I'm working on a Bayonetta costume for this year's PAX. I'll most likely bring along my C. Viper getup as well, and if I somehow manage to come up with the time and money, I would love to do Kitana or Mileena.
Hokay, so for my Poison Ivy Cosplay, I'm either thinking of wearing flesh colored leggings, and replicating her leaf type underwear thing. OR just wear some short short jean shorts and green tights underneath with vine detail. I don't want to be so revealing, yet I do want to give the same impact. Thoughts?
Hokay, so for my Poison Ivy Cosplay, I'm either thinking of wearing flesh colored leggings, and replicating her leaf type underwear thing. OR just wear some short short jean shorts and green tights underneath with vine detail. I don't want to be so revealing, yet I do want to give the same impact. Thoughts?
I don't know if i'm picturing it right, but I'm imagining your jean shorts really clashing hard against your all green outfit. Also, I imagine the legs not being very form fitting, and taking away from the stream-lined (minus leaves poking out everywhere) look that I would assume the rest of your outfit will have. Unless you have a plan to disguise the shorts?
Hokay, so for my Poison Ivy Cosplay, I'm either thinking of wearing flesh colored leggings, and replicating her leaf type underwear thing. OR just wear some short short jean shorts and green tights underneath with vine detail. I don't want to be so revealing, yet I do want to give the same impact. Thoughts?
I don't know if i'm picturing it right, but I'm imagining your jean shorts really clashing hard against your all green outfit. Also, I imagine the legs not being very form fitting, and taking away from the stream-lined (minus leaves poking out everywhere) look that I would assume the rest of your outfit will have. Unless you have a plan to disguise the shorts?
Now, just imagine either some denim short shorts or green shorts I suppose. I personally don't think it will look out of place. I just don't have a body that looks like that, or the confidence (or insanity) to run around half naked. I would probably put some leaves on the shorts as well. As for the vine detail on her body, I haven't a clue on how to do that!
Hokay, so for my Poison Ivy Cosplay, I'm either thinking of wearing flesh colored leggings, and replicating her leaf type underwear thing. OR just wear some short short jean shorts and green tights underneath with vine detail. I don't want to be so revealing, yet I do want to give the same impact. Thoughts?
I don't know if i'm picturing it right, but I'm imagining your jean shorts really clashing hard against your all green outfit. Also, I imagine the legs not being very form fitting, and taking away from the stream-lined (minus leaves poking out everywhere) look that I would assume the rest of your outfit will have. Unless you have a plan to disguise the shorts?
Now, just imagine either some denim short shorts or green shorts I suppose. I personally don't think it will look out of place. I just don't have a body that looks like that, or the confidence (or insanity) to run around half naked. I would probably put some leaves on the shorts as well. As for the vine detail on her body, I haven't a clue on how to do that!
Could you do some green shorts (or fitted pants, maybe down to the knee or just below), and somehow finish the cuffs to look like leaves? You might need to make them yourself unless you find a pair you like that you can dye. You could combine this with a leafy belt (nothing bush-like, but something flat and based off of her...underpants). I really think that you can integrate more clothing into the costume without adding something as out of place as jeans.
Now, just imagine either some denim short shorts or green shorts I suppose. I personally don't think it will look out of place. I just don't have a body that looks like that, or the confidence (or insanity) to run around half naked. I would probably put some leaves on the shorts as well. As for the vine detail on her body, I haven't a clue on how to do that!
I wouldn't suggest denim. If you do go denim, maybe get some rit dye and turn it green.
You could go with a unitard. Color matching might be tough and not sure you can dye spandex easily. You may still feel pretty exposed, given the skin tightness of the material, but you would be fully covered.
You could build a belt/skirt of sorts out of hanging ivy of different lengths to make it look "wild." Pair with leggings. This idea is my personal favorite because it will integrate with the outfit well and all body parts will be covered. You'll have to make it multiple layers if you don't want it to be come see through while you are walking probably. But you can't make it too thick or it may sit off of your body too far and look like a tutu.
As for ivy, you could go to a craft/hobby/home store and by the vinyl-plastic ivy strands.
I've looked into unitards and decided against them. And I tried out the leggings and hated the way it looked. Like, I honestly don't see how the short shorts would look out of place? Considering no part of her actual outfit is green except for her underwear. Maybe if I put up pics of the idea, there would be a better understanding?
