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[GAME ON] I'm running a MegaMek/BattleTech Campaign

kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated foraRegistered User regular
edited August 2009 in Games and Technology

BattleTech: A Tabletop Game of Destruction

Ti Ts'ang Smash!

I’m starting a campaign game for MegaMek, a java client for playing battletech online. This post sets up an introduction to the fluff. The second post will explain what MegaMek is, and the third provides campaign details and period-specific information. Post if you're interested, but also PM me. This is designed to be newbie friendly as long as you're able to read a rulebook, can commit to play on an early evening PST time schedule once or twice a week and are generally familiar with tabletop board games like battletech or warhammer. I'm looking to get between 3-6 players for a campaign and will be posting the campaign updates on a weekly basis.

What BattleTech Is

Giant Robots! Feudal Tyranny! Decaying Grandeur and Failing Technology! Pilot a 75-ton fusion-powered war machine, called a “battlemech” so you can fight other star lords over the last few spare parts for water purifiers, microwave technology and replacement ‘mech parts.

BattleTech is a table-top tactical board-game with a java-based online simulator called MegaMek. More on the rules in a later post.

A BattleMech: A walking, death-dealing machine weighing between 20 to 100 tons.



Battletech has been around for 20 years. There’s lots of settings. My campaign will be 3015ish. This is roughly 300 years after the fall of the Star League, a political entity that united the majority of human-occupied space (called “The Inner Sphere”). After the First Lord and his heirs were murdered in a palace coup that sparked a long and bloody conflict between the Star League Defense Force and the forces of Stefan Amaris, the coup leader, the Star League shattered. The component realms, called “Successor States” which had joined to form the Star League quickly descended into their own bloodshed – and lost no time using chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in an attempt to end the conflict quickly.

The Map:

The Succession States couldn’t end the conflict quickly. Instead, they left most of the Inner Sphere a series of glassy craters. The three Succession Wars reduced planets which were once exemplars of scientific and industrial progress to subsistence-level agriculture. Scientists, machines and the knowledge to make much of Star League-era technology were lost in three centuries of warfare. The few factories capable of producing high technology are mostly automated, with the Successor Lords barely able to reproduce or jerry-rig spare parts to keep what industry they have going. After the mass violence of the first two Succession Wars, the third one was mostly a series of scattered raids and small conflicts. The Ares Conventions have outlawed the use of weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of vital technology such as nearly irreplacable JumpShips which take goods, people and armies between planets, and allow for surrender. Conflicts almost seem Napoleonic in character, with the battles being those of position and maneuver. Only the most fanatic forces fight to the death - most commanders will negotiate terms for surrender if it is clear they are at a disadvantage, ransoming the freedom of their men and mechs by offering money, food, or technology to their opponent.

ComStar was the interstellar communications company during the height of the Star League. They have now devolved into a quasi-religious order, and closely guard the secret of Hyperpulse Generator Technology – HPGs are the only means of communicating between planets, short of sending a rare and highly valuable jumpship as a courier. They have remained studiously neutral during the Succession Wars, and the rampaging armies have left ComStar facilities alone out of necessity.

Mech regiments used to number in the hundreds (about a hundred mechs to a regiment) in rationally-organized armies. Now, armies are lucky to field a fraction of their former forces The mechs they do have pale in comparison to the technology available during the Star League. Many have idiosyncracies from centuries of makeshift repairs, such as being unable to target in certain ranges, chronically malfunctioning joints, or poor heat dissipation. A handful of mechs from the Star League, most held by ComStar as historical artifacts worthy of veneration, remain in their pristine condition, seeming like wonder-weapons for the range and power of their weapons, their speed and their highly effective armor.

The player is a hereditary owner of a ‘mech. His family of mechwarriors enjoy all the privileges of royalty as skilled pilots and the owner of a rare commodity. Your challenge is to survive and prosper in a universe with dwindling prospects and bloodthirsty rulers. Can you carve out a fortune for yourself in a hostile universe? Life is cheap. Battlemechs aren’t.

kaliyama on


  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    MegaMek is a java based client for playing battletech. MegaMek can be downloaded here:

    You should be familiar with BT rules to some extent before playing. A quick-start guide is available here [5 MB PDF]:

    I'm reposting the website's tutorial, in part. The full tutorial is here:

    If anyone is completely new, that's fine as long as they've read what i linked here - i'm happy to host a tutorial session.

