and i agree with gorkish: thanks for looking into it, wish it didn't happen, wish the ps3 was more dominant in the market.

    theneonlobster on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    An update: we have isolated the problem and believe we have a fix. Unfortunately in order to release it on PS3 it has to go through their QA process--although it sounds like it will be a more abbreviated one than a full submission. Like many game developers and publishers their QA department is closed for the holidays, so we won't be able to have the fix publicly released until January.

    I will post more information as soon as I know it.


    HH Joel on
  • MathrinMathrin Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Aww man, January...

    Thanks for the update anyway, Nice and fast, thats how we like it!

    Mathrin on
  • mrbernzmrbernz Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Do you know if this will fix existing save game problems, meaning we will be able to use the same save again or will it prevent it from occurring in the future?

    mrbernz on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    We will look into it to see if it is possible. (salvage save game)

    HH Vlad on
  • project359project359 Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    HH Joel wrote: »
    An update: we have isolated the problem and believe we have a fix. Unfortunately in order to release it on PS3 it has to go through their QA process--although it sounds like it will be a more abbreviated one than a full submission. Like many game developers and publishers their QA department is closed for the holidays, so we won't be able to have the fix publicly released until January.

    I will post more information as soon as I know it.


    You guys rock. I can wait until after the holidays to get my teeth back into this one. Thanks for the quick turnaround. Nice to know you are there for us.

    project359 on
    Your sig was too tall. -Thanatos
  • CrystalCrystal Registered User new member
    edited December 2008
    Can't we just download the fix on a mem stick, and execute it on the playstation ourselves..... or would that cause Playstation to have a heart attack!

    Crystal on
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