Ok, so mind my horrible cropping execution, but this is what I'm trying to relate xD
The shorts would look less awkward of course...
I don't think shorts would look too weird with this, I think they would look better green
All in all you should do what looks good and is comfortable to you. Nothing is worse than trying to stick too true to the costume and feeling self concious about it all day and wondering if it looks right or if you are exposing too much.
All in all you should do what looks good and is comfortable to you. Nothing is worse than trying to stick too true to the costume and feeling self concious about it all day and wondering if it looks right or if you are exposing too much.
In all truth there was only one costume last year that made me feel uncomfortable. That was the six foot man in neon hotpants that didn't cover enough and a babydoll shirt for a four foot tall woman.
Everyone else was very tasteful and I can't wait to take pictures!
the only costume that made me feel uncomfortable was the man cosplaying chun-li with very hairy legs If only he had shaved!
I am very very happy I did not see that.....I did see the guy in hotpants though I think. Not very pretty.
I was one of the guys in the greenman suit. (no boxers over it, but i was wearing a cup to prevent awkward bulge issues). Hopefully I didn't creep anyone out. haha
Hey all, I had an idea for a costume. I'm relatively new to the whole cosplay scene, I've only done it twice but I'm still pretty much a novice. So, the idea I had: a modern-day assassin based on Assassin's Creed. I have this white hoodie with a rather large hood, and when I had the hood on, I had the idea for the concept.
I'm not sure what to do about the little triangle-tip thing on the hood. I was fooling around with straight up folded paper duct taped to the inside of the hood, not sure if that would look acceptable though.
Besides that, I'm not sure what else to wear along with the hoodie. Thoughts/Ideas?
Seeing it makes it much better than how I was imagining it lol
Haha yeah I hoped that cleared things up a little! But I think what I'm going to do instead is buy a flash colored unitard and spray it with green and then attach ivy leaves/vines to it. I'm also going to use body glue to attach smaller leaves to the side of my face and chest. Soooo this way with the unitard I can create her leaf panties yet still be completely covered
I will be using the same costume i did for sakura con this year. TINGLE. I do not know what the PAX policy is on handing things out. but i will carry around a bag of rupees. (Jolly ranchers)
I don't have the nads to cosplay (or rather my wife would take mine if I even tried to), I applaud you all for putting so much time and effort into those amazing costumes. I look forward to taking many many pictures of you all at PAX Prime this year and secretly being jealous... ;-)
I'm still working on, and I am a hell of a long way from finishing a Fallout themed costume. I have the caps, over 5000 of them, 3 dozen soup cans, cleaned and ready for tossing in the creek to rust, a beat to hell US Navy Flight Deck Cranial, half of a football shoulder pad, a perfectly sized tire found on the side of the road, all radials and sharp metal removed, a pair of heavy duty door hinges, a WWII backpack with meal kit, a pair of old an beat to hell dress shoes ready for cardboard soles and duct tape laces, a burnt and torn up cream colored suit jacket, dress shirt and bow tie, as well as a pair of tux pants ready for the sander, in the off chance I can't find a beat to hell pair of light blue overalls. With any luck a Pip-Boy with semi-functional screen thanks to a digital photo frame, a briefcase to hold some of the caps, and God knows what else. It's still a hell of a long way out, and I need some serious supplies and even a few acids to eat the tin plating on the afore mentioned can. If someone will help out I can pay you in caps. 100 an hour plus 1000 extra on completion.
Of course this is all if I can manage to get a 3-day off someone.
I will be using the same costume i did for sakura con this year. TINGLE. I do not know what the PAX policy is on handing things out. but i will carry around a bag of rupees. (Jolly ranchers)
That...that is beautiful. Creepy as hell, too, which is what makes it the perfect Tingle costume.
Xerlith on
You vant to cross, maybe?
SoulSilver: 5200 4466 6956
Black: 1721 2788 2039
PAX East 2014 Checklist: Passes Purchased [X] Passes Received [ ] Transportation [ ] Hotel Reservation [X]
So I was hospitalized for the better part of the day, and I'm pretty damn happy. Besides the screwed up thyroid, I got to keep my saline packs. HelloooooRad Away!