    Playing the Game
    Interface Overview

    Here is an overview of the game screen. It is shown during the fire phase, but the elements are similar during other phases.


    The numbered parts are:

    1. Main Window: It is currently showing the map (see The Map Board, below.) The report appears here during report phases.
    2. Mech Display: This shows information on the currently selected unit. You may click the tabs at the top to access a variety of information about your mech. Of course, even though it is called the mech display, information for tanks and infantry are displayed as well.
    3. Minimap: This is a smaller version of the game map. You may click on the minimap to pan around the main map. You may use the plus and minus (+/-) buttons to change the scale of the minimap.
    4. Player List: Shows the names of the players currently in the game. [ghost] next to a player's name means he/she is disconnected. The [observer] tag indicates that a player has no mechs in the fight.
    5. Chat Display: On the top you see messages that have been sent. On the bottom you may type your own message. You also enter certain server commands through the chat interface. Type "/help" for a list.
    6. Action Buttons: Click these to perform various actions in the game. The specific function of the buttons is explained in the documentation for that phase.
    7. Status Bar & Toggle Buttons: The status bar tells you whose turn and what phase it is. At the very left, there are two buttons, marked "D" and "M". The D button toggles the Mech Display, and the M button toggles the MiniMap,

    The Map Board

    Hovering the mouse over the map board will display a tooltip with information on things under the mouse cursor. It will display information on hexes, units, and attacks represented by attack arrows.

    Right+clicking will bring up a pop-up menu with a few options. You use this pop-up menu to view a unit in the Mech Display at any time. When it is your turn, you may use the menu to select a unit of yours. During the Firing and Physical phases, you may also use this menu to target a unit or a hex for attacks.

    Playing the Game
    Movement Phase

    The buttons at the bottom right of the screen let you change between different modes of movement, switch to another unit, or commit to your current path. You do not have to move the first selected unit first. Use the Next button to see more buttons.

    Left-click on the map to specify a hex to move to. A path should appear on the board, showing your unit's path to the target hex. The numbers in the center represent how many movement points you will have to use to reach each hex. Cyan indicates walking, yellow running, and red jump movement. Dark grey sections of the path indicate where you have exceeded your movement capacity, or other illegal moves. The colors are configurable; see the Tips & Tricks section. Movement that requires a piloting skill roll will be marked with an asterix (*) and movement after such a roll will be in parentheses.

    Here is an illustration showing a movement path. For display purposes, turning costs are counted towards movement to enter the next hex. Where the mech leaves hex 0705, notice the yellow arrow followed by the grey continued movement path. This inticates that the mech would use its last movement point (number 6) to turn, and would then stop moving, as later moves along the path are invalid.


    You can drag the mouse to see movement options for several different hexes. You may also choose to use "waypoints." By clicking hexes between the unit's current location and destination, you can delineate the exact path to be taken. You may click every hex along a path, or only hexes where you know the built-in pathfinder won't take the path you want.

    Pressing the Turn button and then clicking on the map allows you to change the unit's facing without moving. Since you automatically change facing while moving, this is best done at the end of any movement. You may also Shift+click to turn.

    To back up, click the Back Up button before clicking a hex in the arc behind the unit. To jump, click the Jump button before the destination hex. Facing changes during jumps are free.

    Prone units may change facing without getting up at the normal cost. To get up, click the Get Up button, at the beginning of your movement and then plot a path as you normally would. Facing changes immediately following getting up are free. To go prone intentionally, click the Prone button at the end of your movement.

    If a mech fails to get up or falls during movement, control will be restored to you at the point that the mech fell. Any moves past the point in which the mech fell will be cancelled. You may re-plot a previous path or decide upon a new one.

    Charging and death from above attacks are also declared during the movement phase. Click the Charge or D.F.A. button and then click on the mech you wish to target. If the attack is valid, it will be sent to the server immediately (but resolve during the physical attack phase.)

    [Hint] If the program is not using the path you want for a charge or death from above attack, you may plot a path near the target using the appropriate type of movement and then use the Charge or D.F.A. button to complete the attack.

    If a vehicle or Mek that has sufficient empty space starts a turn in the same hex as a friendly infantry unit, it can Load the unit as its first move of the turn. A vehicle or Mek that is already carrying an infantry unit can Unload the unit as its last movement of the turn.

    The Esc key clears all current movement.
    Movement Report

    After the movement phase there may be a movement phase report. This is only triggered if there is something to report beyond simple movement (for example, damage from a fall.) See the Report Phases section for more information.

    kaliyama on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    The Campaign

    This will be mostly battle-focused. It's too hard to run a full RPG campaign over the internet. Maybe we could do a one-off IRC session if it becomes game appropriate. I want to give some agency to the players between missions, though. As we get underway, i'm going to try to introduce more complexity into the logistics management and strategic functions. Most likely i'll give "branching" options to players over the course of the engagement, that will give you certain risk/reward trade-offs. (E.g. Taking a quicker, more defended route to a supply base so you can capture more equipment if you get through, or taking a safer route but with less loot at the end.)

    My "basic framework" for the game is to do it in discrete chunks of linked missions. I'll start you guys off as piloting one mech each. Then as you get more comfortable and quicker at playing, i'll expand to lance command pretty quickly. It really depends on the kind of game you want to play. You can't all play side-by-side if you each command large forces, so you'd have to be willing to play OPFOR against each other or change the dynamics of the campaign.

    I'll be pretty punitive for mech losses. Things will be replaced, but i'm trying to adhere to thematic realism and provide an incentive for you to not be suicidal with your play. I'll try to tailor challenges, to an extent, to how well you guys are doing, but i'll have a pretty good idea of what awaits you at the end of a branching campaign.


    The year is 3013. The Succession Wars, once grand conflicts where massive armies moved across solar systems, have sputtered out into sporadic raiding and the occasional desperate struggle for a cache of technology or an industrial center. You are all MechWarriors for the Free Worlds League. The Free Worlds League is the least cohesive of all the successor states, formed by smaller component states such as the Marik Commonwealth, the Duchy of Andurien, the Border Protectorate, the Sirian Holds and a vast smattering of independent worlds like Zion and Irian. unified by a Parliament that is often politically fractious. While a democracy, its democratic core has been eroded by centuries of conflict. At the fall of the Star League, the Captain-General was appointed to lead the FWL for the "duration of the emergency", which has proven to last 300 years. The Marik family has been in hereditary control of the Captain Generalcy ever since. The Captain General's job of defending the FWL is a two-front struggle: he must oppose his rivals at his borders, the Lyran Commonwealth and the Capellan Confederation. However, the League's system of federalism means that he only has direct authority over federal troops. Mech regiments raised by individual entities like Andurien may invoke the "Home Defense Act", allowing member states to retain most of their forces for defending their own worlds. Janos Marik, the current ruler, broods on Atreus in mourning from the death of his wife. Whispers have begun to spread that his melancholy is distracting him from governing the nation, and Capellan and Lyran forces circle like sharks, waiting to strike at the slightest hint of weakness.

    You begin as MechWarriors about to graduate from the prestigious Allison Mecharrior Institute on the Marik Commonwealth world New Olympia. This is the premier academy in the Free Worlds League, supplying a steady stream of new commissions to the vaunted Free Worlds Guards and Janos Marik's personal forces as ruler of the Marik Commonwealth, the Marik militia. There are only 500 slots a year in a successor state of billions. Because the appointments are controlled federally, they are often pieces of patronage traded for parliamentary votes, and 10% of slots are reserved for the families of the Dispossessed - Mechwarrior families who have lost their mechs, and consequently their social standing and possibly their feudal estates.

    So you wanna make a character?

    I'm looking for 3-6 players. If you would rather just play the characters' opposition, i'm fine with that, too. Less work for me. :) I'd like each character to give me a ranking of the following attributes. They will decide your starting skills and your mech. Rank them 1-4, with 1 being your most emphasized trait. I'm being deliberately opaque so you can't munch out. :P
    (1) Social status, (2) Raw talent, (3) Intelligence, (4) Luck.