My boyfriend and friend have bailed on doing the mages from final fantasy for sure this time now. So that means that I will not have to try to tweak the white mage robe I did (thank goodness the thing was getting on my nerves!) So now it all depends on my financial situation what costume I will choose to do from WoW
So I was hospitalized for the better part of the day, and I'm pretty damn happy. Besides the screwed up thyroid, I got to keep my saline packs. HelloooooRad Away!
Hope you are feeling better!! And nice score for your costume though How is the collection coming along?
If all goes as planned, I should have Merrill (DA2) and a yet undecided LoL costume (Hextech Janna, Queen Ashe or Resistance Caitlyn). Hoped to have Alexstrasza but that has fallen through.
Let me know if you end up finishing the Merrill. I've started work on a Bethany Hawke and I'll have an Aveline and a "Sister Nightingale" with me as well.
If i find a good Holster id love to be Nathan Drake this year. I've looked it over and I could pull it off easy but I really wanna get one of those leather shoulder holsters he has in uncharted 2, i even have a mock 92fs that i could bring if it were allowed but alas, id rather not risk it. I'm probably a little bit shorter than he is and my hair Isn't quite as dark, but i think i could pull it off enough. It would be mostly just for fun.
So I was hospitalized for the better part of the day, and I'm pretty damn happy. Besides the screwed up thyroid, I got to keep my saline packs. HelloooooRad Away!
Hope you are feeling better!! And nice score for your costume though How is the collection coming along?
Thyroid is still fubar, but I got the helmet painted, at least the front, need a heavy duty drill to cut through the tire, and possibly a sawzall for the restraints. I also need either spikes, rubber stoppers, or tons of vintage truck reflectors. I could also go for parts from about 15 different road signs, assuming I could bargain with the DOT. I've done it before, I might as well try again.
the big problem is putting this together. I've never done anything like this, and it's gonna look like crap. Then again, it's the wasteland, it should look like crap.
If i find a good Holster id love to be Nathan Drake this year. I've looked it over and I could pull it off easy but I really wanna get one of those leather shoulder holsters he has in uncharted 2, i even have a mock 92fs that i could bring if it were allowed but alas, id rather not risk it. I'm probably a little bit shorter than he is and my hair Isn't quite as dark, but i think i could pull it off enough. It would be mostly just for fun.
Ebay! I'm friend got her on for resident evil character.
hml151 on
Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.
I think I will be doing Companion Cube and Cactuar. I thought about bringing Sucker Punch - Amber, but she's not exactly video game themed, so I'll probably have something else by then.
heatherling my friend will be returning with her companion cube costume again but we are modifying it. It will have movable laser burns and blood spots and be sporting wings and a halo, since it will be a dead companion cube this year.
hml151 on
Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.
heatherling my friend will be returning with her companion cube costume again but we are modifying it. It will have movable laser burns and blood spots and be sporting wings and a halo, since it will be a dead companion cube this year.
Oh how fun! Can't wait to see it
Heatherling on
mikozillaQueen of FereldenWashingtonRegistered Userregular
If all goes as planned, I should have Merrill (DA2) and a yet undecided LoL costume (Hextech Janna, Queen Ashe or Resistance Caitlyn). Hoped to have Alexstrasza but that has fallen through.
Let me know if you end up finishing the Merrill. I've started work on a Bethany Hawke and I'll have an Aveline and a "Sister Nightingale" with me as well.
Will do! Once my SDCC costumes are done, Merrill is my main project, so I'm 99.9% sure I'll finish it. I already have the wig and materials for her "chain mail". Excited to see all of those costumes.
mikozilla on
stuffedskullcatHead Kerfuffler? I dunno...PDXRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
Oh, boy... cannot wait for my second PAX!
Currently researching online for materials to put together a Scorpion costume, I'd like to use his latest incarnation, so I'll be sculpting a arachnid-like headpiece.
Went as a Ghostbuster last year, so if Scorpion falls through I may fall back to that, Spider Jerusalem, or Rusty Venture.
Really impressed with what I'm seeing and hearing here so far, can't wait for a new round of photos!
stuffedskullcat on
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed."
-Frith, Watership Down
So i'm growing a beard. I'm thinking when PAX comes I should shave/burn random hunks out of it for that post apocalyptic feel. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that and make it look good?
What?! why?!