    Post your rankings and a character name here. If you'd like to supply a bio, that's fine, otherwise i'll do it because I know lots of fluff.

    How Stats Work:
    Determines rate of skill advancement along with raw talent. If you picked Rank 1 or 2, I roll a special ability for you and you level faster. If you picked ranks 3 or 4, you get nothing, but if you’re rank 3 you’ll level slightly faster.

    Raw Talent: If you picked Ranks 1 or 2, you get a special ability I roll and you level faster. If you got rank 3, you’ll level slightly faster.

    Social Status: Your social status determines what kind of mech you get. It will also affect future issues in the games re: promotions, access to equipment, etc.

    I rolled your mechs off of this House Marik assignment table:

    The weight distributions of the FLWM mean that rolls 001-030 are light mechs, 031-070 are medium, 071-95 are heavy, and 096-100 are assault mechs.)
    Rank 1) Add + 30 to the Weight Class Roll, +100 to mech roll
    Rank 2) Add + 20 to the Weight Class Roll + 50 to mech roll
    Rank 3) Add + 10 to the Weight Class Roll. +0 to mech roll
    Rank 4) Add +0 to the Weight Class Roll. – 50 to mech roll

    Luck: Luck affects how much edge you get. Edge, as a statistic, lets you reroll bad crits against you and I believe some attacks. Rank 1 Edge = 3 points, and every point less gets you one less edge point.
    The players so far:
    Ninja Snarl P
    Ninja Snarl P
    Intelligence, Luck, Raw Talent, Social Status
    Name: Unknown
    Age: 22
    Mech: BMB-10D Bombardier (Weight Class Roll: (90, Heavy, Mech Roll: 481+ 100 = 581)
    Edge: 2
    Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Ability: Missile Specialist (+1 bonus when firing missile weapons. – you lucked out with this one!)

    Intelligence, Social Status, Luck, Raw Talent
    Age: 22
    Mech: AWS-8Q Awesome (Weight Class Roll: 84+ 30 =104, Assault. Mech Roll: 778+50 = 828)
    Edge: 1
    Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 4 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Pain Resistance (When making consciousness rolls, 1 is added to all rolls. Damage received from ammo explosions is reduced by 1).

    Zhores Mendaev (RiemannLives)
    Social Status, Raw Talent, Intelligence, Luck
    Age: 22
    Mech: VTR-9B Victor (Weight Class Roll: 75 + 30 = 115, Assault. Assault Class Roll: 100 + 100 = 200)
    Edge: 0
    Skills: Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Dodge Manuever (Enables the unit to make a dodge maneuver instead of a physical attack. This maneuver adds +2 to the BTH to physical attacks against the unit.)

    Christophe (MegaMek)
    Luck, Raw Talent, Intelligence,Social Status
    Mech: PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk (Weight Roll: 41 + 0 = 41, Medium Mech Roll: 518 - 50 = 468)
    Edge: 3
    Skills: Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 4 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Missile Specialist (+1 to all attacks with missiles)

    Intelligence -> Luck -> Social Status -> Raw Talent
    Age: 22
    Mech: HER-2S Hermes II (Weight Class Roll: 44+10=54, medium. Mech Roll: 288)
    Edge: 2
    Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Ability: Missile Specialist (+1 Bonus to Missile Attacks)

    Marcus Wafflehaus (DerWaffleMous)
    Luck -> Raw Talent -> Intelligence -> Social Status.
    Age: 22
    Mech: STG-3G Stinger (Weight Class Roll: 14 + 0 = 14. Light Class Roll: 786 – 50, 736)
    Edge: 3
    Skills: Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Gunery/Laser Specialist

    1)Raw talent -> (2)Intelligence -> (3)Social status -> (4)Luck.
    Age: 22
    Mech: UM-R60 UrbanMech. (Weight Class Roll: 15 + 10 = 25. Light Class Roll: 37, Steiner Salvage Table (Wait, they –have- light mechs?), Roll: 568. This is perhaps the biggest proof that luck is your worst quality.)
    Edge: 0
    Skills: Piloting: 5 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Ballistic Specialist (+1 to hit with all ballistic weapons), Melee Specialist (Enables the unit to do 1 additional point of damage with physical attacks and subtracts one from the attacker movement modifier (to a minimum of zero))

    Alexei (CorpseRT)
    Raw Talent -> Social Status -> Luck -> Intelligence
    Mech: PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk (Weight Class Roll: 47 + 20 =67, Medium. Medium Mech Roll: 532+50= 582)
    Age: 22
    Edge: 1
    Skills: Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Pain Resistance (When making consciousness rolls, 1 is added to all rolls. Damage received from ammo explosions is reduced by 1).

    Bendery L. Beckham
    Raw Talent -> Luck -> Social -> intelligence
    Name: Bendery L. Beckham
    Mech: STK-3F Stalker (Weight Class Roll: 86+ 10 = 96 Assault. Mech Roll: 588)
    Edge: 2
    Piloting: 6. Gunnery/Lasers: 5. Gunnery/Missile: 5. Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Tactical Genius (May reroll initiative once per turn)

    Biff “Ace Damage” Langendorf (Elimination)
    Raw Talent -> Social Status -> Luck -> Intelligence
    Age: 22
    Mech: WHM-6R Warhammer (Weight Class Roll: 64 + 20 = 84, Heavy. Heavy Class Roll: 40 + 50 = 90. This got you a Rifleman, which wouldn’t go to front-line units because it is a walking ammo bin. I opted instead to roll for you on the Steiner salvage table,: 320 + 50 = 370, WHM-6R Warhammer.)
    Edge: 1
    Skills: Piloting: 6 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Tactical Genius

    Jason (EllliotTW)
    Intelligence,luck,raw talent,social status
    Mech: CDA-2A Cicada (Weight Roll: 50 + 0 = 50, Medium Mech Roll: 147- 50 = 98)
    Edge: 2
    Skills: Piloting: 5 Gunnery/Lasers: 5 Gunnery/Missile: 5 Gunnery/Ballistic: 5
    Special Skills: Laser Specialist (+1 to all attacks with lasers)

    You are all members of the 1st Cadet Company of the Allison MechWarrior Institute's Training Cadre. The Allison MechWarrior Institute takes in a class of 500 each year. While many will graduate MechWarriors, only the top 10% receive a posting and a new battlemech. You, however, are special. You are a hereditary mech owner. Your family has the fortune to own one. Perhaps because you are descendant of a Star League mechwarrior who owns a centuries-old machine, or you have had the fortune of salvaging one on the battlefield or perhaps your family is wealthy enough to buy you one of the few produced each year. This, naturally, makes you resented by the other Cadet Companies, who have to earn their place in the field. Behind your back, they refer to you as "The Duncey Dozen", and figure you wouldn't be here were it not for this accident of birth. You, however, will show them wrong.

    You are about to complete the final run of training missions, which will determine what billets you receive. Traditionally, Allison's cadet companies are parceled out whole as lances to experienced commands, leveraging the camraderie developed in school. Before hostilities broke out, the 1st Company had trounced the 2nd Company and done very well against the 3rd.

    There are 4 other Cadet Companies formed in the last year of training at AMI. Evenly distributed among each is the top 10% of AMI's class.
    1st Company, "Marik's Pride." - Privileged mechwarriors from around the Free Worlds League.
    2nd Company "Honor & Victory." - They are a ruthlessly effective recon detachment. Some of the most skilled and academically motivated pilots. They've previously run rings around you in manueverability contests, but are much lighter, featuring one Fire Lance and two fast-moving pursuit lances.
    3rd Company: "The Shining Eagles" - This medium-weight company is the only one to work successfully with neighbor and rival school, the Lloyd Marik-Stanley Aerospace Academy in combined arms operations. The other AMI grads are more likely to get in a bar fight with the aerojocks.
    4th Company: "Pride of Andurien." This medium-weight company traditionally hosts the best Andurienese candidates. Andurien Province has a fierce hatred for their centuries-old enemy, House Liao. The remainder of the company is filled out with Oriente residents.
    6th Company: This one is brand new, and has yet to distinguish itself. It is evenly distributed in weight, featuring a heavy fire lance, a medium pursuit lance, and a light recon lance. Four years ago, the Companies were posted on an emergency deployment deployment to counter a Liao offensive. The Cadre was battered hard by elements of the 3rd Chesterton Voltigeurs. While