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
I don't know if i'm picturing it right, but I'm imagining your jean shorts really clashing hard against your all green outfit. Also, I imagine the legs not being very form fitting, and taking away from the stream-lined (minus leaves poking out everywhere) look that I would assume the rest of your outfit will have. Unless you have a plan to disguise the shorts?
Well here is what she looks like.
Now, just imagine either some denim short shorts or green shorts I suppose. I personally don't think it will look out of place. I just don't have a body that looks like that, or the confidence (or insanity) to run around half naked. I would probably put some leaves on the shorts as well. As for the vine detail on her body, I haven't a clue on how to do that!
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Could you do some green shorts (or fitted pants, maybe down to the knee or just below), and somehow finish the cuffs to look like leaves? You might need to make them yourself unless you find a pair you like that you can dye. You could combine this with a leafy belt (nothing bush-like, but something flat and based off of her...underpants). I really think that you can integrate more clothing into the costume without adding something as out of place as jeans.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
The shorts would look less awkward of course...
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
I don't think shorts would look too weird with this, I think they would look better green
All in all you should do what looks good and is comfortable to you. Nothing is worse than trying to stick too true to the costume and feeling self concious about it all day and wondering if it looks right or if you are exposing too much.
In all truth there was only one costume last year that made me feel uncomfortable. That was the six foot man in neon hotpants that didn't cover enough and a babydoll shirt for a four foot tall woman.
Everyone else was very tasteful and I can't wait to take pictures!
Seeing it makes it much better than how I was imagining it lol
I am very very happy I did not see that.....I did see the guy in hotpants though I think. Not very pretty.
I was one of the guys in the greenman suit. (no boxers over it, but i was wearing a cup to prevent awkward bulge issues). Hopefully I didn't creep anyone out. haha
I'm not sure what to do about the little triangle-tip thing on the hood. I was fooling around with straight up folded paper duct taped to the inside of the hood, not sure if that would look acceptable though.
Besides that, I'm not sure what else to wear along with the hoodie. Thoughts/Ideas?
Haha yeah I hoped that cleared things up a little! But I think what I'm going to do instead is buy a flash colored unitard and spray it with green and then attach ivy leaves/vines to it. I'm also going to use body glue to attach smaller leaves to the side of my face and chest. Soooo this way with the unitard I can create her leaf panties yet still be completely covered
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Of course this is all if I can manage to get a 3-day off someone.
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
That...that is beautiful. Creepy as hell, too, which is what makes it the perfect Tingle costume.
SoulSilver: 5200 4466 6956
Black: 1721 2788 2039
PAX East 2014 Checklist: Passes Purchased [X] Passes Received [ ] Transportation [ ] Hotel Reservation [X]
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Anyone got updated pictures?
My boyfriend and friend have bailed on doing the mages from final fantasy for sure this time now. So that means that I will not have to try to tweak the white mage robe I did (thank goodness the thing was getting on my nerves!) So now it all depends on my financial situation what costume I will choose to do from WoW
Hope you are feeling better!! And nice score for your costume though
Let me know if you end up finishing the Merrill. I've started work on a Bethany Hawke and I'll have an Aveline and a "Sister Nightingale" with me as well.
Thyroid is still fubar, but I got the helmet painted, at least the front, need a heavy duty drill to cut through the tire, and possibly a sawzall for the restraints. I also need either spikes, rubber stoppers, or tons of vintage truck reflectors. I could also go for parts from about 15 different road signs, assuming I could bargain with the DOT. I've done it before, I might as well try again.
the big problem is putting this together. I've never done anything like this, and it's gonna look like crap. Then again, it's the wasteland, it should look like crap.
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
Oh how fun! Can't wait to see it
Will do! Once my SDCC costumes are done, Merrill is my main project, so I'm 99.9% sure I'll finish it. I already have the wig and materials for her "chain mail". Excited to see all of those costumes.
Currently researching online for materials to put together a Scorpion costume, I'd like to use his latest incarnation, so I'll be sculpting a arachnid-like headpiece.
Went as a Ghostbuster last year, so if Scorpion falls through I may fall back to that, Spider Jerusalem, or Rusty Venture.
Really impressed with what I'm seeing and hearing here so far, can't wait for a new round of photos!
-Frith, Watership Down
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.