    As the AMI trainees began their exercises, Janos Marik's brother Anton revolted. It quickly spread from New Delos, close to New Olympia, and it has fractured the 1st training company and threatened Janos Marik's hold on the planet, which is in a strategically vital location, close to the League's capital. The least-privileged and well-equipped members of the 1st have decided they can only improve their lot in life by throwing in with Anton, while the best-connected - who face seizure of their lands if they turn traitor - have decided to defend Janos and the status quo.

    Two 1st Company MechWarriors who defected, Morkath and his brother Serge, the scions of a Capellan minor noble line who fled to League space a decade ago, have prompted considerable finger-pointing at House Liao meddling in the conflict. Questions abound about how Anton convinced the Dragoons to break their contract with House Liao, though observers attribute it to the increasingly hostile Capellan environment after the attempt on Colonel Jaime Wolf's life after he rejected Candace Liao's amorous advances in 3013.

    First Company's assault mechs remain loyal, forming a formidable core of loyalist resistance on New Olympia. Ace Damage was the first to pledge his loyalty to Anton, followed by his friend's "Ninja"'s Bombardier. As Morkath's 30-ton Urbanmech was immediately next to the 65-ton Bombardier, it is likely he pledged loyalty to Anton out of fear of what his much bigger lancemate would do to him.

    Bendery L. Beckham, pilot of a fearsome Stalker, subsequently declared for Janos, due to a recent grudge against Ace Damage for his continued piloting accidents while navigating asphalt on training exercises. Bendery accused Ace Damage of "trying to kill him with that slippery-footed Warhammer of his."

    4th Company proved more easily cowed, with the heaviest two-thirds of the company following the Black Widow Company to rendesvouz with the 18th. Elements of the 18th, combined with the rebels of the 1st and 4th Cadet Companies, prepare to move on the mountain stronghold of the Allison Mechwarrior Institute.

    The 2nd company, a fierce rival of the 1st's, had been wavering on its loyalty but upon hearing a majority of the 1st had sided with Anton, declared their undying loyalty to Janos Marik.
    Anton was so pleased when he heard of the AMI's defections he commissioned them as their own junior unit - the First Ducal Fusiliers, a companion to his Ducal Guard regiments. The loyalist forces hope the regiments they were competing to be posted to - the Atrean Hussars, Dragoons and the Free Worlds Guards - still exist by the end of the year.

    kaliyama on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009

    This is a great map. I'd download it if i were you.

    Here's the Free Worlds League, with some notable component states labeled.


    kaliyama on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    I am interested in this

    I'll post my character in a bit

    Kazhiim on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Depends on the scheduling...but i havnt played BT in years, i used to be really into it back in the day though.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Kazhiim wrote: »
    I am interested in this

    I see your "interested" and raise you "very interested". Honestly though, I really am pretty interested. Fair warning, though: I've played some tabletop stuff before (Shadowrun, Warhammer) but never played Battletech tabletop. I've played the vidja game versions and read the books for years, though, so I'm pretty familiar with the setting and equipment. Have to familiarize myself with the Megamek stuff, too.

    In order, I'd place the skills as thus:
    Raw Talent
    Social Status

    Ninja Snarl P on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I used to do MM/Mekwars a while back, I'm down.

    Social Status
    Raw Talent

    Fun combo, smart fucker who is pretty well set.

    Varega on
    League of Legends:Varega
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    You people are TL;DRing me. Read the OP for general scheduling info. You can reserve a slot by doing what's required. :)

    kaliyama on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009

    Age: 24

    Intelligence -> Luck -> Social Status -> Raw Talent

    That's... all I got. You said you know fluff. FLUFF ME

    Kazhiim on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I love that you're all going for a bunch of no-talents. :P Because of the interest i'll open it up to 8 people and see who flakes out later. Two slots left.

    kaliyama on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    I used to play a lot so I have a pretty good idea about battletech and I'm very familiar with the megamek client

    Kazhiim on
  • KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I think I'd be interested.


    Alexei, Age 22

    Raw Talent -> Social Status -> Luck -> Intelligence

    KetBra on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    man how did we graduate we're all such schmucks

    kali, I might swap Intelligence and raw talent if this keeps up

    Kazhiim on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Father paid for it, Kaz. You should know this by now.

    Varega on
    League of Legends:Varega
  • KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I haven't played a lot of battletech (I've played once), but I've got a decent amount of backstory knowledge.

    KetBra on
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Wow this thread filled up quick. I've always wanted to learn to play this :(

    Bendery L. Beckham
    Age 22

    Raw Talent -> Luck -> Social -> intelligence

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Wow this thread filled up quick. I've always wanted to learn to play this :(

    Bendery L. Beckham
    Age 22

    Raw Talent -> Luck -> Social -> intelligence

    Its really not too difficult to play, and i think if this is a co-op thing, we'll have a blast.

    Varega on
    League of Legends:Varega
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    What time is "early pst"? Like before 5?

    I probably can't play due to work. =/

    Morkath on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    OK. We're full for now.

    kaliyama on
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Morkath wrote: »
    What time is "early pst"? Like before 5?

    I probably can't play due to work. =/

    No, like 6:30. I have work too. :)

    kaliyama on
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    If a slot opens I should be able to do 6:30.

    Morkath on
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I'd be available to play Mondays and Fridays.

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I'll go for it.

    Ace Damage

    Age: 24

    Raw Talent -> Social Status -> Luck -> Intelligence

    Awww yeah

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I also think Luck -> Social -> Intelligence -> Raw talent would be a hilarious combo.

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Mondays and thursdays are what's best for me.

    Varega on
    League of Legends:Varega
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I normally work from about 5:00pm to 12:00am PST on thursdays.

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    (1)Raw talent -> (2)Intelligence -> (3)Social status -> (4)Luck.

    Real name not given, just goes by his handle.

    Morkath on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    up until september, anything after 4-5 PST works for me

    beyond that, we'll see

    Kazhiim on
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I'm just hoping to get a medium mech with jump jet capabilities.

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Yeah, anytime after 3 PST works for me, until September.

    Then, school starts again, so I'll have to see what my schedule looks like.

    KetBra on
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    6-6:30 pst is probably best for me.

    I can do 5:30 until august, when my schedule will change to something I don't know exactly yet.

    Morkath on
  • Der Waffle MousDer Waffle Mous Blame this on the misfortune of your birth. New Yark, New Yark.Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Marcus, Age: 22

    Luck -> Raw Talent -> Intelligence -> Social Status.

    (Dear god I know this is going to hurt me)

    Der Waffle Mous on
    Steam PSN: DerWaffleMous Origin: DerWaffleMous Bnet: DerWaffle#1682
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I am so in.

    Character name: Zhores Mendaev

    Social Status
    Raw Talent

    RiemannLives on
  • MegaMekMegaMek Girls like girls. Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Assuming this is still open, I'll go by the name of Christophe.

    Raw Talent
    Social Status

    I'm up from 4pm until 11 every week day.

    MegaMek on
    Is time a gift or punishment?
  • elliotw2elliotw2 Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Is this open? I've always wanted to learn how to play, and I know of no better way than to jump into something with PA'ers

    Name: Jason
    Intelligence,luck,raw talent,social status

    I'll be in playing position from 1PM EST to 3AM EST, give or take an hour or so

    elliotw2 on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    times good for me are usually anytime after 7pm ish during weekdays PST.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    OK. Does 7PM PST this Sunday work for everyone? If I get at least 50% response, i'll host a first training scenario.

    kaliyama on
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    kaliyama wrote: »
    OK. Does 7PM this Sunday work for everyone? If I get at least 50% response, i'll host a first training scenario.

    I work from 5:00pm to 10:00pm on sunday :(

    I can do 7:00pm tomorrow (today)

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
  • KazhiimKazhiim __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    7 sunday = 4 west = okay

    Kazhiim on
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Kazhiim wrote: »
    7 sunday = 4 west = okay

    you live in hawaii kazhiim?

    Bendery It Like Beckham on
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